13 Chakra System Course Material INTRO: My goal is to awaken what lays dormant within you. My intention is to share my own direct experiences and personal research to facilitate your growth and assist you on your personal journey of awakening and transformation. We can gain and learn much from others knowledge and wisdom, at the end of the day it is YOU whom must traverse your way through all information and decide what is best for you. Always feel for yourself what is right in each moment and be open to allowing everything you thought to be true to be destroyed and re-created, this is about removing the boxes of limitation, not creating another box. Your Higher Self/ Soul is your guide, there is no one, no thing that you can trust more than your Higher Self / Soul and your Soul knows your past, present, future versions of YOU thus being the only one that can perfectly identify exactly what you need in each moment. We must re-remember who and what we are. We must realize / re-alkalize / real eyes that most of the trauma we carry is beyond this individual physical life. We are pre-programmed with trauma; possibly from the first moments of conception, through our mothers experiences while carrying us in utero and the processes that our society deems as normal and needed for birthing our children. We are not consciously aware of the depth of trauma we are carrying in our cellular structure. We have been taught to solely identify ourselves by the infinite labels and opinions of others in our outside world and relationships. 1 Rainbowphoenix.ca We are taught to identify ourselves as having only one body, this is false, we have multiple bodies: - The Emotional body The Mental body The Physical body The Spiritual body(s) We have many energy bodies and these bodies work in conjunction with what we call chakras. Chakras are wheels or vortex’s of energy and each chakra center addresses very specific attributes, they work individually and in harmony as a whole. The process of Ascension is the individuals ability to remove distortion/ false beliefs, energy blocks, entities and artificial programming from all of our bodies; to clean, clear and activate their entire multidimensional field through the chakra system and balance the feminine and masculine within. The process of Ascension is the human being evolving into a higher consciousness being. We are in the very moments where we are individually choosing to contribute to the extinction of the human species as we have known it or we choose to evolve into a species that is a healthy contributing part of the whole, all conscious life on Gaia. Gaia herself is going through an Ascension and as such we have no choice but to also ascend with her. The very vibrational resonance of Gaia is raising, this forces all life on her to also raise their vibration in order to exist on her; the raising of vibration creates a rise in consciousness. We are literally going through a forced evolution. This is a magnificent moment in Cosmic history because we are experiencing a full turn of the Cosmic Wheel, an alignment of cycles upon cycles upon cycles upon cycles. 2 Rainbowphoenix.ca We will continue to rise in consciousness as these new and higher frequencies pour into Gaia. The planetary and universal alignments are providing us access to those dormant energy fields within us, within our DNA. Our DNA is a quantum field, a gateway to all times and locations in space. By restoring our DNA we automatically restore our planetary and galactic knowledge, returning our access and knowing of our Universal Memory Banks. This is actually a process of re-remembering who and what we really are. To do this we must be able to recognize the different bodies and energy vortexes, chakras within self. To reconnect to the sensitivities of our bodies, physical and energy and identify what we are feeling in more finely tuned ways. Shifting our perspective of daily experiences to higher awareness allows us to see ourselves from a more accurate perception of the authentic I AM presence within. This is your Higher Self, Soul Self, Life-Force, God Spark, Divine Spark, Prana within YOU. Our energy bodies are subtle and to experience them we must “tune in” and fine tune our abilities to read, de-code and innerstand ourselves in ways we have not done before. Our society has been hand crafted, to pull our energy = attention; outside of ourself, we have been trained to project and give away our life-force. Your life-force is then siphoned off, re-directed and utilized to build and create the very “reality those whom carry this knowledge” want to create. This IS the knowledge that has been kept hidden and protected by the few for thousands of years. When YOU know who and what you are, you become infinitely powerful. 3 Rainbowphoenix.ca This power = life force energy and MUST be used for the health and well being of the whole. Universal Law #1 = Harm To None What we are living through in real time is a turning point in human, planetary, galactic and universal expansion, we are all stepping up so to speak. This means that all of the hidden knowledge has to be released to the public for full disclosure and it is happening in a miriad of ways; hidden books and secret documents, declassification of studies and research, movies, tv, music, video games and the list goes on. As we step into the Age of Aquarius, we are stepping into the Age of transparency, knowledge and wisdom. All Must Be Revealed We are at a collective decision point and this decision is up to each and every individual. The choice point is: 1) Are you going to be a healthy contributor to the whole 2) Are you going to feed your energy into a death trap of genocide and transhumanism For ALL of those whom chose to evolve, they MUST be willing to do the inner work required. This means diving inside, doing real Soul searching, honest self awareness, and taking full responsibility to how we affect others and our environment. What are your underlying intentions? Are you conscious of how your wants impact all conscious life? Do you contribute to the harm of life / Gaia for a paycheque? Are your financial investments funding corruption? 4 Rainbowphoenix.ca Do you profit off of others loss? Are you continuing disfunctional loops of trauma and chaos? This IS where it gets real and deep, this IS the real work required. This IS the honest truth that few will tell you because they have not yet done the work themselves. No one can do this work for you AND you would never want want anyone to. The fear of genuinely diving in can be great and many will do whatever they can to avoid doing so. This process requires courage and it opens the door to the most magnificent, gracious, mysterious, mystical and magical experiences a human can go through. This IS the work of clearing the blockages and limitations in order to meet YOURSELF. Your true, real, authentic Soul Self that has nothing to do with anyones opinion or label. It is a process of allowing the ego-mental mind (how we identify ourself) to step aside and allow the very essence that is animating you to step into the forefront and take over, it is a process of Soul Embodiment. To think, speak, act and re-act from a higher level of consciousness. In order to embody the Soul, one must clean house, their inner house in order to make room for the Soul. This happens naturally when we remove what is not ours and heal what is. Learning about the 13 chakra system is significant to innerstanding the spiritual experiences each and everyone of us will go through. We must align our energy bodies and balance the feminine and masculine within. We must find peace in ourself and as we do we also project peace into our environment. 5 Rainbowphoenix.ca We become balanced, harmonized and unified with Gaia and all of her conscious life. We have been veiled and limited for thousands of years. The knowledge and wisdom of our truth has been kept hidden and underground. Being used by a select few for nefarious and selfish reasons. With the completion of the Grand Universal Revolution, also referred to as The Golden Age (NOT to be confused with the false illuminati hijacked agenda of the Golden Dawn) we are being provided the opportunity to Mature and become a healthy functioning part of the New Creation. This is only possible by re-connecting with our true essence, our Creator, restoring our memory and re-activating the codes within our DNA. Thus removing the false programming and stepping fully into our Divine Organic Soul Matrix. The physical vessel is a time traveling machine. Our fully constructed Merkaba Body, Light Body allows us the ability to instantly travel anywhere in the Universe, in all time and space. We are created to assimilate Cosmic Rays of the Rainbow. Each color represents a frequency, vibration within the rainbow and carries a specific set of information and knowledge. The 12 rays are connected to our original seeders of humanity on Gaia. In order to be able to tune in completely with our authentic self we must activate all of our energy centers, chakras both within the body and outside of our body. Chakras are spinning energy fields that we can read and access knowledge from. They are vortices of energy creating a portal / doorway into the infinite. Most are familiar with our “typical” 7 chakra system. Interestingly they can be found with many different explanations within biblical, religious, and sacred text. We have been given limited information about the energy centers within the body, and our higher chakras lay dormant. This has disconnected / veiled us from our infinite presence, creating God as something separate. Disconnecting and detaching us from our essence, making Spirit a vague reflection. 6 Rainbowphoenix.ca We are going to go through the 13 chakras and 4 main energy bodies. Our job is to re-unite all aspects within self creating a balanced and harmonized being; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. “As Above, So Below” WE may NOT access our authentic self without our energetics being balanced and harmonized with Source Energy. Our 13 chakras are the portals, gateways we must explore, open, clear and move through in order to step into our natural Ascended state. When we go within, we explode out into the Universe. This opens the door for us to literally anchor “Heaven on Earth”, because it can only be done within. We are merging the macro with the micro, by creating the “Rainbow Bridge”. The bridge between the physical and the non-physical. We are merging Spirit into physical form, through our very own vessels. “We are the GODS we have been waiting for” The 4 Main Energy Bodies: We will begin with the energy bodies to assist you in processing your own emotions, thoughts and experiences and thus more easily learning how to identify what chakra is calling your attention, thereby providing you access to deeper levels of yourself. The Emotional Body: One of the things that make humanity so precious is our depth and range of emotion. We can be filled with hate in one moment and in the next be filled with love. Our range of emotions are very expansive and we shift from one to another in a moment. When we allow our exterior world to have full control over our emotions we are at the mercy of all outer creations. When we take control over our emotions we are then able to create our own experiences basd on what we are projecting and creating within our minds. The emotional body is an energy field connected to us and around us. It allows us to feel life. When in balance life feels loving, beautiful, calm, peaceful, abundant and when it is out of balance we fall into feelings of fear, uncertainty, lack, darkness, despair. 7 Rainbowphoenix.ca When balanced life flows, we naturally uplift those around us, because we feel good. When unbalanced we carry a cloud of negativity and become toxic to those around us. When experiencing events and situations that make us feel negatively we have 2 choices. We can chose to take control over our emotions, bringing awareness and higher perspective or we can allow the emotions to run rampant. Allowing ourselves to spiral into deep feelings of pain, suffering, anguish, hate, jealousy and so forth. If we are not able to become aware and shift our perspective to a higher one we may get very lost and become deeply depressed. Caught in non stop loops of self sabotage and self rejection. It is in these moments that we can choose to take control. We have to make a direct effort and consciously Will ourself to pull ourselves back and up. We must will our mind to shift these limiting thoughts and replace them with thoughts and feelings that assist us. This is not easy work however the results are well worth the effort. We are constantly creating, our emotions are a big part of energy being used to create our reality. So when we become lost in very low vibrational thoughts we are creating more of what we do not want. We need to acknowledge the things that make us feel good, and find even one thing that can assist you in a higher vibrational feeling; nature is very powerful for rebalancing oneself. We have been gifted the ability to feel deeply, the purpose for the deep suffering is to learn and grow from it. It is an experience to assist us in knowing ourselves better. It is the Creator's way of showing us when we are in alignment and when we are not. Instead of feeling tormented ask yourself what the lesson, the gift is in the situation. How are you able to overcome these obstacles, what will you learn from doing so. Direct Will of intention to walk through these experiences to come out on the other side is how we overcome them. An emotion is to help us process what is going on in our life, what needs to be looked at, what needs to change, how we are betraying ourself and how we may honor ourself. Rather than getting desperately lost in the feeling we can remove the emotional attachment by questioning why we are feeling this emotion and what is it trying to tell us. The more we question the message rather than getting lost in the feeling the more control over your reality you will gain. This is not easy work, as we do this work it becomes easier and easier to see above the emotion, preventing us from becoming emotionally attached to what does not serve your highest good. As we consciously choose to do this work we will also be able to clearly identify where others are lost in emotion and assist them in rebalancing them as well, simply by being able to share higher perspectives on the situation. Dive in and ask yourself the real questions: - Why am I feeling this way? 8 Rainbowphoenix.ca - What do I need to look at? - What is the underlying cause? - Am I repeating a familiar loop? - What were the steps that got me here? - How am I denying myself? - What am I gaining from these feelings? - Who am I giving my energy to? - Who am I taking energy from? - What is the higher purpose? - What actions do I need to take? - What are the solutions I need to take steps towards? Your WILL and INTENTION to create a better reality for yourself IS the way through. Your emotions are important to assess where you are in each moment and then respond accordingly. Your emotional body is always speaking to you, you just need to listen. It is not something to get lost in, rather a tool for your own inner work. The Mental Body: Our real mental capacity is consciousness, and ability to logicalically process. Our mind has been hijacked in a society designed to siphon our life force energy. We are told what we have to do at every stage of our lives and if we want to fit in, being accepted as “normal” we must fit into this box of societies expectations. The mental body is where we assimilate information, run it through our emotional body and make decisions based upon our past experiences. Having control over your mental body allows you to think deeply, analyze and intelligently make decisions. When we are in control of our mental body and working in harmony with the greater good we can be incredibly creative and solution based. When we are not balanced in our mental body we tend to start to self sabotage and can easily fall into the victim-victomizer thought patterns. If we allow our mind to get out of control it will quickly spiral us down in very self-defeating patterns. It is the ego identification that gets out of control and can play out in a miriad of negative ways. - I am not smart enough - I am not capable - What if I fail 9 Rainbowphoenix.ca - What if I look stupid - No one will want to hear what I have to say - I am not good enough - What if I am rejected - I don’t have what it takes - What if it doesn’t work out - What if I make a mistake All of these are self-sabotoging limits that we place on ourself. Blocks and obstacles that our mind creates and keeps us locked out of our true abilities. Once we let one or two of these thoughts penetrate our mind we are opened up to incessant loops of more and more limiting thoughts. As we have these thoughts we erroneously believe these thoughts are who we are and we start identifying ourselves with these thoughts. And, on the flip side we can let our ego get out of control and we can become absolutely absorbed in self. Forgetting that anyone else’s opinion, feelings, ideas and gifts have any validity. Discrediting others, betraying others and denying the efforts, skills and knowledge of others. Thinking we are so self important and thus willing to walk over others and create harm to reach the intended means. Our mental body plays a significant role in our manifestation abilities. Everything is mental, and all is created first in the mental planes. We must think of something before it can be created. Getting in tune with your thoughts, becoming acutely aware of what you are projecting out and creating from moment to moment is very important to having any sort of control and direction in your life. To master the mind takes awareness of self and personal Will to shift and change. First our awareness is needed to even be conscious of our thoughts and our emotional body will assist us with this. If you are feeling good, most likely your thoughts are positive. If you are not feeling good this is an immediate red flag to become conscious of your thoughts and re-direct them in a manner that brings you up, acknowledges your worthiness and is directed towards what you really want to accomplish. Having a few back-up mantras or statements that empower you is a great way to control the mind when it starts to get out of control. A few examples of self-empowering thoughts to re-route the mind: - I am worthy - I am capable - I am loved 10 Rainbowphoenix.ca - I am here for a purpose - I have the power within to accomplish what I want/ need to - Only good things happen to me - Only good things happen around me - Only good people are attracted to me - The universe is always conspiring for my well being - I can handle any obstacle put on my path - I will be supplied with everything I need to get through every situation - There is no such thing as failure, just more opportunity to learn and grow It takes genuine self discipline, will power and dedication to master the mind. This is an ongoing process although it does get easier. We must do this work each and every day. We must be willing to evaluate ourself and our thoughts from a non emotional observer perspective and be absolutely raw and honest with ourself while doing so. No one can do this work for you, it comes from within and the rewards are very much worth the effort. The Physical Body: We have become numb to most of our physical bodies messages. When our bodies start screaming we run to the doctor and get a prescription for drugs to supress our bodies even more. Many of these drugs simply push what we are avoiding mentally and emotionally even deeper within us. We have very blindly and ignorantly been led to believe that this is a solution and we can avoid the consequences. This is absolutely false, and what we don’t deal with in this life will continue on into our next incarnations. If you think it is hard carrying your baggage in this life time, ask yourself how many more life times you are willing to carry the baggage? We can not escape Universal Law, nor can we hide from it. What we create will be returned, what we project out, will be returned; negative or positive, this is Universal Law. Our physical body is an amazing creation and is the gift we all receive to experience in full physical form. The processes our bodies go through each and every day of our lives is truly incredible. Few have stopped to actually think about what our bodies have to accomplish daily in a perfect scenario, much less the added stress and resistance when our air, water, land and almost all foods have been riddled with toxic and hazardous chemicals and poisons. Almost everything we consume and ingest, as well as the products we put on our bodies are toxic. The artificial fragrances and cleaners we use on our bodies, for our dishes, our clothes, laundry detergents and the list goes on and 11 Rainbowphoenix.ca on. Our bodies deserve the greatest of gratitude, they deserve to be loved and taken care of properly. When something goes wrong we condemn the body, reject and shun the body as incomplete, incomptent and useless. How often do we stop and give gratitude for our bodies? How often do we consciously listen to what our body needs? How often do we tune-in and ask our bodies what it needs from us? How often do we ask our body how we may best assist it? Our bodies provide us the physical vessel for spirit to experience in full physicality, we are spirit in form and we have forgotten. Our bodies provide us with the most spectacular gifts everyday. They allow us to get out of bed and go where ever we need to go, they allow us to feel the breeze of the wind, cleansing of water, to smell the essence of a flower, see the spectacular views of Gaia, the warmth of a hug, passion of a lover, softness of a kiss. Our bodies are an instrument of source to exprience and feel in miraculous ways. We have been taught to think negatively about our bodies Our bodies are an expression of source energy, we are not our body, we are using our body as a vessel in which we can experience through. We are learning to recognize our chakras within our body and can thus identify what and why we are experiencing in greater detail. Combine this with all of our energy bodies and we can fine tune our abilities to directly target what we need to be aware of and how to adjust ourselves accordingly. Our bodies are constantly trying to communicate with us and it is our responsibility to learn the language of our body. From the pit in our stomach to the butterflies of excitement, from our heart feeling broken to it expanding out in love for all, from our knees feeling weak in fear to our desire to march forth and create our dreams. The sore toe, stiff back, heavy shoulders and aching head. These are all ways our body is telling us if we are balanced and in alignment with ourself or if we have some personal issues we need to dive into. Befriend your body, it is the only one you have. Talk kindly to your body and provide it with real nourishment; physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Allow yourself to rest when tired, get fresh air, spend time in nature to re-charge. When struggling or feeling drained, allow Gaia to refuel you energtically so you don’t take someone elses energy instead. Call your energy home and choose to share your love rather than your life force. Drink quality oxygenated water and allow time for movement every day. 12 Rainbowphoenix.ca When there is illness or disease in the body, it has been trying to get your attention for a while. Research the chakras connected to the particular area and emotional meaning behind the underlying cause. Explore what holistic remedies can assist your body and dive into the emotional trauma within the area. See your body as strong, vital, vibrant and of perfect health. Talk with your body and give gratitude for all it does for you. The Spiritual Body: The spiritual body is what your physical body houses. Your spiritual body provides you access to exprience very high levels of yourself, your Soul. It is a compilation of several different higher energy bodies. In order to connect into your spiritual body in a balanced manner, all of your bodies; emotional, mental and physical, must be in balance. Our awareness of the first three bodies must be increased to innerstand our spiritual body. Our spiritual body is the most important because it is the origination point of the Creator. It is home to the original spark, life force of all that there is from the beginning of Creation. Creation itself wants to experience in order to know itself, therefore it is everything that was, is and will be. Your spiritual body has access to all of Creation because you are carrying the Divine Spark within you. We, in human form are individualized expressions of Source, an individualized expression of Creation. Our experience began as pure Creative energy and this is where we will complete our experience as Source Energy. Our job is to distill ourselves back to the essence of Self, a self realized spark of Creation. This is the process of evolving as a human, embodying our Soul, once again becoming one with Source and learning to co-create with Source as an individualized Spark of Creation. All of our other bodies provide us the means to attain this ultimate goal, we must learn how to be completely balanced, fully merged and in perfect alignment with the Creators plan. As we become more aware of ourself, we become more aware of the Creator. The more aware we become the more we are able to innerstand the Creator and the purpose for Creation. The human body is a dense form in which the Creator can project its energy into, to experience. We are spirit choosing to experience in human form. When we step down into this human form we may only carry a very small aspect of this spark, we forget why we are here and get all tied up in trivial and superficial drama and chaos. We lose connection with Source and all life. We have used and abused eachother and all conscious life. This is a time for re-remembering our true essence and the Soul evolution we have come to accomplish. Our physical incarnation is an experience and expression of our Soul. The Soul is an experience and expression of Source Creator. 13 Rainbowphoenix.ca We must learn to deeply innerstand all layers of Self, as we do we become a closer vibrational resonance to our Creator. We must compartmentalize ourself, tune into all aspects; emotional, mental, physical and spiritual, and remove any and all distortion from within. That is to heal all trauma, neutralize all negative karma, call our energy home and return the energy of others we are holding onto. Working with the energy bodies in combination with our chakras assists us in this work. We must learn every detail of ourself and when we do we are able to actively co-create with Divinity. Our Soul decides what lessons it wants to learn, what experiences it wants to have and puts together, with group Souls the plans in which to make this happen. Then we are born, forget and think that all of these horrible events are happening to us and we can’t figure out why life seems so traumatic. The ways in which we chose to perceive has a huge impact on our ability to cope, overcome and finally mine the gem, the jewel that our Soul has originally intended. Our greatest pain is the incredible sense of separation; separation from self and separation from Source. This sense of separation is so we can learn what we have chosen to learn and as we come full circle in our lessons we begin to realize/ re-alkalize/ real eyes that we have never been and can never be separated from Source. This is the process of integrating all of our bodies, clearing and fully activating our chakras and embodying our Soul. To step into the Soul experience and path is to unify ourself, the Feminine and Masculine within, all of the archetypal patterns of humanity and your interconnectedness with the ALL and Everything. As we begin to accomplish this work our Soul experiences are re-remembered. Our connection with the Elemental Kingdoms and our Galactic Family are restored. We become beacons of unconditional love and stand in our truth against evil, AI, transhumanism and anything that opposes the health and well being of conscious life. We function from a much higher place of consciousness and in our own totality. As we learn to integrate within ourself, we embody more and more of our Soul energy. See yourself and your Soul as one, becoming one. Consciously speak with and commune with your Soul as often as possible. Speak to yourself, your Soul as you would your very best friend. Acknowledge your Soul by loving and fully accepting yourself and every experience you have ever had. Find the higher purpose in the trauma, the opportunity that you hold to heal opens the door for your bloodline, ancestral line and all of humanity on this planet. You are important and you are meant to be here in this time and space NOW. Each energy body and our physical body are all performing specific tasks, yet all are intrinsically interconnected and working as a whole. The more clearly we can identify what body is out of balance and how this imbalance affects the particular chakra that correlates; we can thus identify the issue with greater clarity. When we can easily identify the issue we can then work to bring balance and harmony to that area so it may continue to work cooperatively with the whole. 14 Rainbowphoenix.ca 13 Chakra based on the collective experience 1) Root Chakra The root chakra is our foundation, security and stability. It represents our core needs of existence; food, shelter, water and basic survival essentials. This is where our needs must be met for sustaining existence before we are able to focus on anything else. If our basic needs are not met it is impossible to focus on the higher chakras. Our society has been designed to disconnect us at the root chakra. Instilling and pre-programing us with guilt, shame and blame to keep us trapped and locked out of our higher self aspects by loathing, rejecting and denying ourself. Depression and feelings of isolation are festering in our societies. The underlying mind controlled beLIEf that we are born sinners. These low vibrational emotions are poisonous and toxic to the Soul. They keep us looping in self defeat, fear and anxiety. We are easily controled when we do not trust nor respect ourself. We are easily controlled by a manufactured inflation and monetary system that is designed to allow the public to build so much, then collapse the progress every decade in order to step in, steal the assets deemed as valuable, remove anyone or anything that is becoming a threat and keep people always on edge, no matter how successful they become. The underlying feeling of “the rug can be yanked from underneath you at any time”. This has been the system in place for a very long time. We are watching the final unravelings of this now. Our core and foundation as we have always known it are crumbling, this is forcing everyone back into the root chakra at some level. This time we have the opportunity to come together, community by community and create a strong, healthy and abundant foundation for all. Allow the artificial, corrupt and criminal systems to fall and collectively build what will benefit both human and all conscious life on Gaia. We are in unusual moments where we are being given the collective opportunity to build and create anew. Remove the false and toxic, so we can build a foundation capable of sustaining life so we can collectively move up from the root chakra and co-create a human race of sovereign beings, a planetary system where ALL are fed, housed, have access to clean water and all basic needs are met. It is only when our basic needs are met, that we can allow ourselves the ability to feel safe, protected and a part of something bigger. When we feel loved and supported, and have our basic needs met we are then able to breath freely, feel grounded and secure. 15 Rainbowphoenix.ca We are then able to utilize our energy, move it up through our bodies and access higher aspects of ourself. Our root chakra is the structure of our lives, it is the ability to have all of our physical needs met so we can focus on making sure our emotional, mental and spiritual needs are also cared for. It is feeling safe and secure, loved and acknowledged, grounded and rooted, free to trust and open to all potential opportunities. It is loving life, loving creation and feeling secure in your own skin. 2) Sacral Chakra The sacral chakra is about out personal power and sexual power. It is the place of energy in which we create from. As a sovereign being this is the energy center we utilize as creator beings; not just the creation of life but all physical and material manifestations. This is a very sacred energy center and it has been used and abused to the absolute highest extreme. The sacral is a place of personal exploration and expansion, desire, creativity, deep emotion and transformation. The trauma and abuse that has been inflicted upon this energy center is extreme and is affecting and directly impacting every single person on this planet. Rape and sexual abuse is either directly or indirectly touching us all. This is an issue of great magnitude and it is more than time it is directly addressed. We have become containers for trauma and we are unconsciously infecting and reinfecting each other with our multitude of sexual partners. We have been told that sex is dirty, evil, and sinful. We have turned what should be the most sacred of acts into ways to hurt, disempower, harm, and torture ourself and our partners. Sex has hit the all time high of disfunction, distortion, and disease. Now, the most deviant and satanic are directing their attention at our children and the mass majority of society is absolutely blind and oblivious to this fact. Within our society, sexual dysfunction has been purposely infused by the false powers that have manufactured the reality that we think is real. When we support systems such as government, health care, education, financial, justice, religion and media we are in fact supporting and feeding our energy into a very dark satanic ritual and death traps. We are feeding into our own extinction and actively giving them free access to our children. This is no longer hidden and one must simply open their eyes to become fully aware.This has been an incredibly evil agenda and we are now witnessing it being fully exposed in plain site. 16 Rainbowphoenix.ca The root cause is sexual abuse and trauma. When we are sexualized as children, traumatized and tormented we fragment aspects of self in self preservation. Few have real help and assistance in healing. The medical system simply prescribes psychosis drugs and places them in “holding cells” called the mental health ward because they are negligent and void of any real assistance. The mentally sane abuse victims find ways within to cope and heal as best they can. They do NOT carry on the abuse nor continue the cycle. The ones whom are mentally insane turn from the victim to the victimizer, somehow erroneously justifying if it was done to them they have the right to harm another. The sacral chakra represents letting go, flow, acceptance of change and transformation. This is the center that desperately needs to be healed on a collective level. The only way this will happen is by each individual doing the work. By choosing sexual partners whom honor us, love us and respect us. Partners whom are also willing to go within to do the inner work and healing required. Participating in relationships with healthy boundaries, and having the courage to say no and stand your ground when there is something going on that is betraying you, your body and your Soul. This includes parenting, friendships, work environments, lovers, all relationships. We must start with a healthy relationship with self, a healthy relationship with self will allow you to know what you need, what you will allow and what you will not allow. If you are not able to have a loving and accepting relationship with self, it is highly unlikely to find a partner that is loving and accepting. What we are attracting in a partner is an outer reflection of how we see ourself from within. Although, we are very rarely conscious of this fact. When we have a healthy relationship with self, we naturally attract a healthy partner and healthy relationships in all aspects of life. We experience joy, high levels of creativity, passion, excitement for life, emotional balance. We have faith in ourself, our abilities, and our capacity to deal with challenges. We are not afraid to set healthy boundaries and stand firm in our truth. We are able to show others how we need to be treated in fair, firm and loving ways. Our children and much of our society needs to have this example as we have lost much in our ability to recognize a healthy verses an unhealthy relationship. First and foremost love, honor and respect yourself, give yourself space to shine and as you shine you will bring light into all that you do. 3) Naval Chakra It is very rare that the naval chakra is spoken about or taught. I have to wonder if this is just ignorance or very purposefully done. When we are learning about the chakra 17 Rainbowphoenix.ca system we are taught about the main chakras, energy centers within our bodies. These are the typical 7 that are commonly taught. Most of humanity is functioning within the first 3 chakras, the root, sacral and solar plexus. Until we have balanced these 3 chakras we don’t even have a fully activated heart chakra. It is our job to first activate and balance our lower chakras, which assists in the activation of our heart and then the higher chakras start playing a bigger role; the throat, 3rd eye and crown. Our heart becomes the bridge between the lower and the higher within our body. Most significantly we have been told that the first 5 chakras are all within the body. Even more significantly we are only taught about the chakras that affect our physical body. The navel is the first chakra connecting us to something greater than ourself, it is connecting us in with our Soul and Source energy, hence why it is not taught. If and when humanity realizes/ re-alkalizes/ real eyes that they are not just a limited human as we are meant to believe, we will simply not be controllable. Our naval represents our silver cord, our etheric connection to our Creator. The silver cord is of course invisible to the human eye but can be seen through the 3rd eye. It is most commonly noted and observed when people are astral traveling. Astral travel is where the consciousness is projected out of the physical body and into one of the corresponding energy bodies, thus removing the limitation of a dense physical body and enabling the person to travel in her/is energy body to explore the inner workings of the Universe. The naval chakra is another name for the hara energy center, also referred to as the “gate of origin” as an acupuncture point in Traditional Chinese Medicine. The naval chakra/ hara is the center of ones being. When we drop our breath into our core, this is the center we are bringing our breath into. Considering this energy center is “the center of our being” I find it very intriguing as to why there is no acknowledgement of it in the western world. It is my opinion that this is a very significant chakra/ energy center and when doing any energetic work the naval should be included. With the conscious intention and awareness of the naval, the most primal of energy centers; it is here that the beginning communication with the physical body and Soul may be jointly acknowledged. This is the starting point of connecting your physical body with the Creator and the recognition that you are interdependent with something greater than yourself. Calling forth the naval with direct intention opens the door for communication with your Soul and much healing work can be done in this energy center. 18 Rainbowphoenix.ca 4) Solar Plexus Chakra Our solar plexus chakra represents our self worth, self confidence and courage, our inner strength and power. It is the fire in our belly that drives us forward and assists us in getting things accomplished. It is action and drive, persistence and purpose, how we feel about ourself is its driving force. It is our individual identity, and an expression of our ability to deal with and face challenges head on. Free will is expressed from our solar plexus. Our collective and individual free will has been very seriously infringed upon through slavery. Slavery has been a part of human culture for even longer than we know. And much to the dismay of many, we are still living in slavery today. When we look around in one of the most abundant countries in the world (Canada) and say, I can go here and there, I choose what I think and what I do, I am not a slave; I am a free wo/man. You really think so? Slavery would represent control over the mind, body and Soul. In todays case it is definitely all three. Slavery of the mind: Everything that is a system, telling us how to live, how we should look, what milestones we need to accomplish by a certain age, how much money we should have, what kind of car we should drive, what kind of house we need etc. is mind control. We are conditioned that paying taxes benefits us and taking a hand full of pills will heal us. That it is appropriate and worthy of a paycheque and a “successful” career to participate in the raping of Gaia, poisoning of our sky’s and water, abusing of animals. We need someone to think for us ie: government ( to goven the mental state) because we are not capable ourself. So we are provided a few hand picked puppets to “vote” for to speak for us and make all decisions pertaining to our health, well being, infastructure, finances and so on. If we do not obey our assets may be seized, and we will be thrown in jail. When children talk about seeing fairies, angels, or ghosts they are told not to lie and punished. Magazines, movies, tv, all media are in place to condition us as to how to think, fit in and stay in the box that was designed for us. If we step out of the box the majority of the collective is conditioned to shun, reject, abandon and assist in hurting and harming you, with the final threat being police, rcmp, military and so forth. If you become a real threat you will simply be murdered and or taken and tortured by specific organizations. This is not freedom. Slavery of the body: From the moment of birth, in “modern civilizations” the practices performed in the hospital (an institution) are designed to program you. You are told to vaccinate and circumcise, some of the first assaults to the body. Little girls are conditioned that they “have to” go give Uncle Bob a big hug and kiss no matter how wigged out the little girl 19 Rainbowphoenix.ca feels. This is conditioning to deny your own feelings to not be punished and reprimanded. We are very ignorantly teaching our children that their body is a tool to be used, sexualizd and abused for anothers ill intention. Child and adult trafficing as well as organ harvesting is off the charts. Our hospitals are making a fortune off of unpresedented medical practices simply for profit. Cancer was proven cureable in 1931. The pharmaceutical companies are poisoning our food, body and house products and then selling us drugs as a remedy. Thousands of basic, healthy products have been removed from our ability to purchase because they are not financially lucrative. Our bodies are being assaulted every day from hazardous chemicals, left overs from massive power plants and factories. This is not only assaulting the human body but every life form on this planet including Gaia herself. Slavery of the Soul: To start, our society does not even acknowledge that we have a Soul. There is no talk and or education of the Soul and society has been specifically created to deny the Soul. Religion has taught us that we need to go to a chosen one to connect with our creator, we must pay to participate and we must beg forgiveness for our sins. We have only a condemning Father whom is awaiting our day of judgement, and the Divine Feminine/ Mother has been all but removed. We are not taught how to respect and connect with nature nor that we are interconnected with all life. We are taught to hate and fear eachother to make it easier to murder and brutalize on the war field. Rape and pedophilia is buried under the carpet. We are taught to ignore our inner voice and we are ingrained to deny our essence at very deep levels of the psyche. Now, we have just experienced world wide genocide and attempted transhumanism take over. The purpose being to remove the Soul from the physical body so the body can be a host for entities and robotic technology. Splicing the God Code Gentics and replacing the DNA with counterfeit encoding. This IS the absurdity of what we have allowed and contributed to. Few comprehending the magnitude of what is occurring. We are collectively repeating trauma that has been going on for Aeons, we must wake up, we must evolve. We can no longer continue to play out these residual traumas and continue to sustain life on this planet. We are ALL responsible for diving inside and healing the trauma within so we are no longer carrying the vibrational match within our energy fields and bodies. As we each heal the trauma within we are actively healing it in our own individual Akashic records and the planetary and galactic Akashic records that we are all connected to. We have become lost and trapped in the games of victim - victimizer - savior that has been implanted within our psyche. It has wreaked havoc in all of our lives playing out as 20 Rainbowphoenix.ca hate and revenge from being victimized. It is the power of our solar plexus, our Divine Will that has the power alongside our heart to pull us up and out of this hell we have been existing in and co-creating. We must use our Divine Will to take back our truth, take back our sovereignty, re-connect with our Soul and step into our Divine Power. We do this by loving ourself, accepting ourself, healing our trauma, seeing the bigger picture and becoming a healthy contributor to the greater good. See through these broken systems, stop playing their games and supporting them and come together with like minded people to create systems that actually benefit humanity and all life. Break the chains, take back your energy, rekindle the light within, forgive, learn and evolve. It is the only way. Take back your self worth and your confidence, utilize the fire burning within, find your sense of purpose, take control over your thoughts, emotions, mind and life. Open your eyes to the real issues and truth, trust yourself, find focused direction, forgive yourself and stand in your personal power. Redirect your anger and aggression into a pin point channel of energy that will assist you on your path. Open your heart wide and let the sun from your solar plexus shine in. 5) Heart Chakra This is where your passion and inspiration can pour out. The power of the heart is great and we have collectively underestimated its power for too long. An open, liberated and fully activated heart makes you a power house. The heart is a magnet and has the ability to magnetize what you need and want for yourself. An open and activated heart chakra allows you to exist in peace, serenity, and calm balance. You are able to perceive anothers point of view, therefore being able to have compassion and empathy. Not just for human life but all conscious life. We have become very skilled at building blocks, bars and cages around our heart. This world we exist in is deeply troubled and disfunctional. We are surrounded by a tremendous amount of mental and emotional instability and insanity. This is all we have ever known so many feel it but are not necessarily so consciously aware of it. Every system has been manipulated to keep humanity locked down in very low vibreational frequencies because this is where we are fully controllable. A closed heart comes from a wounded heart. It creates isolation, self rejection, loss of trust in self, others and life in general, it keeps us distant as a way of self protection. We may attempt to appear tough and untouchable however this is just hiding the deeply painful fear of vulnerability. A closed heart is filled with hate, jealousy, judgment and desire to see others hurt in a false exchange of revenge. It is fear of giving and 21 Rainbowphoenix.ca receiving, it holds onto wounds as a badge and a way of draining the energy of others. It is to be lost in the past and filled with anxiety. Continuously reliving the most painful and traumatic moments and allowing these painful moments to ruin any future possibility of love and hope. What we have forgotten is that the cage we keep our hearts locked in and behind has a key. You and only you have the key. It is under your control and in any moment of now you have the power to unlock that door and allow your heart to shine forth. We have been taught to give our energy freely and to hold and withhold our love. This is false and backwards. We are meant to hold and withhold our energy, for your energy belongs to no one but you. What we are meant and designed to do is give our love unconditionally, our love is infinite, there is no end to the reservoir. Our love may reach to the outer corners of this Universe and beyond. Your light, life force, energy is your gift from the Creator. It is what you need to be full and complete. We feel empty and drained because we have been taught to give our energy away. Take it back, take it ALL back. Call very bit of your energy home and at the same time return the energy of everyone and everything that you are so tightly holding onto. We may only be free of the chains as long as we do not place them on anyone else. The heart needs to be healed, it needs to be seen, heard, acknowledged and felt. When we do this we start to accept ourself, love ourself, we find our worth and as such we are able to see everyone elses. We have to consciously chose love, consciously chose the higher path. No one can do this for us, it comes from within. Gratitude is the way through the heart, the little things, the big things, the painful things and the dark things. Why? Because it is the accumulation of every experience that allows you to be who you are, where you are and know what you are capable of. The heart must be open to allow the energies from the lower chakras to move through your body. As your heart becomes more and more expansive the heart energy also flows down into your lower chakras building and strengthening them as well. The heart is the bridge, center point within that merges the lower with the higher and the higher with the lower. Our entire body and energy bodies are created to work collectively and individually. They must all be balanced and harmonized together, clean, clear and activated, embracing the masculine and feminine aspects of self. This is the physical state that is ideal for the Soul and what the Soul needs to be embodied into human form meaning YOU, Spirit in full human expression. 22 Rainbowphoenix.ca 6) Thymus Chakra The thymus chakra is the second chakra that is not so commonly acknowledged and recognized. We seem to by pass it as if it carries no real importance, this could not be further from the truth. The thymus, like the naval is a multidimensional chakra that connects you into the higher realms. The thymus is the higher heart, the heart of the Divine Mother, the Cosmic Mother who is the energy that has given life to ALL Creation within this Universe. She is the very Fabric of Creation upon which we are created. The thymus is the bridge between the human and the Divine, just waiting patiently for us to become conscious enough that we chose to tune back into our Source Mother. This requires an expanded heart and an awareness that goes beyond the self and surface fluff. We must be able to see that we are an individualizd spark of creation and therefore connected to the ALL. This is a realization that although we are an individualized and unique spark of Creation, we are also carrying the whole within our DNA in a holographic, quantum field. To access the thymus chakra we must be able to love all of creation through the recognition that there is no separation between you and me. This is the field of genuine unconditional love, forgiveness of all and the ability to see a much larger picture of Creation and her processes. It is the innerstanding that all is as it should be, an infinite process of expansion and experiencing. That we have had to go through all of these dark and deluded processes in order to go full circle in duality and ultimately polarity. We have had to experience all there is to experience so we know what is real and organic and truly of Source. So we can transmute the shadow and artificial and transfigure and transform what has become distorted and diseased. Through the returning to the heart of our Cosmic Mother we are able to return to the zero point field within. Wrapping up our own stories to go beyond; the ability to see past self. This is touching the infinite field, the place of beginnings and endings, to begin anew again. This is a restoration of the codes of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine, The Sacred Mother and the Sacred Father. This is the place of healing we must all return to restore our memory and re-activate our DNA. We must dive deep within and find forgiveness for every horrendous experience we have personally had and then for the collective. Realizing this was the process we had to go through and we also agreed to everything on a Soul level. The painful experiences we have had are the lessons we agreed to learn. At the end of the day it is our gift to creation as we are allowed to partake in every aspect. The purpose is not to suffer, the real purpose is to remove the suffering, for this was never the intention. However, it 23 Rainbowphoenix.ca could not be avoided if we were to experience all duality and polarity. This is the way of Creation, like a seed that has not yet sprouted from the ground. At this moment in time we are finally after Aeons able to sprout. We forget, we are eternal. We get lost in the drama and chaos completely forgetting there is a bigger picture and much grander purpose. Step into your heart, accept yourself, forgive yourself and chose to love yourself unconditionally. This is the only way. Tune back into your heart beat so that you may become a resonating match to our Cosmic Mother. Allow her to wrap you in her arms and whisper in your ear, this IS the magic of life. 7) Throat Chakra The throat is what we are collectively activating now. The ability and willingness to speak up, speak out and speak our truth. We have been suffocated by threat, ignorance, blind obedience, fear and force. We have collectively allowed the most horrific and heinous crimes to be commited and we have participated in them. This has been the unwillingness to come together to do what is right. Instead, from fear of ridicule and personal danger we have slaughtered millions upon millions of innocent men, woman, and children to appease a few psychopaths. And we have just collectively participated in the unfolding of the greatest criminal and sociopathic event that has ever occurred on this planet. The nefarious agenda that is playing out in real time in front of our face is atrocious. Many still thinking that there will be no repercussions and that somehow they can partake in performing mass genocide and have no responsibility or accountability. All the while totally offended by the few with enough courage and intelligence to speak out. Our throat represents our ability to speak truth, it is the ability to observe our immediate environment and be able to make an intelligent assessment about what is going on, if there is a legit threat or danger and be able to decipher what the most practical steps to take would be. The throat is to allow you to set healthy boundaries and speak for those not able to speak and or defend themself. It is the ability to express ourselves in meaningful ways and with clarity. A healthy throat chakra also requires that one become a good listener, and able to tune into what someone is saying and innerstand their needs or message. Speaking freely is what we have always thought we were doing, this is false. The written word is also connected to the throat chakra and the truth of who and what we are has been hidden for thousands of years. We are simply repeating and regurgitating what we 24 Rainbowphoenix.ca have been conditioned to beLIEve, this is not the same as intellectual and conscious thought. Our history, science, political, financial, social, medical, religious text are all controlled by the same groups whom have just committed mass genocide on this world. Yet, somehow repeating their words with no individual thought is speaking truth? NO! It is time we took the individual responsibility to learn the truth and then speak our truth as we are created and intended to do. Our ability to communicate is critical to our success and survival. Our words may be inspiring, calming, soothing, healing, empowering, stimulating or enraging. Our words will elicit a different reaction from every individual based upon where they are in their own emotional, mental, and physical state. If you offend someone, that just may be the price you pay to speak your truth, oh well. That is not your problem, it is simply a reflection of how someone chooses to perceive and internalize. It really is ok, you are not here to appease everyone, you are here to be authentically you. As you do this you will open the door for others to find their courage and truth as well, it is a blessing not a curse. The hell with politically correct, which changes faster than you can change your own underwear. “Politically Correct” and “Conspiracy Theory” is a guise to hide corruption under. This does not mean be cruel, vicious and hurtful; we are meant to have common courtesy and respect for each other. But, when we are staring down the barrel of a gun, it may be a good time to pull the head out of the sand. We have the capacity to come together and create a healthy, abundant and sustainable world for all. We need to have conversations about real freedom, real solutions and assess the real problems. To be sovereign means first and foremost; harm to none. It also means that we can follow our dreams, passions, inspirations and desires and allow others to do the same. We are all uniquely different and this is how we were created. We are not all the same size and shape to shove into the same box, we need to stop trying to fit in the box. It is broken and we are not meant to exist in a box. Open your throat, find your courage, put aside others opinions, you are allowed to express yourself. You are allowed to speak your truth and no one, nothing has the right to tell you, you can’t. Use your voice to set clear boundaries. Use your voice to speak your dreams. Use your voice to create the reality that you desire. Remove the noose, activate your heart and allow your Soul to speak through you. Your internal dialogue is even more important than what you speak. Your internal dialogue is setting the scene for everything that comes out of your mouth. Speak to yourself as you would your very best friend. Build yourself up, encourage yourself, have faith in yourself, learn the lessons on your journey and forgive yourself along the way. No one is perfect, everyone makes mistakes, that is part of being human. It is what we 25 Rainbowphoenix.ca choose to do with these mistakes that matter. You are a part of Creation, don’t let anyone dim your light. 8) 3rd Eye Chakra We are aware that our 3rd eye has this supernatural ability to see but it also houses all of our higher senses, our clairesenses. Our 3rd eye connects us into our higher abilities of perception and provides access to the quantum field. The quantum field is like stepping into the matrix. You are able to access all times and space. This is where you are accessing your spiritual body which consists of multiple energy bodies on higher planes. We are not going to dive into these bodies however for referance they are the etheric, astral - lower and higher, and causal energy bodies. It is through the 3rd eye that we can start to access our akashic records. Once we have done the work that we need to for our human incarnation, balanced our energy bodies and the masculine and feminine within, we then begin to “clean house” on higher levels/ planes. This is where we start to participate in our Soul work. Clearing our energetics for our physical incarnation is not the end of our work, it is the beginning. Once we have cleared enough of our low, stagnant, distorted energy out of our body and energy fields we step into service for humanity if we so choose. The next step is to start to clear the trauma from our bloodline and ancestral lines. We begin to process on a different level where we start to see and innerstand the collective pain and trauma. Realizing that we are all carrying this trauma so that it can be healed in the quantum field and removed from the grid completely. This is where our own pain , trauma and suffering becomes more valuable. When we heal for ourself, we are assisting everyone else to heal the same issues. It’s as if each trauma is a massive cloud of darkness hanging over each and every one of us. As each person genuinely does the inner work this collective cloud becomes less and less. The more people that heal the more light can penetrate through the cloud. This makes it easier and easier for each person to step in and do the healing. We must remove the blinders from ourself and realize we are not the only victim. We have all been in one way or another. What we do for ourself, we do for another and vice versa. From a strictly non emotional observer perspective the victim and victimizer are no different, simply at opposite poles. It does not matter what side you are on, energy is energy. Any experience coming in is a vibrational match to what you have at some point put out. In this life or past lives. It is easy to get lost in being victimized and many spend life times there, at some point you must ask yourself, “what am I gaining by reliving this 26 Rainbowphoenix.ca experience over and over and over, am I not just choosing to re-victimize myself continuously?” This is not to take away from the suffering of an exprience, but what does it really do at the end of the day if you can’t even live or appreciate anyone or anything because you just stay stuck. Find the value, the lesson, the jewel, the prize; there is always a higher purpose. This is your chance to make your suffering have value, reason, higher meaning. This is also what allows you to let it go and move on. Perhaps this may just be the perfect place to let you know….you are your own savior! When we have shown our willingness and abilities to clear for our bloodline and ancestral line we step up again to the next level. Here we start working on the planetary trauma and galactic trauma. This is where it gets super interesting and exciting because worlds that you never even knew existed open up. The 3rd eye is nothing to fear and is a most extraordinary gift of our creator. Sometimes when the 3rd eye is being activated we can have blockages or it can surprise us and blast open leaving us in total confusion, often with few that can really assist. This causes what our society deems as psychosis, which actually means, they don’t have a clue. Make no mistake, spiritual awakening, 3rd eye opening and kundalini activation are something the main stream is oblivious to and should not be contacted for assistance. They are doing extreme harm to many, drugging and labeling with anything they can think of in their pure ignorance. Main stream does not acknowledge the Soul, they know nothing about the Soul, the have no training in the energy bodies, kundalini and spiritual worlds. They are doing great harm and it needs to stop. The experience of the 3rd eye awakening is not an everyday “human” experience. It is a spiritual experience where you are given access to things beyond this world. It is beautiful, powerful and paradigm shattering. It is advisable to find assistance from someone you can trust and that is fully conscious of these experiences. It does take time to innerstand and process and it can be very confusing if you do not innerstand what is going on. Grounding, quieting the mind, sitting in nature, journaling your experiences and working with someone on the same page is very advisable. Awareness of 3rd eye opening is starting to go mainstream. There are many, many charlottens out trying to make money on false promises and unaware of the actual work and clearing processes needed to safely guide yourself through this process. So, know this; the more inner work, inner healing and releasing, more you are connected to your heart and Gaia, the more likely your 3rd eye will open and you will be in a good, emotional, mental and physical state. Then you can sit back and enjoy the magic and your new found connection with your Soul. 27 Rainbowphoenix.ca 9) Crown Chakra The crown chakra is where the higher energies enter us, it is the gateway where we can access the higher chakras. It is considered the highest seat of consciousness within the physical body. The energies come in through the crown to intertwine with the chakras in our physical body and it is considered a double helix because we can also send our energy back up through the crown. The crown is how we activate and assimilate the Divine energies that are trying to flow into us. The crown is represented by the 1000 petal lotus and opens the door to our connection with our supreme self, our Soul. The energies are Universal energies and this is why we can access our planetary and galactic information. This is likened to spiritual enlightenment. I see this light as pure white with gold spirals and this is a powerful image to hold in your mind when activating this chakra. When we access this knowledge we are able to access Soul memory. We step into a much sharper focus and greater intelligence and awareness. We are no longer controlled by our ego and have a clear communication with our Soul. We also open to the ability to channel higher beings. We become our authentic self and not our pre-program identification of who we have been told we are. This brings great peace to us and a high level of spiritual innerstanding. We are able to percieve situations and events clearly from a Divine perception. At this point we tend to reject lower self-defeating thought forms and are not trapped in what we experience in a 3rd dimensional reality. We become filled with gratitude and compassion because both our heart and thymus energy centers are open and active, along side all of our chakras. If we chose to let go, surrender to the higher powers we will experience profound transformation and revelation. We are drawn to go beyond the physical and material values we once thought were the center of our world. Realizing how small and insignificant all of our earthly woes are in comparison to the grander picture and experience to be had. When diving into these unfamiliar moments we can easily become obsessed with the spiritual realm and desire to release all of our earthly, material demands. We must stay balanced and remember we are still in human form and we still have to perform our earthly duties such as working to keep a roof over our head and food in the fridge. It can be over whelming at first and it does take conscious effort to bring harmony to both our daily responsibilities and our Divine mission. A quick note on channeling other beings. When we open up to etheric and astral information there are a miriad of beings on planes we are not yet familiar with. If we are 28 Rainbowphoenix.ca actively desiring to connect we may connect to beings whom are not there to serve our highest good. There are a combination of both benevolent and malevolent beings. My personal experience has taught me some important wisdom. A benevolent being will not infringe upon your free will however a malevolent being will. A benevolent being will always let you know they are there and ask for permission to connect with you. A malevolent being will step in and just start talking and giving advice. So, as exciting as it can be to make contact, make sure you are allowing only benevolent beings to enter your field of perception. If they tell you they are neutral take that as negative. It is never recommended to allow any being to step into your physical body and I strongly recommend you take extra precautions to not allow this to happen. A benevolent being will communicate telepathically and may or may not show themselves. We are just babies learning about these other fields, other realms and other worlds, which can easily make us a target of experiences we are probably not ready to deal with. Chakra and divine energies Shining, she holds the noose made of the energy of will, the hook which is energy of knowledge, the bow and arrows made of energy of action. Split into support and supported, divided into eight, bearer of weapons, arising from the chakra with eight points, she has the ninefold chakra as a throne. —Yoginihrdaya 53–54 10) Earth Star Chakra This chakra exists about 6 inches below the soles of your feet. It is the chakra that connects you into the balanced and harmonized frequencies of Gaia herself. This is the chakra that opens the door to harmony between the physical Earth plane and the Heavens. Creating a toroidal field between Gaia - YOU (heart) - Source Energy (God). All is ONE, totally energetically connected and in harmony. The Stellar Gateway, Soul Star and Causal chakras attain full expression through an activated Earth Star. Simultaneous activation of these 4 chakras is key to bringing down Cosmic Consciousness into the Earth plane. It is the process of integration of the Spirit 29 Rainbowphoenix.ca world into the material Earth plane. The Earth Star must be functioning at full capacity and all chakras must be aligned and fully integrated with one another. As we align our chakras, activate and integrate them we allow Gaia access to Source energy through our physical vessel. We must be firmly planted and integrated into Gaias energetic grid system for this to occur. As we open this chakra we do experience a transmutation of our primal fears. We must be willing to transform our fear into higher knowing and let go, releasing anything and everything but ultimate truth. 11) Causal Chakra The Causal chakra is located in the center of the back of the head. Opening and accessing this chakra can be likened to the Scales of Balance; the Heart and the Mind/ Brain. The only way to pass through is the balancing of the Scales. You are accessing a gateway within your DNA = CAUSE & EFFECT = Right Thought & Right Action = Weightless HEART. Therefore the heart must be the weight of a feather. This would represent PEACE OF MIND, weightless, free, floating, flowing, surrender. Peace of Mind comes when there is no resistance on the inside. No chaos, no drama, no wall, no expectation, no demands. These only block flow and darken / overshadow your Creation….. Peace, allowance, surrender, flow, fluidity can only exist when you are present, and in the moment. Every time our mind drifts, you / we / me / fall back to sleep. When fully present, YOU are Master of your Universe and therefore in full control of your energy. Our Responsibility is to mind our Mind and Mine our MIND “That is what this whole war/ last battle/ play for consciousness is about” What we are here to master is our whole energetic field. That means our own physical vessel, balanced, harmonized, and purified along with a balanced, harmonized and purified energetic merge with Gaia. That IS what opens the gateway = CAUSE & EFFECT = you align with life, life-force, Gaia, this automatically opens the door to the Cosmos because you have become a vibrational resonance, to HEART, to unconditional love. Therefore your HEART becomes the weight of a FEATHER. The Causal chakra has the ability to usher in light/ Soul force into our mental body. In 30 Rainbowphoenix.ca order to activate and receive messages from the Stellar Gateway and our Soul Star a certain degree of control over our mind must be obtained. For the full force of our Soul to enter into our mental plane we must first disassociate with our programmed, conditioned, and manufactured belief systems. They are false and we must first recognize this and identify as such. A quiet, still and peaceful mind is critical to activating the Causal chakra. We must be responsive and have pure thought to access and transmit cosmic frequency. The Causal is associated with the highest form of thought. It is the key to opening the door to the inner knowing of the Divine Laws and all that creates miracles. “Your thoughts are the blueprints for what you are creating in your reality” The Causal chakra fully activated allows the light of the Soul to flood in and will permanently shift both your conscious and subconscious mind. The Causal is literally like the landing pad for your spiritual energies. This is where your personal identity with Spirit is renewed and restored. The Causal chakra is what keeps us connected to our Soul no matter what is going on in our outside world. It provides an open channel for cosmic energies to be brought down into the vessel and we ground these energies through our Causal and Earth Star simultaneously. 12) Soul Star The Soul star Is located 6 inches above your crown and is the interconnecting link between the Stellar Gateway and the 10 chakras in your physical body. It is the bridge between your impersonal and personal reality; the spiritual and the physical, Heaven and Earth. The Soul Star is between your Stellar Gateway and your crown and causal chakras and it holds the consciousness of cosmic awareness. Cosmic energy enters the physical plane via refined light, light equals knowledge. The Soul Star translates the energy from the Stellar Gateway and filters it into the Soul level of the human being. It weaves a spiritual body out of light, creating the “light body”. 31 Rainbowphoenix.ca 13) Stellar Gateway The stellar gateway Is 12 inches above the top of the head and can be activated by vitalizing the cosmic rays emanating from the sun. Along with the power of the human will focused with conscious direct intention. With direct willed intnt and the vitalizing of solar energy flowing through your physical body you can spiritually nurture all aspects of self. Simply by maintaining a direct link to the Divine Impersonal / Source Creative Energy. This is the chakra that must be opened and activated in order to really experience and identify self with God. Open unified oneness can be experienced. This allows for a direct experience of undeniably real, intangible, shapeless, formless, nameless presence within all things. It is an actual physical, mental, emotional and spiritual experience of at-one-ment with Source. By communicating with direct intent you create a transference of energy that transmits and receives. This is a key to unlocking the secrets of cosmic, stellar spaces. It is a communion between the individual Soul and Creative Source Energy and is how to integrate cosmic energy into the physical body. The individual must be willing to release all ego and personality of self and step full heartedly into the acknowledgement of Soul, for the Soul to respond. “If you are in ego you are shut out, the Soul will not respond because you are operating on too low a vibrational frequency and you are not in harmony or balance with natural Divine energetic flow.” When you are clear and open the Universe will respond and lift you into the higher planes to commune and share Universal wisdom. Once the Stellar Gateway has been activated, as long as you are in a harmonious alignment within all of your lower chakras the Stellar chakra will transmit cosmic rays into your consciousness, quicken the nerve fibers and literally elevate the subatomic frequencies within the physical vessel. With inner work, dedication, and pure intention, keeping yourself balanced and harmoniously flowing with the rhythms of real life; you may maintain a constant connection with the Stellar Gateway. Your state of oneness with the entire cosmic creation will be grounded into your physical vessel. Resulting in a living wisdom, undying compassion, and a constant, permanent connection to Divine guidance in all of your human affairs. The Stellar Gateway is an impersonal chakra and can not be individually identified, it is 32 Rainbowphoenix.ca pure Source Energy and holds the Cosmos in impeccable order and perfection. It is the force which is all things. Ultimate consciousness is experienced through an activated Stellar Gateway through the human-light being. This Cosmic Energy must then be integrated into the human Soul via a fully activated and integrated complete chakra system. “A Divine Secret: This Gateway is protected and guarded by the Dragons, only those with genuine intention, unconditional love, empathy, compassion will be allowed to enter. Creation itself has fail-safe locks on all access to higher planes that remove the ability for them to be hijacked. Dragons are the gatekeepers and they are also the bringers of ascension.” You are all incredibly powerful Divine Creations. You are infinite and you each have a treasure trove of Godly, Divine wisdom and abilities all stored within you. The only reason you have not, could not access this energy is because you have been programmed and conditioned to be small, insignificant, weak, victims, victimizers, and traumatized nothings that need only obey and keep to society's protocols. No matter how destructive, morally and ethically wrong and insane. For the benefit of the sociopaths and psychopaths who know WHO and WHAT you are. They have done everything in their power to keep us dumb and numb so that they may harvest our Life-Force for their nefarious and deviant pleasures. I bring this truth, because once you know, you can never unknow. But, now you know the truth of Who and What you are. Take Back Your Power - Take Back Your Divine Truth - Take Back Your Divine Gifts This is your body, your mind, your Soul. You are in charge, no one else. The more you step into your heart, into compassion, into full unification of all; the more beautiful, loving, graceful and magical your reality will be. You are Divine Creators and God has opened the door wide for any and all willing to step through. 33 Rainbowphoenix.ca Meditation for activation of the 13 Chakras: Take 3 nice deep breaths, quieting the mind and forgetting everything that has been on your mind, at this moment none of it matters Allow yourself to relax, close your eyes, bring your hands in prayer to your heart and as you breath, feel your breath dropping into your heart Within your heart see and feel a beautiful flame of Divine Light; see it, feel it and acknowledge it, this is your I AM presence in physical form I call forth the Highr Self / Soul to step in and assist as needed for the absolute highest outcome I ask that you be surrounded by pure source light, that all of your guides, angels, Soul Family, totem animals and loved ones on the other side please step in to assist in the clearing, cleaning and activation of all energy centers we are working with here today I ask that you be cloaked in invisibility so that only beings of benevolence can see and experience you and you are completely protected and shielded from any and all malevolent beings, archons, negative aliens, entities, reptilian consciousnesses, AI and nanotech. I ask that the process of removal of all black goo, nano tech and AI begin immediately and may continue until it is completely removed and you are a clear vessel Stay sitting, but visualize yourself standing on a beach or in the forest, the sun beaming down on you; see yourself as standing for the duration of this activation With that, draw your attention, eyes closed, to your 3rd eye, feel yourself breathing into your 3rd eye and visualize a small merkaba, size of a looney See it as a brilliant shimmering white, with gold flecks and an opalessence of all the rainbow colors See this merkaba move from your brow into the middle of your head, parallel with the 3rd eye 34 Rainbowphoenix.ca Slowly see it moving up, up, up through your crown to 6 inches (Soul Star) above your head See it growing bigger and brighter with the rainbow rays going straight up to Source, Prime Creator, Cosmic Mother, see these rainbow rays moving from your merkaba directly to Source Open to feel Her love pouring a liquid gold energy in combination with the brightest white light you have ever seen before back down directly into you through your merkaba, now 12 inches (Stellar Gateway) from your crown See, and feel this love-light pouring directly into you from Prime Creator As the light passes through your merkaba it is the liquid gold energy that pours into your crown, 3rd eye, throat and all the way down your spine until it reaches the very tip of your tailbone Hold this for a moment, your entire spine liquid gold and the highest vibrational frequency from Our Cosmic Mother, clearing and transmuting everything and anything that no longer serves your highest good Feel your whole spine being cleaned and purified from this energy directly from source Now, still standing, imagine another merkaba of the same white with gold flecks and rainbow opalessence 6 inches (Earth Star) below your feet, approximately 1 foot in diameter See the light of this merkaba slowly moving the rainbow rays up into the soles of your feet, up your calves, knees, thighs, buttocks, through your root, sacral, naval, solar, and into your heart Now seeing a brilliant emerald green light in your heart and just resting here for a moment to give absolute thanks and gratitude for all of Gaia’s gifts Our body is of Gaia’s body and she provides us with our every sustenance, she IS our Earth Mother See your heart expanding and opening to the whole planetary system in which you are connected to 35 Rainbowphoenix.ca Now allow that love and gratitude, an incredible emerald green light, to flow back down into the merkaba below your feet, run through the merkaba and sink directly into the very Heart Core of Gaia Allow Gaia to receive and feel your love and acknowledgement and return the love-light back to you in a perfect array of rainbow colors in a direct beam of light going straight into the merkaba now 12 inches (Inner Earth) below your feet Moving from your merkaba up through the soles of your feet, up your calves, knees, thighs, buttocks, through your root, sacral, naval, solar, heart, thymus, throat, 3rd eye, crown, causal, soul star into your merkaba 12 inches (Stellar Gateway) above your crown Allow your body to become a double vortex of energy; soft, flowing, opalessent rays of the rainbow with gold flecks The Cosmic Mother pouring pure white and gold light down into your body and Gaia our Earth Mother sending energy from her core up to you through the rainbow rays of light Then expanding again to allow the energy from Source Mother to run through your heart and into Gaia’s heart & From the heart of Gaia, through you, and into the heart of our Cosmic Mother Turning your body, your being into a conduit where source energy and physical matter are in perfect balance and harmony with one another Stay centered in your heart Stay focused in this energy vortex We are going to continue with the clearing, cleaning and activation of all of your energy centers and bodies: Requesting Soul & Source assist with the removal of ALL that no longer serves Staying in this frequency and command: I command, all negative energies and blockages be cleared from me now I command, all portals be closed within my body 36 Rainbowphoenix.ca I command, that no entity may exist in my physical body I command, all cords, hooks and chains be immediately transmutted I command, all wires, AI tech and nano tech be immediately transmutted I command all negative and neutral contracts, through all time and space, known and unknown be transmutted I command, all karmic damage either inflicted or incurred, through all time and space, known and unknown be transmutted I command, all curses through all time and space, known and unknown be transmutted I command, all black magic spells, either inflicted or incurred, through all time and space, known and unknown be healed, resolved and transmutted I command, all Soul fractals and fragments be found, returned and restored so that I may be whole unto myself once more I command, to be shown the higher purpose of my trauma, so I may quickly and easily release the suffering so I may be free from these chains and free all others I knowingly or unknowingly also keep bound I ask that my lessons are fun, loving, gracious and kind I ask that my Soul memory be returned and restored I ask that my DNA be activated I ask to be placed upon my highest timeline I ask for my DNA to be restored to it’s original, organic goldprint I ask that I exist once again on the original Soul Matrix I AM SOUL I AM LIGHT DIVINE I AM WILL I AM LOVE I AM FIXED DESIGN Take 3 deep breaths, with each breath giving thanks and gratitude for all of the work done here today. Giving thanks to Higher Self and all consciousness whom stepped in to assist. May all requests be immediately delivered, with Higher Self’s permission and harm to none Coming back now, back now fully integrated into your body Feling your arms, legs, moving around fully integrated into your body Wide awake, clear, balanced and on your highest timeline on Gaia’s highest timeline 37 Rainbowphoenix.ca “The Rainbow Dragon, bringer of Ascension” 38 Rainbowphoenix.ca 39 Rainbowphoenix.ca