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NURS20020 Breast and Testicular Assessment

Breast and testicular focused assessment
 Assess Client for:
o Trauma to the breast
o Pertinent Family History
 Teaches client why BSE is important
o Early detection early cure
o One in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer
o Identifies risk factors:
- Gender, age, family history, sedentary, obesity, smoking, alcohol
abuse, early menses, long term ERT
 Teaches client when to perform a BSE
o The ACS recommends all women should be familiar with how their
breasts normally look and feel and report any changes to a health care
provider right away. Breastcancer.org commends BSE each month
one week after menstruation or the first day of each month post
 Teaches client how to perform a BSE
o Place left hand behind head
o Using the pads of the fingers of right hand, palpates the entire left
breast in a systematic manner starting from the Upper Outer Quadrant
or axilla of breast.
o Repeat placing right hand behind head and palpating left breast.
 Teach client to assess for the following:
o Size, shape, symmetry
o Tenderness or pain
o Lumps or skin changes
o Discharge from nipple/areola
o Rashes
o Edema
o Dimpling
o Inversion or Retraction
States what Peau d’orange is and is indicative of breast cancer.
States that malignant lumps are usually hard, fixed, irregular, and non tender
 Pertinent Family History
 Pain or burning with urination
 Trouble starting or maintaining stream
 Sexual contact with partner with STD
o Teaches client why TSE is important
- Early detection early cure
o Teaches client when to perform TSE
- States that a Testicular Self-Exam begins with boys age 14-15
years old and should be performed monthly
o Demonstrate how to perform a TSE
- Palpate scrotum and testicles between thumb and first and second
 Note any tenderness or pain
 Note edema, nodules, growths, masses, or lesions
- States the signs of malignancy
 Lump or enlargement in front or side of testicle
 Feeling of heaviness in scrotum
 Sudden collection of fluid in the scrotum or edema
 Pain or discomfort in a testicle or the scrotum