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Student ID: XYZ
Answer the questions
a) Evaluate Hofstede’s theory by analysing its strengths and weaknesses.
Hofstede's notion of cultural dimensions is useful when considering cross-cultural behaviour or
communication. It's unfair to lump everyone in a city or nation together and assume they all act the
same. The corporate world is not limited by borders; rather, it is global in scope and linked. In large
corporations, workers encounter people from all over the world and all walks of life. Recognizing
cultural differences is crucial for resolving issues originating from intercultural disputes, which are an
inevitable part of working in today's increasingly diverse workplace. True, most individuals are too
wrapped up in their own cultural norms to see how they affect others around them (Moonen, 2017).
Interpersonal dynamics at work are affected by cultural conventions. This theory provides a useful
framework for figuring out how to conduct business across cultural boundaries and evaluating the
effects of doing so. The work of Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions Theory has found widespread
application in sectors as diverse as international business and psychology.
Hofstede’s Six Dimensions of Culture
In Hofstede's Cultural Dimension theory, the Power Distance Index is the first dimension. It
demonstrates the disparity in power that exists between those who have it and those who have
not. When the score is lower, it shows that individuals are more likely to challenge authority
and make an effort to disperse power (La Rosa, 2018).
The second component of Hofstede's Cultural Dimension theory is the contrast between
individualism and collectivism. It investigates the process by which people are brought to an
awareness of dependency and duty within the context of a particular community.
The cultural dimension hypothesis developed by Hofstede includes a third dimension that
compares masculinity and femininity. It acts as a compass to direct the allocation of roles
between men and women in society. To be masculine is to have a tendency toward
assertiveness, heroism, success, and monetary rewards in society. On the other hand, to be
feminine is to have a tendency toward modesty, collaboration, and caring for those in the
community who are more vulnerable.
Student ID: XYZ
The fourth dimension of Hofstede's Cultural Dimension hypothesis is the Uncertainty
Avoidance Index (UAI). It typically serves as a description of how society tolerates ambiguity
or uncertainty and directs people's methods for coping with worry.
The second component of Hofstede's Cultural Dimension theory is the comparison between
long-term and short-term orientations. It is a reference to the link and relationship of the
difficulties of the past with those of the present and the future.
The sixth dimension of Hofstede's Cultural Dimension theory is the contrast between indulging
oneself and practising self-control. It examines the propensity of society to achieve the goals
that it sets for itself (Harrison, 2019).
The Cultural Dimensions model developed by Hofstede is a useful tool for reflecting on
personal normativity beliefs.
This method may be used by a charitable organisation to conduct an evaluation of its
anticipations or expectations, as well as its actions. It will be helpful in improving fundraising
strategies and building on existing ones.
Multinational managers in order to boost the levels of employee enthusiasm and reduce the
number of disputes use the Hofstede Cultural Dimension. The efficiency of a commercial
enterprise will increase as a result of this (Hofstede, 2017).
The technique of the first investigation was one of the factors that contributed to this restriction.
The poll was exclusively given to workers of IBM, and those who worked in sales and
marketing were the only participants. As a result, many individuals think that the research that
Hofstede used to develop his Cultural Dimension model was inconclusive.
 The globe has seen a great number of shifts, both culturally and politically, during the course
of history. The advancement of technology has brought about a shift in people's thinking
patterns as well as their patterns of conduct all over the globe. It is necessary to conduct a
critical analysis and bring the theory up to date in light of recent developments (Cohen, 2018).
b) Evaluate how Hofstede’s dimensions can impact international businesses that operate
globally. Use the technology company Apple to suggest ways in which they may operate
differently in various countries.
Our culture unifies us. Our culture includes our clothes, food, thoughts, studies, attitudes, beliefs,
values, standards, and everything else that makes us who we are. International marketing involves a
company promoting abroad. Culture affects international commerce. Marketers must investigate a new
market's culture before launching a product. because of all the advertising to promote the products and
urge people to buy. A communication must respect the recipient's background, beliefs, and thinking to
be comprehended. Many impediments may impede communication. Ethnocentrism and SRC may ruin
the work. by Disney Land is one of the world's most famous and profitable entertainment parks.
However, they hit a significant block on their way to France, losing a billion dollars. They
manufactured tonnes in the US, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Japan. Why did France fail them? once
Parish Disney Park added them recently. Eight Saudis replace ten American bosses in three months in
France and elsewhere. They cannot adjust to Saudi norms. We naturally judge everything by our
knowledge and society's ideals. Culture may change a word's meaning. For instance, in the West, a
raised thumb means approbation, while in rural Bengal, it means danger. Global marketers must adapt
their ideas to local cultures. Marketers that fail to convert risk losing local interest and income (Gupta,
Student ID: XYZ
Hofstede Model Be Applied in Business?
This paradigm has been criticised, but so has every other piece of academic study and theoretical
framework. Therefore, it should be accepted with some caution, since it is not the last word. However,
it does provide insight into the ways in which cultural norms influence the ways in which people talk
to one another, act, and think. This paradigm may be used by managers and leaders in a commercial
setting to:
Improve their ability to communicate with their staff. People's beliefs and actions are heavily
influenced by their shared cultural norms. In response, managers that make an effort to learn
about their employees' cultural backgrounds often see an uptick in productivity, harmony, and
efficiency in the workplace (Gupta, 2021).
Understand how the structure and culture of your company affect one another. One factor, as
previously indicated, measures people's attitudes toward authority. Every company has its
unique management structure, and that might affect how workers relate to their superiors.
Enhance the success rate of company-wide transformation efforts. The aversion to risk,
uncertainty, and change that is another of the aforementioned dimensions is known as
uncertainty avoidance. People's responses to organisational change efforts, such as their
willingness to embrace or fight against change, might be influenced by this metric.
Create solutions to the problems plaguing the company. Managers who have a firm grasp of
the Geert Hofstede model are better equipped to spot culturally-driven difficulties inside their
own organisations. They may then utilise this information to develop performance-enhancing
programmes, such those that aim to reduce conflict via better communication.
Apple International Operations
Apple sells directly. The company's worldwide marketing strategy emphasises brand value,
acceptability, low copying, and competitive advantage. Apple brands internationally. Apple's
worldwide brand ensures quality. This maximises technology use and area demands. Apple has
originality and usefulness. Apple differs globally by localising products. Apple's history was simple.
Apple globalises user experiences. Thus, its fundamentals apply everywhere.
Apple makes its global products and services stand out. This strategy helped the firm flourish
internationally. Apple outsources production. Apple's offshore subsidiary gives tax advantages. To
expand globally, the company wanted to seek new markets. Apple promotes creativity, innovation,
and value worldwide. The company seeks to beat its biggest rivals. Apple adapts to customer demands
via innovation. Many Chinese enterprises supply Apple. China had 380 of 809 Apple factories.
Goertek and Luxshare are Apple's main Chinese suppliers. Chinese enterprises have helped Apple
expand. 2017 saw Apple's regional iCloud centre. Luxshare makes Airpods for Apple. (Budhwar,
c) Critically analyse how Apple can approach cultural differences in different parts of the
world where it operates.
Apple Inc.'s continued success may be attributable in large part to the special atmosphere permeating
the corporation. The consumer electronics company's employees are shaped by the company's
organisational culture, sometimes known as its "corporate culture." This business research case study
illustrates how Apple's unique corporate culture encourages HR to back a wide range of strategic
initiatives (Luke, 2022). For instance, the corporation prioritises innovation because it knows that
doing so is essential in the increasingly competitive industries of IT, eCommerce, and consumer
electronics. Apple Inc. has been successful in its mission because of the company's culture. Under
Student ID: XYZ
Steve Jobs' and now Tim Cook's leadership, the business culture has been consistently refined to
maximise the use of human resources and boost Apple's worldwide competitiveness. Apple has honed
its corporate culture to serve as a powerful strategic management and global business tool.
Apple's organisational culture is a driving force behind the company's dominance in its field because
of its emphasis on top-notch performance, creativity, and innovation. The company has earned a
reputation for excellence in product invention and design, particularly in the realm of consumer
electronics. Apple's ability to attract and retain top talent is a direct result of its unique corporate
culture. Apple Inc.'s corporate culture is one of the firm's primary business assets, as seen in the SWOT
analysis. This culture has allowed the company to achieve and maintain competitive advantages and
to build upon its already strong brand. Despite fierce competition from companies like Samsung, the
success and growth of the company depend on the constant application of creativity and quality to the
company's quick innovation processes. These societal flaws might lessen a company's productivity
and boost staff turnover. In order to remedy the problem, Apple, Inc. may work to improve its corporate
culture in order to decrease hostility, but not eliminate it entirely. This proposal seeks to mitigate the
drawbacks of aggressive behaviour while preserving the advantages that aggressive strategies have
brought to the operations of the technological firm in question (Apple, 2013).
d) Using your country of origin, discuss the three highest ranking dimensions and relate
these dimensions to how Apple operates in your country.
It's a gauge of how individuals deal with knowing they're disadvantaged by society's power structure.
The residents of countries with a large power distance culture are all aware of their places in society.
When comparing two persons, the greater the disparity in their levels of influence, the greater the
"power distance". It also shows how much these folks are willing to put up with unfair treatment. When
it comes to a society's institutions, what is considered acceptable behaviour and what is really done are
two very different things. A few possible instances of this kind of behaviour include the establishment
of different classes or castes, as well as the use of these categories to allocate resources and privileges.
They have five Apple Reseller Stores and three Service Centers spread throughout Karachi, Lahore,
Islamabad, and Faisalabad to meet the demands of its consumers. For optimal accessibility, we're
planning to open 10 more locations throughout Pakistan. It's unfortunate that Apple fans in Pakistan
can't find an official Apple shop to purchase Apple's latest and greatest products. Since there is no
Apple shop in Pakistan, consumers are forced to find alternatives. One such alternative is the Internet.
Foxconn, mostly located in China, is Apple's major iPhone assembler. Therefore, the tagline "Designed
by Apple in California, Assembled in China (Hofstede, 2017)." Many consumers believe that Chinesemade or assembled phones provide the finest combination of quality design and construction. Although
high-quality iPhones may be manufactured anywhere, Apple prefers to source from China. Apple Inc
(Apple) is a company that develops, produces, and sells electronic gadgets including mobile phones,
tablets, laptops, desktops, and even watches. In addition to their own software and services, they also
provide digital material and apps from other developers as well as accessories. A Key International
Tactic Is Apple Inc.'s strategy of differentiation is centred on the creation of novel goods and services
that aid in providing exceptional value to consumers. establishing a solid name for the business and
expanding its presence in international marketplaces (Apple, 2013).
“The highest level of elegance is simplicity. Making anything easy to use requires a deep
appreciation for the problems at hand and the development of novel, but elegant, solutions. This
goes beyond a simple lack of excess. The process requires delving into the bowels of intricacy.
Student ID: XYZ
Sometimes you have to dig deep before you can be completely simple. To pare down a product to
its barest essentials, you need to have a firm grasp on what makes it tick.” (Steve Jobs)
Apple's online shop is now unavailable in Pakistan. As a result, you will be unable to order an Apple
product online and have it sent to you. Although Apple does not have a physical storefront in
Pakistan, there are a small number of approved dealers around the nation.
e) Choose another country where the three highest ranking dimensions you discussed above
are ranked amongst the lowest. Compare and contrast the two countries and analyse why
the three dimensions are ranked so differently in the two.
On a scale from zero to one hundred, the United States ranks first with a 91 (Exhibit 1). This indicates
a lax social order where members of the in-group are not held to high standards. The tendency of
people to look out for themselves and not depend on their extended relatives or the government is
widespread. Apple employees are supposed to be independent thinkers who aren't afraid to take the
reins on projects on their own. They place a premium on autonomy and individuality, have a strong
will to succeed, and prioritise their own interests above those of their organisations (Cuervo-Cazurra,
Apple workers value hard effort, put an emphasis on personal success, and set ambitious targets for
themselves. The American democratic system, which guarantees each citizen equal protection under
the law and a wide range of individual liberties, has fostered a culture that values and rewards
independence and self-reliance. Since Apple's workers value independence and self-sufficiency, the
company is often seen as having an individualistic rather than a collectivist culture. A culture's
tolerance of masculine or feminine ideals is reflected along this axis. Masculine-valued societies put
greater stock on individual achievement and material prosperity, whereas feminine-valued societies
prioritise community, support, and well-being. Male-dominated cultures tend to be more aggressive
and competitive in their pursuit of success. But in a culture where women hold sway, values like
modesty, compassion, and humility are held in higher esteem.
In addition, males are socialised to be aggressive, competitive, and diligent in societies that value
masculinity. Women in these societies are mostly seen as carers and providers, whose primary role is
to enhance the well-being of their families (through care) (Hofstede, 2017).
Student ID: XYZ
Student ID: XYZ
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Student ID: XYZ