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Cell Organelles Worksheet: Middle School Science

Instituto Dr. Jaim Weizman
Middle Years Program
Integrated Sciences
Year 5
Name: _________________________________________________ February 8th 2023
Multiple choice
Instructions: circle the letter that corresponds to the correct answer. This section specifically
refers to the description of the organelles of the cell.
1. Rigid, tough, made of cellulose
a. cell membrane
b. cell wall
c. chloroplast
2. Jelly like substance that contains and holds organelles together
a. vacule
b. cytoplasm
c. cytosol
3. Dense, ball shaped structure, contains DNA
a. Nucleus
b. Golgi body
c. lysosomes
4. Clear, tubular system of tunnels throughout the cell
a. Chromatin
b. Endoplasmic reticulum
c. Golgi body
5. Small specks made of RNA. Found in cytoplasm or on the endoplasmic reticulum
a. Lysosomes
b. Chloroplasts
c. Ribosomes
6. Green structures that contain chlorophyll
a. Ribosomes
b. Photosynthesis
c. Chloroplasts
7. Small bags with tubes connecting them
a. Chromatin
b. Endoplasmic reticulum
c. Golgi body
Instructions: provide a statement that best describes the function of the organelle specified in
each item. You must complete at least 7 of these items.
1. The cell wall :
2. The cell membrane:
3. Ribosomes:
4. Mitochondria:
5. Chloroplasts:
6. Vacuole:
7. Lysosomes:
8. Golgi body:
9. Cytoplasm:
10. Nucleus:
Compare and contrast
Instructions: Complete the following Venn diagram by comparing and contrasting the animal
and plant cells based on their organelles.
Analysis and metaphor.
Instructions: Choose 3 cell organelles and write a short paragraph for each where you
compare the functions of these organelles to the functions of some members of the school