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Humanities Exam: World Religions

Andong National High School
First Prelim Exam—HUMANITIES 1
Name: _________________________________________________Year & Section:_______________________Date: ________________
Supply the correct answer in the following statement/s. (1pt. each)
__________________________1. The pursuit of transformation guided by a sacred belief system.
__________________________2. It means one’s integrative view of life; involves a quest for the meaning and ultimate
value of life as opposed to an instrumentalist or materialistic attitude to life.
__________________________3. A particular way of ordering the realities of one’s world.
_________________________ 4. Etymologically, religion comes from the Latin word “religare” which means __.
__________________________5. The core teaching of this religion is the attainment of liberation in the identification
of Atman and Brahman through the Four Yogas.
__________________________6. The core teaching is to be a “gentleman” by following the moral way consisting of
the virtues of love, righteousness, wisdom, propriety and loyalty in order to promote
harmony in society.
__________________________7. The core teaching of this religion is becoming one with ‘Tao.’
__________________________9. The sect in Buddhism which is more conservative and dominant in Sri Lanka, Burma,
and Thailand.
__________________________10. The major religion in Japan which aims to achieve a proper relationship with the
ancestral beings.
__________________________11. The law of cause and effect by which each individual creates his own destiny by
his thoughts, words, and deeds.
___________________________12. The elephant-headed God in Hinduism; and is the son of Lord Shiva and Parvati.
___________________________13. In the symbol of Taoism, it is the dark shape the represents the negative, passive,
and destructive principle.
___________________________14. The follower of Brahman( non-sectarian forms).
___________________________15. It is the highest value of human life in Hinduism.
Multiple Choices: Choose the letter that best answers the question or completes the statements.
Write your answers on the space provided.
_____1. The core teaching of this religion is to worship the ancestors and forces of nature to achieve harmony in
all dimensions. It is the indigenous religious tradition of Japan. What religion is this?
a. Shintoism
b. Taoism
c. Hinduism
d. Confucianism
_____2. What religion believes that there is only one God and Muhammad is His final and greatest messenger?
a. Judaism
b. Islam
c. Christianity
d. Confucianism
c. Mencius
d. Lord Mahavir
c. Mencius
d. Lord Mahavir
_____3. Who is the founder of Taoism?
a. Sage Lao Tzu
b. Confucius
______4. Who is the founder of Jainism?
a. Sage Lao Tzu
b. Confucius
______5. What religion aims to become a perfected or liberated soul, or God?
a. Taoism
b. Hinduism
c. Jainism
d. Shintoism
______6. Which of the four sects of Vedanta system is the follower of Lord Vishnu?
a. Vaishnavism
b. Shaivism
c. Shaktism
d. Liberalism
c. Tao
d. Moksha or Liberation
______7. What is the ultimate goal of Hinduism?
a. Nirvana
b. Kami
______8. The primary goal is to create true nobility through proper education and inculcation of all the virtues.
This religion began in 2,500 years ago in China.
a. Taoism
b. Hinduism
c. Confucianism
d. Shintoism
______9. Who is the founder of Sikhism that started about 500 years ago in Punjab, India?
a. Confucius
b. lord Mahavira
c. Siri Guru Nanak
d. Gautama Siddhartha
_____10. What is the holiest place for Sikhs?
a. Jerusalem
b. Mecca
c. Golden Temple at Amritsar
d. temple
_____11. The term Jain comes from the word “Jina” which means?
a. Spiritual victor
b. to blow out
c. the way of the spirits/Gods
d. Great Vehicle
_____12. In Buddhism, what is believe to be the cause of suffering of human?
a. Nirvana
b. desire or craving
c. birth
d. pleasure
_____13. What is the most important symbol of Buddhism?
a. Palm of the hand
b. Khanda
c. Dharma chakra
d. wooden gate/Torii
c. Agam Sutras
d. Tao te Cheng
_____14. What is the major scripture of Sikhism?
a. Guru Granth Sahib
b. The Analect
______15. Buddhism originated in India and was founded by?
a. Confucius
b. lord Mahavira
c. Siri Guru Nanak
d. Gautama Siddhartha
c. spiritual victor
d. spiritual victor
c. Agam Sutras
d. Tao te Cheng
______16. The word Sikhism is derived from Sikka meaning?
a. way of the Gods
b. Disciple
______17. What is the major scripture of Taoism?
a. Guru Granth Sahib
b. The Analect
______18. “Kami no Michi” is a Japanese term which means?
a. Cause and effect
b. Non-doing
c.The way of the Gods
d. Liberation
______19. What is the holiest place for the Muslims?
a. Jerusalem
b. Mecca
c. Golden Temple at Amritsar
d. temple
______20. Among the Lords of Hindu, who was the Creator?
a. Lord Shiva
b. Lord Vishnu
c. Lord Brahma
d. Ganesha
______21.In Hindu culture, “the path of selfless service” is called?
a. Jnan Yoga
b. Karma Yoga
c. Raja Yoga
d. Bhakti Yoga
______22. Who was the monkey-faced god of the Hindu people?
a. Ganesha
b. Kali
c. Hanuman
d. Rama
c. Tao
d. Moksha or Liberation
______23. What is the primary goal of Buddhism?
a. Nirvana
b. Kami
______24. The hub of the wheel in symbol of Buddhism represents three causes of pain except for?
a. Ill-will
b. ignorance
c. lust
d. non-violence
c. Sutras
d. Tao te Cheng
______25. What is the sacred book for the Christians?
a. The Bible
c. The Analects
A. Four main denominations of Vedanta system:
1. _______________________
2. _______________________
3. ______________________
4. ______________________
6. _______________________
7. _______________________
10. _______________________
11. _____________________
B. In Hinduism, there are stages of life namely:
4. _______________________
5. ________________________
C. The four Yoga’s of Hinduism:
9. ________________________
D. The four sacred books of Confucianism:
13. ________________________
14. _______________________ 15. ____________________
E. Three doctrines that are particularly important to Taoist:
17. ________________________
18. _______________________
E. Two main sects of Buddhism: 19. ______________________________
20. _______________________________
F. The noble eight-fold path in Buddhism: 21. ____________________________
23.__________________________________ 24. _______________________________
22. __________________________
Essay; Answer the following briefly.
1. Differentiate Theravada Buddhism from Mahayana Buddhism? (5 pts)
2. In Buddhism, what are the four noble truths? And what is the cause of suffering of man? (7 pts)
Below are symbols of different religions, identify each symbol:
1. ___________________
2. __________________
5. __________________
6. ___________________
3. ___________________
4. _______________