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Communication Ethics in Business Presentation

Communication Ethics
It’s a type of communication that is
predicated upon certain business values,
such us
 Being truthful
 Being concise
 Being responsible with one’s words and
the resulting actions
Communication Ethics
As a set of principles, ethical
communication understands that one’s
thoughts must be conveyed and expressed
effectively and concisely, and that the
resulting actions or consequences will
[potentially] be based solely on how the
message was communicated.
Communication Ethics
Thus, ethical communication defines a
framework or set of acceptable
communication principles that align with an
enterprise’s overarching code of conduct or
code of ethics.
Communication Ethics
“I think that failures in ethics and integrity
here are less excusable than errors in
- Frank Cary
Fundamentals Of Ethical
The main principle of ethical
communication is honesty. Any attempt to
mislead or present confusing information is
not ethical communication. Additionally, the
“honesty” principle here is linked
inexorably to other core principles –
consistency and responsibility.
Ethical communication also assumes that
communicated information is always
presented (and received by others)
according to one’s subjective perception.
The goal of ethical communication is to be
as objective as possible when
communicating with others and to ensure
that every recipient receives the same
Truthfulness & honesty is the most core
principle of ethical communication. This
means that speaking 99 percent of the truth
in a matter – while leaving out one percent
of the facts – is not ethical communication,
as omitting any detail (intentionally)
changes the way that a listener will perceive
an event.
Consideration for Any Potential Roadblocks
When communicating with another party, truly ethical communication
entails considering any potential factor that may influence how the
recipient understands – or receives – the information that is being
communicated. Examples :
 Language
 Jargon
 Language
 Accessibility to Technology
Principles of Ethical Communication
Be Truthful & Honest
Active Listening
Speak Non-Judgmentally
Speak From Your Own Experience
Consider the Receiver’s Preferred Communication Channel
Strive To Understand
Avoid A Negative Tone
Do Not Interrupt Others
Respect Privacy And Confidentiality
Accept Responsibility
In business organizations,
communicating concisely, ethically,
and appropriately are all necessary
so a business can operate effectively
and efficiently. Operating according
to a communication-based code of
ethics is important for both small
and large scale person-to-person
Business communication requires ethical values
to form the foundation of all of its relationships,
which ensures that all enterprise workflows,
short term projects, and long term projects are
effectively managed and carried out. Any lapse
in efficient and ethical communication can result
in misunderstandings, conflicts, delays with
projects, and the creation of an ineffective
working environment.
Thank you