Pair work Name: _________________________ Measuring Scavenger Hunt See if you can find objects to fill all the gaps. Choose different objects for each line. Can you find something that: What was it? What was your measurement? (Remember units.) Is this an exact measurement or an estimate? Is less than 5cm long Exactly 210mm long More than 2m tall The same length as your arm 10mm or smaller Is between 110cm and 140cm Exactly 15cm Close to half a metre The same as your hand width More than 1.5 metres Pair work- Name: ____________________________ Measuring Scavenger Hunt See if you can find objects to fill all the gaps. Choose different objects for each line. Can you find something that: Is less than 5cm long Exactly 210mm long More than 2m tall The same length as your arm 10mm or smaller Is between 110cm and 140cm Exactly 15cm Close to half a metre The same as your hand width More than 1.5 metres What was it? What was your measurement? (Remember units.) Is this an exact measurement or an estimate?