TriedButFailed learn & unlearn A MINI GUIDE TO MAXIMIZE YOUR MUSCLE BUILDING POTENTIAL 2022 WHAT THIS MINI GUIDE/HYPERTROPHY PROGRAM AIM FOR Aim of this program is to help you reach your potential of muscle building by guiding and teaching you what's essential in attaining a good physique of your imagination(not really imagination you might not reach there: will be explained in coming chapter). 3 KEY TERMS TO KNOW BEFORE YOU PROCEED 1RM: 1 REPETITION MAXIMUM AMRAP: AS MANY REPETITONS AS POSSIBLE PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD: THE GRADUAL INCREASE OF STRESS PLACED UPON THE BODY DURING EXERCISE TRAINING RIR: REPETITIONS IN RESERVE DO KEEP THIS IN MIND You might have heard it's 80% diet 20% workout well theoretically it's true but what I've seen in most of people who goes to the gym are not giving the stimulus it needs for muscle growth in the first place or in other words " NOT TRAINING HARD ENOUGH" . As the term RIR/RPE spreads "oh you should be training only on 3 RIR rest is useless" . It seems so good on paper but! what happens is there's a high chance of underestimating on how much reps is left for you. Maybe you'll be on 5,6 or 7 RIR , which ultimately leads to Not Training HARD! IT IS IMPORTANT TO TRACK YOUR WORKOUT I use "Fitnotes" app to track it. BECAUSE PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD IS THE KEY AND YOU'LL MISS OUT HUGE AMOUNT OF GAINS "not really imagination you might not reach there: will be explained in coming chapter" This is not to say that you won't achieve a great physique ~Muscle insertion/genetics play a great role in how you look muscular and that's the reason why it's important not to compare yourself with fitness influencers you see in social media EXAMPLES OF MUSCLE INSERTION Notice the differences in gap between chest Can he do anything about it to decrease the gap? uh.. Absolutely nothing and that's muscle insertion. When click bait titles says work your inner chest there's nothing as inner chest muscle also nothing to do about the insertion comparison between biceps one has a comparitively good biceps peak and the other don't . Can he do anything about it? much CHOOSE ANY OF THE NATTY SIDE NATURAL THE NATTY TRIANGLE BIG SHREDDED NATURAL AND BIG NATURAL AND SHREDDED NATURAL ,SHREDDED AND BIG NOT HERE TO SAY THAT YOU CAN'T BE THE ONE TO BE ALL THREE OF THEM "NATURAL, BIG AND SHREDDED " but the chances are 1 in 1000000 so for the majority of us this won't be the case! which supplement to buy? HAH...interesting question and my favorite ! I would like to say none but if you were to buy any it should be creatine and protein powders.Just because whey protein is convenient and creatine gives energy for workout plus a little a very little size difference as water storage increases. *protein powder is not necessary if you're able to meet your protein daily requirement GOOD IF YOU LEARN DOESN'T REQUIRE BRAIN OF ELON UH... JUST SAYING TOP 3 THINGS YOU HAVE TO MASTER 1) Lifting Technique/Form It doesn’t matter how hard you train if your form is poor. That is the first key to weight training. You must use lifting technique that ensures stress is directed to the muscles you are trying to work. This will also greatly reduce your risk of injury. Poor form will likely slow down muscle growth and will eventually catch up to you in the form of some sort of injury. 2) Progressive Overload This is a key concept that will drive most of your training goals. What this means is that you gradually increase the stress you place on the body in order to elicit a stress response, such as making muscle fibers larger. Generally, this means that you do a little more weight or do a few more reps with a given weight then the last time for beginners. As an intermediate we will additionally now start to use more intensity. As a novice, I never let you go to complete failure. 3)Consistency Ok let you learn all the single thing possible regarding building muscle it will be no use if you simply didn't showed up to the gym and in my opinion people should develop that passion to lift for this . Just don't try to do it for sake of someone else NET PROTEIN BALANCE Let’s talk about another core concept that I think is important for a beginner to understand. The concept is net protein balance. There are two factors that make up your net protein balance. Muscle Protein Synthesis and Muscle Protein Breakdown. We will call them MPS and MPB Muscle Protein Breakdown Muscle Protein Synthesis MPS is a process that involves building muscle up. Your body adds protein to build muscle. Think of it like bricks. Protein are the bricks making up muscle and you can add bricks to build the muscle. MPB is the process by which proteins are broken down. For our purposes this is caused by 2 main things. 1. Training hard drives MPB. This is not necessarily a bad thing! When we break down proteins they can be disposed of and new and better proteins or bricks can be laid down. Still, you do not want an extreme amount of MPB. 2. Your diet can manage MPB. Eating enough carbohydrates especially can help in addition to the protein content helping to drive MPS. The simple message is eating enough protein and carbs will address this! So, let’s stop and recap again. Now where we are at? 1. Use great form when lifting weights 2. Try to focus on muscles contracting hard during isolation exercises and moving the bar with good form on compound movements 3. Plan to add in more weight lifted or repetitions each week – use progressive overload! 4. Use 60-85% of your 1 rep max when training, no ultra-light weights! 5. Consume a balanced macronutrient (protein, carbs, and fat) diet to ensure we end up in a positive net protein balance. HOW OFTEN SHOULD YOU TRAIN? This is another great topic for us to discuss. I mentioned weight training driving a process called Muscle Protein Synthesis (MPS) earlier. This is a good thing, and means we are potentially adding bricks to our layers of muscle. How long does this process take though? Most of the scientific evidence would point to around 48 hours. Some research would say less, but this is generally where it falls out. It also is nearly back to baseline at 36 hours This would lead us to believe that training a muscle every 2-3 days would be optimal.If you wait, you could lose out on gains! This is why it is good to train a muscle 2-3 times a week. THE PROGRAM UPPER/LOWER BASED PROGRAM DURATION AND SPLIT THIS IS AN 8 WEEK PROGRAM How does it look exactly? You will have 8 different workout spread out like this. This is week 1-4 you will have 2 4-week blocks to complete THIS IS WEEKS 5-8 DELOADS You may need to do a deload after your 8 weeks. Deloads are simply a period where you don’t go as hard. This can mean taking a week off from the gym for some. For others it can mean dialing down the intensity during your work sets or even decreasing the amount of sets you do (reduce volume). I like to decrease the number of sets done by 20% overall. This means if your workout is 20 sets total, then you go down to 16. I also like to ensure no sets are taken to failure. In your case we aren’t doing that anyway, so a volume reduction will likely do the trick for 1-2 weeks. Deloading benefits: 1. Reduces chance of injuries by allowing soft tissues to get a break. 2. Resets your responsiveness to training. This means your hard work will create more changes once again. Maybe not newbie gains, but it’s exactly like the old saying, 1 step back, 2 forward. 3. Creates hunger, not physical hunger, mental hunger. You start to get antsy to train hard again after pulling back so much. This will give youa mental edge when resuming your normal program HOW MANY SETS YOU SHOULD DO ? Volume is the amount of sets you do for a muscle group. It can be tricky because many people count everything they do as a set including warmups, while people like me only count the harder sets. This can skew the numbers. The scientific literature seems to point to anywhere from 10-20 sets per muscle group per week. I think 10 is a bit low, even for a beginner, but 20 is really pushing it. The sweet spot is probably somewhere in the middle for novices and more toward the 20 number for intermediates and advanced trainees, which is what I target. In some cases, coaches increase volume as a means of overload. I don’t have an issue with this for more advanced trainees, but I think the focus for novices should be to keep the number of sets the same but improve on execution and progressive overload. The focus for intermediates should be adding intensity! ! Y E H HEY! BORED ? JUST ASKING JUST HOLD ON A BIT OKAY HAH! HEY! HOW LONG TO REST REST AS LONG AS YOU WANT CONSIDERING THESE THREE THINGS THE SUPPORTING MUSCLE IS NOT INTERFERING THE ABILITY TO LIFT CARDIO VASCULAR LIMITATION DOESN'T HINDER THE SET THE MUSCLE YOU WORKED IS RESTED PROPERLY/ IS ABLE TO LIFT PROPERLY HOW MUCH/WHAT TO EAT TO GET STARTED HERE ARE THE BASICS -YOU SHOULD TRY TO BE IN A SURPLUS MOST OF THE TIME -TO FIND THE MAINTENENCE/SURPLUS CALORIES MULITPLY YOUR BODYWEIGHT(IN POUNDS) X 16 -FIRST COMES CALORIES FROM PROTEIN THEN COMES FATS OR CARBS -TO FIND HOW MUCH PROTEIN MULTIPLY BODYWEIGHT X 1.6 GRAMS For example : A man who is 70KG Maintanence calories = 70x2.2x16=2464kcal. Protein Intake = 70x1.6=112grams JUST A ROUGH NUMBER it'll depend on acitivity level and many other things, if calories are too much reduce accordingly if it's too low increase accordingly!!!!!!!! THE HYPERTROPHY EXERCISE TIER LIST Sustainability Extremely Essential Very Vital Somewhat significant Rarely relevant Hypertrophy Joint Pain Range of Motion Biomechanics Loadability Injury Risk working more muscles Micro loadability The strecth Equipment Enjoyment Soreness Contraction Mind muscle connection Not necessary Stimulus to Fatigue Ratio Pump EMG activation Constant Tension Popularity Convenience Stability unilateral or bilateral "The only bad workout is the one that didn't happen." Starting a fitness journey can be intimidating, but it's important to remember that every step you take towards your goals is a step in the right direction. Don't let setbacks or obstacles discourage you. Keep pushing forward and know that every effort you make is bringing you closer to your goals. Remember, the only workout that doesn't matter is the one that you didn't do. So don't let anything hold you back - get out there and start your journey today!