Appendix E QUESTIONNAIRE USED IN DETERMINING THE VALIDITY OF THE LEARNING MATERIAL Name of Evaluator: ______________________________________________________ Designation: ____________________________________________________________ Direction: Check the column that corresponds to your evaluation of the prepared module. The following are the descriptive equivalent of the numbers in each column: 5-Outstanding 4-Very Satisfactory 3- Satisfactory 2- Fair; and 1-Poor Indicators A. Face Validity 1. Prints 1.1 Size of letters is appropriate to the intended users. 1.2 Spaces between letters and words facilitate reading 1.3 Font is easy to read 1.4 Printing is of good quality 2. IIlustrations 2.1 Simple and can be easily recognize 2.2 Clarify and supplement the concept 2.3 Properly labelled or captioned (if applicable) 2.4 Realistic/Appropriate colors 2.5 Attractive and appealing 2.6 Culturally relevant 3. Design and Layout 5 4 3 2 1 3.1 Attractive and pleasing to look at 3.2 Simple (Does not distract the attention of the reader) 3.3 Adequate illustration in relation to text 3.4 Harmonious blending of elements (e.g. illustrations and texts) 4. Paper and Binding 4.1 Paper used contributes to easy reading 4.2 Durable binding to withstand frequent use 4.3 Size and weight of the module B. Content Validity 1. Content is suitable to the students’ level of development.. 2. Learning material contributes to the achievement of specific objectives of the subject area and grade/year level for which it is intended. 3. Learning material provides for the development of higher cognitive skills such as critical thinking, creativity, learning by doing, inquiry, etc. 4. Learning materials is free of ideological, cultural, religious, racial and gender biases and prejudices. 5. Learning material enhances development of desirable values and traits. 6. Learning material arouses interest of target readers. 7. Adequate warning/cautionary notes are provided in topics and activities where safety and health are concern. 8. The learning material presented the most important aspects of the topics to be taught. 9. The topics were adequately presented and discussed. 10. The evaluation activities were congruent to the specific objectives. 11. There is currency and up-to-datedness of the topics. 12. The learning material presents real-life situations. C. Construct Validity 1. Presentation is engaging, interesting and understandable. 2. There is logical and smooth flow of ideas. 3. Length of sentences is suited to the comprehension level of target reader. 4. Sentences and paragraph structures are varied and interesting to the target reader. 5. The statements were grammatically correct. 6. The lessons were presented at a pace that allows the students to reflect and review each particular lesson. 7. The learning material has high artistic quality and literary style. Bacnis, M.T. T. (20s08). Development and Validation of Strategic Intervention Materials in Biology. (Master’s Thesis). DMMSU, City of San Ferando, La Union. Dumo, Z.A (2009). Effectiveness of Strategic Intervention Materials in Science 6. (Master’s Thesis). Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University, City of San Fernando, La Union.