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sosoAbbreviation list
This article is obsolete.
Its content remains on Shell Wiki for reference purposes, but should not be considered accurate.
See this article's discussion page for details.
(More info - Policy)
10 I
11 J
12 K
13 L
14 M
15 N
16 O
17 P
18 Q
19 R
20 S
21 T
22 U
23 V
24 W
25 X
26 Y
27 Z
28 See also
29 External links
Note: This article will be phased out. Don't continue to add to it.
In the interim, all of the Shell abbreviations and acronyms can be found at the following site Category for
Abbreviations & Acronyms
The following is a list of abbreviations common within the Shell business, along with the full meaning.
Alternatively, see the articles listed in the abbreviations category or search Shell Wiki for the abbreviations
of interest.
[Edit] #
3C – Three component (seismic receiver)
3PM – Third Party Management Registry File
4PC - 4 Point Check
10Q- Quality areas of Shell Global Solutions Flawless Project Delivery
[Edit] A
AAP - Affirmative Action Plan
AAPG - American Association of Petroleum Geologists
AAR - After action review
ABL - Alternate Borehole Liner
ABPP - Avian and Bat Protection Plan
ABR - Additional Budget Request
ABS – American Bureau of Shipping
AC - Alternating Current
ACD - Actual Control Description (SOX)
ACAL - Asset Control Assurance List
ACET - Asset Condition and Evaluation Tool
ACS - Asset Condition Survey
ACTS - Action Close-out Tracking System
ACV - Approved Contract Value
AD - Asphaltene dispersant
ADL - Asset Development Leader
ADP - Area Development Plan
AD&P - Application Development and Projects
ADT - Asset Delivery Team
AEP - Annual Energy Production
AES - ASRC Energy Services
AFB - Air Force Base
AFC - Approved For Construction
AFC - Application for Certification
AFE - Authorized for Expenditure
AFFF - Aqueous Film Forming Foam
AFU - Anti Fouling Unit
ASEP - Aggregate System Entry Point
AH(BDF) - Along hole (below derrick floor)
AHA4P - Asset Hierarchy Application for Projects
AHORT - Along hole (below) Original Rotary Table
AHTSV - Anchor Handling and Tug Supply Vessel
AIM - Asset Information Management
AIDA - Advanced Identification and Analysis
AI-PSM - Asset Integrity Process Safety Management
AL - Artificial Lift
ALARA - As Low As Reasonably Achievable
ALARP - As Low As Reasonably Practicable
AMP - Asset Management Plan
ALT - Americas Leadership Team
AMV - Annulus master valve
ANSI - American National Standards Institute
APC - Advanced Process Control
API - American Petroleum Institute
APIS - Automated Platform Information System
APO - Advanced Planning Optimizer(SCM Term)
APP - Avian Protection Plan
APU - Auxiliary power unit
ARA - Activity Risk Assessment
ARAD - Automatic Rig Activity Detection
ARB - Application Review Board
ARP - Asset Reference Plan
ARPR - Annual Review of Petroleum Resources
AS - Asphaltene Solvent
ASA - Advanced Safety Audit
ASC - Affiliate Service Contract
ASD - Automatic Shutdown / Acoustic Sand Detector / Application Support Desk
ASF - Authorised Signatory Form
ASP - Application Support Plan / Alkaline Surfactant Polymer
ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASN - Advanced Shipment Notification
ASRC - Arctic Slope Regional Corporation
ASS - Austenitic Stainless Steel
ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials
ASV - Annular Safety Valve
ATA - Anchor Tenant Agreement
ATD - Agreement To Deploy
ATP - Available to Promise
AUT - Automatic Ultrasonic Testing
AVV - Annulus vent valve
AWEA - American Wind Energy Association
AWLC - Accelerated Water Line Corrosion
AWR - Asset Work Register
AWV - Annulus wing valve
& AWWI - American Wind Wildlife Institute
[Edit] B
B2B - Business to Business
BA - Business Analayst
BAM - Business Application Management
BAU - Business As Usual
BCD - Business Control Document
BCM - Billion Cubic Meters
BCP - Business Continuity Planning
BDF - Business Development Fund
BEAN - BAM E-PIMS Anchored Network
BERR - Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform
BfD - Basis for Design
BHA - Bottom Hole Assembly
BHP - Bottom Hole Pressure
BI - Beheer Installaties
BIA - Business Impact Assessment
BIM – Bulk Inventory Management / Business Infrastructure Management
BLEVE- Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion
BLM - Bureau of Land Management
BOAQ - Bills Off Approximate Quantities
BOCC - Bintulu Operations Co-ordination Centre
BOE - Barrel Oil Equivalent
BoM - Balance of Month
BOMP - Base Oil Manufacturing Plant
BOP - Blow Out preventer
BOP - Balance of Plant
BOPD - Barrels of Oil Per Day
BOPSJ - BOP Spanner Joint
BOSIET - Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training
BOT - Baker Oil Tools
BP - British Petroleum / Best Practice / Business Plan / Boiling Point
BPAD - Business process analysis and design
BPCS - Basic process control system
BPG - Best Practice Guide
BPO - Business Process Outsourcing
BPR - Business Performance Review
BPS - Bits Per Second
BRA - Business Readiness Assurance
BRD - Business Requirements Document
BRR - Business Readiness Review
BRS - Budget Release Statement
BRSO - Borneo Rectified Skew Orthomorphic
BS&W - Base Sediment and Water
BSCF - Billion Standard Cubic Feet
BSI - British Standards Institute
BSM - Business System Manager
BSTAB - Bintulu Stabilisation Plant
BSWA - Bonga South West Aparo
BTC - Buttress Thread Coupling / Bottom Test Cap
BTC - Bellaire Technology Center
BUAP - Business Unit Activity Planning
BUGS - Bonny LNG Back Up Gas Supply
BV - Branch Valve
BW - Business Warehouse (Reporting from GSAP)
[Edit] C
C/P - Corrosion / Paraffin Inhibitor
C&E - Change and Engagement
C&P – Contracting and Procurement
CA - Corrosion Allowance
CAD - Computer Aided Design
CAH - Corporate Affairs Health
CAI - Critical Application Interrupt
CAM - Capacity Assurance Manager
CAO - Computer Aided Operation
CAP - Connected Application Portfolio/Critical Application Portfolio
CCAP - Critical Connected Applications Portfolio
CAPEX - Capital expenditure
CAR - Capacity, Achievement, Relationships
CAR - Construction All Risk
CAR - Corrective Action Review
CART - Capacity Achievements Relationships and Technical
CAT - Confirmation Acceptance Testing
CBD - Competence Based Development
CBL - Cement Bond Log
CBP - Competence Based Progression/ Completion Bore Protector
CCA - Cost Contribution Arrangement / Contract Compliance Audit / Caribbean and Central America /
Coring and Core Analysis
CCC - Command, Control, Computing
CCD - Corrosion Control Document
CCM - Corrosion Control Matrix
CCM - Circulate and Condition Mud
CCO - Chromium Carbide Overlay
CCR - Central Control Room
CCRIS - Cost Centre/Recovery Indicator Substitution Table
CCRT - Customer Compliance Reporting Tool
CDOW - Colorado Division of Wildlife
CDT - Condensate Drying Tower
CDU - Central Distribution Unit
CEP - Current Estimated Potential
CEQA - California Environmental Quality Act
CERP - Capital Expenditure Review Panel
CESA - California Endangered Species Act
CFC - Chlorofluorocarbon
CFD - Computational Fluid Dynamics
CFDP - Customer Facing Deployment Program
CFFO - Cash Flow from Operations
CGD - Corrosion Data Gathering
CGR - Condensate Gas Ratio
CH – Contract Holder
CHFP – Closed Hole Frac Pack
CHGP – Closed Hole Gravel Pack
CI - Chemical injection / Corrosion Inhibition
CID - Chemical Injection Downhole
CIIP - Condensate Initially In Place
CIS - Commonwealth of Independent States
CIT - Chemical Injection Tree
CITHP - Closed In Tubing Head Pressure
CIV - Chemical Injection Valve
CLAIR - Clean, Lubricate, Adjust, Inspect, Repair
Cl-SCC – Chloride Stress Corrosion Cracking
CloReM - Closed-loop Reservoir Management
CM - Construction Management
CMCP - Contract Management and Contracting Practice
CMDS - Centralized Master Data Services
CMF - Corrosion Management Framework
CMS - Corporate Management System / Corrosion Management System
CNB - Completed Not Billed
CO2 - Carbon Dioxide
CoA - Chart of Accounts
COA - Certificate of Authority
CoB - Close of Business / Class of Business
COD - Commercial Operation Date
CoDo - Company Owned, Dealer Operated
CoE - Centre of Excellence
CoF - Class of function
COC - Change Order Committee
COGS - Cost of Goods Sold
COM - ?
COMCAS - Central Offices Management Common Accounting System
COP - Control Operating Process (finance)
COPS - Communications on Power System
CORAL - Cost Reduction Alliance Malaysia
CoS - Cost of Sale
COT - Central Overleg Team / Cargo Oil Tank
CP - Change Proposal
CP - Contracting and Procurement
CPA - Cubic Plus Association
CPI - Cross Process Integration
CPM - Country Program Manager
CPP - Competitive Price Perception
CPPM - Contracting Policies and Procedures Manual
CPUC - California Public Utility Commission
CR - Corrosion Rate
CRA - Central Rig Administrator
CRA - Corrosion Resistant Alloy
CRP - Change Review Panel
CS – Carbon Steel
CSEM – Controlled Source Electromagnetics
CSF - Critical Success Factors
CSI - Correct Shell Invoices
CSMP - Contractor Safety Management Process
CSOM - Customer Service Operating Model
CSPC - CNOOC and Shell Petrochemicals Company Limited (joint venture)
CSR - Company Site Representative / Customer Service Relocation
CTC - Central Tender Committee
CTD – Conductivity, Temperature & Density
CTOD – Crack Tip Opening Displacement
CTR - Cost Time Resource
CT(U) - Coiled Tubing (Unit)
CUBE - Combined Unified Business Environment
CUI - Corrosion Under Insulation
CUP - Conditional Use Permit
CV - Control van / Curriculum Vitae / Co-Venturer / Crane Vessel
CVD - Constant Volume Depletion
CVP - Customer Value Proposition
CWE - Collaborative Working Environment
CWI - Citrix Web Interface
CWW - Customer Wide Web
CWL - Conventional Wireline Logging
CX - Communications (Team)
[Edit] D
DACA - Data Acquisition and Control Architecture
DAS - Data Acquisition System
DBAM - Downstream Business Activity Model
DBAT - Downstream Business Allocation Tool
DBB - Double Block and Bleed
DBP - Downstream Business Plan
DBRA - Data Base Risk Assessment
DBTT - Ductile-Brittle Transition Temperature
DC - Direct Current
DCAF - Discipline Controls and Assurance Framework
DECAF - Document Exchange and Control Architecture Framework
DCC - Document Control Centre
DCP - Data Collection Point
DCS - Distributed Control System
DCT - Downstream Coordination Teams
DCU - Data Collection Unit
DDM - Data Dumpa Module
DDR - Directional Drilling Report
DDU - Delivery Duty Unpaid
DEC - Deficiency Evaluation Committee
DEM - Design and Engineering Manual
DEP - Design and Engineering Practice
DFOA - Deliver for Our Account
DGA - Dry Gas Seals
DHD - Design Hand-Off Document
DHFC - Downhole Flow Control
DHPG - Downhole Pressure Gauge
DHPT - Downhole Pressure Transmitter (Transducer) / Downhole Pressure and Temperature
DHPTT - Downhole Pressure and Temperature Transmitter (Transducer)
DHSV - Downhole Safety Valve
DI - Design Integrity
DISC - Downstream Integrated Stakeholder Communications
DITL / DITLO — Day in the Life Of
DLT – Downstream Leadership Team
DLT – Discipline Leadership Team
DM - Demand Manager
DMAIC – Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, Control
DNV – Det Norske Veritas
DOA - Delegation of Authority
DOD - Data Object Definition
DoD - Department of Defense
DOE - Department of Environment
DOVAMO - Downstream Valuation Model
DP - Differential Pressure
DPM - Distributor Performance Manager
DPO - Demand Planning Optimizer
DPTRT - Drill Pipe Tree Running Tool
DQS - Data Quality Standard
DRB - Decision Review Board
DS - DecisionSpace
DSD - DecisionSpace Desktop
DS1 - Downstream-One
DSF - Downstream Functions
DSR – Design Safety
DSS - Deploy Scoping Status
DSO - Days of Sales Outstanding
DSS - Duplex Stainless Steel
DST - Drill Stem Test
DSV - Diving Support Vessel / Drilling Supervisor
DTS - Distributed Temperature Sensing
DVR - Demonstrated Value Records
DWOP - Drill Well on Paper
[Edit] E
E&I - Electrical and Instrumentation
E&M - Engineering and Maintenance
EA - Enterprise Architecture
EA - Environmental Assessment
EAR - Export Administration Regulations
EBC - Expandable Bottom Connector
EBS - Exception-Based Surveillance
ECA - Engineering Criticality Assessment
ECD - Equivalent Circulating Density
ECI - Employing Company Induction
ECM - Equity Change Management (JVA)
ECSCC - External Chloride Stress Corrosion Cracking
ED - Explosive Decompression
EDCC - Engineering Design Classification Code
EDS - Electrical Distribution Skid
EDU - Electrical Distribution Unit
EEE - Employee Engagement Event
EER - Emergency Evacuation and Response
EERA - Escape, Evacuation and Rescue Analysis
EFL - Electric Flying Lead
EFM - Enterprise First Manager
EFP - Equipment Framework Agreement
EG - Equity Group (Joint Venture Accounting)
EH - Electro-Hydraulic
EHDM - Electro-Hydraulic Distribution Module
EI - Equipment Integrity
EIA – Environmental Impact Assessment
EIPP – Early Integration Production Plan
EIR - Environmental Impact Report
EIS - Environmental Impact Statement
EIT - Equipment Improvement Team
EJB - Electrical Junction Box
ELD - Engineering Line Drawing
ELT - Extended Leadership Team
EMC - Economics Model Coordinator
EMP – Environmental Management Plan
EO – Envelope Optimization
EOR - Enhanced Oil Recovery
EOWR - End Of Well Report
EP - Exploration and Production
EPA - Exploration and Production Asia Pacific
EPAF - Equipment Performance Assurance Failure
EPAR - Engineering Process Assurance Review
EPCM - Electrical Power and Communications Module
EPCM - Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management
EPE - Exploration and Production Europe
EPF - Engineering, Procurement and Fabrication
EPM - Exploration and Production Middle East
EPR - Exploration and Production Russia
EPROM - Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
EPU - Electrical Power Unit
EPW - Exploration and Production West (Amercias)
EOS - Equation of State
EPIMS - Electronic Portfolio Information Management System
EPOS - Electronic Point Of Sale
EPU - Electric Power Unit / Electrical Power Unit
ER - Electrical Resistance
ERF - Enhancement Request Form (SERP)
ERM - Environmental Resources Management
ERP - Employee Referral Program (HR)
ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning (IT)
ERRs - Eligible Renewable Resources
ESAR - Estimate and Schedule Assurance Review
ESC - Executive Scope Committee
ESD - Emergency Shut Down
ESHIA – Environmental, Social and Health Impact Assessment
ESP - Ensure Safe Production
ESS - Expandable Sand Screens
ESSA - Emergency Systems Survivability Analysis
ESSA - Eliminate Simplify Standardize Automate (Finance in Business)
ET - Equity Type (JVA)
ETL - Engineering Team Leader
ETU - Electrical Test Unit / Electrical Termination Unit
EUC - End-User Computing
EUT - End-User Training
EVP - Executive Vice President / Employee Value Proposition
EiD - Excellence in Distribution
ExCITEM - Executive Collaboration & IT Event Management
EOFL - End Of Field Life
[Edit] F
F&SS – Finance & Support Services
F&P - Frack and Pack
F2F - Face to Face
FAA - Federal Aviation Administration
FAA - Fixed Asset Accounting
FAC – First Aid Case
FAR - Fatal Accident Rate
FAR - Federal Aviation Regulator
FAR - Field Auxiliary Room
FAT - Factory Acceptance Test
FBE - Fusion Bonded Epoxy
FBT - Frequent Business Traveler
FBHP - Flowing Bottom Hole Pressure
FBS - Fuels Business System
FC - Filter Card
FCC - Filter Card Combiner
FCDD - Financial Controls Design and Deployment
FCH - Four Corners Hub
FCM - Financial Control Manual
FCM - First Contact Meeting
FCS - Filter Card Splitter
FCS - Foundation Competence Standard
FCT - Field Corrosivity Toolbox
FDP - Field Development Plan
FE - Field Engineer
FEA - Finite Element Analysis
FEASEX - Feasibility Stage Expenditure
FEED - Front-End Engineering Design
FEPD - Front-End Project Delivery
FFA - Functional Failure Analysis
FFI - Future Footprint Initiative
FFP - Fitness For Purpose
FFP - Functional Finance Plan
FFS - Fitness For Service
FGS - Fire and Gas System
FGP - Feed Gas Preparation
FI - Functional Improvements
FID - Final Investment Decision
FIP - Functional Improvement Plan
FIST - Fully Integrated Sand-Prediction Tool
FIT - Formation Integrity Test
FITD - From Inspiration To Delivery
FIV - Flow Isolation Valve / Formation Integrity Valve
FJC - Field Joint Coating
FLAGS - Far-North Liquid and Associated Gas System
FLoc - Functional Location
FLOT - Flowline Orientation Tool
FLIV - Flowline Isolation Valve
FLT - Finance Leadership Team
FLTS - Front Line Technical Services
FLV - Fluid Loss Valve
FM - Finance Manager / Fabric Maintenance / Facility Management
FMC - Facilities Management Company
FMEA - Failure Mode and Effect Analysis
FO - Finance Operations
FOB - Free on Board
FOD - Finance Operations - Data
FODS - Finance Operations Design Services
FOR - Free on Rail
FPD - Flawless Project Delivery
FPS - Fuels Pricing System
FPSO - Floating Production Storage and Offloading
FPT - ?
FRC - Fast Rescue Craft
FTC - Fixed Term Contract
FSA - Formal Safety Assessment
FSE - ?
FSM - Field Signature Monitoring
FSR - Facility Status Reporting
FT - Feet (Measurement)
FTE - Full Time Equivalents
FtF - Face to Face
FTHP - Flowing Tubing Head Pressure
FTHT - Flowing Tubing Head Temperature
FTW - Fitness to Work
FWKO - Free water knock-out
FWS - Franchise(d) Workshop - a DS Lubricants term
[Edit] G
GAAP - Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
GAME - Global Asset Management Excellence
GAPP – Geophysical Acquisition and Processing Process
GBC – Gas Breakthrough Control
G.A drawing-general arrangement drawing
GBW – Global Business Warehouse
GCAT – Global CrEdit Assessment Tool
GCC – Global Corporate Card
GCM - ?
GDL - Gas De Litoral
GDLT – Geophysics Discipline Leadership Team
GECO – Global Exportable Compliant Office
GEMS - Global Environment Management System
GEP - Gas Entitlement Percentage
GF – Global Functions
GFE – Graduate Field Engineer
GFRE – Glass Fibre Reinforced Epoxy
GGR - Gasoline Gas Ratio
GHG - Greenhouse Gases
GIB - Global IceBox
GID - Group Infrastructure Desktop
GIH - Go In Hole
GIP - Group Investment Proposal
GIP - Generator Interconnection Process
GIS – Geographic Information System
GIIP - Gas Initially In Place
GL - Global Linux
GL - Guidelines
GLC - [[Grasbrook Lubricants Centre]
GLL - Guideline-less
GLL - Global Live Link
GLM - Global Label Management
GLMS - Global Logistics Management System
GM – Global Manager
GMAW – Gas Metal Arc Welding
GNA – Global Network for Acquisition
GNP – Global Network for Processing
GOR - Gas Oil Ratio
GPA - Goals and Performance Appraisal
GPO - Genuine Part Oil / Global Project Office
GPT - Group Provisioning Tool (Tax)
GRC - Governance Risk and Compliance
GRE – Glass Reinforced Epoxy
G-RIOSS - Global Retail IT Operations (for) Site Systems
GRM – Global Records Management
GRS - Group Retention Schedule
GRV - Gross Rock Volume
GS - Global Solutions
GSA - Gas Sales Agreement
GSAP - Global Systems Applications and Products
GSE - Global Supply Chain Excellence
GSF - Global Service Fee
GSGC - Global Solutions Gas Conversion
GSIP - Global Strategic Infrastructure Planning
GSOM - Global Standard Organization Model
GSPM - Global Skill Pool Managers
GTAW – Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
GTKY - Get To Know You
GTL - Gas To Liquids
GTP – Global Technical Partner
GUAT - GSAP User Acceptance Testing
GVC - General Visual Inspection
GWC - Gas Water Contact
GLC - Grasbrook Lubricants Centre
[Edit] H
H&S - Hosting and Storage
H2S - Hydrogen Sulphide
HARC - Hazard Analysis and Risk Control
HAT - Holdings & Treasury
HAZ - Heat Affected Zone
HAZID - Hazard Identification
HAZOP - Hazard and Operability
HBS - Health Baseline Survey
HCA - Hydrocarbon Allocation
HCU - Hydraulic control unit
HCM - Hydrocarbon Maturation
HCP - Habitat Conservation Plan
HCRVM - Hydrocarbon Resource Volume and Maturation Tool
HDM - Hydraulic distribution manifold
HDP – Hydrocarbon Development Planning
HDPE- High Density Polyethylene Pipe
HDT - Hydrate Dissociation Temperature
HEMP - Hazard and Effects Management Process
HEP - Horizontal Entry Point
HFE - Human Factors Engineering
HFL - Hydraulic Flying Lead
HFPT - Hydrocarbon Field Planning Tool
HFT - Hydrate Formation Temperature
HFIW - High Frequency Induction-Welded
HFIB - High Frequency Induction Bending
HIA - Health Impact Assessment
HIC - Hydrogen Induced Cracking
HIIP - ?
HISC - Hydrogen Induced Stress Cracking
HM - Hydrocarbon Management
HMI - Human Machine Interface
HMPI - High-Medium Potential Incident
HMP - Health Management Plan
HOEP - Hourly Ontario Electricity Prices
HOIST - Heavy Oil Integration Strategy
HP - High Pressure
HPHT - High Pressure High Temperature
HPIM - Hydrocarbon Production Information Management
HPS - Heavy Paraffin Synthesis
HPU - Hydraulic Power Unit
HR - Human Resources
HRA - Health Risk Assessment
HRC - Hardwood Redwood Company
HRO - High Reliable Organisation
HRSD - Human Resources Service Desk
HRV-MS - Hydrocarbon Resource Volumes Management System
HRWP - High Rate Water Pack
HS – Heightened Support
HSE – Health, Safety and Environment
HSSE - Health, Safety, Security and Environment
HSE-MS - Health, Safety and Environment Management System
HST - Tubing hanger annulus seal test
HT - High Temperature
HTML - Hypertext Markup Language
HUC - Hook Up and Commissioning
HUD - Hold Up Depth
HUET - Helicopter Underwater Escape Training
HV - Vickers Hardness
HWL - Tubing Hanger to Wellhead Lock
HWLV - Tubing Hanger to Wellhead Lock Verification
HDUL - Tubing Hanger to Wellhead Unlock
HWU - Hydraulic Workover Unit
[Edit] I
IA - Integrity Assurance
IAS10 - International Accounting Standard 10
I/O - Input / output
I&E - Instrumentation and Electrical
IAGC - International Association of Geophysical Contractors
IBC - Intermediate Bulk Container
IBVA - International Business Visit Allowance
ICAF - Incurred Cost to Avoid Fatality
IC-CP - Impressed Current Cathodic Protection
ICD - Inflow Control Device
ICE - Interface Complex Engine
ICPP - Integrated Country Programme Plan
ICSS - Integrated Control & Safety System
ID - Inside Diameter / Internal Diameter
IDAP - Inspection Design, Analysis and Plotting
IDB - Integrated Design and Build
IDB - Interface Data Base
IDM - Integrated Deployment Model
IDP - Individual Development Plan
IDW - Implementation Discovery Workshop
IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IEC - International Electrotechnical Commission
IFA - Issued for Approval
IFC - Issued for Construction or Issued for Comments
IFD - Issued for Design
IFR - Issued for Record
IFRS - International Financial Reporting Standards
IGB – Inter Group Billing
IGP – Internal Gravel Pack
IHA – Incidental Harassment Authorization
ILAS – Inspection Lot Assigned
IM - Information Management
IM - Inventory Management
ILT - Instruction-Led Training
IMCA - International Marine Contractors Association
IMIT - Information Management Information Technology
IMO – International Maritime Organization
IMMP - Impact Management & Monitoring Plan
IMP - Inspection and Maintenance Practice
IMR - Inspection, Maintenance and Repair
IO - Input Output / Inventory Optimizer
IOW - Integrity Operating Window
IP - Injured Person / Internet Protocol / Intellectual Property / Intelligent Pigging / Investment
IPC - Industrial Personal Computer
IPIECA - International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association
IPF - Instrumented Protective Function
IPF - Individual Performance Factor
IPMS - Integrated Project Management System
IPPs - Independent Power Producers
IPS - Instrumented Protective System / Integrated Production System
IQI - Image Quality Indicator
IQN - IQ Navigator - an eWorkforce Mgmt System
IQS - Inspection Quality System
IR - Infra Red
IRM - Integrity Repair and Maintenance / Information Risk Management
IRPA - Individual Risk Per Annum
IS - Inspection Strategy / Information Security
ISEC - Integrated Sustainable Export Controls
ISM - Integrated Support Model
ISO - International Standards Organisation
ISP - Infrastructure Sourcing Program
ISS - Individual Self Service
ISU - Initial Set-up (ESP)
ITC - Integration Testing Cycle
ITC - Investment Tax Credit
ITP - Inspection Test Plan
ITR - Inspection and Test Record
ITS - IT Shared Services
IVMS - In Vehicle Monitoring System
IWM - InWell Monitoring
IWOCS - Installation and Workover Control System
[Edit] J
JDE - J.D. Edwards
JHA - Job Hazard Assessment
JIB - Joint Interest Billing
JIBLink - Web-based JV Billing Collaboration Tool
JIP - Joint Industry Project
JOA - Joint Operating Agreement
JSA - Job Safety Analysis
JTC - Joint Tender Committee
JUHI - Joint User Hydrant Installation
JV - Joint Venture
JVA - Joint Venture Accounting
JVP - Joint Venture Partner
[Edit] K
KAS - Key Application Supplier
KBOED - [Kilobarrels of oil equivalent per day]]
Kh - Horizontal permeability
KID - Knowledge, Innovation and Design
KOIV - Knock-Out Isolation Valve
KPI – Key Performance Indicator
KOP - Key Observation Points
KRD – Key Requirements Document
KT - Knowledge Transfer
Kv - Vertical permeability
KVM - Keyboard Video Mouse
[Edit] L
L4L - Like-for-Like
L&F - Legal and Fiscal
LAFD - Latest Allowable Finish Date
LARS - Launch and recovery system
LAT - Leadership, Accountability, Teamwork
LCA - Local Communications Advisor
LCE - Lead Commissioning Engineer
LCF - Latest Cost Forecast
LCF - Lubricants Commercial Finance
LCM - ?
LCP - Lower Crown Plug
LCSC - Local Contractor Safety Council
LCV - Level Control Valve
LCWE - Life Cycle Well Engineer
LD - Lay Down
LDHI - Low Dosage Hydrate Inhibitor
LE - Leif Erikson
LER - Legal Entity Rationalisation
LES — Live Environment Simulation
LFI - Learning From Incidents
LFRD - Legal and Fiscal Requirements Document
LGIA - Large Generator Interconnection Agreement
LGIP - Large Generator Interconnection Process
LGO - Light cycle Gas Oil
LIB - Lead Impression Block
LIDAR - Light Detection and Ranging
LIM - Line Instrumentation Module
LNG - Liquefied Natural Gas
LOA - Level of Authority
LoB - Line of Business
LoFS - Life of Field Seismic
LOPA -Layers of Protection Analysis
LOPC - Loss of Primary Containment
LOT - Leak Off Test
LOTO - Lock Out Tag Out
LP - Low Pressure
LPC - Local Process Champion
LPDHG - Lower Permanent Down-Hole Gauge
LPO - Lead Process Owner
LPON - Learning Professionals Online Network
LPSA - Laser Particle Size Analysis
LRFD - Load and Resistance Factor Design
LRS - Liquid Rich Shales
LSA - Low Specific Activity
LSC - Lubricants Supply Chain
LSE - Load Service Entities
LSR - Life Saving Rules
LSIR - Location Specific Individual Risk
LTCS - Low Temperature Carbon Steel
LTI - Lost Time Incident
LTIF – Lost Time Incident Frequency
LTRO – Locate The Remaining Oil
LTO - Light Tight Oil Play
LWD - Logging while drilling / Lost Work Day
LWOP - Logging Well on Paper
[Edit] M
MAKE - Most Admired Knowledge Enterprises
MAASP - Maximum Allowable Annular Surface Pressure
MAH - Major Accident Hazard
MAIP - Maximum Allowable Incidental Pressure
MAOP - Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure
MARPOL – Marine Pollution
MAWT - Minimum Acceptable/Allowable Wall Thickness
MBV - Manifold Branch Valve
MCC - Motor Control Centre
MCDR - Materials and Corrosion Damage Report
MCE - Materials and Corrosion Engineering
MCM - Management Committee Meeting
MCN - Material Control Number
MCR - MATLAB Compiler Runtime
MCS - Master Control System / Master Control Station
MD - Measured Depth
MDTCA - Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs
MDR - Maximum Daily Rate
ME - Maintenance Execution
MEG - Mono-Ethylene Glycol
MEMS – Micro ElectroMechanical System
MeOH - Methanol
MES - Minimum Environmental Standards
MESC - Materials Equipment Standards and Codes
MG - Motor generator
MHMS - Minimum Health Management System
MI - Management Information
MIC - Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion
MIC - Maintenance Inspection Characteristic
MIE - Maintenance & Integrity Execution
MJEs - Manual Journal Entries
MLNG - Malaysia Liquefied Natural Gas
MMI - Man Machine Interface
MMPA - Marine Mammal Protection Act
MMS – Minerals Management Service / Media Management System
MMSCF/D - Million Standard Cubic Feet per Day
MMSTB - Million Stock Tank Barrels
MMV - Measurement, Monitoring, and Verification
MNS - Managed Network Services
MOA - Manual of Authorities (CP)
MOC - Management of Change
MOD - Money Of the Day
MODU - Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit
MOF - Ministry of Finance
MOLAI - Management Oversight Layer with Advisory Input
MoM - Minutes of Meeting
MOPO - Manual of Permitted Operations
MOR — Managed Open Resourcing
MOS — Managed Outbound Scheduling
MOS - Maintenance Override Switch
MOU — Memorandum of Understanding
MP - Manufacturing Plan
MP - Medium Pressure
MPD - ?
MPFM - Multiphase Flow Meter
MPI - Magnetic Particle Inspection
MPQ - Manufacturing Procedure Qualification
MPR - Market Price Reference
MQC - Multi Quick Connect
MRD - Management Reference Data
MRD - Master Reference Data
MRN - Movement Reference Number
MRP - Maintenance Reference Plan
MRTA - Maintenance Reliability Turn Around
MSA - Master Service Arrangement
MSD - Manufacturing Supply and Distribution
MSDS - Material Safety Data Sheet
MSL – Mean Sea Level
MSR - Maintenance Strategy Review
MSS - Martensitic Stainless Steel
MT - Metric Tonne
MTAB - Measurement, Testing, Allocation and Balancing
MTBF - Mean Time Between Failure
MTC – Medical Treatment Case
MTO - Material Take-Off
MTM - Metal to Metal
MTTR - Mean Time to Repair
MTU - Master Transfer Unit
MTV - Minimum Transport Velocity
MU - Make Up
MW - Mud Weight
MW - Must Win
MWBE - Minority or Woman Business Enterprises
MWD - Measurement While Drilling
[Edit] N
N2 - Nitrogen Gas
NACE - National Association of Corrosion Engineers
NCR - Non Conformance Control
NDE - Non-Destructive Evaluation
NDM - Network Delivery Manager
NDT - Non Destructive Testing
NEC - National Electrical Code
NECC - Non-Energy Cash Cost
NEPA - National Environmental Policy Act
NFA - No Further Activity
NFE - Near Field Exploration
NFI - Note for Information
NFR - Non Fuel Retailing / Non Functional Requirements
NFZ - No Fly Zone
NIBIAT - Net Income Before Interest and After Tax
NII - Non Injurious Incident
NME - New Market Entries
NMFS – National Marine Fisheries Service
NM/PI - Near Miss / Potential Incident
NMR - Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
NOAA - National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration
NOC – National Oil Company
NOC - Notice of Construction
NOEX - Nippon Oil Exploration
NOI - Notice of Intent
NON-HAT - Non Holdings & Treasury Companies
NORM - Normally Occuring Radioactive Material
NOV - Non Operated Venture / Notice of Violation
NPT - Non-Productive time
NPV - Net Present Value
NTP - New Technical Professional
NTR - Nothing To Report
NTRA - Negotiation Terms Right Agreement
NUOC - Not Under Operational Control
NWR - Non Work Related or Not Work Related
[Edit] O
O&M - Operations and Maintenance
OAP - Opportunity Assurance Plan
OAS - ?
OBC - Ocean Bottom Cable
OBDP - Offer Book Delivery Promise
OBIT - Offshore Business Improvement Team
OBM - Oil Based Mud
OCA - Operational Competency Assurance
OCM - Operational Committee Meeting
OCTG - Oil Country Tubular Goods
OD - Organization Design / Outside/Outer Diameter
OE - Operational Excellence/ Organisation effectiveness
OEL - Occupational Exposure Limit
OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer
OF - Opportunity Framing
OFM - Oil Field Manager
OGP – Oil and Gas Producers
OGEAP – Onshore Gas Enterprise Architecture Program
OH - Occupational Health
OHGP - Open Hole Gravel Pack
OHTC - Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient
OHZI - Open Hole Zonal Isolation
OI - Operational Integrity
OIA - Operational Integrity Assurance
OIC - Offshore Installation Contractor
OIE - Offshore Inspection Engineer
OIM - Offshore Installation Manager/ Open Item Managed
OIW - Oil in Water
OIWOB - Oil In Water OverBoard
OLE - Object Linking and Embedding
OLS - On-line Selector
OPC - Object Linking and Embedding for Process Control
OpCom Operating Committee
OOGM - Occidental Oil and Gas Malaysia
OOH - Out Of Hole
OPIR - Operations Plan Input Request
OPITO - Offshore Petroleum Industry Training Organization
OPEX - Operating Expenditure
OPMG - Opportunity and Project Management Guideline
OPML - Occidental Petroleum Malaysia
OPPM - Oil Products Process Model
OR - Operations Representative
OR - Operation Readiness
OR&A - Operations Readiness & Assurance
ORIP - Operational Reliability Improvement Process
ORM - Opportunity Realisation Manual
ORP - Opportunity Realisation Process
ORSAR - Operations Readiness Self-Assessment Review
OSHA - Occupational Safety and Health Act
OSP – Open Spirit
OSP - One Shell Plaza
OT - Operations Technician
OTM – Operator task Management
OTIF - On Time - In Full Delivery
OTC - Offshore Technology Conference / Order to Cash / Oil Trading Crude
OWC - Oil-Water Contact
OWS - Operator Work Station
OWT - One Way Time
[Edit] P
P&ID - Process and Instrumentation Diagram
P&T - Project and Technology
P/U - Pick Up
PAC - Process Area Control
PACO - Process Automation, Control and Optimization
PAM - Planning and Appraisal Manager
PAP - Project Assurance Plan
PAP - Project Assurance Process
PATIO - Process and Tools to Improve Operations
PBTD - Plugged Back Total Depth
PC - Personal Computer
PCA - Profit Centre Accounting
PCAD - Process Control Access Domain
PCAP - Project Controls and Assurance Plan
PCAS - Project Controls and Assurance Schedule
PCCR - Procurement and Contract Change Request
PCHE - Printed Circuit Heat Exchanger
PCIM - Production Controls Integration Manager
PCL - Pipe Conveyed Logging
PCN - Process Control Network
PCP - Project Compliance Plan
PCR - Plant Change Request
PCSB - Petronas Carigali Sendirian Berhad
PCU - Power Conditioning Unit
PCV - Production Choke Valve / Pressure Control Valve
PDAB - Project Delivery Assurance Board
PDC - Process Design Council
PDD - Process Design Document
PDDM - Project Document Distribution Matrix
PDG - Permanent Downhole Gauge
PDL - Pre-Drilled Liner
PDR - Process Design Reviews
PDLT - Production Directorate Leadership Team
PDS - Project Detailed Specification
PDT - Project Delivery Team
PDU - Power Distribution Unit
PE – Power Explorer
PE – Perid End
PEA – Prior Equity Adjustments (JVA)
PEC – Pulsed Eddy Current
PEFS - Process and Engineering Flow Scheme
PEI - Pressure Equipment Integrity
PEIM - Pressure Equipment Integrity Management
PEM - Physical Effects Modelling
PEP - Project Execution Plan
PERT - Programme Review and Evaluation Technique
PES - Project Execution Strategy
PET - Process Excellence Team
PETRONAS - Petroliam Nasional Berhad
PFD - Process Flow Diagram / Particle Flow Dynamics
PFP - Passive Fire Protection
PFS - Process Flow Scheme
PG&E - Pacific Gas & Electric
PGS- Procure Goods and Services
PHPA- Partially Hydrolized Polyacrylamide
PI - Performance Improvement
PIP -Performance Improvement plane
PI - Potential Incident
PICWS - Person In Charge of Work Site
PIF - Project Initiation Form
PIG - Pipeline Inspection Gauge
PIP - Pipe In Pipe
PIR - Post Implementation Review / Platform Improvement Request / Purchasing Information Record
PIT - Pressure Integrity Test
PIV - Pigging Isolation Valve
PIV - Platform Intervention Vessel
PJSM - ?
PKW - Process Knowledge Workshop
PLB - Personal Locator Beacon
PLC - Programmable Logic Controller / Programmable Logic Control
PLET - Pipeline End Termination
PLL - Potential Loss of Life
PLM - Plant Layout Methodology
PLM - Product Lifecycle Management
PLT - Production Logging Tool
PM - Plant Maintenance
PMC - Porous Media Coalescer / Pipe Material Class / Project Management Company
PMCD - Pressurised Mud Cap Drilling
PMI - Project Management Institute / Positive Material Identification
PMO - Project Management Office
PMO - Preventive Maintenance Optimisation
PMP - Project Management Professional
PMS - Process Management System
PMU - PETRONAS Management Unit
PMV - Production Master Valve
PO - Purchase Order
PO - Personele Ondersteuning
POC - Process Owners Council
POD - Proof of Delivery
POD - Plan of Development
POAP - Plan on a Page
POOH — Pull Out of Hole
POPM – Platform Operating Procedure Manual
PPCR - Process Performance and Compliance Reviews
POR – Post Operations Review
POS - Point Of Sale
PP - Polypropylene
PPA - PolyPhosphoric Acid
PPA - Power Purchase Agreement
PPD - Permanent Partial Disability
PPD - Project Premises Document
PPE - Personal Protective Equipment
PPG - Pounds per Gallon
PPM - Parts per Million
PPTF - PSI per thousand feet
PPV - Peak Particle Velocity
PQP - Project Quality Give Away
PQP - Project Quality Plan
PRC - Permitting and Regulatory Compliance
PREN - Pitting Resistance Equivalent Number
PRSS - PETRONAS Research and Scientific Services
PS - Performance Standard
PSA - Process Safety Assessment / Petroleum Safety Authorities
PSC - Production Sharing Contract
PSC - Property Service Coordinator
PSD - Process ShutDown / Particle Size Distribution
PSDM - Post Stack Depth Migration
PSDV - Production Shutdown Valve
PSF - Production Support Facilities
PSI - Pounds per Square Inch
PSL - Product Specification Level
PSLT - Product Slate Lead Time
PSM - Process Safety Management
PSN - Project Support Network
PSL - Product Specification Level
PSO - Production System Optimisation
PSTS- Project Specific Technical Standard
PSU - Power Supply Unit
PSUA - Pre-Start Up Audit
PT - Pressure Transmitter/Transducer / Production Technologist
PTC - Production Tax CrEdit
PTD - Permanent Total Disability
PTI - Permit to Install
PTL - Production Team Leader
PTO - Permit to Operate
PTS - Permanent Threshold Shift
PTW - Permit to Work
PU - Pick Up
PU - Production Universe
PUC- Pipelines, Umbilicals and Cables
PVT - Pressure Volume Temperature
PVU - Project Voortgang en Uitvoering
PW – Produced Water
PWHT – Post Weld Heat Treatment
PWR – Practices Worth Replicating
PWRI – Produced Water Re-Injection
PWV - Production Wing Valve
[Edit] Q
QA - Quality Assurance
QAG - Quality Assurance Group
QC - Quality Control
QMI - Quality Measurement Instrument
QMS - Quality Management System
QRA - Quantified Risk Assessment / Qualitative Risk Analysis
QRC - Quick Reference Card
QRG - Quick Reference Guide
QTP - Qualification Test Procedure
[Edit] R
R&D - Research & Development
R&O - Risk & Opportunity
RAM - Reliability, Availability and Maintainability / Risk Assessment Matrix
RAO - Remote Assisted Operations
RAO - Response Amplitude Operator
RAT - Retirement Actual Thickness
RB - Run Book (Period End Process Register)
RBA - Risk Based Assessment
RBG - Rig Blast Group
RBI - Risk Based Inspection / Relentless Business Improvement
RBSC - Resin-Bonded Silicon Carbide
RC - Recordable Case
RCA - Root Cause Analysis
RCAN - Reserve Change Audit Note
RCFA - Root Cause Failure Analysis
RCI - Reservoir Characterisation Instrument
RCM - Reliability Centred Maintenance
RCTI - Recipient Created Tax Invoice
RD - Rig Down
RDL - Regional Discipline Lead
RDS - Royal Dutch Shell
RE - Reservoir Engineer
RECs - Renewable Energy CrEdits
REEP - Retail EPOS Enhancement Project
RES - Renewable Energy Standards
RESDV - Riser Emergency Shutdown Valve
RETA - Renewable Energy Transmission Authority
RF - Recovery Factor / Raised Face
RFI - Request for Information
RFO - Request for Offers
RFP - Request for Proposal
RFQ - Request for Quote
RFT - Repeat Formation Tester
RICEF - Reports, Interfaces, Conversions, Extensions and Forms
RIH - Run In Hole
RIT - Receiving Inspection Testing
RLT - ?
RLTO - [[Ras Lafan Terminal Operations (part of Qatar Gas Operating Company)]
RM - Repeater Module
RMP - Risk Management Plan
ROD - Record of Decision
ROL - Roll Out Length
ROM - Regional Operations Manager
ROS - Remote Operator Station
ROV - Remotely Operated Vehicle
ROW - Right of Way
RQ - Request
RPE - Responsible Person Electrical
RPM - Revolutions Per Minute
RPO - Recovery Point Objective
RPS - Renewable Portfolio Standard
RQE - Robust Quality Estimator
RRM - Risk Reliability Matrix
RRR - Required Rate of Return
RSR - Reserve Strength Ratio
RSS - Rotary Steerable System
RST - Reservoir Saturation Tool
RTA - Road Traffic Accident
RTCI - Real-Time Casing Imager
RTEP - Real Terms Earning Power
RTG - Return to Green
RTJ - Ring Type Joint
RtM - Route to Market
RTO - Recovery Time Objective
RTOC - Real Time Operations Center
RtP - Requisition to Pay
RTP - Reinforced Thermoplastic Pipe
RtR - Record to Report
RU - Rig Up
RV - Relief Valve
RWC - Restricted Work Case
[Edit] S
S&I - Sustain and Improve
S&OP - Sales & Operations Planning
S-Curve - Spending Curve
S-IDAP - Shell-Inspection Design Analysis and Plotting
SAE - Streamline Accountable Executive
SAF - Shell Architecture Framework
SAFOP - Electrical Safety and Operability
SAIM - Strategy and Asset Information Management
SAP - Systems Applications and Products
SAS - Subsea Accumulator Skid / Stand Alone Screens
SBC - Small Bore Connection
SBL - Standard Bidders List / Sea Bed Logging
SBM - Synthetic Based Mud
SBPG - Shell Business Principle Guideline
SBT - Segmented Bond Tool
SCAL - Special Core Analysis
SCAN - Shell Canada
SC - Safety Critical
SCC - Stress Corrosion Cracking
SCDG - Sand Control Design Guideline
SCE - Safety Critical Element
SCM - Subsea Control Module / Supply Chain Management
SCMP- Single Cycle Maintenance Plan
SCMMB - Subsea Control Module Mounting Base
SCN - Subsea Control Network
SCO – Strategic Control Objectives
SCON – Sand Consolidation (chemical product)
SCPC - Subsea Communications Process Computer
SCSSV - Surface Controlled Subsurface Safety Valve
SCU - Subsea Control Unit
SCR - Structural Cost Reduction
S/D – Shut Down
SD – Sustainable Development
SD&A – Sales, Discounts and Allowances
SDE – Spatial Data Engine
SDG&E - San Diego Gas & Electric
SDM – Seismic Data Management
SDR – Senior Discipline Representative
SDRL -Supplier Document Requirements Listing
SDSS – Super Duplex Stainless Steel
SDV - Shut Down Valve
SE - Service Entry
SEC - Security and Exchange Commission
SEM - Subsea Electronics Module / Subsea Electronic Module
SENA - Shell Energy North America
SENT - Single Edge Notched Tension
SEP - System Entry Point
SERP - Services Enterprise Resource Planning
SERT - Site Emergency Response Team
SET - Solid Expandable Tubular
SFL - Steel Flying Lead
SGL - Special General Ledger Indicator
SGN - Shell Global Network
SGS - Shell Global Solutions
SGSi - Shell Global Solutions International
SIA - Streamline In Action / Safety & Integrity Assessment
SIBHP - Shut In Bottom Hole Pressure
SIEP - Shell International Exploration & Production
SIGN – Shell International Global Networks
SIL - Safety Integrity Level
SIMOPS - Simultaneous Operations
SIOP - Shell International Oil Products
SIT - Site Integration Test / System Integration Test / Subsurface Integrity Test
SITI - Shell Information Technology International
SITS - Subsea Interface to Topside System
SIU - Subsea Interface Unit
SKF – Statistical Key Figure
SKS – Subsurface Knowledge Sharing
SKU – Stock Keeping Unit(s)
SLA – Service Level Agreements
SLC – Software Licence Compliance
SLS – Simplified Landing String
SLT – Spring Loading Tool
SMC - Scheduling Model Coordinator
SME – Subject Matter Expert
SMF – Souring Mitigation Factor
SMIRK - Shell Modified and Improved Redlich-Kwong
SMOC - Shell Multivariable Optimising Control
SMP – Social Management Plan / Sand Management Plan
SMS - Safety Management System
SMU - Surface Modem Unit / Subsea Modem Unit
SMYS - Specified Minimum Yield Stress
SN - Swivle Neck
SNC - Shell Nederland Chemie (Chemicals)
SNEPCO - Shell Nigeria Exploration & Production Company
SNP - Supply Network Planning
SNR - Shell Nederland Raffinaderij (Oil)
SO - Slack Off
SOAR - Status Of Accounts Reporting
SOBM - Synthetic Oil Based Mud
SOC - Shell Oil Company
SOD - Seperation Of Duties
SODAR - Sound Detection and Ranging
SOGM - Shell Oil and Gas Malaysia
SOHIC - Stress Oriented Hydrogen Induced Corrosion
SOLAS – Safety Of Life At Sea
SOPAF/SPAF - Shell Oil Products Africa
SOPs - Standard Operating Procedures
SoR - Statement of Requirements
SOSS - Standards One Stop Shop
SOW - Statement Of Work
SOWA - Step-Out and Workaround
SOX - Sarbanes Oxley Act 404
SP - Slurry Pack
SP&A - Sales, Promotions and Advertising
SPA - Sales and Purchase Agreement
SPBW - Shell Project Better World
SPCC - Spill Prevention Containment and Countermeasures
SPCTU - Subsea Power and Communications Test Unit
SPDC - Shell Petroleum Development Company
SPE - Sustainable Process Excellence
SPF - Smart Plant Foundation
SPIR- Spare Parts Interchangeability Record
SPML - Shell Petroleum Malaysia
SPPS - Sand Production Pipe Saver
SRA - Structural Reliability Assessment / Special Recognition Award / Security Risk Assessment
SRB - Sulphate Reducing Bacteria
SRT - Secondary Release Tool
SS - Stainless Steel
SS - Subsea / Stainless Steel / Smiling Sites
SSA - Starboard Side Alongside
SSB - Sarawak Shell Berhad
SSC - Sulphide Stress Cracking
SSDS - Safety Shutdown System
SSE - Short Service Employee
SSH - Subsea Historian
SSI - Sales and Stock Input - Retail Stations Canada
SSIA - Safety Systems Integrity Analysis
SSIS - Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services
SSIV - Subsea Isolation Valve
SSO - Single Sign On
SSP - Site Specific Procedure
SSPC - Sabah Shell Petroleum Company
SSSC - Shell Shared Service Centre
ST - Stock Tank
StBC - Sell to Business Customers
StCC - Sell to Cards Customers
Std - Standard
STOIIP - Stock Tank Oil Initially In Place
STPP - Single Tube Pilot Plant
STQ - Site Technical Query
SUTU - Subsea Umbilical Termination Unit
SWB - Shell Worldwide Bridge
SWE - Senior Well Engineer
SWE - Shell WindEnergy
SWIS - Shell Working Interest Share
SWL - Swimlane (Process Flow)
SWP - Safe Work Practice
[Edit] T
T&E - Threatened and Endangered
T&OE - Technical and Operational Excellence
T&R – Targets and Resources
T&C – Terms and Conditions
T/A - Turn Around
TA - Technical Availability
TaCIT - Technical and Competitive IT
TAF - Technical Assurance Framework
TAS - Terminal Automation System
TBA - To Be Advised / To Be Announced
TBD - To Be Determined
TBT - ToolBox Talks
TBL - Through Bit Logging
TC - Trial Conversion
TCM - Technical Committee Meeting
TCM - Tight Contract Management
TCoO - Total Cost of Ownership
TCP/IP - Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol
TDS - Technical Data Sheet
TD - Total Depth
TDP- Technical Design Project
TDRP - Technical Directorate Review Panel
TDU - Tool Deployment Unit
TECOP - Technical, Economic, Commercial, Organizational, Political
TEG - Tri-Ethylene Glycol
TEMPC- Totally Enclosed Motor Propelled Safety Craft
TENORM - Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occuring Radioactive Material
TGA - Technical Group of Authority
THD - Total Harmonic Distortion
THIS - Tubing Hanger Isolation Sleeve
THL - Tubing Hanger Lock
THP - Tubing Head Pressure
THLV - Tubing Hanger Lock Verification
THUL - Tubing Hanger UnLock
THRT - Tubing Hanger Running Tool / Tubing Hanger Retrieval Tool
THTS - Tubing Hanger Test Standard
TI - Technical Integrity
TIA - Technical Integrity Audit
TIC - Total Installed Cost
TIF - Technical Integrity Framework
TIQ - Technical Integrity Quality
TIW - Texas Iron Works
TLA - Three Letter Acronym / Three Letter Abbreviation
TLC - Tough Logging Conditions
TMS - Travel Management System / Tether Management System / Transportation Management
System / Team Management System
TMSA - Tanker Management Self Assessment
TO - Technische Ondersteuning
TOC - Total Organic Content / Top Of Carbonate
TOF - Top Of Fish
TOIT - Total Oil Inland Trade
TOPP - Technical Operational Professional Programme
TOR - Terms of Reference
TPC - Tilted Plate Coalescer
TPM - Total Productive Maintenance
TQE - Tank Quality Estimation
TQP - Top Quartile Performance
TRCF - Total Recordable Case Frequency
TRIA - Temporary Refuge Impairment Analysis
TRIR - Total Recordable Incident Rate
TRL - Technology Readiness Level
TROIF - Total Recordable Occupational Illness Frequency
TRP - Technical Requisition Package
TRSCSSV - Tubing Retrievable, Surface Controlled Subsurface Safety Valve
TRT - Tactical Response Team / Tree Running Tool / Tree Retrieval Tool
TSA - Thermally Sprayed Aluminium
TSEJB - Topsides Electrical Junction Box
TSP - Two Shell Plaza
TT - Temperature Transmitter / Temperature Transducer
TTC - Tubing hanger Test Cap
TTS - Temporary Threshold Shift / Transition to Support
TtO - Transfer to Operations
TUTA - Topsides Umbilical Termination Assembly
TUTU - Topsides Umbilical Termination Unit
TVD - True Vertical Depth
TVDSS - True Vertical Depth Subsea
TVNAP - True Vertical Nieuw Amsterdam Peil
TVT - True Vertical Thickness
TWC - Thick Walled Cylinder
TWI - The Welding Institute
TWIC - Transportation Worker Identification Credential
TWT - Two Way Time
[Edit] U
UAA - Unsafe Act Auditing
UAFP - User Access Focal Point
UC - Unity Check
UDC - Unit Development Cost
UDSA - Umbrella Design Service Agreement
UGS - Underground Gas Storage
UKAS - United Kingdom AccrEditation Service
UKOOA - United Kingdom Offshore Operators Association
UMIS - Underwater Maintenance and Inspection Services
UOC - Under Operational Control
UP - Upgrade Project
UPS - Uninterruptible Power Supply
UR - Ultimate Recovery
USD - Unit Shutdown
USFWS - United States Fish & Wildlife Service
USI – Unique Seismic Identifier
USLPT - United States Lubes Price Tool
USV - Underwater Safety Valve
UT - Ultrasonic Testing
UTA - Umbilical Termination Assembly
UTAJ - Umbilical Termination Assembly Jumper
UTB - Umbilical Termination Box
UTC - Unit Technical Cost
UTH - Umbilical Termination Head
UTP - Umbilical Termination Panel
UV - Ultra Violet
UWL - Universal Worklist(GSAP)
[Edit] V
VAM - Vallourec Alexandre Mandrel
VAR - Value Assurance Review
VAT - Virtual Asset Team
VCR - Verification Certification of Readiness
VDI - Vendor Data Incorporation
VDP - Vendor Development Plan
VDR - Vendor Data Review
VDU - Visual Display Unit
VFD - Variable Frequency Drive
VGWM - Veiligheid Gezondheid Welzijn Milieu
VHN - Vickers Hardness Number
VIAR - Vehicle Incident Accident Rate
VIP - Value Improvement Process
VIR - Value Investment Ratio
VIS - Valve Information Server
VIT - ?
VIV - Vortex Induced Vibration
VLE - Virtual Learning Environment
VOC - Volatile Organic Compounds
VOWD - Value Of Work Done
VP - Vervaardigen Produkten / Vice President
VPN - Virtual Private Network
VSD - Variable Speed Drive
VSE - Valve Signature Enclosure
VSP – Vertical Seismic Profile
VSS - Valve Signature Server
VTC - Variance to Contract
[Edit] W
WALT - Wells Application Leadership Team
WAZ - Wide AZimuth
WBM - Water Based Mud
WBS - Work Breakdown Structure (Steps of a project - SAP)
WBT - Web Based Training
WCK - Woodcreek
WCM - Well Construction Manual
WCOM - Well Construction Operation Manual
WCU - Well Cleaner Unit
WD - Watch Dog
WDL - Well Delivery Lead
WEM - Well Engineering Manual
WETU - Wonderware Electronic Test Unit
WEFS - Work Execution Flow Scheme.
WFA - Work Force Accounting
WFS - Well Functional Specification
WGR - Water Gas Ratio
WGT - Work Group Type
WHRU - Waste Heat Recovery Unit
WiP - Work in Progress
WIF - Well Identification Form
WIT - Wellhead Integrity Test
WMS Warehouse Management System
WN - Weld Neck / West Navigator
WO - Work Order
WoW - Way of Working
WOW - Wait On Weather
WP - Working Pressure / Well Proposal
WPQ - Welding Procedure Qualification
WPS - Welding Procedure Specification
WP&B - Work Program and Budget
WRIPS - Waterflood Reservoir Injection Pressure System
WRM - Well and Reservoir Management
WRS - Well & Reservoir Surveillance
WSD - Working Stress Design
WSOG - Well Specific Operation Guidelines
WSS - Well Services Supervisor
WSUS - Windows Server Update Services
WT - Wall Thickness
WTG - Wind Turbine Generator
WTIS - Well Test Information System
WW - Wonderware
[Edit] X
xCoB — Cross Class of Business
xCoF — Cross Class of Function
XOV - Crossover valve
XRT - Exchange Rate Type
XT - Xmas tree
xHub - Strategic Retail Site Data Transfer Service managed by BAM
[Edit] Y
YTD - Year To Date
[Edit] Z