PROGRESS IN CARDIOLOGY Magnetic resonance measurement of velocity and flow: Technique, validation, and cardiovascular applkations Sidney A. Rebergen, MD, Ernst E. van der Wall, MD, Joost Doornbos, Albert de ROOS, MD Leiden, The Netherlands In the early years of clinical cardiovascular magnetic resonance (MR) imaging, analysis of complex anatomy and cardiac masses were important indications for performing an MR study. Important features of MR imaging that have contributed to its increasing uses for the study of heart and vessels were the free choice of image planes and the natural contrast between flowing blood and bordering tissues, enabling clear depiction of cardiovascular anatomy. Cardiac MR now comprises gradient echo tine and ultrafast techniques, angiography, flow imaging, myocardial tagging, and spectroscopy, enabling quantitative analysis of congenital heart disease,l ventricular mass22 3 and volumes,4 valvular disease,5 ventricular dysfunction6J 7 coronary artery anatomy,8 myocardial perfusion9 and infarctionlO wall motion analysis *l-l3 and cardiac metabolism.i4 The extension of MR imaging to the analysis of cardiovascular function was greatly enhanced by the introduction of gradient echo sequences. Instead of using radiofrequency pulses to recall the MR signal as in. spin echo, gradient echo MR uses a reversal of the magnetic field gradient to rephase the spins. In addition, gradient echo is characterized by a short echo time, a short repetition time, and a reduced flip angle, enabling the reconstruction of images that represent time frames of the cardiac cycle with a small (20 to 30 msec) time interval. Cine loop display From the Interuniversity Cardiology Institute of the Netherlands, Utrecht, The Netherlands and the Departments of Diagnostic Radiology and Cardiology, University Hospital, Leiden. Received for publication April 9, 1993; accepted May 28,1993. Reprint requests: Sidney A. Rebergen, MD, Department of Diagnostic Radiology, University Hospital Leiden, Building 1, C2-S, Rijnsburgerweg 10, 2333 AA Leiden, The Netherlands. AM HEART J 1993;126:1439-56. Copyright Q 1993 by Mosby-Year Book, Inc. 0002.8703/93/$1.00 + .lO 4/l/49914 PhD, and of these images facilitates the study of cardiac performance. Moreover, gradient echo imaging uses flow compensation that normally warrants high-signal intensity in areas of flow. In regurgitant or stenotic valvular lesions, disturbed flow will cause loss of signal on gradient images, despite the use of flow compensation. This feature of MR can be used for the detection and semiquantitative estimation of valvular heart disease.5p i5-lg Even before the imaging aspects of MR were introduced, quantitative flow measurement by MR was proposed by Singer. 2o Clinical application of MR flow quantification was not reported until several years later. 21-26 Measurement of blood flow is now performed with a modified gradient echo sequence, frequently referred to as MR velocity mapping or velocity-encoded tine MR. Unlike conventional (spin echo or gradient echo) images that are reconstructed from the amplitude of the signal that is emitted from nuclei within the imaging section, velocity maps are reconstructed from the phase information of the MR signal. Doppler echocardiography is now regarded as the noninvasive technique of choice for quantitative analysis of flow dynamics. MR velocity mapping may add important information to Doppler echocardiographic data because flow velocity is obtained twodimensionally by MR, enabling the calculation of average velocity and volume flow. This is of special importance in the great vessels that often display nonuniform flow profiles.27-2g Several studies30F36 have reported on the accuracy of MR velocity mapping, and clinical uses are now increasingly explored. This article discusses the principles of MR velocity measurements and reviews the’literature on both validation and clinical application of MR velocity mapping. 1439 1440 Rebergen et al. Amwicdh December 1993 H&art Journal Fig. 1. Intravascular magnetic spins that move along magnetic field gradient accumulate phase-shift that is proportional to flow velocity. Spins in stationary tissue will not acquire phase change. TECHNICAL ASPECTS MR flow measurement options. Generally MR blood flow quantitation methods are either based on timeof-flight or phase-shift effects that are both wellknown phenomena in MR flow imaging.37-44 Although some studiesz2p 45-48have used time-of-flight techniques for semiquantification or measurement of flow velocity, these methods do not provide two-dimensional velocity profiles, and the time-of-flight approach has not been used as successfully as the phase-shift technique. MR phase imaging was applied initially for qualitative purposes; for example, the differentiation between thrombus and slow flo~.~‘-~~ A quantitative approach with encoding of velocity in the phase of the MR signal was advocated by Moran. 21 As soon as phase encoding sequences that were suitable for routine use,23-26 became available, many clinical applications emerged.55-58 The principles of MR phase-encoding of velocity will be discussed here. Principles of MR phase-shift velocity mapping. Magnetic spins of intravascular protons that flow along a magnetic field gradient acquire a phase-shift that is proportional to flow velocity (Fig. 1). When the phase is measured velocity can be derived.23p 24,26 Measurement of the phase of the MR signal requires a certain signal amplitude. Gradient echo MR imaging provides -the obligatory high-signal intensity from regions of flow and has served as a basis for the development of a number of MR phase-shift velocity mapping sequences by different manufacturers. These sequences carry acronyms like VEC (velocity encoded tine), FEER (field even echo rephasing) or FLAG (flow-adjusted gradient). These techniques will be further explained by using the FLAG sequence developed by Groen et al.5g and Van Dijk et al.60 as an example. First of all, flow compensation (also known as gradient moment nulling or even echo rephasing) is essential for velocity mapping because it ensures the preservation of signal amplitude from regions of flow (Fig. 2, A). In addition, the gradient waveform is slightly modified to induce a phase shift in spins that move (or flow) along this gradient.23> 24r26 This velocity-encoding gradient will verify that a certain flow velocity is represented by a proportionally corresponding phase shift. For the purpose of measuring volume flow, the direction of velocity-encoding must be set perpendicular to the imaging section. Alignment of the direction of flow and the direction of velocity encoding is achieved by orienting the imaging section perpendicular to the vessel of interest with the use of oblique magnetic field gradients. In-plane flow encoding has been used mainly to measure peak flow velocity,35> 61-63 and the reliability of in-plane velocity measurements depends on several critical imaging parameters.s2> 64 The maximum phase shift range of -180 degrees to f180 degrees is tailored to a window of expected maximum velocities by slightly modifying the wave- Volume 126, Number 6 American Heart Journal Rebergen et al. 1441 Fig. 2. A, Gradient-echo MR imagein transverseplane perpendicular to aorta at level of right pulmonary artery. High signalamplitude is preservedin great vessels,enablingreconstruction of phaseimage. B, Phase imagecorrespondingto A beforesubstraction showsphaseshifts establishedby flow but with artificial phase changessuperimposed.C, Mask image correspondingto A, reflecting differentation between noise (dark grey), stationary tissue (midgrey) and areasof flow (light grey) basedon their relative signal amplitude as obtained from A. Zero offset can be corrected for after detection in stationary tissue. D, Velocity map correspondingto A, after subtraction and correction of zero offset. Midgrey pixel intensity in stationary tissue (thoracic wall) indicates zero velocity, high-pixel intensity in ascendingaorta, and low-pixel intensity in descendingaorta-superior caval vein reflects flow into and out of imagingsection,respectively. Noise generated by low signal is seenas chaotic patterns in lungs and outside subject. form of the velocity-encoding gradient. For example, when the maximum phase shift is set to occur with a velocity of 300 cm/set, zero velocity will cause a phase shift of 0 degrees and 150 cm/set will result in a 90degree phase shift. Negative velocity values (flow in the opposite direction) will be represented by corresponding negative phase values. On a phase image (Fig. 2, B), the gray value of a pixel (image element) represents the phase of the magnetization of the corresponding voxel (tissue volume element); theoretically the phase in static tissue voxels should be zero. However, factors other than flow (such as inhomogeneities of the magnetic field) may cause additional phase shifts that will cause erroneous interpretation of the local velocity. In the FLAG sequence, a velocity-compensating gradient and a velocity-encoding gradient are applied interleaved in successive cardiac cycles, and the phase errors are eliminated by subtracting the phase images acquired with the velocity-compensated gradient from the corresponding velocity-encoded phase images. The resulting net phase shift is determined only by flow. Finally, to obtain an accurate two-dimensional display of velocity across the imaging plane, it may be necessary to perform additional correction of zerophase offset as detected in stationary tissue (Fig. 2, C and D). Alternatively, under the assumption of an interval of zero flow in the vessel of interest, zero offset can also be removed by measuring the phase error on an image representing this zero flow period and then subtracting the detected phase-error from the subsequent images.31,32It must be realized that MR velocity mapping does not measure flow velocities in relation to the vessel wall but measures velocity with respect to the image plane. However, in the major vesselswall motion is very slow compared with blood flow velocity and may be neglected.33 December 1442 Rebergenet al. American Heart 1993 Journal Fig. 3. A, Midsystolic velocity map, correspondingto Fig. 2 after applying threshold to remove noisepixels. B, Diastolic velocity map of image set of Fig. 2 showinglittle flow in great arteries but distinct flow in superior caval vein. C, Irregular region of interests (IROI) of ascendingand descendingaorta and superior caval vein are defined on (zoomed)amplitude imageto be subsequentlyprojected on correspondingvelocity map (B, D). Tracing IROI on velocity map directly may be difficult on diastolic imageswith low velocities. D, Diastolic velocity map with IROIs superimposed. To display the variations in flow during the cardiac cycle, a set (usually between 16 and 30) of velocity maps is collected (Fig. 3, A and B). Data acquisition is initiated by the R wave of the electrocardiogram (ECG) and performed with high temporal resolution enabled by the gradient echo character of the FLAG sequence. It must be emphasized that each image is built up over several hundred (typically 256) cardiac cycles, The resultant image set represents an average cardiac cycle during the imaging interval. Quantitative data on flow velocity and flow volume are obtained, from the velocity maps through an irregular region of interest (IROI) function. An IROI is manually traced along the margin of a vessel of interest either directly on the velocity map or preferably65 on the co&esponding modulus image (Fig. 3, C) with subsequent projection pn the velocity map (Fig. 3,-O). Whenever necessary the IROI is adjusted for movement and changes in diameter of the vessel during the cardiac cycle. A computer routine converts the average and the peak phase values within each IROI to average and peak velocity values that can be plotted against time. Instantaneous volume flow is computed from the product of average flow velocity and IROI area. Time integration over the R-R interval (area-under-curve) of these instantaneous volume data yields the stroke flow volume, the volume of blood passing the IROI in one cardiac cycle (Fig. 4). Technical limitations and potential sources of error. In MR sequences that are now routinely used for cardiovascular imaging, data collection is triggered by the R wave of the ECG. Therefore studies of patients with arrhythmias are troublesome. It is also important that most imaging systems require a certain time (e.g., 150 msec) before the next R wave during which interval data cannot be acquired; this implies that atria1 contraction cannot be sampled. Because the “atrial kick” can be an important deter.minant of flow dynamics in certain vessels,28simple extrapolation of data66 may not always be appropriate. Extending data acquisition over the next cardiac cycle6iJ 67is another strategy, but this will double the imaging time. Moreover, beat-to-beat variations may introduce errors in end-diastolic flow quantitation Retrospective gating allows raw data to be acquired asynchronously to the cardiac cycle. Simultaneously, every R-R interval length is monitored and Volume 126, Number 6 American Heart Journal Rebergen et al. 1443 per second) plotted against time (milliseconds) after R wave of ECG. InFig. 4. Volume flow (milliliters stantaneous flow volumes measured from each velocity map are summed to give stroke flow of each vessel. ASC AO, Ascending aorta; DESC AO, descending aorta; SVC, superior caval vein. 120 100 3 *O !Eg 6o E 40 20 0 0 20 40 60 80 time of the cardiac cycle (%) Fig. 5. Volume flow (milliliters per second) in pulmonary connection. Atria1 contraction may contribute considerably Data were acquired with retrospective gating. stored@ 6g and image reconstruction is performed after reordering the raw data according to the ECG information. Compared to conventional triggering techniques, imaging time is increased only a ‘few minutes and atria1 influences on flow dynamics can be readily appreciated57 (Fig. 5). This technique requires high quality of the ECG signal; otherwise, prominent T waves or noise spikes may be falsely interpreted as R waves, causing errors in the process of reordering. artery in patient with atriopulmonary Fontan to forward flow as is illustrated in this graph. Clearly, most currently used MR velocity mapping sequencesdo not provide real-time information, and instantaneous respiratory or beat-to-beat variations in flow remain unrevealed. However, the effects of respiration on systemic venous return appear to be of minor importance as demonstrated by Mohiaddin et a1.,28who used combined cardiac and respiratory gating. Furthermore, because of prolonged imaging times, respiratory gating is not routinely used. An important pitfall of MR flow quantitation is the 1444 Rabergen et al. loss of signal amplitude that, occurs when the ,degaee of acceleration and other higher orders of motion preclude recovery of coherent signal, even when using the dedicated flow-compensating gradient echo sequences. Under these circumstances, a range of different velocities may be present within one voxel and the corresponding phase shifts will cancel out. Voxel size and echo time are therefore important parameters in the relation between velocity and phase shift.70 To obtain maximum signal, the echo time chosen is as short as possible within the limitations of the imaging system, mostly between 7 and 15 msec, but MR imaging systems with shorter echo times are becoming commercially available. Shortening the echo time reduces the interval during which velocity fluctuations of turbulent flow proceed, #Initially, relatively long echo times up to 27 rnsec? 55p71 have been used, and signal loss was frequently observed even when studying the ascending aorta of normal volunteers.35 The length of echo time may also be of particular importance in infants and children because greater velocities and stronger acceleration occur in the great vessels of pediatric patients.29 Kilner et a1.62 demonstrated that a very short echo time (3 to 4 msec) is required to recover signal from very fast or turbulent flow, as in severe aortic stenosis. However, the Kilner et al. experiments were performed with an imaging system operating at a magnetic field strength of 0.5 T, and it was shown58 that such a very short echo time is not an absolute requirement to measure velocities over 5 m/see when a 1.5 T system is used (Fig. 6, A and B). Aliasing or phase-wrap occurs when velocities exceed the anticipated range, causing a phase shift greater than 180 degrees that cannot be differentiated from a negative phase shift, indicating velocity in the opposite direction. 64*72Aliasing can sometimes be corrected retrospectively by shifting the velocity window.32> 73 In addition, flow quantification in the aorta was shown to be less subject to error when the lower velocities that occur in the diastolic phase of the cardiac cycle are anticipated by subsequently applying different velocity encoding windows during systole and diastole. 65 Other potential sources of error, well described by other authors,621 64 are listed in brief: edge spikes (artificially large phase shifts, resulting from partial signal loss near the vessel wall that may cause overestimation of peak velocity if not recognized) may be of particular importance if peak velocities are to be used for estimating pressure drop across a stenosis by using the Bernoulli formula; partial volume averaging, (particularly when imaging small vessels nonperpendicularly) image section ele- American December 1993 Heart Journal ments (voxels) may contain both flowing and stationary spins, and velocity will be underestimated. Mitalignment of veloc$ty encoding, where velocity is underestimated when the direction of velocity encoding does not coincide with the direction of true flow. To a certain extent overestimation of cross-sectional area will cancel out the underestimation of velocity in volume flow calculations. Furthermore, true velocity and measured velocity are interrelated by the cosine value of, the’angle % between the direction of velocity encoding and true flow:, Vme%ured = Vtrue x cos +. This cosine relation implicates small errors at low angles, and several authors34F % 74 have successfully used this formula to correct misalignment. However, at high angles of obliquity, partial volume effects. become increasingly important and cos 9 correction is insufficient. Spatial misregistration, where, as a result of in-plane movement in the time-interval signal excitation and signal detection, flow signal may be misplaced and overlay stationary tissue, thus introducing partial volume. This can be minimized by imaging perpendicularly to the direction of flow. VALIDATION OF MR FLOW QUANTITATION TECHNIQUES In vitro validation. Phantom experiments with both continuous and pulsatile flow have shown close correspondence between MR-measured flow and true flow.* Some of these studies included the use of stenotic phantoms to simulate severe valvular stenosis62 by establishing flow velocities of up to 6 m/set and to assess the accuracy of MR velocity mapping in complex flo~.~O Doppler echocardiography. Experiments that compared MR velocity mapping with Doppler echocardiography for the measurement of flow velocity and flow rate in the great vessels have shown corresponding results with both techniques.? In 18 patients with a stenotic ventriculopulmonary conduit or stenosis of the mitral or the aortic valve, Kilner et a1.62 found good correlation between results of MR and Doppler. Although Doppler echocardiography is regarded an established technique for the measurement of flow velocity, its role as a refererme standard can be questioned.7g Nevertheless, these comparative studies provide a validation for the MR velocity mapping technique. MR ventricular volume studies and interna’l standards. The ability to measure ventricular *31, 34, 36, 58, 62, 66, 70, 71 t31, 32, 34, 35,67, 75-78 volumes accu- Volume 126, Number 6 American Heart Journal Rebergen et al. 1445 6. A, Oblique transversegradient echoimageperpendicular to main pulmonary artery in patient with supravalvular pulmonary stenosis.This imagewasacquired with 1.5 T systemand echotime of 8 msec;signal is preserved in central area of high flow velocity. B, Midsystolic velocity map correspondingto A with high signalintensity only in central area of pulmonary artery representing peak flow velocity of 5 meters per second.Dark pixels, typical edgespike artifacts. Fig. rately from a set of contiguous MR images was demonstrated by Longmore et aLgo in 1985. Their findings have been confirmed by others, who mostly used gradient echo MR imaging.4T81-87Using this MR appreach, Firmin et a1.30measured ventricular stroke volumes to validate MR velocity mapping measure- ments of aortic stroke flow volume in 10 volunteers. Since then similar in vivo validation studies have been performed by other investigators who used either ventricular stroke volumes33y34z67p88 or flow through related vessels as internal standmds 33-35,67,89 1446 Rebergen et al. American Invasive studies. Mgigelvang et a1,88derived cardiac output data from MR stroke flow measurements in the ascending aorta df seven voluntee& and showed overall good agreement with the results from indicator dilution measurements. Kilner et al.@ applied the Berndulli formula to peak flow velocities measured by MI$ and found pressure gradients that were fairly similar to those measured at catheterization in eight patients with a stenotic valve or residual stenosis across a ventriculopulmonary conduit. These investigatiqns, in which various independent approaches’were used, demonstrate the reliability and &curacy of MR flow quantitation and enable the application in several clinical fields. CLINtCAL APPLtCATtONS Pioneering efforts regarding clinical application of MR velocity mapping were’made by ‘Underwood et a1.55 in 1987; they proposed a wide range Gf cardiovascular uses for this technique, ideluding congenital heart disease, coronary artery bypass graft patency, valvular stenosis, valvular regurgitation, and peripheral vascular thrombosis. Since then a great number of technical and clinical papel”s canie from their institution and from several other research groups that will be reviewed here. Studies that included MR velocity mapping in patients are listed in Table I. Ascending aorta and coronary Aortic flow profile. Klipstein flow et aLso used MR velocity mapping to study flow velocity profiles in the ascending aorta in 10 volunteers. They described a slightly skewed systolic plug flbw pattern, an observation that has been confirmed by other investigatom.327 35, 71 The highest antegrade flow velocities in systole and a diastolic retrograde flow channel both occurred in the left posterior region of the ascending aorta.g0 In another study of 24 yolunteers, Bogren et a1.33confirmed the existence of end-systolic to diastolic reversed aortic flow that, was directed mainly toward the left coronary sinus. Bogren et al. presumed this phenomenon to pIay a role in coronary perfusion and supported their theory by emphasizing that coronary artery flow occurs predominantly in early diastole, during which interval the aortic valve is closed, implying that coronary flow must be supplied from the ascending aorta.33 The same groupgl also demonstrated diminished aortic compliance together with reduced retrograde flow in nine patients with’ coronary’ artery disease when compared with normal subjects. The patients also showed relatively less retrograde flow over the left and right coronary sinus; flow toward the noncoronary sinus had increased. Thus the abnormal aortic flow pattern may December 1993 Heart Journal be related to decreased. coronary perfusion. Changes in compliance, lo&plaques, and abnormal wave reflection may all contribute to decreased reverse Aow. These findings agree with the theory that atherosclerosis starts in the aorta and spreads to, among other vessels, the coronary arteries; it appears that in patients with ischemic heart disease, left ventricular function is compromised both by decreased myocardial perfusion and reduced aortic compliance.g1 MR velocity mapping can also be used for monitoring aortic wall elasticity by measuring the aortic flow wave veLocity.g2 Aortic sten,osis and aortic regurgitation. Kilner et a1.62already demonstrated that flow velocities of >5 m/s, which occur in severe aortic stenosis, can be measured by MR velocity mapping. Recently, Engels et a1.77were also successful in applying velocity mapping to a group of patients with aortic stenosis, and they stress the advantages of MR over Doppler echocardiography in asymmetric stenosis or complex flow patterns. Before MR flow quantitation techniques were introduced, valvular stenosis and regurgitation could be assessed semiquantitatively by MR through the size of the signal void on gradient echo MR images.5J 15-lgy93 Regurgitation volumes can be derived from ventricular stroke volume differences measured on multisection gradient echo images,g4 but this approach is rather time consuming because these volume ,studies require extensive manual contour tracing. Dulce et al. g5 showed high interstudy reproducibility and high interobserver reproducibility of MR velocity mapping in’ 10 patients with chronic aortic regurgitation. Dulce et al. found closely corresponding results when they compared regurgitant flow volume with the difference between left and right ventricular stroke volumes measured from a contiguous set of MR images; they advocate the use of MR velocity mapping for timing of valve replacement and .for drug therapy monitoring.g5 Recently Honda et a1.78 have also reported low interobserver and intraobserver variation of measurements of aortic regurgitation by MR velocity mapping in 26 patients and in five healthy volunteers, and the velocity mapping results agreed well with Doppler echocardiographic and aortographic gradings of aortic regurgitation. I8 Eichenberger and Von Schulthessg! used MR velocity mapping of aortic flow in combination with blood pressure data to reconstruct left ventricular pressure-volume loops in patients with aortic stenosis and aortic regurgitation. They were able to demonstrate increased cardiac work in all patients compared to normals. Coronary circulation. MR velocity mapping of Volume 126, Number 6 American Heart Journal Table 1. Clinical Rebergen application Author et al. et al. 198gg1 Rees et al. 198956 Bogren et al. 198gz7 Mohiaddin 199028 Kilner et al. et al. 199162 Mohiaddin 19919s et al. Mohiaddin 199161 et al. Kondo 6 Patients with 3 Patients with X 8 Patients with shunt lesions 26 Volunteers 4 Patients with CAD syndrome AA congenital AA, MPA, LPA, MPA 9 Volunteers 9 Patients after SLT MPA, LPA, RPA 10 Volunteers 5 Patients with MS MV, AI AA Brenner et al. 1992107 11 Patients with ASD MPAIAA Engels 15 Patients with AS AA Rebergen 199367 et al. et al. Honda et al. 199378 AA, Ascending myopathy; HT, 7 Volunteers 6 Patients (CMP, aorta; AI, aortic ins&ciency; hypertension; WC, inferior PC, pericardiel constriction; tricular dysplasia; RVSV, PH, pulmonary right ventricular MPA, AI - Doppler: good agreement AA: r = 0.97 LVSV-RVSV: r = 0.97 Interstudy: r = 0.97 RVSVjLVSV:r = 0.94 Oximetry: r = 0.91 Interobserver: r = 0.94 Doppler: r = 0.91 AA LPA, r = 0.99 good agreement fair agreement - PV HT) AA with Phantom: Doppler: Catheter: MPA 17 Volunteers 14 Fontan patients 5 Volunteers 26 Patients IVC Multiple with Magelvang 199288 = 0.93 - svc, 10 Patients et al. 199277 LVSV:r 13 Volunteers 13 Patients with TI, PH, PC and RVD 36 Patients with stenotic valves, conduits, etc. PH et al. 1992g5 RPA PH 10 Volunteers 10 Patients with Dulce et al. 199276 Topic Validation Multiple 13 Patients 1447 mapping Application Subjects Underwood 198755 Bogren of MR velocity et al. RPA, AA Indicator dilution: r = 0.96 LVSWr = 0.95 RVSV:r = 0.98 Phantom: r = 0.99 LPA + RPA 0.90 RVSV (MPA): LVSV (AA): Clinical application in septal defect, valvular disease, CABG, etc. Reduced reverse aortic flow towards coronary sinuses in patients Noninvasive measurement of unequal levels of pulmonary and systemic flow Mostly antegrade plug flow in volunteers; irregular antegrade and retrograde flow and increased retrograde flow in patients Biphasic caval flow in controls; total caval flow independent of respiration; disturbance of biphasic pattern in patients High signal from flow across stenosis using very short TE; application at sites with limited access for echocardiography Similar flow to both lungs in volunteers and a 3:l perfusion ratio (transplanted vs native lung) in patients Biphasic flow pattern through MV and in PV of volunteers; semicontinuous MV flow in patients with MS Retrograde flow proportional to pulmonary vascular resistance in patients Validation Validation Validation Application in aortic with complex flow Validation Validation Pulmonary Fontan (MPA): stenosis patterns flow profiles surgery after 0.97 0.96 Doppler: good agreement Interobserver: r = 0.96 Validation ASD, atria1 septal defect; C&G, coronary artery bypass graft; CAD, coronary artery disease; CMP, cardiovena cava; LPA, left pulmonary artery; MPA, main pulmonary artery; MV, mitral valve; MS, mitral stenosis; hypertension; stroke volume; PV, pulmonary vein; SVC, SLT, single lung transplant; superior caval TI, tricuspid vein; RPA, insufhciency. right pulmonary artery; RVD, right ven- 1448 Rebergenet al. American December 1993 Heart J&mill Fig. 7. A, Transverse spin echo image of aortic root of patient with coronary artery to pulmonary artery fistula. Enlargement of left coronary artery is evident (From Rebergen SA et al. Cardiovasc Imaging 1992;4:175-81.)B, Volume flow curve obtained from velocity mapsperpendicular to origin of left coronary artery in A. Typical biphasic pattern with predominant peak in diastole is seen.Size of left-to-right shunt is indicated by stroke flow. (From Rebergen SA et al. Cardiovasc Imaging 1992;4:175-81.) coronary artery flow is complicated by the vessels’ tortuosity, small size, motion, and the complex flow patterns and acceleration phenomena in stenotic arteries. Occasionally flow has been measure,d directly in a coronary artery to pulmonary artery fistula56 (Fig. 7, A and B) and in coronary artery bypass grafts.55 Van Rossum et al .@ studied 24 healthy volunteers with MR velocity mapping by measuring flow in the coronary venous sinus that has a relatively large diameter with less turbulent flow -and’that receives approximately 96 % of left ventricular perfusion. They confirmed previous invasive studies by demonstrating a biphasic coronary sinus flow pattern with peaks in systole and in early d&stole t&t are synchronous with the X and Y descent of the right atrial pressure curve. The maximum flow velocity occurred in diastole and significant systolic variations in sinus diameter suggested a capacitance function forvenous outflow. Despite the complexity of direct coronary artery flow measurements by MR, Edelman and Lig7 were recently able to report significant progress in this field by using breath-held turbo tine MR sequences in healthy volunteers. With an echo planar technique, Poncelet et alg8 demonstrated coronary flow velocity changes that were related to exercise. However, further technical improvements are required to make coronary artery flow quantification by MR ‘a clinical .option. Volume 126, Number 6 American Heart Journal Rebergen et al. 250 time after R-wave 1449 500 (ms) Fig. 8. Volume flow in main pulmonary artery in patient with pulmonary hypertension. Typical flow curve with midsystolic dip of net forward flow shows and simultaneous systolic retrograde flow. Pulmonary arteries Separate assessment of left and right pulmonary artery flow. MR velocity mapping allows noninvasive measurement of blood flow to each lung separately. This information can be of great value in a wide range of pulmonary (acute pneumonia, embolism, asthma, mucous plugs, radiation therapy, scoliosis, SwyerJames syndrome, al-antitrypsin deficiency, and cystic fibrosis) or cardiac disease (pulmonary artery stenosis, intracardiac shunts, and after surgical procedures like pulmonary artery banding and palliative shunts) especially because currently available radionuclide techniques have their limitations.74 Both Caputo et a1.74 and Rebergen et a1.67 have performed measurements of separate left and right pulmonary artery flow in nine healthy volunteers and demonstrated the right-to-left predominance of pulmonary perfusion that was already known from radionuclide studies and that is compatible with the greater volume of the right lung. Mohiaddin et algg measured left and right pulmonary artery flow in nine patients after a single lung transplant. These patients have blood ejected into separate vascular beds with different resistance and flow dynamics, which may be important in adaptation. Compared to nine healthy volunteers in whom flow to both lungs was similar, flow to the transplanted lung in the patients was three times that of the native lung. Flow to the transplanted lung was also continuously forward during entire systole and during most of diastole while; flow to the native lung was characterized by a narrow early systolic peak of forward flow (suggesting markedly decreased pulmonary artery compliance) and by reversed flow in late systole and most of diastole. These phenomena were previously reported from radionuclide studies and can be explained by the difference in vascular resistance between the transplanted and the native lungs. Fortunately, reduced physiologic shunting and enhanced gas exchange are important consequencesgg Pulmonary artery flow profile and changes that occur in pulmonary hypertension. Bogren et a1.27foundmostly antegrade plug flow skewed toward the posterior in the pulmonary artery of 26 normal volunteers. A small amount of end-systolic to early diastolic retrograde flow is presumed to assist in pulmonic valve closure. A subsequent small second peak of forward flo~~~ is induced by diastolic recoil of the pulmonary arteries that have been distended in systole. Patients with pulmonary hypertension show two peaks of systolic forward flow (reflecting midsystolic semiclosure of the ,pulmonic valve) in combination with extensive and rapid retrograde flow, that occurs already in systole and continues in diastole (Fig. 8). In pulmonary hypertension the vessel wall is stretched more from its original length, distensibility is reduced, and peak flow velocity is reached much earlier, as shown with MR.27 But forward flow is overall slower, which explains the relatively high intravascular signal intensity on spin echo images of the pulmonary arteries in these patients. Bogren et al. propose a role for MR in the clinical assessment of pulmonary hypertension, especially because the complexity of the pulm’onary artery flow pattern implicates that Doppler results in these patients strongly depend on the position of the sample volume.27 Findings similar to those of Bogren were reported by Kondo et al., 76 who compared 10 patients with 1450 Bebergenet al. pulmonary hypertension with 10 healthy volunteers. Kondo et al. demonstrated that retrograde flow was inversely proportional to flow volume and directly proportional to vascular resistance and cross-sectional area, stressing the hemodynamical significance of these findings. Kondo et al. suggested that retrograde flow in pulmonary hypertension may be caused by augmented reflection of pulse wave with increased vascular resistance, decreased capacitance of the arterial system, and eddy flow in dilated arteries. Clinically it is important that retrograde flow may compromise right ventricular ejection; Kondo et al. propose the use of MR velocity mapping to assess pulmonary vascular resistance in patients with pulmonary hypertension.16 Intracardiac flow venous flow. Mitral and pulmonary venous flow are regarded as important indexes in the evaluation of left ventricular diastolic function and mitral valve disease. Mohiaddin et a16i demonstrated a biphasic mitral flow pattern in 10 normal volunteers, with an initial peak reflecting passive filling in early ventricular diastole and a second peak during atria1 contraction. In five patients with mitral stenosis, mitral flow persisted throughout diastole with increased velocity. In normals, peaks of pulmonary venous flow occurred in ventricular systole and diastole with small backflow during atria1 contraction. The propulsive force behind pulmonary venous flow remains controversial.61 Galjee et al.ioo recently confirmed the biphasic pulmonary venous flow pattern and extended their experience to 13 patients with mitral regurgitation, in whom they were able to demonstrate an inverse relationship between end-systolic pulmonary venous flow and end-systolic pulmonary capillary wedge pressure. Furthermore, they showed that with increasing mitral regurgitation end-systolic pulmonary venous flow declined and finally reversed. Karwatowski et al.iol compared MR velocity mapping and Doppler echocardiography for the measurement of transmitral flow velocities in 13 patients and found good agreement for early filling veIocities but an underestimation by MR of Doppler velocities during atria1 contraction. Caval and tricuspid fIow. Mohiaddin et alz8 used MR velocity mapping to measure flow in the caval veins of 13 controls and 13 patients with right-sided heart disease. The controls showed systolic and diastolic peaks of caval flow, but patients with tricuspid incompetence demonstrated a reduced systolic peak and occasional retrograde flow in the inferior vena cava. Reduced right ventricular diastolic compliance in patients with pulmonary hypertension, pericardial Mitral and pulmonary American December 1993 Heart Journal constriction, and right ventricular dysplasia was reflected by flattening of the diastolic peak. Additional respiratory gating in six control subjects showed reduced systolic inferior vena cava peaks at end expiration, but total caval flow was unchanged; the authors suggest that the heart may act partly as pressure suction pump, independent of respiration.28 Van Rossum et a1.35 also found a biphasic flow pattern that corresponded with the atrial pressure curve in both superior and inferior vena cava of 17 healthy volunteers. Mostbeck et a1.63 compared MR velocity mapping (performed both in the horizontal and vertical long-axis planes) with Doppler ultrasound for the measurement of early and late diastolic tricuspid flow velocities in 10 healthy volunteers and found similar early to late velocity ratios with both techniques. However, velocities measured by Doppler were underestimated by MR; the authors provide several explanations for this discrepancy, such as different measurement positions and different temporal resolution.63 Intraventricular flow patterns and cardiac wall motion analysis. Recently, some groups have applied velocity-encoding MR techniques to the analysis of ventricular wall motion and intraventricular flow patterns. Eichenberger et allo were able to demonstrate normokinetic left ventricular wall motion in five healthy volunteers and dyskinetic regions in four patients with coronary artery disease. Karwatowski et aLlo lo4 studied 19 patients with ischemic heart disease and found that Doppler-assessed early diastolic mitral flow velocity and deceleration correlated with MR-measured early diastolic left ventricular wall velocities along the long axis of the heart. Segmental wall motion analysis enabled the detection of inhomogeneous and reduced wall motion in these patients. Walker et a1.1°5 introduced a new application for MR velocity encoding by demonstrating the feasibility of reconstructing vector plot images of intraventricular flow patterns in a healthy volunteer. McKinnon and Von Schulthessio6 provided an alternative for myocardial tagging techniques by using velocity encoding of the heart wahfor the measurement of strain in the normal heart. Congenital heart disease. Rees et a1.56 emphasized the combination of anatomic images with flow measurements as an important advantage of MR imaging in patients with congenital heart disease. Cardiac catheterization, frequently performed for the assessment of systemic to pulmonary flow ratios, is invasive; flow measurements are not entirely accurate. Therefore Rees et al. proposed MR velocity mapping for the direct measurement of aortic and pulmonary flow in seven patients with various congenital shunt Volume American 126, Number Heart 6 Journal lesions like atrial and ventricular septal defects, persistent ductus arteriosus, truncus arteriosus, and coronary to pulmonary artery fistula.56 The suitability of MR velocity mapping for the quantification of atrial-level left-to-right shunts was later demonstrated by Brenner et a1.,io7 who measured aortic and pulmonary stroke flow in 11 patients with atria1 septal defect. MR velocity mapping of shunt size correlated well with oximetry and with MR ventricular volumetry and showed low interobserver variability. The authors stress the invasive and unreliable character of oximetry and the lack of techniques that are ideally suited for the assessment of shunt size.lo7 Sieverding et al.2g also used MR velocity mapping to measure stroke flow volumes in the great arteries and showed close agreement with MR-determined ventricular stroke volumes in six patients with congenital heart disease. Systemic to pulmonary flow ratios measured with MR were confirmed by catheterization studies.2g Functional evaluation of postoperative flow dynamics in patients after surgery for congenital heart disease, especially adults, may be compromised by limited acoustic windows that fail to visualize posterior structures within the thoracic cavity. Results may also be unsatisfactory as a result of the presence of sutures, scar tissue, and bon.y deformations; the success of echocardiographic examination in these cases is strongly operator-dependent. Rebergen et a1.67 used MR velocity mapping to measure flow to each lung separately in a group of 14 postoperative Fontan procedure patients. They showed that the surgical incorporation of the hypoplastic right ventricle to support pulmonary perfusion may result in the establishment of the desired arterial pulmonary flow pattern in some patients. Furthermore, it appeared from their experiments that Doppler echocardiography, measuring flow velocity but not volume flow, may not always be sufficient to judge the success of right ventricular incorporation. In another study, Rebergen et ‘al.los quantified pulmonary regurgitation volumes in patients after repair of tetralogy of Fallot. Regurgitant volume flow measured with MR velocity mapping was shown to be similar to the regurgitation volume calculated from the difference between left and right ventricular stroke volume. Thus accurate regurgitation volume measurements by MR may be of assistance in revealing the true clinical relevance of postoperative pulmonary regurgitation. Obviously, there are many other applications in postoperative congenital heart disease, such as evaluation of coarctation surgery and residual shunt lesions57 or residual stenosis across ventriculopulmonary conduits.62 Rebergen et al. 1451 Descending aorta and abdominal arteries Descelzding aorta. Both Maier et a1.32 and St&lberg et al.71 have studied the velocity profile in the descending aorta and demonstrated mild retrograde flow in early diastole. A recent study of 10 healthy volunteers by Amanuma et allog described flow measurements in the abdominal aorta at three axial levels and in the superior mesenteric artery simultaneously. From these data, flow to the coeliac and renal arteries that branch from between the measurements positions could be derived. Furthermore, they demonstrated that diastolic reverse flow in the aorta proximal to the renal artery was less than at the level below the renal arteries. Reverse flow below the renal arteries may be caused by high peripheral vascular resistance in the legs and is important in maintaining renal perfusion during diastole.iog Pelt et” quantified flow through the portal vein, renal veins, renal arteries, and common iliac arteries in eight dogs and showed close correspondence of the MR results with electromagnetic flow ,meter measurements in all vessels. They proposed the use of MR flow quantitation techniques for the measurement of volume flow and for the application in vessels where other techniques have limited access. Sommer et al.lli attempted to measure renal arterial and venous blood flow directly in nine healthy volunteers and used a clearance technique as a reference standard. MR measurements of venous flow were reproducible and correlated with clearance results. However, arterial measurements did not correlate ,with the standard, and several sources of error are to be eliminated before this application can be used in clinical routine. However, Lundin et a1.8grecently measured blood flow in the renal arteries directly by-MR velocity mapping in 14 healthy volunteers; they found good correlation with the difference between infrarenal and suprarenal aortic blood flow and with the expected renal blood flow based on a clearance method. Asrtic dissection and the detection of thrombi. Recently MR imaging was reported to be similar in sensitivity but superior in specificity compared to transesophageal echocardiography for the evaluation of suspected aortic dissection.l12 Velocity mapping may further increase the diagnostic value of MR in patients with aortic dissection35> l13-i15 by demonstrating differential flow phenomena in the true and false lumen, which may help to detect the entry jet and to distinguish slow flow from thrombus. The additional ability of MR to quantify aortic regurgitation may obviate the need for invasive studies.i14 Peripheral arteries. The presence of a triphasic flow pattern in the peripheral arteries was already 1452 Rebergenet al. known from Doppler studies, and pulsatility may be reduced or absent in obstructed vessels. Stahlberg et aL71 confirmed the occurrence of pronounced backflow in popliteal artery by using MR velocity mapping. Caputo et a1.75 used MR velocity mapping to demonstrate triphasic velocity waveform profiles in the popliteal and tibioperoneal arteries of 10 healthy volunteers. They propose velocity mapping to be used with MR angiography to warrant more accurate evaluation of a stenotic lesion. Cerebrospinal fluid flaw. Stahlberg et aL71 demonstrated significant and pulsatile cerebrospinal fluid flow by MR velocity mapping with good reproducibility. Others have proposed clinical application of MR flow techniques to quantify flow through cerebraspinal fluid shunts116 and to measure abnormal cerebrospinal fluid motion.i17 FUTURE PROSPECTS Echo planar and beam-directed real-time MR sequences that allow flow quantification are currently being introduced. 77,r18-120 Additional technical improvements are required, for instance, with regard to the limited spatial resolution of echo planar techniques. Furthermore, significant progress is being made in the challenging field of MR coronary artery flow quantification. It can be expected that with these new,developments MR imaging and MR flow quantification will enhance the establishment of MR as an important additional tool in cardiovascular diagnosis. However, the disagreement between MR and Doppler velocity measurements in some cases63ylo1 requires further attention. Finally, some economic and logistic aspects will undoubtedly have to be dealt with before MR imaging and MR velocity mapping will be fully included in the range of cardiovascular diagnostii modalities.121, 122 It is concluded that noninvasiveness, free choice of imaging planes, wide field of view, the combination of anatomic and functional analysis in one session, and obtaining .a11information without the need for radiation or contrast media, are generally recognized advantages of MR imaging. MR velocity mapping allows additional functional analysis by providing two-dimensional velocity profiles at frequent intervals throughout the cardiac cycle. This advantage of MR velocity mapping over Doppler eehocardiography is of importance in the great vessels because they often display nonuniform flow profiles.27-2g~ 33s62,go In addition, MR velocity mapping can be performed in any plane with unlimited access, and this technique has been shown to be accurate for the measurement of velocity and flow in a number ,of cardiovascular applications. The clinical use of MR velocity map- American December 1993 Heart J6urnal ping will benefit’from real-time d,ata acquisition and technical improvements that will ultitiately allow noninvasive measurement of coronary artery flow. SUMMARY With a newly developed magnetic resonance (MR) technique for blood flow measurements, qualitative and quantitative information on both flow volume and flow velocity in the great vessels can be obtained. MR flow quantitation is performed with a gradientecho MR sequence with high temporal resolution enabling measurements at frequent intervals throughout the cardiac cycle. MR flow quantitation uses the phase rather than the amplitude of the MR signal to reconstruct the images. These images, often referred to as MR velocity maps or velocity-encoded tine MR images, are two-dimensional displays of flow velocity. From these velocity maps, velocity and volume flow data can be obtained. Previous validation experiments have demonstrated the accuracy of MR velocity mapping, and this technique is now being applied successfully in several clinical fields. MR velocity mapping may be of considerable value when Doppler echocardiography results are unsatisfactory or equivocal, particularly because MR is suited’for the analysis of volumetric flow and complex flow patterns. 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Subsequent investigations3-6 have shown that stroke volume can be calculated as the product of the time velocity integral and the cross-sectional area of the valve or vessel at the sample site. Cardiac output is then obtained by multiplying the stroke volume by the heart rate. The application of these principles has From Louis 121. St. St. Louis University Medical Vista Avenue at Grand Blvd., Decemkr 1993 H&f Journar L. Cravens, RN, and allowed avariety of clinical Doppler measurements of cardiac blood flow, including absolute blood flow, calculation of intracardiac shunts,7> 8 estimation of aortic valve area,g and assessment of regurgitant fractions.lOl l1 In making these measurements a number of assumptions must be accepted, including (1) the laminarity of blood flow; (2) a Doppler interrogation angle of <20 degrees; and (3) a relatively blunt flow profile from which the measurement is calculated. Although these assumptions are generally true for measurement of blood flow in the heart and great vessels, inadequate data exist validating these assumptions in smaller (<6 mm diameter) arteries. Direct measurement of coronary bIood flow in human coronary arteries has been limited, to a large extent, by the available technology. Transcutaneous interrogation of coronary floti has generally been beyond the resolution of commercially available instruments. Recent reports have indicated that the Doppler measurements of coronary flow might be possible in selected patients by using transesophageal