HOW TO LEARN A PROPER MUSCLE UP AND INCREASE THE REPETITIONS. You need to be able to complete 20 pull ups, 30 dips and 40 push ups to start learning the MU. Firts part of this guide Im going to explain the proper technique of the muscle up. There are A LOT of different types/styles of a muscle up, it really depends on your body complexion, length of your limbs and size of your palm. I always suggest people to experiment themselves at different types and eventually find the one that fits the most, or you can mix a severel styles in one. FIND WHATS THE BEST FOR YOU. Dont try to copy someone’s muscle up, focus on your own body movement and find the way you feel comfortable doing MUs. PULL UP So the proper(clean) muscle up starts from a full dead hang, make sure you keep your scapula retracted, activate your shoulders. Start the pull up part, make sure to pull yourself up as fast as you can. PLEASE keep in mind that its not a regular pull up. What do I mean by that? You should pull yourself up and slightly off the bar and you actually need to engage your lats to make it happen. Practise the pulling part in a gym,do lats pulls(google it) but with a closer grip, shoulder width grip and pull it not to the chest but slightly in front of you. TRANSITION. Thats the hardest part, because its slightly tricky. You need to focus on your elbows getting over the bar, AND your chest should slide over the bar – concentrate on that. Practice it on some wall, like those tracers/parkour guys do – get on the top of the wall. You will be able to help yourself with your legs stuck to the wall. If you dont have a wall like that – do negative part of the MUSCLE UP. That means you need to start from the top and slowly go down to the dead hang, please focuse on that transition part. DIP. Absolutely nothing fancy, just dip yourself up as soonas you are able to. The whole movement need to be integrated. Its a one smooth move. There are no pauses during completing a proper muscle up. Here are the the ROUTINES to build up strength for the MUSCLE UP 1st routine: Fast chin ups. Why chin ups? Because it involves more pulling muscles into the movement and improves your strength better. 5-6-7-8-9-10-9-8-7-6-5 with 30 seconds rest in between. You need to complete every pull ups as fast as you can. 2nd routine: HIGH PULL UPS Pull up as high as you can, use kipping at the beginning but when you get stronger try to get rid of the kip. 3-4-5-4-3 rest 20 seconds in between, THEN rest 2 minutes and complete 5 sets of 5 high pull ups with 1 minute rest in between. 3rd routine: NEGATIVES 10 sets of SLOWLY coming down from the top part of the muscle upto the dead hang. Do it as slow as you can. 4th routine: BAR DIPS Complete 15 sets of 15 bar-dips. Come down to 90 degrees range of motion. Bar-Dips are one of the most important things to do to learn a muscle up. SUM UP: When you start to learn the muscle up please remember that clean form will not come easy. You need to ue kip, swing, anything – to complete your first MU.Youmust be able to complete a clean/proper muscle up once you get 7-10 bad form muscle ups. HOW TO INCREASE MUSCLE UPS NUMBERS. You need to remember, that to build up your numbers on MU you need to religiously train separately pull ups, dips, straight bar-dips and youshould even do a lot of core exercises since Muscle Up is a compound exercise and consists of those I said. The best routines to increase the amount 1st routine 40 sets of 3 muscle ups with the rest 1 minute in between 2nd routine 1 pull ups – 1 muscle ups – 1 bar dip complete 20 sets of this with 20 seconds rest in between 3rd routine 1 muscle up – 5 seconds hold on the top – 5 seconds hold dip part arms bent 90 degrees – 5 seconds hold chin over the bar – 5 seconds hold top of the head toughing the bar – 5 seconds dead hang. Complete 15 sets of this with 1 minute rest in between. 4th routine 5 toes to the bar raise – 1 muscle up – 5 bar-dips. Complete 20 sets of it with 1 minute rest in between. 5th routine 1 pull up – 1 muscle up- 1 bar dip x2 2 pull ups – 1 muscle up- 2 bar dips x2 3 pull ups – 1 muscle up- 3 bar dips x2 4 pull ups – 1 muscle up- 4 bar dips x2 Up to 10-1-10. Muscle up stays at 1 all the time.