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WWI Study Guide: Causes, Events, and Treaty of Versailles

World War I Unit Test - Study Guide
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Some information is filled in for you. The highlighted portions you must find on your own. (all located on GC.)
Fighting Sides
Triple Entente —-> France, Russia, Britain, USA
Triple Alliance —-> Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy
Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Why? —-> Threatened Serbian Independence
Outcome? —-> Start of WWI
MAIN Causes of WW1
Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism
^^^What do these terms mean?
Schlieffen Plan
What was the plan?
What was the outcome?
Trench Warfare
Where? —-> The Western Front
Outcome? —-> Illnesses, trench foot, disease
What is no-man's-land? —-> an unprotected area in between the trenches
Zimmermann Telegram
What is the importance of this message? —-> Germany sends Mexico a telegram message urging
them to join the war. In return, Germany would help Mexico reclaim territory lost to the U.S.A. The
message is intercepted by British code breakers and sent to America.
United States Response?
Lusitania Sinking
What caused this?
What was the outcome?
US Entry into WWI
Why did America not join the war? —-> They believed it was a “European problem”.
How did America benefit from WWI? —-> American factories produced war goods, which stimulated
the economy.
Eastern v Western Front
What type of “fighting” took place on each front?
November 11, 1918
What is the significance of this date?
New War Technologies
How did new technology contribute to a bloody war?
Treaty of Versailles
What were the terms of the T of V? (there are 4)
Why is the T of V called the T of V? —-> Treaty was signed at Versailles Palace in France.
How did the people of Germany respond to the terms of the treaty? —> Resented the government,
grew bitterness towards other nations.
Woodrow Wilson’s 14 Points
What was the basis of these points?
What did other countries think? —-> Other countries believed Germany should be held responsible
for the reparations of WWI. (Britain & France) Many viewed Wilson as “weak”.
WWI Impact
What are 2 long-term effects of WW1?
Russian Revolution
Cause? —-> Unpopular rulers, working/living conditions of peasants, low wages
What happened at the Winter Palace?
What did Lenin promise the people? —-> peace, bread, & land
What similarities did the USSR have with the Russian Czars? How is this ironic?
How did the provisional government fail? —> Russians were exhausted in the war. Citizens wanted
land. Laborers demanded an end to food shortages.
What did Marx predict the industrial working class would eventually do?