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Fahrenheit 451 Project Options

Fahrenheit 451 Final Project Options
There are many
literary allusions in
Fahrenheit 451.
Choose five quotes
from literature in
the book (include
the page numbers).
Then explain if and
how each quote
relates to the novel.
The quotes and
explanations must
be typed (double
spaced, 12-14 point,
easily read font).
Include a works
cited page for your
sources (MLA
Research the history of Find out which books on “The
fire departments, their 100 Most Frequently
equipment, and some
Challenged” list are missing
famous fires. You might from our middle school
also want to interview a library. Select five of the
firefighter in your
missing books and write a
community to find out
proposal to the school
what services your fire librarian and principal
department provides.
explaining why they are
Type (double spaced, 12- important for students to
14 point, easily read
have in the school’s library
font) a summary of your and should be ordered. Type
findings. Include a works (double spaced, 12-14 point,
cited page for your
easily read font). Include a
sources (MLA format). works cited page for your
sources (MLA format).
Choose a scene from the
Imagine you
novel that is especially
are a TV
important. With a group of reporter
students, type a script for interviewing
the scene and film it. Hand Mildred’s
in a typed copy of your
friends after
script (double spaced, 12- the fire and
14 point, easily read font) the murder.
Give your onthe-scene
report. Hand
in a typed copy
of the script
(double spaced,
12-14 point,
easily read
Create your own
Draw a comic book
dystopia. Write
complete with bubbleabout a futuristic
style conversations
time in which society showing 7 important
has gone awry.
incidents in Fahrenheit
Similar to the idea 451.
that books are
harmful and should
be burned, what is
the current
trend/belief in
society that is
overriding common
sense. Introduce us
to your protagonist.
Will she/he be
successful in their
quest or will she/he
ultimately fail? (2-4
typed, double space,
12-14 point, easily
read font).
*Make your own soundtrack Imagine that you find a
Write an
for Fahrenheit 451. Create a flash drive next to the
original ending
playlist of at least 5 songs, computer of Montag,
for Fahrenheit
and then “burn” a CD (using Clarisse, Mildred, Beatty, 451. First give
legal sites like itunes, Zune or Faber. The drive
the plot
Marketplace, etc.) in the
contains personal
summary, and
order they would appear in
documents: letters, music, then supply
the book. Create a CD jacket photos, “To do” lists, data, your own
that illustrates the book (in saved emails, facebook
ending as if you
your eyes). This should be in profile info., poems written were the
color. Also include the titles, by the character for his or author (1-2
and performers of the songs her eyes alone, etc. Decide typed, double
in the order they appear in
on 4 or 5 documents or
spaced, 12-14
the jacket.
files, recreate them, invent point, easily
*Type a list of the song
file names for each and
read font).
titles, along with the artists, create a fake printout of
where the song fits into the the drive directory (or
book (page number required), table of contents) showing
and explain the action
all of the filenames. Print
occurring when the song
all of these documents and
would be playing.) Along with place them together in a
the list, explain your
packet about the
reasoning for choosing your character.
selection. Include a works *The four or five files you
cited page for your sources recreate cannot be all
(MLA format).
photos, or all music. They
must be a combination of
different files. Include a
works cited page for your
sources (MLA format).
Choose one of the following projects to work on individually or in a group (with no more than three
members). The project will be worth 50 points and is due on Friday, November 14. Remember
to be creative but appropriate!