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Air Pollution: Causes, Effects & Solutions - High School Oral

Akwande Dhladhla 11HM
Due: 16 May 2022
Prepared Oral: Pollution
“Love is in the air but the air is highly polluted.” Good day Mrs. Cathy and
fellow classmates. The problems with the world today are many. One of the
biggest issues in the world today is pollution, of course!
You may be wondering;why would I pick the most boring and neglected
topic.Well here’s why: I think all the problems of pollution are caused by
human beings. There was once a point where our planet had green rich plants,
clean water, and clean air and so on.
Defining pollution isn’t easy but the dictionary defines it as “The contamination
of one substance by another so that the former is unfit for its intended use”.
Pollution comes in many different forms such as: sound, visual and air
pollution. My oral will be focused on air pollution.This can not be avoided .We
are all affected by this.We breathe in nitrogen and oxygen which surrounds the
earth that’s also known as the atmosphere. Over the years, the amount of
carbon dioxide on earth increased rapidly. Which is caused by smoking
cigarettes, burning open fires, the increase of motor vehicles and factories.
Carbon dioxide is one of many greenhouse gases which helps to trap heat in
the atmosphere which keeps the earth warm. However, too much carbon
dioxide traps in too much heat and threatens to cause climate changes.
This can affect your health conditions you could experience difficulty in
breathing, asthma, coughing and wheezing as well as diseases including lung
cancer, heart disease and stroke. Which could lead to death. Exposure to air
pollution may result to a decrease of your IQ levels. Air pollution also has
negative effects on the environment. The gases released into the air by power
stations and industry cause acid rain which kills trees, farmers crops and
damages lakes and rivers in many countries.
There are many things being done at the moment to improve our
environment. Such as using control devices to help die down air pollution by
using a thermal oxidizer which is a huge system that decomposes hazard gases
like factory smoke and releases them into the atmosphere. Dust collector
which handles heavy dusty loads in the air. People are even switching from
using plastic straws to cardboard straws because plastic isn’t
biodegradable.People are buying their food locally to reduce travelling
There are many solutions to stop air pollution. You could plant your own tree
to produce more oxygen .The municipality can do a better job by collecting
rubbish weekly, when they don’t collect there are more chances of people
burning their own rubbish which increases the carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere. Instead of travelling by car you could change and walk on foot,
ride a bicycle or even take public transport. If you know anyone who smokes,
you could tell them to quit smoking.Recycling also improves air quality by
reducing power demand. Recycling reduces the levels of carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere which is equal to taking an estimate of 5 million cars off the road.
This will help reduce carbon footprint.
I conclude by saying if everyone helped to improve air pollution then there
would be more love in the air than pollution.
Becklake, John. “Green Issues Pollution” .Gloucester Press. London: Aladdin
Books, 1990. Pages 4-6.
Carroll, Andrew. “Air pollution”. National geographic. 11 May 2022
Lok Wu, Tin. “Effects of Air Pollution on the Environment”. Earth Org. 6 May
2022 https://earth.org/effects-of-air-pollution-on-the-environment/
Ocaranza, Carlos. “Air Pollution”. Wikipedia. 11 May 2022