Grade 5 Reading Comprehension Worksheet Read the short story. Then answer each question. Bruce and the Spider There was once a k ing of Sco tl and whose nam e was Robert Bruce. He needed to be both brave and wise be cause the tim es in which he l ived were wil d and rude. The K ing of Engl and was at w ar wi th him and had l ed a great arm y into Scotl and to drive him out of the l and. Battl e after b attl e had been fought. Si x tim es Bruce had l ed his brave l ittl e arm y against h is foes and six tim es his m en had been beaten and driven into fl ight. At l ast his arm y was scattered, and he was forced to hide in the woods and in l onel y pl aces am ong the m ountains. One rainy day, Bruce l ay on the ground under a crude shed l istening to the patter of the drops on the roof above him . He was tired and unhap py. He was re ady to gi ve up al l hope. It seem ed to him that there w as no use for him to try to do any thing m ore. As he l ay thinking , he saw a spider over his head m aking ready to weave her web. He watched her as she toil ed sl owl y and with gre at care. Si x tim es she tried to throw her frail thread from one beam to another , and six tim es it fel l short. “Poor th ing ,” said Bruce: “you, too , kn ow what it is to fail .” But the spider did not l ose hope with t he sixth fail ure. Wi th s til l m ore care, she m ade ready to try for the seventh tim e. Bruce al m ost forgot his o wn tr oubl es as he watched her swing hersel f out upon the sl ender l ine. Woul d she fail again? No! The thre ad was carried safel y to the beam and fastened there. Reading and Math for K-5 © Grade 5 Reading Comprehension Worksheet “I, too , w il l try a seventh tim e!” cried Bruce. He arose and cal l ed his m en together. He tol d them of his pl ans and sent them out with m essages of cheer to his disheartened peopl e. Soon there was an arm y of brave Scotchm en around him . Another b attl e was fought, and the King o f Engl and was retreated to his own coun try. After that day , no one by the n am e of Bruce woul d ever hurt a spider. The l esson which the l ittl e creature had taught the k ing was never forg otten. Reading and Math for K-5 © Grade 5 Reading Comprehension Worksheet Questions: 1. Wh at did the s pider teach Ro bert Bruce? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. How did Robert Bruce show he was both brave and wise? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. Wh at does the word crude m ean in th e sentence “Bruce l ay on the ground under a crude shed? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. How does the Ki ng of Engl and show he is differen t from Robert Bruce? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Reading and Math for K-5 © Grade 5 Reading Comprehension Worksheet Answers: 1. Wh at did the s pider teach Ro bert Bruce? The spider taugh t Rober t Bruce no t to give up. 2. How did Robert Bruce show he was both brave and wise? Robert Bruce showed he was bo th brave and wise by cal l ing toge ther his m en and sending m essages of cheer to his disheartened peopl e. He was further brave by battl ing the Engl ish arm y and m aking them re treat to Engl and. 3. Wh at does the word crude m ean in th e sentence “Bruce l ay on the ground under a crude shed?” Crude m eans m ade in a sim pl e or rough way. 4. How does the Ki ng of Engl and show he is differen t from Robert Bruce? The king o f Engl and is d ifferent from Robert Bruce in th at he retreated to his ow n country after bein g defeated once by the Scottish arm y. Reading and Math for K-5 ©