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BSBA 3D Castillo Vanisa Worksheet 3.1

Republic of the Philippines
Bailan, Pontevedra, Capiz
College of Management
Module 3: Worksheet 1 in BA 316
International Business Environment: Essay Part 1
1st Semester, A.Y. 2022-2023
Name: Vanisa D. Castillo
Professor: Mr. Justine Joshua Bermudez
Directions: Essay. Be brief and concise in writing your answers to the following questions.
1. “Though society and culture do not appear to be a part of business situations, yet they are
actually key elements in showing how business activities will be conducted”. Discuss.
Answer: A group's beliefs, values, attitudes, and behaviours are referred to as its culture. It
includes the group's norms and behavioural patterns as well as its specific rules, presumptions,
perceptions, logic, and reasoning.
3. How relevant is the political environment in international business? Enumerate different types
of political systems that exist around the globe.
Answer: A company's ability to conduct business in a foreign market can be aided or hindered by
a variety of political factors and governmental actions in that market, which are referred to as the
political environment in international business. Democracies, monarchies, oligarchies, as well as
totalitarian and authoritarian regimes, are the main categories of political structures. Totalitarian
and authoritarian governments are more unstable from a political standpoint because their rulers
do not possess legitimate power and instead impose fear on the populace.
4. Describe the different types of economic systems. Explain with suitable examples.
Answer: Market Allocation system is one that relies on consumers to allocate resources. Consumers
“write” the economic plan by deciding what will be produced by whom. The role of the state in a market
economy is to promote competition and ensure consumer protection.
Command Allocation system, the state has broad powers to serve the public interest. These
include deciding which products to make and how to make them. Consumers are free to spend their
money on what is available, but state planners make decisions about what is produced and, therefore,
what is available. Because demand exceeds supply, the elements of the marketing mix are not used as
strategic variables.
Republic of the Philippines
Bailan, Pontevedra, Capiz
Mixed System There are, in reality, no pure market or command allocation systems among the
world’s economies. All market systems have a command sector and all command systems have a market
sector; in other words, they are “mixed”. In a market economy, the command allocation sector is the
proportion of Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
5. “The development of new technologies helped international business”. Do you agree? Justify
your answer.
Answer: Technology has a significant impact on how businesses operate. Therefore, I concur
that new technology development benefited global business. Regardless of the size of your
business, technology has both concrete and abstract advantages that will help you generate
revenue and deliver the outcomes your customers expect. Technology infrastructure has an
impact on a company's culture, productivity, and relationships. It also has an impact on trade
advantages and the security of sensitive information.
6. Can the emerging technologies pose a challenge for an international marketer? Give valid
arguments to support your answer.
Answer: The emergence of new technologies gives global marketers the chance to efficiently and
more quickly reach a larger customer base. These new technologies, though, can also present
difficulties for marketers. I will go over the difficulties and possibilities that these new
technologies may present to an international marketer in this article. Three significant
technological fields—artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR), and blockchain—that may
present opportunities or challenges to an international marketer are listed below to support my
claim. The first technology sector is AI –a broad category that includes machine learning, which
allows programmes to learn from data without being explicitly programmed which has taken
offin recent years alongside advancements in computing power.
Republic of the Philippines
Bailan, Pontevedra, Capiz
College of Management
Module 3: Worksheet 2 in BA 316
International Business Environment: Essay Part 2
1st Semester, A.Y. 2022-2023
Name: Vanisa D. Castillo
Professor: Mr. Justine Joshua Bermudez
Directions: Essay. Be brief and concise in writing your answers to the following questions.
1. Discuss the various key economic issues that influence international business.
Answer: This are key economic issues that influence international business:
Inflation - is the pervasive and sustained rise in the aggregate level of prices measured by an
index of the cost of various goods and services. Inflation results when aggregate demand grows
faster than aggregate supply- essentially, too many people are trying to buy too few goods, thereby
creating demand that pushes prices up faster than incomes grow. Consider the impact of inflation
on the cost of living. Rising prices make it more difficult for consumers to buy products unless
their incomes rise at the same or faster pace.
Unemployment - The unemployment rate is the number of unemployed workers divided by the
total civilian labor force, which includes both the unemployed and those with jobs. In practice,
measuring the number of unemployed workers actually seeking work in various countries is
difficult given the lack of a standard measurement method. Generally, people out of work and
unable to find jobs depress economic growth, create social pressure, and provoke political
Debt - Debt, the sum total of government’s financial obligations, measures the state’s borrowing
from its population, from foreign organizations, from foreign governments, and from international
institutions. More recently, many countries have borrowed from international lenders to finance
their movement to freer markets, a process of economic transition. Many countries that began with
this ambition but that eventually failed then increasingly had to rely on foreign debt.
Income Distribution - GNI or PPP, even weighted by the size of the population, can misestimate
Republic of the Philippines
the relative wealth of a nation’s citizens.
distribution is not a problem of poorer
nations. There is a strong relationship between skewed income distributions and the split between
those who live in urban settings versus those who live in rural areas.
Poverty - A related but separate issue concerns poverty- the state of having little or no money,
few or no material possessions, and little or no resources to enjoy a reasonable standard of life. In
many parts of the world, workers and consumers struggle for food, shelter, clothing, and clean
water, health services, to say nothing of safety, security, and education.
2. You are a marketing manager of a textile company that is looking to venture into international
business. The country you want to target first is the UK. You want to start by exporting to UK.
What environmental factors would you keep in mind and how would you analyze the business
environment of the UK?
Answer: Assess your company's export readiness.
Build an export plan.
Research and select your target market.
Create an export marketing plan.
Determine the best methods of delivering your product or service to your target market.
Develop a sound financial plan.
Understand the key legal aspects of international trade.
3. Why is it difficult for a marketer to position products in a culturally diverse nation like
Answer: At every level, including consumer behaviour and preconceived notions about how
advertising functions, cultural diversity has an impact on marketing and advertising concepts and
executions. The most important cultural element in advertising is typically the nation's ideals.
4. Is the economic environment same all across the globe or it differs? Give valid arguments to
support your answer.
Answer: No, because some nations are developed, others are developing, and still others are in a
poor state, the economic climate varies around the world. As a result, a country's economic
situation is influenced by both its population and level of development; if a country is
developing, the economic climate may be slightly more favourable.
5. How does the technological environment of the Philippines differ from that of Japan?
Answer: Both nations are tropical; in the summer, Japan is almost as hot and humid as the
Philippines; both countries are island-based, and both experience devastating typhoons and
Republic of the Philippines
Bailan, Pontevedra, Capiz