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Grade 8 Agri Crop Production Summative Test

Division of City Schools
Conel, General Santos City
1st Quarter Summative Test
Grade 8 – Agri Crop Production
Total Score:
Part I: Multiple Choice
Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which of the following tools is used for inter row cultivation?
a. Hand fork
b. Pruning shear
c. Spading fork d. Rake
2. Why do farm tools consider very important in agricultural crop production?
a. They make work easier
c. They make work faster.
b. They save time and effort
d. All of the above
3. Why is it important to put oil to your tools and equipment?
a. to prevent from rusting
c. to make it shiny
b. to make it sharp
d. to make it dull
4. Which of the following is an example of digging tool?
a. Pruning shear
b. Bolo c. Crowbar
d. Grub Hoe
5. Which of the following is the importance of storing your tools and equipment?
a. Improves appearance of working areas
c. It improves one self
b. Improves the community
d. Improve your tools
6. Which of the following is the correct storing of tools?
a. store in a wet place
c. store near the playground
b. store in a clean and dry area d. leave it in the garden
7. Which of the following is used for cutting bigger size post?
a. Knife
b. Axe
c. Pruning shear
d. Hand cultivator
8. Which among the tools resembles the appearance of spoon and use for transferring soil?
a. Shovel
b. Spading fork c. Spade
d. Grub hoe
9. Which of the following should you store your tools?
a. in a jar
b. in their original cases c. in a pail
d. in the garden
10. Which tool is used for spraying insecticides, foliar fertilizers, fungicides and herbicides?
a. Pail
b. Dipper
c. Sprinkler
d. Sprayer
11. Why is it important to put oil to your tools and equipment?
a. to prevent from rusting
b. to make it sharp
c. to make it shiny
12. Which of the following is the importance of storing tools and equipment?
a. Improves appearance of working areas
c. It improves one self
b. Improves the community
d. It improves your tools
13. Which of the following is used for cutting bigger size post?
a. Knife
b. Axe
c. Pruning shear
d. Hand cultivator
14. Which of the following should you properly store tools?
a. in a jar
b. in their original cases c. in a pail
d. in the garden
d. to make it dull
15. Which of the following tools is used for inter row cultivation?
a. Hand fork
b. Pruning shear
c. Spading fork d. Rake
16. How many lines of rows are in the area?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
17. How many plants can be planted in each row?
a. 1
b. 3
c. 4
d. 9
18. How many plants can be grown in the area?
a. 3
b. 6
c. 9
d. 12
19. What is the length of the rectangular garden?
a. 3m
b. 5m
c. 6m
d. 9m
20. What is the width of the rectangular area?
a. 6m
b. 9m c. 12m
d. 15m
21. What system of planting is used in this layout?
a. hexagonal system
b. quincunx system
c. rectangular
d. row planting system
22. Why is irrigation important?
a. It supplies crops with fertilizer
b. It supplies crops with nutrients
c. It supplies crops with sunlight
d. It supplies crops with water in their amounts and is required at the time
23. Which of the following irrigation system where water is sometimes applied in the form of sprays which
simulate natural rainfall?
a. basin irrigation
c. sprinkler irrigation
b. drip or trickle irrigation
d. surface irrigation
24. Which of the following is not needed in an irrigation plan?
a. crop spacing b. kitchen utensils
c. pipeline sizes d. pumping requirements
25. Which of the following statements is not the reason why trees should be planted in a systematic way?
a. Area can be utilized equally.
b. It would be easy to supervise.
c. Orchard operations are easy to conduct.
d. Layouting is just a waste of time and it can destroy the plants.
26. Where can you get an irrigation plan?
a. Carpenter
b. engineering consultant
c. farmer
d. teacher
27. What irrigation system is used when water is supplied to the field in a controlled or uncontrolled way?
a. basin irrigation
b. drip or trickle irrigation
c. sprinkler irrigation
d. surface irrigation
28. Which is the benefit for drip irrigation?
a. Must have a drainage system.
b. There is high pressure system.
c. Water is used directly on the crop.
d. Weeds can be grown in the area.
29. Which of the following is the simplest and easiest system of planting?
a. contour system
b. quincunx system
c. rectangular system
30. What irrigation system is good for the rice crop?
a. basin irrigation system
c. furrow irrigation system
b. border irrigation system
d. drip or trickle irrigation system
d. square system
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