Lesson 1 • rttJ ~ / jf- 'J/: I. Listening Comprehension A. Textbook Content (INTERPRETIVE) Listen to the recording for the Textbook and answer the questions in English. 1. What year in school is Zhang Tianming? 2. How did Zhang Tian ming get to campus? 3.Who is Ke Lin? 4. Where does Ke Lin live? 5. What does Ke Lin offer to do for Zhang Tian ming? 6. What happened to Zhang Tianming's computer? 8. Workbook Dialogue (INTERPRETIVE) Listen to the recording for the Workbook and answer the questions. Questions (True/False): 1. The dialogue takes place in front of a dorm for first-year students. ) 2. The man knows the campus very well because he is a senior at the university. ) 3. The woman was on an airplane earlier today. ) 4. The dorm the man lives in has been a returning students' dorm for years. ) 5. The taxi driver has dropped the woman off in the wrong place. ) 6. The man's dorm is on the west side of the dorm for first-year students. 1 2 Integrated Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook C. Workbook Narratives 1. Listen to the recording for the Workbook and answer the questions in English. (INTERPRETIVE) a. What does "zhu xiao" mean? b. What is a "shiyou"? What is a "t6ngwu"? 2. Listen to the recording for the Workbook and answer the questions in English. (INTERPRETIVE) a. Why does Little Wang want to move out of his dorm? b. What is good about Little Wang's new place? c. Do you think Little Wang will live at his new place alone? Why or why not? 3. After listening to the recording for the Workbook, fill out Little Zhang's daily schedule in Chinese, and answer the questions that follow in English. (INTERPRETIVE AND PRESENTATIONAL) 1 LITTLE ZHANG S DAILY SCHEDULE Lesson 1 • ~j */ Questions: a. How long does Little Zhang listen to the audio recording every day? b. How many classes does Little Zhang have every day? c. Where does Little Zhang access the internet? 4. Write the name in Chinese characters after you listen to the recording. (INTERPRETIVE AND PRESENTATIONAL) a. ___ ____________ b. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ jf- ~ 3 4 Integrated Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook D. Workbook Listening Rejoinder (1NTERPERsoNAL) In this section, you will hear two people talking. After hearing t he first speaker, select t he best from the four possible responses given by the second speaker. II. Speaking Exercises A. In order to get to know your Chinese language partner/classmate better, find out and report the following information in Chinese. Use Chinese when you interview your partner/classmate. (INTERPERSONAL) 1. What's his or her name? 2. Where is he or she from? 3. Where was he or she born? 4. Where did he or she grow up? S. Is he or she a college freshman? 6. Does he or she live on or off campus? Does he or she like where he or she lives? Why or why not? 7. How long has he or she been studying Chinese? 8. How does he or she write her/his Chinese name if he or she has one? B. Practice asking and answering the following questions. (INTERPERSONAL) , .1t- }l_,{£ 1t».}J~ 7i tB _i_ €1{]? 1t-Yl,tf..1t ¾ ~ 7i tB 1- af.J ? 2.1t-Jl,tf..1t ».l-J~-};-kk €1{]? -Ji"* 1,r-:lk_;{i_ 1t ¾ J~ k a{] ? 3.1t-A, k_}l_ ~ ,WJ; f 1J €1{] ? 1t-A, k_}l_ JL /~t f1J €1{] ? a~ a~ ~~A,kJl~».l-~af.J~~?*~' ~A,kJl~¾*af.J*~?*~' s. ~ tx.Jt ~1!fl MJ 8/: a{] ? **y_JlJL1-~':ifa{]? M*,~Jl±&~A*? ~4,~]l_±&~A4? Lesson 1 • Ml ,!}/.:I-ff- -:if 6.1.t-1.i-tx rJ9 i!Jt1.iAx>'I'? 1.t-1.iAx v9 if¾1.iA5Z. >'I'? 7. ~Jt1,t-~i~' 1.t-AfJJHtf1J1tJS};~~ -¼1.i.? 1¾1t J!t? ~~#~~,#~-~~~~~¾ft?~~¼? C. Practice speaking on the following topics. (PRESENTATIONAL) -tt1t-1}~g-T 1.t- §1 cS -it1.t-1t~-T 1.t- mcS 2. -tt1.t- -ti --ti1,t J=. k i!t I~ lf a,!; i - ~,{J_ i!t :t5Z.~1tk 1 Jtr.1t ~ 1. 0 0 -it~~-~#J=.k*l~lf~J-k~*~~~1~*¼ 3.1.r- f:1-IJ-1:1~ i!tit~¼*, :ii_¾1i-~~1r-1tt? ~1t ~? 1t-~1-IJ-1i_~ *it~¼*, J£¾1i-~i5Z.>'r-1tt? ~ 1t ¼? Ill. Reading Comprehension A. Building Words Complete this section by writing the characters, the pinyin, and the English equivalent of each new word formed. Guess the meaning before you use a dictionary to confirm. 1. "itr ± rai " a1 "~f ±" + ".E.±faJ" a1 "JI±" + "-ft#.~" MJ "#.~" "-f~JR" a1 "iR" ➔ new word r',, MJ ":it " ~ "~ •1-i:" a1 ":li~" r11 2. "-it ~•r: pinyin + "-t" + "-t" ➔ 3. ";iN....f~" a1 ".f~51:. " + "~00" a1 "00" '-'f-51:. "~1~" '...:f-51:_ a1 "1~5(_ " + "/~~" fJ1 "~" ➔ 4. "vt Jj_J]± -f " a1 ";l:.t_" + "-:!if JI&" a1 "JI&" "vt .i~ }11 -f" a1 "J~" + "-:!ij-5Q:." a1 "5Q:." ➔ English 0 0 5 6 Integrated Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook B. Read the conversation and answer the questions. (INT ERPRETIVE) (TRADITIONAL) :f-f- a}] : t1:J: , i -$Jr ! 1,t- .t. ~ 5l-tA'I ~ 1 ? 1t- J:.1m ~ JJJ ~1) ~ 1) ttt.t fl -~~~,~~5l~-~*~$¼1? £~: ft1±-$¼~*~~*&$k~, ~ll~tdJ 1±- tt1r1R ~ ::t1t. 0 J:.100 £ JJJ ~ Jr- J:. .f\ ~ 1R. x_ a.t r , ~*~~-~~¼*, ~~~-~~J o i-f-S}J : 1,f- ~-t-1±- t_t-m¼1i. ~1@ }J , 5l ~-.flJ :f~>'f¾ e_? £ ~: ~~~' ~*ft1±-$¼f:ff5l~~5l~±, ~~-~ ill Jf.-.f\ ii_~ ,t- ~-~1i.1±-:f~ >'f ~ * 1k : &;fll1t.1i.1.1ff 37 , ~ ll1R mtl7 ° #~: .f\~~*~* 0#~~$~½&~, -½~~~' ~1±-i~>'r 1t-£JtJJ-.f1J£$.JJ1i.1i.1±-i~~, -.fU.i!lJf.-iJG 1i..f1Ji~>'r¾ 0 i1Al1t--t-f:1.'ff 5l~1t.5l~±, mill mtl7 ° £if: 1,tit1m1ftf*Jt-;tr~.~ ~~.f\;tri~, JJ~.J!-~1m*1hf* 0 * * ~~~ 11 O 0 (SIMPLIFIED) 1-f- a}] : ~, £ 0 * i/Jr ! 1t- :t ¼ 5l-Mt ~ J ? 1t- J:_ + Jjj M1] MU J-At~ fl -~~~,~~5l~-~*~$¼1? £~: ft~$¼~~*~*&$±~, ~ll~mtl1 ° ~~ft ,,ff.~1r1R ~ ~1t. 0 J:. +£ -'JJ ~ -f J:. .f\ ;;lf-i~ 5l ¾ a.t J , ~~~~-~$%*, Jt~>'r¾ 11e-? 1iaJJ: 1t- ~½,,ff. **~-m¼1i. iJ,lj + JJ ' 5l~,.j;Bt.f1 £~: ~J!-~, ~~~~-m¼~*5l::t~5l~±, ~~-~ )¼] Jf.-.f\ if. Jl¾ ~-~1i.1±-:t~ >' r {1"J * !zj: : &;fll1t.1i. 1-1" 37 , ~~~-~*J o mi lI.Atl gJ d7 ° Lesson 1 • M¥: I Jr .Ji: ~~+*~* o ~~~U~¾~~, -¾~~~, ¾ ~f~>'r O 1t £ JtJJ- .fU £ JtJJ Ji-1.i.~;t~ ~ , - f1J foJ :t-it 1i.l1JR>'r-¼ 0 iiif-t1t½~1f x._~1t.x._*±, rtr1 Jl gi ro 0 ~~+~*~~~~ o ~~~~~' ~~~+*~* □ Questions (True/False) 1. Wang Xin has been living in the student dorm for a semester. 2. Lin Ming thinks Wang Xin has moved too many times. 3. One of the reasons that Wang Xin moved out of the dorm was that it was too expensive. 4. Wang Xin had never been late for his examinations until last Wednesday. 5. It was not easy for Wang Xin to make the decision to move one more time. 6. Wang Xin has already made the decision to move again in two months. 7. Lin Ming thinks Wang Xin is never sure about where he should live. 8. According to Wang Xin, it is much less expensive to live off campus. 9. If Wang Xin follows Lin Ming's suggestion, he will be able to save money. 7 8 Integrated Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook C. Review Zhang Tianming's schedule and complete the subsequent passage accordingly. (INTERPRETIVE) ~a.. utJfM._ J:_ t j:_j* J:_ ~JJ~i* -¥-_1:_ _tt~ ut1f-,M.. J:_3r-~..;.* l=J ~ii. .tr J5J<,. r-t- w-m ♦ vtHftiJi. 1tk:rJJ-t* a,t_t ~a.. utJf{',&_ J:_ t 3:_i* J:_ ~)Ji&i* J:_ /#) l7t -t-ffi.. J:_{- Jj; i* .trJ5J<. W-nf% vtaftffi.. ~~iJL 1tk:rJJi* ~~:fJil ~f:: D¼~ Jl. (TRADITIONAL) ~¾J:_t~- o ____ ,~~~~'~¾it~- o - - - , ~~1-~¾ _ _ _ o~LJ=-iJ;._~*~'~#* ,ff_1-lt al.; ~ ±!_ ~ ;tttx. : "~ ~ k ~ lm ~ i* , G /@__l:_ T ~ iri T , 0 r1f-W-nf%~, ~k~~M~¾ _ __ ,*W $¼~~iJi. o ~k_~~k~:rJJ~~§, - - -- -10011 jJi ii! _ _ _ _ u t:~1!_, _ _ __ -f100itiila'-J~~YL, ;r){..J:_),t~f: T o 0 ___ Lesson 1 • ~j ,lJf: I if" -:if (SIMPLIFIED) ik ¾ J::. t k i* 0 _ _ _ _ , 5ll 1it1~,t , tJG-!- J:. ~ R~ iJ- 0 - - -'~~00~~-!-___ o ~+~~~~,~~~ ,/i-1~ M1 ~ iiL if"T ~t-iJL : ".A 4-- k 7r-J lm ~ iJ- , 1:; ti J::. T ~ ~ T , O $¼~~~ o *k_~4'--k_~~~~j, _ __ _ -+#~~ _ _ __ o ~g, _ _ _ _ 4+#~~~d,~J::.~•~T D. Take a look at this business card and answer the questions in Chinese. (INTERPRETIVE AND PRESENTATIONAL) RENMJN UNIVERSIT\ OF ( 'IIINA IHI'~~ 3t ft~~ t!tff.ffi8"'*~il$ qi~ tH~•••"'"'~m,~i1$ ~~••~••••±•••m••• qi~ • .:!t*~i.lll! ~ qi lffltt};;:f!j59~ 1 00872 ~~: 010 -6251XXXX tJl f,lii: ffi~, 0 10-8250xxxx ~ ¥fl , xxxxx@ruc.edu.cn RENMIN UNIVERSITY OF CIIINA x19~ 1-1½ "§ >C 1-t ~ ~ ~ ;it. il. * ~± -~ tit~~ • • $$~ cp ~ x-fW5X itH& $ $ ~ 1it il1J ~@l~moo5a•a±•*•m••ffl cp@l • :ft jjr5fii:EIR cp ~H* fir59~ Ill~~: 100872 Et,l,1-%: 010-6251xxxx f~Jlt: 010-8250xxx x Et,l,l!IB: xxxxx @ruc.edu.cn 0 9 10 Integrated Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook Questions: 1.ii1f!1A_-;&i1t~? :t~fr-.~81~a'-J-kl? ~,t-Ajti1t ~? ,'& ~fr-m1~al.J-;&i? 2.1{t,,(f. 11JJ~-11!1J~ rp 1-11=? 1{t,,(£. 11JJ~-1'-.1A rtf i.11=? 3.1~ Jt.1ik1tffi.l- a~ ? ;t- ¢rp , -I- !k- , ii_¾1-t ¢rp? ~)t_~~~al.J?;t-~, ~!l_,~)t_~~? IV. Writing and Grammar Exercises A. Building Characters Form a character by combining the given components as indicated. Then write a word, a phrase, or a short sentence in which that character appears. 1. £:i!-100 ".if-" :ii:i!-100 ' £.iil.-1'- )t_ 2. 3. a~ 0 a~ ' " m,, " m,, ' ' 0 :iii!-100 "k" £:i!-100 "1 " ' ' :iiiil.-1'£.Ul.-1'- "1 " ' ' )t_ 4. ' "4" ' ;t:iiL-1'- "iff:J" ' r:rt-100 J:.i!-100 ",J," 'Y ' r:iiL--tJ:.iiL-1'- "1'" )t_ "m" a~ 0 "*" ;t;:i!-100 "~" £:i!-1@ "~" ' ' ,1;-:ilL-1'- "~" £:iiL-1'- "~" ' ' Jl {J~ 0 Lesson 1 • Ml -!t I -Jt ::fr B. Answer the following questions in Chinese based on your own situation. (INTERPERSONAL) ,. A: ~;j:~r#j ~~k T? ~i~fr~Jt~ T? B: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ o 2. A: 1t ~ it j:_ ~ T ~100 ~ /}J 1 ? b ~ r b ' ~J T11 "~~A<? ~ T .3(_ ~ 1 ../I~ ~ -Y-:n J . 1,J, B: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ o vt fl a,ti&- vA 1! ' 1t 1ti1tJ!t? -Ej:kvtfla,t1,&.vAJ6, 1t1ti1t¼? 3. A: -f¼ k B: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ o C. Answer the following questions based on your own situation. (INTERPERSONAL) , . A: 1,t A, kJl ~ .wJ; ~ a1 ~? 1tlt-kJlJL .~.. ~ a1 ~? B: _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ o -tf- a1 ? 1tit-klzJL.~. ¾ J:.i*a1? 2. A: 1t A, klz ~ ,w.J; ¾ J:. B: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ 3. o A:1t/t-kJL.~J!t¾ J:.i*a1? 1,t/t- kJL,~ z ¾ J:. a1? i* B: _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ o a1 1t JJ~ JL;/£ llJJ~ 5l 1f a1? 1tJ!t ~1rt 1f a1? 1t a1 ~ Ai Jl;/£ llJJ~ JL !k a1? 1t ¼ at 11 !k a1? 4. A: 1,t 1 B: _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ o 11 12 Integrated Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook D. Answer t he following questions in Chinese based on your own situat ion. (INTERPERSONAL) ,. A:1t:i!.100 ,!ffeJt}] ~ T J:. er ~'t*vA1'f', iiJ:.1t ~if 7 1t ¼. + ~ JtJJ ~ r J::_ t x_ VA 1r, Bi. J::_1+ z. 1*? i* B: _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ 0 ~5'r ~-t!? 5'r oo 1~? A:1t ~rt-it lf j:_VA 1'I--, ii'ht1t 1t ~tr ½i>L t ~ VA if.½iYL1+ z. 2. 5'r, B: _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ 3. A: 5'r ' 1t- al.],% ra, ~ T fiK VA ii_~ 1+~1tJ!-.? 1t al.] & fa]~ T );KYA >'r, Bi.~ 1t z. ~J!-.? B: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 4. A: _________ o _ __ ii11!1 il!l. ;t ft T ~ 3[§ ' 1ii:rj; ~ f-- ffiJ ;t ~ 1 ~ SJ , 1ik :rJJ _ _______ o i* YA 5'r ' 1,t- ii-tr $-1ii1t;f;? i* VA 5'r, 1t-Bi.~r Jf-1tk1t z. 7 B: _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ E. Let's get to know Ke Lin. Using the ~ T ... VA 5'r o structure, answer the questions based on the information given. (INTERPRETIVE AND PRESENTATIONAL) EXAMPLE: £.JtJJ- )< £.JtJJ _::.. >~ £.flJ] ..=. £.JtJJ lllJ £.flJJ Ji_ £.flJJ /\ £.JtJJ a ✓ v' ✓ ✓ ✓ A: ~it£$}]~~~? ➔ ~it£ J±JJ JL~ ?Z? B: ~;tt Af; T £ Jt}] - ' £ Jt}]..:::.. VA 5'r ' 111] al.] at ra, ~ ~ ~ ~it~ J £ J±JJ - , £ J±JJ _:::_ VA 5'r , 111] al.] Bf fa] t~ ~ ?Z 0 0 Lesson 1 • ~ */fr~ ,. • • )< ✓ 1f ftt-:i{ -f}J? ~ ;f;f.¼ xt1t ¾ i£ #J ? A:~~ ;f;f.¼~ B: _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ o 2. Beijing )< A: London New York v ✓ ~ ;f,f.-¼ ii! \1})~ ;tr. JA ~ ;ft-¼ :ii!lJJ~ .itr. Tokyo Paris v ✓ Sydney ✓ *? .tA rfi" ? B: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ o 3. 8 x I )< A:~*t-g-,fix.µ~1f ftt-,§k~f? ~;ft¼ ~k µ~ 1t ¾ 1k~t? B: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ o 13 14 Integrated Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook F. Answer the questions and then explain why based on your own situation or the Lesson 1 text. (INTERPERSONAL) EXAMPLE: A: B: 5R:K. aJJ ~1t $.£-1.i,,i .Jf~~¾ $_? ?Rk aJJ n 1t 2,.1i.,,(£ 'if i~~ ¼ .2.? fE1 :Ailifv~~fl,i,~~1_~, 1}iJLJ:.i*~~1~ B: ~ 7'] ti[v~i!_;Jl_ *~~1._,~, 1}-jJLJ:.i~~~1~ 0 0 :Ai1t ~~ 'f k? 1tf-J1t ¼ 'f k ? 1. A: 1t * B: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ 2. A: 1t :A; 1f }JJ;J:. i!_11!1 -!ffe ~ 1t f-J 1t ¼ J:.~ ,t- ? *~~? B: _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 3. A: ~;,f:,f.:A;1f J!-1.i.,tt.t~>'r? ~:-tin 1t 2,.1.i.,ff. i~,,r? B: _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ G. Complete the following exchanges using ~ Jl.A.f I ~ JJlA.f. EXAMPLE: Jl 'f ~ A , Jit ~ 1-lt 1..,{f. ~ ~ , 1.e Jl ,!ffe 'f x_),@, ii1f<.. A: 1.iJ!. X..-EJ:- ~ £ ve, 7 1.iJ:.x..-JtJl 'f ~A , l!i Pt1-tt1..,ff. ~ ~' 1.a Jl~ 'f kE- -itAf<.. ~£ve:,7 s: ,,(£ ~ ~ -k .k. al.i t ~ .Ji -f- , ,!ffe t -9:. ~ Jl.A.f ~ £ 0 ~~~*k~o/~~-f-, ~o/k~~tt~£ 0 1,A: ii_ 11!1 ,m¾ x_,J, 5l ji!_ ,t- ,m ¼ x_ I j' x_ B: t- 0 ~Jt-_tJ.jM_ ili-i-1.i, 0 ~ ~ jJI,.jM_ ill -¼ 1.i , 1f<.. i :f~>'ral.J &-=f-~1f<._ ]'1f<-i-, 1ii :&>'r~ A--r~1f<-,J,1f<-t-, 1 0 0 Lesson 1 • &1-!!/:l ftt 1.t-1r, it1@-m¾--1Il~{t, r 1m ~.flJJ~Jr Jr.4Atii!.~ 1.t1n~+-ffi¼1P<--~it, T ,t-~$JJ~;tr %-tAtill* s: ii 100 ,'ffi ¼ h} Fa1 ~ $ , *1t;;t~~ A {i , ~,t~¾&fEIJ-1' J, -Jff1i~;ff A._{i, 3.A: 1fk.~~ 1_, ~ 1ri :1f1f ~~~ti[ v~ --k 1-tl!. 2.A: r~, ~~~~,~m;ff*~*~~~¾M~ 0 0 0 V 0 0 J;t~1ri-f !f;_-lf-, 1fk.J; J;t~ 1fJ-f *--+, B: ~J; 0 0 H. Zhang Tian ming can be a scatterbrain. Based on the illustrations given, imagine what he would say when he realizes he has left something behind. (PRESENTATIONAL) EXAMPLE: ➔ ~ ;re. ~ JJ[M ~.i,,(f_ ttl ;fll if J:. T 0 ~~ Tf!.i }J~ ~.i,,(f_ ili ;fll ~ J:. T 0 0 2. E1 0 3. ~~ ~~~ 0 1S 16 Integrated Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook I. Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given. (INTERPRETIVE) (TRADITIONAL) i 1~Jt,tf. .ic *tB ±, ff. ;1t :t:-&. k &ry ~ O t ~ t: v:i. 1t_, 1~ x._ -1g:-1t ~~~it~k~~-~ u _I..~M~~~*•~~~~k~ ?~ %ii: "_ _ _ it100 k *1R~,£ , ~ ¢ifi1RM O - -- ~ti ~_£,~~*---,•~~ii~*~~j:&ry*±~~i# (SIMPLIFIED) £1~:Jtff.;Jr. * tB ±, ;/J..;Jr. ** k al.; ~ 0 t ~~ v~Jf;, 1~:x._-Jtit ~~~~+k**•* £~M%~~*~~*~+k*?% %-i.t: "- ---~+k*-1R~ ,£, ~Yili-1RM - - - - ~ t i ~,£,~~M_ __ , ~~A~+*~~~~*_i_~~i# 0 O ~~~ o---~~~~Rff.~+~~'~*~~~*~~ ~ t1t t 111 ,t,&,. , it ;f: ½ 1R ~- ~ , ~t ,t:Jt- J, i!_S- ff_ ~ 00 &ry 1.. ,~ 0 Now answer the following question using r.r. 5p - r ✓-- - · · ·, 5p - r.r. - · · ·, ~ ~ · · ·: _I..~~%%~*•~~~it~k**~? _I..~&ry%%~*~~~*~+k**~? " Lesson 1 • P;r-'j 8/: I -Jr if J. Translate the following exchanges into Chinese. (PRESENTATIONAL) 1. A: When will school start? 8: Next Wednesday. 2. A: What time did you get home yesterday? B: I got home at 10:30 p.m. 3. A: Did you go to New York by plane or by car? B: I went by car. 4. A: Living in the dormitory is very convenient. B: But it doesn't necessarily save you money. K. Translate the follow ing passages into Chinese. (PRESENTATIONAL) 1. That first-year student was born in China, but raised in America. Yesterday I helped her move into her dorm . Her parents want her to live in the dorm to get used to college life, but she feels that living in the dorm is too restrictive and she wants to live off campus next semester. 17 18 Integrated Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook 2. Zhang Tian ming got to know a new friend this morning. His name Is Ke Lin. Zhang Tlanming met Ke Lin in the dorm. There were many people in the dorm, and except for Ke Lin, Zhang Tianming didn't know anyone else. Ke Lin helped Zhang Tianming move his stuff. After helping him move, Ke Lin said to Zhang Tianming, "If you need any help, call me." 3. Little Zhang is from China. He just moved to the United States last year. He has been living in California for more than a year, yet he still hasn't adapted to life in America. He thinks that it's really inconvenient to live in America without a car. He often has to ask others to take him shopping. Next semester he would like to buy a car and help other new students from China. L. Describe your first day in college/high school. Include information such as when and how you got to the campus, whether you liked your living quarters and why, and which classmates or dorm-mates you met that day. (PRESENTATIONAL) Lesson 1 • r;J q1: I 1f f M. Storytelling (PRESENTATIONAL) Write a story in Chinese based on the four cartoons below. Make sure that your story has a beginning, a middle, and an end. Also make sure that the transition from one picture to the next is smooth and logical. 1 .f 2 I ] 4 3 9 19 L~sson 2 • 8 #f ·f;-- I. Listening Comprehension A. Textbook Content (INTERPRETIVE) Listen to the recording for the Textbook and answer the questions in English. 1. Who moved in first, Zhang Tian ming or his roommate? 2. What furniture do Zhang Tian ming and his roommate both have? 3. ls their dorm close to a main street? 4. What are the advantages of living in the dorm? S. What are the disadvantages of living in the dorm? B. Workbook Dialogue (INTERPRETIVE) Listen to the recording for the Workbook and answer the questions. Questions (True/False): 1. Darning's building is located in a quiet environment. 2. Darning does not like his room in the dorm. 3. Darning's friend lives in the same dorm but on a different floor. 4. Darning will most likely continue to live in the dorm for the rest of the semester. 21 22 Integrated Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook Questions (Multiple Choice): ( ) 5. During which time slot is Darning's room quietest? a. 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. b. 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. c. 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. ( ) 6. According to Darning, what is the main source of the noise? a. over one hundred students who live on the same floor b. traffic on the major streets outside c. one of the dryers in the laundry room C. Workbook Narratives 1. Write the character based on what you hear on the recording. (INTERPRETIVE AND PRESENTATIONAL) a. _ ______________ _ b. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2 . Listen to the recording and answer the following questions in English. (INTERPRETIVE) a. How many pieces of furniture are there in the room, and what are they? b. Does the narrator have to walk far to his classes7 c. What does the narrator like about his room? d. What is the room's only shortcoming? 3. Draw a picture of Little Li's room based on the recording and answer in Chinese the question you hear at the end of the recording. Answer: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ Lesson 2 • 15% D. Workbook Listening Rejoinder (INTERPERSONAL) In this section, you will hear two people talking.After hearing the first speaker, select the best from the four possible responses given by the second speaker. II. Speaking Exercises A. Practice asking and answering the following questions. (INTERPERSONAL) , .1,t a,ry & fai ;fif'1th1t J!-? 1* a,ry & 1a1 ;{if'1t ¼ 2.1t €J,ry t- #cJ:.il?t-Jtr.1t h ;R ~? 1,t {J,ry ~ J:.tf ~ - ;ti:.1t ¼ t ~? 3.1,r-1i. a,ry J;{k, 7f ~ t~ 11JJ~ - *tit-~ilt.? 1* 1i. €J,ry 1{k, 7f ~ ~ i~11JJ~ - ;tt1:l ~ ilt.? ~*? * * ~#~~~t~~~,~-~~~.~~? ~¾tl~t~~~,~-~~~~~~? B. Practice speaking on the following topics. (INTERPERSONAL) , .1t €JI.; & fai ( ~ JJl,tE 1i.-tE · · · ) 1t a,ry & Jal ( ~ JJL-tf-1i.-tE · · · ) 2.1* $$,k.1tJ!-¥t a,ry & fa, ? 1t1-xk1t ¼ ila,ry & faJ? C. Describe this room in detail. (PRESENTATIONAL) 23 24 lntegruted Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook Ill. Reading Comprehension A. Building Words Complete this section by writing the characters, the pinyin, and the English equivalent of each new word formed. Guess the meaning before you use a dictionary to confirm. 1. "r,if~" "r,if" + " El JtJ J1i:r" a'-J a'-J " p\7 0 " ➔ pinyin new word 2. " ill -¼ »t " a'-J "»t" + "jt_.!L" /' a'-J English ".!L" /' ➔ 3. pi};t " pifft 1~ ,.., " a{] " 11'.lt... "#r -RAfl" a{] "#r" + " 11'.lt... "Ji. :RAfl" a'-J "Ji." + "1- JJ!i" a{] 7 " i:7 " ➔ 4. "MJ.i." "MJ1.." a'-J a{] "M,, + "1t ~-:f" "M,, + "1t ¼ ~" a'-J "-:f" a{] "~" ➔ ➔ B.The following excerpt is part of a conversation between a landlord and a potential tenant. Read it and answer the questions in English. (INTERPRETIVE) /f ~~, A: xt i:: ~ , A: it PPJ , * ,% Fai $._;tf' ?:lift] ~!f.j? 1oJ , & Jal Y ;pf ~ ifol 0 ~? B: ~E:_;pf o i!_jl-&;f: :t& o B: ~E:_~ ~JL-~i~/~ O O !£ Fai k_ ;f: k_? A: J!..!£ )a) k_~ k_? A: 1,ff B: -100 A_Jt] ' ~E:_ PPJ M B: -,t-A_Jfl , ~E:_ l'ol ~ 0 0 A: i~Ji{i{j ~ {j? :i!_i*-t l n:1 ~ 1a? B: ~ )t,ffl ~ , _::. f- ~ lfB: ~ JtAR. ll:J , .=_ -t- JL-t A: 0 0 A: ~fi ,~ 1$-:ift_ ~~? A: ri!J I!; 1$-ilt 11!:!;? 1Ri! itJlAR-tc-* B: 1Rizl i!,JL,fR-tc-~t A: ~ ~~ ~ iJC1<.A~:fP !A ,t~l? A: ;{if" ~k ;{if" )}t; ;t<..tJG:fP !A f- tJG? B: 0 0 O 0 s: ~k;fif", ~ )l ~, i;t;;l<..JJ!l al.; J-tk.~ ::f-i! o s: ~k ~ , ~ Jt ~ ;;t ;t<..JJ!l al.; J-tk. ~ ::f- iz1 o A: ~ ::f- $,rik1ikiii, fft ili~iii1'tYl ~~? A:~ ::f- %:xk1ik1P..' f{t ili~ ffo..1't JL 11!:!;? ~:i!~ - ~1RJ-tk.il al.; rt I@~1t ~;{if", ~~;fif"-~~~~~too~~ o A: & :til 37 ~y 4l? A: &:tiI.37 ~-Y4l? s: ;{if", 0 B:~1@Jl~1f~o B: 4t/i'--}] ~ 1] J}t 0 1. Would you rent this apartment? 2. Explain your decision by commenting briefly on the following things: air conditioning _ _ _ _ size of bathroom _ __ age of building _ noise level _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ laundry facilities _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ rent _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ restaurants _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ __ ~ 26 Integrated Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook C. Read the passage and answer the questions in English. (INTERPRETIVE) (TRADITIONAL) ~t~, *~~t~~~~~~~~*~_l:_k* ~*,~~*-~~k~,~~~k*, 0 ~~~ ~~-~~k* 0 ~ *~-t~~1-W-1Ez~1f, iJG~15tJ::k.* 1ElJ :k.*-$Jt±-iit*ti, 0 ~~~~~~~~4~Jl~•r,~Jl~$~,~~~~4 ~ o 1Bfl_~i4~, :ii_Jl_,jf~j}( o (SIMPLIFIED) ~too, *~~t~~~k~~~~~~J:k* * , 1-¥*~-i~~1-¥-1Ez;f:-Jtt, tJG;f:~tJ:.k* ,ff1t , ;rfc, _l:_ n-,~, {J,ry k ~ ~ :k. 0 0 n , iJG _l:_ - ~ {!,!; k ~~~ * 0 ~o 1f<-J k$lJt~-itl$k, ~~~~~~~~~~Jl~~T,~Jl;f:$~,~~~~~ Jt 1E-JiAi ~ Jt, i£Jl1f ~1j\ O 0 Questions 1. How is the college admissions process in China similar to and different from that in the United States? 2. Generally speaking, when do Chinese college students decide what to major in? 3. If a Chinese college student doesn't like her major, what can she do? D. Draw a picture and answer the true/false questions after reading the following passage. (INTERPRETIVE) (TRADITIONAL) 'J' ~ {J,ry -$Jr ~ ~ P¥1 MJ it O itJ:_ ~ 3-100 ,% faj £ i! {J,ry ,% faj Jl 'J' ~ {J,ry -t & -t & t Faj Jl- fil1El k a,!; -t #: , -t #: 1i:r!_:1t_ ~100 5l ~ x._ k a,!; -t t faj a,!; & faj Jlffiij ft)f ffiij ft)f a,!; ~ i!Jl,J, ~ a,!; IR~ , IR '.t 'f faj ii;i- 5Ja._ , i!.trt;i-1@ ;t<.Art ;ft r ~ %-lit , ~ * O 0 O 0 a..~ O Lesson 2 • .,a&~~~& o~~&~~~, mi- ~~~~~~~~~~ o ~1t*&al.J ~j!Jt~Aft:tPJit & , -fJ-iA-¼~ ¾~Aft ,J, ~jJ;,tf ri 1r, ~~ mG0'-J-s1r~, ~~i~#i~ O 0 (SIMPLIFIED) ,J, ~ €0 iJt ~~ ifJJ ~ii ii J:.~ ~+& faJ 1;_ jjJ_ a'-J & 1a1 Jl ,J, ~ €r,J .:fi; & .:fi; & 'f fa) Jl - !iC1 i k al.; .:fi; ¥- , -# ¥-J6 illJl ifJJ x_ j¥j x_ k a'-J .:fi; 'f faJ a'-J & 1a1 Jlffiil foJr ffii1 fof a'-J ~ illJl, J, j¥j a'-J ff), ~ , O O + 0 * O 0 ~~'fM~~-*~,~~jjJ_~~-+~~ ~T~~fi,4 0 ff,~&~A~& A~&,ff.~ifL, YifL~*~~~A~~ o A~&af.J ~itLJl4fi:tP ffit & , 1tii-¼ ~ Jl~ff ,J, ~ jJi,ff. fl 0 O fr, ~~ lb G{r-J.iJr~, ~F't~~ 0 27 28 Integrated Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook Questions (True/False): a. ( ) ~ 11El 8}-f- ~ Ji.11El & r~, ik-t-&-f-~ Ji.1--&faJ b. ( ) 0 Q ,J,~,f:lt]fU>'r:i!, iifv~,tf ~i¾.,RR!t O ,J, ~ JfJ jJ-- QI., tif v~ ,ff~ i1t-RJJll o ~ Jt ,J, ~ il'-; JJ}] ~ ~ ~ lt.Jf~F k , µt,ffeJi, 1-lt1Ptl@:tfe: fU 1t- ;r-:: 1u c. ( ) J::. ¾ ~ Jt,J, ~ a'-J JJA ~ ~ ~ x lfifF k, µt 1,& , 1~ 1n s ij: i 1J 1t J::.¾ 0 0 E. What does the sign say? _ __ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ~k-~ 811 ~Rt rJI ~~ ... ~~Jl!t i-] 7: OOAM -10t OOPM 7: OOAM -10: OOPM F. ~~~mt;r-::t~~-?~~&~~? ~~~4~-f:~~~~?~~~~~? Lesson 2 • -TE¼ IV. Writing and Grammar Exercises A. Building Characters Form a character by combining the given components as instructed. Then write a word, a phrase, or a short sentence in which that character appears. 1. "~" ;ti!~1@ '' j(_'' ' ;{i jjJ_ vJ-j ,t;g_j}J_-,t- "..:€:.," J.i..il-1@ M; fl 2. + fl 'E1 4. ' "~" ii jjJ_ ' al.; "0" "0" at + "~" ' ' T:i!.~1@ Till~ t-- Y<.. , ' a'-J ' "0" "0" 0 J.i..i!-1@ ,, k'' ;t-i!_-1@ ' J.i..iiL-+ "k" ' iiiiL-+ 'E1 ' 0 0 J:.:i!-1@ J:. ill - ,tY<.. "x.." ;{;i!-1@ ";t_" li.i!-1@ "~" £. jjJ_ - 3. ' ' '' __, _tf:_'' /' "-_tf:_" /' at at "_tf:_" /' "_tf:_" /' ' 0 B. Answer the following questions based on your own situation. (INTERPERSONAL) ,. A: ,!ffe:tttF1titati!i1t, 1t ittt${ik. JJ~- ~? ~ :ttt F1t ili at ,t,&.1t , 1t it-ttt- xi JJ~ - ~? 11 11 B: _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ 2. o A:1t f:1-1t11.:ttt r"1 tttt-11'1t, ii_fl1i-:tttJ1r tt~-11,1t? 1t '.t1-1t1i.:t~ T"1 it-tt~' 43t, i!.Jt11.:ttt>'r tt-tt-ii 43t? B: _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ I.. fl{] 11JJ~ - ~,'f({t J;G .fi if}f? ~ :ttt .£ a'-J 11JJ~ - it:ti rt~ IJT? 3. A: ~ {5( B: _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ __ o o 29 30 Integrated Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook J;G.fi/ J;G.$.5t. C. Complete the following dialogues using EXAMPLE: A: i!_1l!l ~ aJ.; 1t-J1.- d(_-ji-1 mJ ,fj- ,fj- nJatJ n; ,'t-Jf-:-tl 0 ~ mL~ ;fr i 11a'-J n; ,'t- ~ if 0 ~ , ii+~ a17 ~ Jl- d(_ t- r , 1 e: it1@ I& at.; 1t.Jl- ;ft flt J;:t.ti-t , 1E-k J;:t 1 11€117 ;& i~ ~1.ff J, ~--} ~ a'-J ~ Jl- iii Pt J;t 4i1t , 1.0 k J;t 1 1Ja'-J J& i~ ~1-f J, ..J: -r ;tm r .J..~ r.2 ,.b. I:?' ~rn ..1-- J T 1. A: ~x... _,,,,, 1~•'1£-1>L ' 115 ~ l7l /f'lJ ,A.. I ' 0 ;J\~ ~-1iA.t, -m¼ & faJ k ,J, T 0 0 0 1°k~ft~~ili, J:.i~At'<-~1~ _________ , 1° k ~ ~ ~ ili, J:.i~1tl~ 1~ 2. A: it 1J iJt-:f<.Al:fP f*'-ft~l k '1)'· r , ft,!_~ 'Jr JJr at.; B: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , 0 0 0 ~{:;~~~~M~~k~T,~~~~~ 0 B: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , 1E.ll_ii_o[v~Jf] 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,1.ell_~o[~Jf] o B: 1t- ~1{t1ri a'-J ¥:-t it-t JJ~ J!-~ 1t-~1{t1fJ atJ *-tit-t JJ~ ~ 1a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , 1E.J}_*5l~ t5l1i?._1L 17 0 0 0 ___________ ,~k~~*~5l~~o /.,a /.E1, D. Rewrite the following sentences using 1-.t1r:.<--. EXAMPLE: JJ~~~i'ta'-J *~p1f J~~ ➔ JJ~~~i'ta'-J *J~~1l1tl JJ~ ~1.&.1t a'-J ~ Fif J~ it ➔ JJ~ ~ 1.&.1t a'-J ~ J~it1f1tl ,. 1~1.i. at.; JJ~it~¼~F if~# 1~1.i. at JJ~,tt~ ¼ ~f 1t *1it ➔ _______ * 0 0 O 0 0 O 2. i!.100-!tixAF1t~¼ 3. i!+~i.t~F 't *¼ }]~ ~ pjf $ ~ f 'f ii_ o }]~ ~ ],fj" jJ; ~f *:izl O 0 0 0 ➔ ➔ - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - -- - - 0 0 E. Complete the following dialogues using f& 'f~. EXAMPLE: A: 3t_ , 1;?- a{] ,% fa~ ,'b /!f i[ /!f j~? 9 1". ' 1t ~ % fa] ,t- ~ :it ~ ,~ ? s: ~ ~ ~ :1-P il , ~,riti ,,t ~ -tftJ ~ r $,. ~ ;r,: -J;P it , 10 ,riti Jt ~ iJ¼J .1~ r 1. A: 1-lt aJJ Jc_ tE: ~ ~~ ? 1-lt aJl 1c_ tt ~ 11!Ii? B: 1-ltit m}c_~f if ,ti:, 11 0 0 0 1-ltii iJfJ }c_~f if ,ti:, 2.A: ~J$J 1Jrt*, JJ±-f-i~1l1tl ~tJJ-¼~±f-Al 11tatm ~M1Jri*, JJ±-f-1t~Al1tl O ~~JJ-¼*±f-Jr 11tat1,& B: PJ"" )t.JJL,/f. e..l&{k:JL,WJ; T it~at 1 , PJ"" Jt JJL,/f. e.. ~ +k: JL. ~, r ~ ¾ at r , b ,fJJ.. /.-e -d: ~ ~ ' t\i:.1m ;h,r, ? 3. A: 1,J, Jl.1-sf q><.,I,'~- ~ Yl ~ ~ ~ ~. O ,;r,:, 0 0 0 O 0 O 0 _,h... 1t ~1f ~;il ii~ JL/i'--¾ B: 1t- at & Fa9 ;r,: k , ~ri -t :trk.~ J; Jr -1@ 1t- a{J & Jal ;r,: k , -:kP*-¾ Jfi~ J; ~-Ji'- *? ** 0 k %, _________ , *k %, _________ , 0 F. Rearrange the following words into complete sentences. Pay attention to the Chinese word order. ½ , . 'R t; -~ -4- 1tl~ ~ at 1El~~,~at I~ ➔----------------------1.1.1. ..JI>~ 2 . 1.>-t..-1G lf, JA~ti( ➔---------------------- 32 Integrated Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook 3. *1@ A k/i'- }l ~lf-t)lf L1'f J 1-tl!.. r;ljlf-]'ff i1t1 1-lt ,tf.. t@) ,Ii. t llil ➔ 4. -.it.I::. -.it.I::. $R~~-K1t ~1r, atR.. illJ{k;ilt a~ ,ti- }]~ ~ 1ffi..1'g $.111 atk_ 11lJ{k;ilt a~ vt r lf~~r ~* vt J t~~ ➔ 5 . .~ tr@~ ~ t®J~ r:i':;:> ,J, J:.. ,J,J:_ 1R r* 1R'r* 1 ,& /.'cl .~ 1-if -~f=' -if ➔ G. Describe the following scenes. Don't forget to mention the background, and if applicable, what -'cl,,. the person is wearing. Remember to use~/~ in your description. (PRESENTATIONAi) 1. 0 2. 0 3. 0 Lesson 2 • -76% H. Translate the following exchanges into Chinese. (PRESENTATIONAL) 1. A:Where is your roommate from? B: He's from New York. 2. A: I am starving. B: Then let's go eat. 3. A: Does the store on campus sell furniture? B: No, the campus stores generally don't sell furniture. They only sell daily necessities and stationery. I. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. Pay attention to the Chinese word order, especially the position of time and place words. (PRESENTATIONAL) 1. I read a new book in the library yesterday afternoon. 2. My brother drove from Northern California to Southern California last weekend to visit a friend. 3. He was doing laundry on the second floor when his father called. 33 34 Integrated Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook 4. Little Zhang is going to play basketball with his friends after class. J. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. Note that the modifier/attributive always precedes the modified/head of the noun. (PRESENTATIONAL) 1. This is the restaurant that my roommate mentioned. 2. The dorm where I used to live was very small and very old. 3. The food that your mom made last night was extremely tasty. 4. The bookstore we went to this morning also sells sportswear. K. Translate the following passages into Chinese using the grammar points and vocabulary items from this lesson. (PRESENTATIONAL) 1. Near the campus there is a Chinese restaurant and a Japanese restaurant. The Japanese restaurant is rather expensive. The Chinese restaurant is much cheaper than the Japanese restaurant. Both restaurants are very close to the campus. It's really convenient. 2. This is Little Zhang's room. There is a bed in the middle of the room. On the bed there is a blanket and a comforter. On the right side of the room is a wardrobe. However, the wardrobe is empty. There's a bookshelf on the left side of the room. There are some books on the shelf. 3. I am moving into the dorm in a few days. The dorm is relatively new. My room is close to the bathroom. There are washers and dryers on my floor. It's really convenient to live there. However, I' m afraid it will be a bit noisy. L. Describe your living quarters. Be sure to mention the location, the layout of your room, whether it is quiet for study and convenient for shopping, and finally whether you like living there and why. (PRESENTATIONAL) 36 Integrated Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook M. Storytelling (PRESENTATIONAL) Write a story in Chinese based on the four cartoons below. Make sure that your story has a beginning, a middle, and an end. Also make sure that the transition from one picture to the next is smooth and logical. 1 2 3 4 ·se .. Quief. (!t I. Listening Comprehension A. Textbook Content (INTERPRETIVE) Listen to the recording for the Textbook and answer the questions in English. 1. Why did Zhang Tianming want to go to a Chinese restaurant? 2. Who went to the restaurant with Zhang Tianming? 3. Which people are more familiar with the menu of the restaurant? 4. What did they order? S. When Ke Lin and Lin Xuemei eat at a Chinese restaurant, do they always order the same types of dishes? Why or why not? B. Workbook Dialogue (INTERPRETIVE) Listen to the recording for the Workbook and answer the questions. Questions (True/False): 1 . The restaurant has been in business for almost a decade. 2. The Zhang family moved from Guangdong to Shanghai many years ago. 3. The dishes in the restaurant are typically spicy and salty. 4 . The male speaker has never dined in the restaurant. 38 Integrated Chinese • Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook Questions (Multiple Choice): ( ) S. Which of the following best describes the man's perception of Chinese cuisine, a.All Chinese restaurants use heavy ingredients and spices. b. The major Chinese cooking styles are clear- cut and mutually exclusive categories. c. The only authentic Chinese cuisine is Sichuan style. ( ) 6. Which of the following best describes the woman's attitude toward Chinese restaurants? a. A good Chinese restaurant must be either Shanghai or Guangdong style. b. A good Chinese restaurant must serve good beef with Chinese broccoli . c. A good Chinese restaurant doesn't have to belong to a major cooking style. C. Workbook Narratives 1. Listen to the recording for the Workbook and list in English at least three reasons why Little Chen quit his job. (INTERPRETIVE) a. ___ _ _ ________ _____________________ b. ___ ____ _ _ _______ _________ _________ (. ________________ ____ ______________ 2. Listen to the passage and answer in English: In what three ways do the Chinese and Americans differ when it comes to dining out? (INTERPRETIVE) a. _ __ __ ______ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _______ _ __ _ b. _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ (. _ ____ __________ __________ ____ _____ 3. Listen to the passage and answer the question from the recording in Chinese. (INTERPRETIVE AND PRESENTATIONAL) ~;f-f~~ i,i,~-t1r ~ br)f. - ~ ;p JL~ b -.J._ .. ,_ (J, iFl !1~ ,.. , ·'t ' JR, -{t :tit ffi% (J, -EJ ,n, ;;r;trfilf J!I_ ~_r_:J:Jt~!¾ . ~ rp JL ffilj tk') r)f. - , .... -,:3 tr_jJlJfi 1r-r~, 4- ;,., ~ -+.f-~4-~ 1r_:::.. ,,. ~JAt-~i J a lo/] ,a ~1At-;h ,J, a ;ft ;h 1t_ -'<J:- • _. ,- -H- * -'<,r. I '\ • 1 ,.; 0~__!.1- ffilj .a . 'o/j ~ I ~~ 7T, __!.10 ~-1) ,. I *,M._ *1,&. ~~ ~~ '~ ,J ~,_ /4;- -~% ,'f,. iJ ;;]<.. ti,hn 114f ;;J<..vhn 114f -Ml.¾: '"' if, -tA~ I""' I~ ~ t!h11 114f 1A vhv 114f D. Workbook Listening Rejoinder (INTERPERSONAL) In this section, you will hear two people talking. After hearing the first speaker, select the best from the four possible responses given by the second speaker. 40 Integrated Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook II. Speaking Exercises A. Practice asking and answering the following questions. (INTERPERSONAL) 1.1,t ut iA tf3 r@ 1t itttl 'f I!l * ? ix. FH ift. )ff )ff tf3 i&..it Jl? *"~? ':ifii FH ui)ff ~~)ff 'f I!l 1,&kt JL? ~~ ~ ~_t I@ 2.1tut-f ~~? 1t t1t-tl1~? 3.1t3tii~ ,1J~t1t*' - itl1i1J ,15 ? lb A:. ii2. ,'Z. ,Ii µI- ~ '/1J, 7L v:,J l~J -tT u ~, -iil,ii~ i!J? B. Practice speaking on the following topics. (INTERPERSONAL) , .1t *~t1t1tft¼ o t1~ ii_Jt_5t iR. al.;? al.; *? ~ al.; ? 11al.; ? !At-al.; ? ~$~~*¼o~~*?A~?ff~?~~? :if_)t_ ~ iR. ~? 2. -:5{o *,ff_ 'f l@i&..ii ,Wi!; ;it , 1t -if 1-& 1t Jf; ;it? -:5{0 *,ff_ 1f I1J 1,&.At 1,t- ½ ~ 1t ¼ I ~.. *' I .. *? C. Have a dialogue with your partner about dining out. Invite him/her to eat at a Chinese restaurant. Decide on a place, date, and time. Ask about your partner's favorite restaurants and dishes. Discuss your dietary preferences or restrictions and decide which dishes to order based on both people's tastes. Lesson 3 • i(£.%..1lsJU i(i.1.&..--i'i JL Ill. Reading Comprehension A. Building Words Complete this section by writing the characters, the pinyin, and the English equivalent of each new word formed. Guess the meaning before you use a dictionary to confirm. 1. ";g.~" ";g. ~" ";g. " + ";g. " + a'-J a'-J "-1r. .._" a'-J "1ftif-" a'-J * ".Jf-" "if-" ➔ pinyin new word 2. "1fi." + "~t" + "& ;r,:i " ~ •"' "& ~ "Jl;.." a'-J ~ ;t,i " a'-] •"' ".E;..." ~ ➔ 3. " ,__!.. ... ,.. -© " lf=l llc~ ,.. , ":__!.. J.t... ©" /f=l ,-., - "-©" ,.... , + "Jll:.f·" ;, ' (J a'-J a'-] "~" + "f*-f" a'-J a'-J "~t" "-f" ➔ 4. "-A- -if-" a'-J ",A- .$-" a'-J i-'ti i-'ti + "iih" " i1.i " + " '4]" " ,A- " i-"t ,_).: ➔ s. "tl: ¾" a'-J "ti!-¼-" a'-J ' " tl: " + "Fi o" " ti! " + "(1 0" a'-J "0" a'-J "0" ➔ B. Draw a line connecting the cuisine with its signature flavor. I -1J:~JI* ~ Jlj 1ft 111 ~~~ r_L I'* {it J:_'* '~* -1J:- ' $ kl- '~* , k -!T ,x '_;E.. '-1> !At Engl ish 41 42 Integrated Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook C. Take a look at these dishes. Which of them do you think are vegetarian? Use check marks to indicate your answers. (INTERPRETIVE) Traditional Simplified ~;}f~, ~ ,rt- 1,i;J.f-~ ~ ~~_ff_~ ~r~, -t -+.1-~4~ ¼ _;::_ ...... A A 1Fl :/If;. , .. , {{, 5t~~ ;y}!~ -1=1 ,{{, .. , ~~© E:7- ~!At.,1':fjj Ji.V:- - ffilj'a &11~.1t~n ~ ,:7 . ;, .., 0 . ~...!-l-~I Sometimes ~$.JL; ~iik-t~ ~ No ~~-~ tr.ix.4 ~ -H- _.,_ Yes ~*iij{ij~h . 0. Read the passage and answer in Chinese the question at the end. (INTERPRETIVE AND PRESENTATIONAL) (TRADITIONAL) f: 1f * ~ 5t i3c_ ~ :kt , J,!. 1i i vt ~ *, ~]l vt ~ , q;y JJ k ~Y vt 4 1 ] ~□ ~~~*~,~~~~' ~~- □ ~~~~? (SIMPLIFIED) ~ a'-J A. '.t 1Jf-EL ii ~, vt1t z. iJG vt 1t ¼ , ~ ~,ta ~ii i O ~ a'-J A. ~~~~~~~:kt,~~%~*~' ~~~,#~k~~4 ~ □ ~~~~~,~~~~' ~~~ o#'.t~~? E. Read the passage and answer the questions in English. (INTERPRETIVE) (TRADITIONAL) ,J,-M~ f1J 8t-tiF1tili_a'0-'f- rt @~1it 11t1fo... #~ 'f-~1it6'-J Jf;._x. 1~ 1L x.J~ ii , 1~J~}J~ Jl al.J '$ ;t- , Rll:t¼ Jl :½~ -t~- ~1-tt O , J, # ,t- :k ;z_ -!-JJ~$lrrt1f-i& 1° Jl1~-ii!-F~, it)G,Jl:,fflfRvA W]~-:tf 1 ° ~~ ~1it{r{; 1Rv:l. t11-:lf 't~~x, o[ J}__~k_,t,~JJ~~ith? ji_::!f', 4-'-x.6'-J JJ!Lf!- J! 1~-100~~~-t~--tl *Jr-J:.6'-J *~tt.vY-itr-}t J Y F-tY ii JlG VA I.Jr , 1~ .w.t a'-J ;it$:_ iiJi 11R 3/ 11?f(# 0 1~ ~- r ,k1t~~ 11J ii ~ iii1it 31l11t i& J o 0 0 O O (SIMPLIFIED) ,J, ;fiif it f1J ':!f ~~ F1t ili_ 6'-J - ~ rt l!J f,&_1t11t f,&_ 0 JJ~ ~ 1,&.,tt a'-J ;rt x_ 1t_ 1C x__ J~ ii. , 1~ Jl JJ~ JL a{] it -i: , JJfl ¾ ~ ~~ -iJ.._-iR 1~ J, i~4-- k x__ -!-JJ~JL 11t1f-1,&_ 1° Jl 1~-itt 11, it)G~,1-'tflfRvY- fir~-{{- Y ik_~ f,&_,tg a'-J ;ft vY- WJ -:lf it 5-k ix, ~ }l,4'-- k ,t- ¾ }]~ ¾ )lfJ? i£~, ,4'-- k 6'-J JJ!l¾~1~-/i"-~~~iAiR ;ft~_la,ry;ft~J;t.vY-ttJ-:tJT ° Ft1it JlG vY-Yr' 1~,~t 6'-J *~i£ii 11RJ 11~tt 1~~- r ;J:1}~_:f:f!J ~~ f,&_,tg ~ 11t1,&. y 0 O 0 O O 0 Questions 1. What attracted Little Ke to the restaurant before? 2. What four changes did Little Ke notice on this visit? 3 . Did he eat? How do you know? 4. Will he eat there again? , 44 lnte9rated Chinese • Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook F. Read the passage and answer the following true/false questions. (INTERPRETIVE) ut ~: to eat vinegar; to be jealous (TRADITIONAL) 4--k¾kka'-J .i. EJ, ~A..i.1E1<.-fiJG1Jt,1~~ ~ ~, ~-f¼kk --~h~~ 0 .,~¾k~, ~•-Mr, ~~4..~~~ilk~ ~~1-n 0 ~~r-n•,~¾±~ 0 ~~±~~~#, *~~~~~~~AI1 ° ~~~**~T-~ff,~~~~ 1ikh\ 1 ;J,;g-g,ffe, J..1- '.; .'..:t-. 1)L : " 0 ±±~¾i3t: "~~Jt'.t11tga'-)±A- o" ..>Wt a~ "'® -j;:;- J,1.. IZ ' 37 nJ"'u ;ll;l:t. i=m ~· ~ 1f.rt/FJ XJ );)1!:;;_ • h ~~ " (SIMPLIFIED) 4--k>lkk~~a, ~~±~~~~~~~~, ~~kk ~1ik-ffT, ~~±'.t1fv~ilk):t 1~JJuT-,*.. 5£, if.Jt±£_, ~j;uJ-,*.. 5£, if.Jtdzj.Jt ~~±'.t1f~xt , 1ik-/i'•ji:,t;t~ O 0 O *~~~~~~~A~T 0 ~~~~Y~T-~ff,~~~A 1ikh\ 1 :rftM~ 0 kk3(~iYL: "~~Jt~11tga'-)±A- 0 " ~~ !!.. iJl : " J 11t filr xt t 1f-1f-ff !t1: ! " Questions (True/False): ( 1. Mr. Li didn't go to work today. ( 2. Mr. Li put a lot of salt in the fish. ( 3. Vinegar is one of the essential ingredients in Mr. Li's fish recipe. 4. Mr. Li put a lot of vinegar in the fish because Mrs. Li likes vinegar. 5. Mrs. Li does not consider herself a jealous woman . G. Read the passage and answer the question in English. (INTERPRETIVE) (TRADITIONAL) it ;t~ ,1~~ a'-J rt Jt:t- ¢rr JJ~ JlJft ~ a'-J : 4--~Jt,J-.i:1JJ a'-J ± a , -%-%-i,~-i.~,f1~.f1J,M._1?t 11t1i,&_ 0 ~~t>t1~ 1r, ~-!- a'-J %..1t;t,J, JJJJ ~ ~ t-,fit a'-J 1E-;t.f1J %-it r i 1l1f , ,J, aJJ ~ O r ,./~-1£t a'-1 ~ ~ , ;tt 3C ~ i>t : "~ ;p: :iii-¼ ! " j.~ -k.~ ti : "1,t ~ 1t fi}:f:~4- 11-t? " ,J,~i3l: "~ ffJ ! " 4£-4£-~fiJM._i'ta{J ~ -'.f Jl "}i_JJJJ ,J,vt" , ttfi.,J( T ~~ 1,t1ri !f.p J~ j' l:J}J iv 1+ ~'"'ffJ , %% iv 1+ ~ ;t ~~? 1 0 I (SIMPLIFIED) itk ~J.A~ a1 t j:_ ~ iJrp JJ~ JLv)f- :i. a1 : A, kk ,J, aJl a1 !!. a , 1£-1£-j{~-kili ~1{tf1J 1,&11gvt1,& %%iJtj{t 0 1n~-¼a11,&1'ik J,JJJJ}i_~$~x_a1 ° 1E-kf1J T 1,&1tr1rw, ,J,aJJ$ 3L1,&1t a1 ~ ~ , fit x_ ~ iJL : "$_. ~ m-¼ ! " j{~ ~ iJL : "1t- 7-1 1t ¼~m-¼v,t7" ,J,aJ]iJL: "$_.,ti~!" %%$ftl1,&1ta1~ ~~ "}i_JJJJ ,J,vt" , ttilt T ~~ 1t-1n :1-Pl1i>J, a}] 7-) 1+ ¼ 'f~, %% 7-) 1+ ¼ Jt v!J;? 1 0 Hint: the sign can be read as an anagram. Ask your teacher to explain how shop signs, placards, and newspaper headlines were traditionally inscribed in Chinese culture. H. This is a set menu for a multi-course meal. Try your best to tell your friends who don't read Chinese what's on the menu. (INTERPRETIVE) * yJ>jU *5~ 46 Integrated Chines@ • Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook I. This is an excerpt from a cookbook. What's the dish? Is it vegetarian? (INTERPRETIVE) M¥l~ ~*3! : E.~1~ , ~~ , ~~~50W: , ~~30:s'i! , ~~~10:s'i! , ji!j~ , - ~ , 5Etl , oij~W, ~J.iW~®· • iiHiilR • A: il5m, ~w, iffl~®!I Q ~~i~ rnt;IBl = IiM1Bi:, ~it, ~itfk50%, ~H:30%, il.#xH:10~. rlf-tt, ~H, im, M#x;I',} , i~~lf!ft~~:I:. ~~ 1.R. A: 'llf;11l, ~;I',}, ft~~- 0 Lesson 3 • ~~1it Jli ~1»At JL IV. Writing and Grammar Exercises A. Building Characters Form a character by combining the given components as instructed. Then write a word, a phrase, or a short sentence in which that character appears. ,. ki!-1@ " '~'' ~" ;l;i!-1@ "if-" li.iiL-+ "~" ' ;l;ifL-+ "-f" ' a A- -1-- ·i,. -- w.1- ,L> 2. ,C(.. 1Jf. _:::.. ,.-,o JJ'~ ' a'-J 0 1r-fl "k" -I- •jg,. ..+. ./0 1Jf. 1>-1>-J ~ E-i!L~.~,11<-' 7bQL i1Jj + "k" fl. _ _ __ a'-J _ _ -1-- '£ - ,.-,o w.1- JJ'-, ,L> 3. 41Jf__:::.. 1r-fl -I- 1Jf. '£ _.. ~ ./1:3 li.itL~.~t11<-, 7bi!L-+ fl _ ___ a'-J _ 4. _ ' ' o " mtb" " mtb " "tb" a'-J "tb" ' al.; a £.i!-1@ "~" 7bi!-1@ "~ J:;-._" a'-J "~" ' ";f..." 7bi!L-+ "..fft-k" a'-J "..fft-" 5-ifL-+ ' ' Jf:_ _ __ _ a'-J 0 B. Answer the questions using the phrases in parentheses as topics in a topic-comment sentence. (INTERPRETIVE AND PRESENTATIONAL) EXAMPLE: A: B: , . A: 8/: {X- F+t iii~1~ i ~it , ii.~ a'-J ,t- ft.1-:-t!? t~ F1t lli~1R- J f,&_,t'fr; , ;.£~ - * * a'-J *,1f;. ¼ ;J:f? JJ~ ~~1it ~ ¾ i& 0 f]~ ~fl-1t O ~ 1f ~ ~it ' -1' }-p i!,JJ~ Jl (JJ~~~t) ~ lf ffil ft-,tt , -1' :1-µ ill JJ~ JL *1M:Af1R-J~i1t * ~¾it 1ii1-rf-1R-J~ilt stk ~ -t~--t~;ff;tt a'-J JJJJ !i_ ~~? f~ k aJ] iJ.._ i~ t,,[ Ji~ a'-J -k JJ}] _&_ 11~? ( f]~ ~!l-1t) 0 0 * B: _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ a 47 48 Integrated Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook 2. A: ?!5c_ aJJ b .r£~),@-¾ ¼at.;± ,'ir r ~~? ~t~r1}) t:-ii£.i!.El~¼M11-~ T 11lb? (,ffi ¼ at.; ± n;) (~¼a~ 1-~) B: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ o 3.A: 1;T- 0 t~\W )Jj *~~? ~ia,'t~*f? 1t- µti±.~ J11 Atµ~? µ~i_a ,'t ¾ ;tf? B: - -- - -- - 17 - (\W Jl] ;it) (~ JI] At) - - - -- - -- - - - - o (i :::-.-tf at.; ±i~) (i :::-.i*#i ± i~) B: _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ C. Paraphrase the following sentences using 1. •• ~* * _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ o ·it,!· · ·. i! tf a!.i 1R$:- Jb , ~ ~rfi ~1] -tt 1l , -1\ it! ·ti T i!.i* at.; i½ 1R$:- Jb , ~ !lil1 JxJu -i#- Jt , -1\ itfc.:ti T 0 0 _____________________ o 2.1~1tl.1f,t aJJ , 1tJ5J; ~ , 1t ~1~ , 1~1R ·r:k: it! ,t- T ➔ 0 1~1tllf,i aJJ , 1t ¾ ~, 1,t-~1~, 1~1f<.A:k:it.!½ 1 ° ➔ _____________________ 3. JJ~1oo 1~~ 1f<.-ilt, o 1R·r:k:it!k_f1J T JJ~ f--1~~ 1Rilt, 1R·r:k:it.!k_f1J 1 ° ➔ 0 _____________________ o D. Rewrite the following sentences using ;J..__ • · · ;J..__ • • •. EXAMPLE: JJ~~-m¼1tlitJi", !1~ it-m ¼ 1RitJi" , ,.-1\ ➔.~➔.~1ii at.; 4 -1\ ~~:k~1ti a'-J 4 ➔ -<l:.AR5$ -it ➔ !1~~-m¼ x...._ itJi" x...._5$1t ~AR 5$1t ➔ !1~ it-m ¼ x_ itJi" x...._ 5$ ,it ~ 1R:Mt, lr7 JlAElif ~ 1R:Mt, JtTJ 11.AR¼ O 0 O 0 0 0 _____________________ o 2. }]~ ~~ 1'ta'1 ;i-t;r:;:1e 1Riih , m ll1R~ 1JI~ ~ 1»-.1t a{; ;rt~ 1E-1R i41 " rf7 JL-fRA ➔ ______________________ o 0 0 1-fJ;, _,;,.,, =HK r!::- -ib ~ .t.h ~ -JI;: ,t, tf2. -:!I: ~~,;-4,i'' 3. 11,s.- JJL;n,,. ~<- f!7"] }J; ·wJ Fl ~JJ~?J\..-"lr $ n-11 ,..,f, t1;t,}J~ ~~ma{;~ 11 ➔ ~1J<-*~r- ifi lL1tl1~ j: ·t,Jf t¥-f, m_HAR1t_jC 0 0 ______________________ o E. Based on your own situation or opinion,answer the following questions using it.Yi~~··· r lit.Yi~~-•• r . 1. A: 1.r-T 1@ ~ft}Jii_~~ 'f k~~? 1,t- T 1-- ~ JtJJ ii.~~ 'f k 11!!;? B: _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ 2. A: 1.f- it1@iJ!L,;fz_qr X,1ii 1t ft? 1,t- ii 1-- %J *ir X.1tk 1t ¾ ? B: _ __ _ _ __ 3. A: o _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ o 1t-1t1JJ- k ~'t 1-;,i--tt 1iA~ A ii_fl1i.t~Yr? 1,t-'Jt1-ff k '#:#Jr ±Aii 1iA~ A ii.Jl1i.t~Yr? B: _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ ____ o F. Based on the information given, describe what the characters in the textbook like or dislike most, using 4} J3tJ Jl. EXAMPLE: ➔ f!k aJJ _g-~17t tJ , 5-~)(Jl}l _.g-JXYt ~ ' 4t 1 4t ] 1 ] Jl1fi 0 1] lt_1.b; 0 50 Integrated Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook ,.1( ➔----------------------- ➔----------------------- )< ➔----------------------G. Fill in the blanks with a{], J~, or 1Jf-. (TRADITIONAL) ~ fj 0 M-µt * M ~1-tt1ri 1t1!f-F1t ilt 11JJF- ~,f-1it _ _ _ 1ti _ _ _ Jjk_ O 1-tt1r,%i)f~~t~mi!JJ~~tr1~%.1it_ _ _ *~* 0 it ~' ~~,J-~J::.*J::. _ _ _ ~, *~~ ~~~o J~ ~ 5l k 5l ~W k ~~~$$t~ JJ~ $lAf-1tiJl._ _ _µt , i!µt lfi.. , iilWF k_ O 0 (SIMPLIFIED) ~~M~~m~~~ilt~-~~~--- -~~-- --~ M-~ ~m¾~~*~m~~~tf~~~- -- ~Jjk_M0 0 ~ ~,f-1t J::. ;)tJ::. _ __ 'f;lc' ;)t-tl!..1ti 1tl1~~ Jlk.~ 5lk_5l~~t k_ ~~$~3:~JJ~JL{!•,iJL_ _ _ _ µt, iJLµt iJt' 0 !]~ O It,& , ~ lWF k_ 0 Lesson 3 • {f.i&..-ffe't JU {f.ifi..ft JL H. Fill in the blanks with the words and phrases provided. (PRESENTATIONAL) (TRADITIONAL) _ _ _ _1-tt 1ri a!.J ~ "!t .~, , _______.iJf ffef _______Mvt {el/_ ;;fif" a{] A f: 1f1-tt1ri a{] k 5t ~).__ 0 ?}f VA ~o 1t-~ fPJ it ~!f1i't a{] * * O ** ~*' - - ---~~o~J ~mG~~- - - - 0 (SIMPLIFIED) 111 ~ 5t ~ J!J_, _ _ _ _1-tt _______.i)f ~ _______Mvt 1a Jl ~~A~~~fil~~:k.~~ O 0 ~M, _ _ _ _ _1t-al.J 0 ~~~*~~~~~!f~~~M 11~ I. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1 ° ~ mGvtal.i _ _ _ __ (PRESENTATIONAL) 1. I finished reading the book I bought yesterday. (topic-comment) E._ /.'€7 I .J?. /.'€1 2. Your younger sister is very pretty. (R1-t" ~~"--1-t") 3. The steamed fish tastes excellent. S1 52 Integrated Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook 4. The beef and broccoli at this restaurant is superb. The beef is tender and smells wonderful. (,X_ • • • _x_ ••·) 5. Could I trouble you not to put any MSG in the food? J. Translate the following passages into Chinese. (PRESENTATIONAL) 1. Ke Lin and Zhang Tian ming went out to eat last night. Ke Lin drove very fast and they got to Chinatown very quickly. The dishes that they ordered were all delicious. As soon as they finished eating, they went back to school. Wh ile driving, they talked and laughed. They were very happy. 2.1 hadn't had Chinese food for three weeks and was thinking about having some authentic Chinese food in Chinatown. As it happened, my friend Little Lin also wanted to have some Chinese food. But neither of us had a car. It took us an hour to walk there. We ordered three dishes, and they smelled good and tasted great. We both felt that we should have ordered more. K. Write a restaurant review. In your review, comment on the decor of the restaurant, the service, the prices, and your favorite dishes. (PRESENTATIONAL) m1t Jll ,fi.1'.&.-it JL Lesson 3 • ,ti. L. Storytelling (PRESENTATIONAL) Write a story in Chinese based on the four cartoons below. Make sure that your story has a beginning, a middle, and an end. Also make sure that the transition from one picture to the next is smooth and logical. 1 2 3 4 53 Lesson 4 • 1f JR. i1sJ / "!f;; ft, i1sJ ~ I. Listening Comprehension A. Textbook Content (INTERPRETIVE) Listen to the recording for the Textbook and answer the questions in English. 1. Why doesn't Zhang Tian ming like the clothes that his mother bought for him? 2. What is Zhang Tianming's philosophy of shopping for clothes? 3. What are Ke Lin's criteria for buying clothes? 4. With whom does Lisa agree? B. Workbook Dialogue (INTERPRETIVE) Listen to the recording for the Workbook and answer the questions. Questions (True/False): 1. The woman urges the man not to worry about her wardrobe. 2. The man and woman went shopping together last weekend. 3. The woman has not bought much clothing recently because she wants to save money. ) 4. The woman thinks her clothes are not only all name- brand, but also fashionable. ) 5. It is difficult for the woman to buy clothes because she is too picky about prices. 55 56 Integrated Chinese • Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook C. Workbook Narratives 1, Listen to the recording for the Workbook and answer the questions in English. (INTERPRETIVE) a. In the past, how did the Chinese pay for their purchases? b. What has changed about Chinese shoppers' methods of payment? c. In what way is shopping in China different from shopping in most states in the United States7 2. Listen to the passage and answer the following questions in English. (INTERPRETIVE) a. What does Little Lin look for when buying clothes? b. What does Little Wang think about Little Lin's criteria for choosing what to wear? c. Would you prefer to go shopping with Lin or Wang? Why? 3. Listen to the passage and answer the following questions in English. (INTERPRETIVE) a. What is the name of the shopping center? b. How many floors are there7 c. If you want to buy shoes, which floor should you go to? d. Why is there a sale at the shopping center? How big is the discount? e. In addition to the sale, what is the extra incentive for customers? 4. Listen to the passage and answer the following questions in English. (INTERPRETIVE) a. What does the hotel provide for its guests? b. How can the guests pay their bills? Lesson 4 • Jr ,t_iffJ / !f. ?t- iffJ c. Which amenity would you like the most? d. What is the disadvantage of staying at this hotel7 e. If the room rate is $100 per night, how much does it cost to stay at the hotel for one night including tax? D. Workbook Listening Rejoinder (INTERPERSONAL) In this section, you will hear two people talking. After hearing the first speaker, select the best from the four possible responses given by the second speaker. II. Speaking Exercises A. Practice asking and answering the following questions. (INTERPERSONAL) , .1.r- --M_ 3? ~ Jr - ;k_;f<_JJJl? 1.r- - j t } ~ !k- ,k;i<.JJ!l? 2.1.t- JJLtf. Jr J:. ~ al.:J i<-JJ!lliJt;r<31 it -f- Jl1tJf_- JJJ ~ al.:J ? 1.r- J~;(f. Jr J: ~ al.:J i<-JJ!l/ it i<31 :t4-f- Jl1t ¾ iJY ~ al.:J ? 3.1.t- Jr -RJJ!l al.:J ;fl.f-Jl1t;f_-7 1.r- -RJJ!l al.:J iiF ;fi Jl1t z. ? ~-&~rt, Jr~~~*~'~#~½~Jlm1imf? * -•*~' !kt~~~~,~#~½~Jlm1imf? Jr s.1.t- Lt;(f.{i al.:, 'l'I') -RJJ!l '#i; ~1t~JL ~~? 1,7'.i~;(f.1.i. al.] 'l'I') !k-RJJJl '#i; ~1f~,l 11!1;? B. Practice speaking on the following topics. , .1.t- ii1.r- al.:J JJJJ }§___-~-¼Jr~~ , 1-tt;fr J 1J1tJf_-t~ ~, Jr , 1.r- ,!: Jf_~~ JJ. ilp .,,,, 'llf - .lf_r.? µ~.,,~.,.,,, - . ~~~~M}§___-~~!kt~,~;fr~*z.~~*,~~z. ii:1-tt ~y !l: - .it~? S7 58 Integrated Chine1;e • Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook 2. tt1t- ii ii1t- tt ~ X*i<JJ!l a'-J ~ ~~? ~1t&? it 1.t. iJL1Jt.1t- xt;git*JIil a,ry ~ bb? ;1; 1+ z.? (PRESENTATIONAL) * * 0 0 x* a,ry 1t- If: -RAil- ;t_~If:~ x* at 1t- J *JIil- ~~ J ;g 11 3. You are a salesperson and have to sell this T-shirt. Talk to a potential customer about the T- shirt based on the information on the clothing label and tag, and try to convince the customer that the T-shirt is wonderful in style, color, material, and price and is ideal for him or her. (PRESENTATIONAL) Made in China Name Brand 100% Cotton Original: $40 Machine Wash Now: $20 Tumble Dry Ill. Reading Comprehension A. Building Words Complete this section by writing the characters, the pinyin, and the English equivalent of each new word formed. Guess the meaning before you use a dictionary to confirm. ,. "-kilt" {il.J "~o" + " 41-f if)f-" €1'-] "if)f-" "-1_6" + "41-fiir-" al.J "iir-" -1_6" €JI.; "* !,.'..l.. !,.'..l.. ~ ➔ new word 2. "i:~>(__ A,, a'-J "A,, + "1Z.All" ➔ €JI.; ";tz." pinyin English Lesson 4 • if" .N JR-tfu / If:: ft- tfu "if" + "Xi{--J-" fl'-) "X*" " ' h .$-" ,--r.i a'-J ".$-" + "Xt--r,, ~ "xi,, 3. ",J.:: i-'1. a¢J ➔ 4. i:ru . :r. " I-~ " "T1t ~" "~" + "5f ~" a~ ~" a'-J a'-J "~" + "~ ~ a~ '' ~ ~ " '' ,1§.. A '' ➔ 5. "**" "*" a'-J + ",,ip1J-f-" a~ ",,ip1J " ➔ B. Read the passage and answer the following true/false questions. (INTERPRETIVE) (TRADITIONAL) :¥r;tt Jr ~JJll ~ ~*i-r , l~ ~ , k ,J-. , k 1ft¼ ~ tJtA-t , ;f: ,tf. )t;f:)t;g 1-tt a'-J--k JJJJ~;tt if:#tf:1f;g X!f a'-J ~J1ll ~-J:-lf1f j , Jf~~~~#~ i~~*:¥r~JT-#«~,)t~~JR ;f:-t-,fft a'-J Jt ~, tt1t_ Jf ;f-¼ JL~ ~:#t-;t JLt!G T1➔ ~~: "1t ,'t ~ Jr 1 -14 it~ ~;t a'-J ~JJll? " :¥rit Jt;f-tJL: "it)t;g Xi(a'-J ! ~it1t ;f: $,fit? " x, + 0 0 0 (SIMPLIFIED) :¥f;i:,f.*~JJ}l~~{f--f-, fffl! ~-- k_,J-., **li¼~i!G1-t, ~{±. -t )t;f:)t;g 1~a'-J-k J]}J ~;tt if 1~1it1f ;g X!f a'-J ~JJll~-J:-lf1-tj, 1f #JIil i + ffiJ *:¥r;tt* T -14~t~3, )t if1~:rrl ;f: t- xx. a'-J 1t ~ , i~ 16 ~ ~-¼ YL ~ if :tit- ;t YL i!G T1➔ ~~ : "1~ ,-t, ¼ 1 -14 i!. ¼ ~11 ;;t a'-J ~JJll? " :¥r;tt X ~ iJt : ":i!_¾_;g Xl a'-J ! ifi-i!1t ~$xx.? " x, 0 ~*-tt~ O 0 * Questions (True/False) 1. Ke Lin has no standards when shopping for clothes. 2. To Lin Xuemei , a good brand means good quality. 3. Last weekend Ke Lin and Lin Xuemei went shopping together. 4. Ke Lin tried to make the point that brand-name clothes are not necessarily good. 59 60 Integrated Chinese • Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook C. Read the passage and check the boxes in the table based on the information given.Then answer in Chinese the question at the end of the passage. (INTERPRETIVE AND PRESENTATIONAL) (TRADITIONAL) ,J, '.f!Jf >R~~~l-f.ll: ~~Jt~ Jf*a'-J, ~-tt;f:i-f-*-1'*, 1f 4t-f -1' -t, 1~;i~~ Jl ,J, ;tt Jl >tt ~ j[l,J, ?f<--1' -;f:ffi__, 1R,(£-f-1f O m..n.~111t1~ 1i: 1~1ri ~ 100 -~ ill -¼ Jl -R.Rll at at1rt , ,J, f& f:1f ,J,;tt;; ~-~-4~, ;f:,,(f.-f- X*-f-; ,J,;ttf:1l J, fl~~-~~ X* Jl, -1'1±--f--RJI!l;f:t-f-½:i!;f:½:i! fo)f v~1~1r1 'f 'f tl!-¼a'-J at1rt1R ~~, w ~at at1it1tl-1' ~~ -I- , 0 1 0 0 1if-o/r;? 1t-1fj[l,J, 5f<.:iill J,;tt-~-¼ 1l JR~? »i1t ~? 1 (SIMPLIFIED) ,J, !R~ # ~61.J ;t;r-;fi_Jl: X~Jl~X*a'-J, JG-it-ff-f-*-1'*, 11t4lt-;f:t-, 1-tt~~~~ ,J,;t,t.~ # ~i[l,J,fR~-;f'f, 1R1£-t~ -I-, m ll~11t4\1~1i: 1~1n ilfJ ,t--~ tB-¼ ~-R.Jllla'-J af1~, ,J, 5l jt 1-t' J, ;f,f-;; ~-~- 4l , ~ ,,(f. -f- Jf* -f- ; J, ;f,f- j[: 1-r/-,J, !R ~ ~- ~ ~ X-'f JL, ;f: ,(f_-f--R.Jlll;rf-f-½i!.-1' ½i!. fo)f v~ 1~111 'f 'fill-¼ a'-J at1~1R ~7Z, W~a'-Jat1~1tl-1'~7Z 1t-o/r;? 1t-½j[l,J,?Ri£Jl,J,;tt-~-¼~ # ~? ,7g1t ¼? 0 0 1 1 0 0 Brand name Price Style Quality Little Zhang Little Lin You Your answer: _ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ _ D. What does this sign say? (INTERPRETIVE) J:.~ -f~•,01t =1~•·••1t E. Read the advertisement for a department store's sale and answer the questions. (INTERPRETIVE) 1. Which department will offer a forty percent discount? 2. Will every item in that department be forty percent off? How do you know? 3. Will customers get a discount if they go shopping on a Friday? 62 Integrated Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook F. Since the mid-nineties, retailers from overseas have been setting up shop in coastal cities in mainland China. Upscale boutiques and department stores are now becoming quite commonplace in big cities. The following advertisement appeared in a Shanghai evening paper. Skim through it and complete the following tasks. (INTERPRETIVE) 1. Circle the Chinese name of this store. 2. Circle the address of the store. 3. Circle the description that is used to convince the Chinese customer of the prestige of the store. IV. Writing and Grammar Exercises A. Building Characters Form a character by combining the given components as indicated. Then write a word, a phrase, or a short sentence in which that character appears. 1. i£ i! -100 A~ ~ , ti i! -100 "-f-" li.itL-,t-A~ ~, ;tiitl-,t- "-f-" , ;t_ _ _ _ _ a'-J _ _ 2. J:i!-100 "~" J:.it!.-+ Jl "f:F:i" 6'-J ' ' a r :i!-100 rJZL-+ 0 "rtr] Jl" 6'-J "ifii ll.." 6'-J "rtr]" "rtr] " ' Lesson 4 • 3. ri!-100 "A ,, ' riil--t- "A ,, ' i-tt-11!1 "--?;-" ~ J:_iZ!_-/i"- "-?;-" 1'=') fl at 4. 'E1 ' ;{;~-11!1 "L~it" MJ "L~" '71 ·'1! '71 ' ~iir-,t' "*" al.J ,,:(__ *I& 0 E-i!-100 ";it" E.iir-+ Jr. _.f_ I&/ 1k " ,i\. 7J . . k'f 'f " a~ ",l.",,..." 7J ' 0 8. Answer the following questions in Chinese. (INTERPERSONAL) 1. A: 0"- k_}t ~ fl ~ Jffc., 4'--kJtJL}] JL½' £ £-itJJ JL? B: _ _ __ _ _ __ 2. A: ft}J ~? * * _ _ __ ________ o it11!1 .jtJJ r#J 37 ~ T ? ~~~JJJ-Jr~ 37 ~ T? B: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3. A: 1t- -100 o £ JJJ _1:_ ~ ,k 'f k -t*? 1tft.} at1ii _1:_? ~-+£.ftJJJ:.JL~'f~~?~~at*J:_? B: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ o _ _ _ _ __ o _ o at :f:._1ti;r}J"t*1ti J 37 -fz_B4= Fai? 1t- at k 1ii;rJJ i-'-1*1 r 37 at 1a1 ? 4 . A: 1t * B: _ _ __ _ _ __ __ __ __ 37 -R 84= Fai ~iJftiffe_ ~ J ? 1,7' J at faJ ~k fr ;it~ r ? S. A: 1t B: _ * 11 _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ 37 ~ i;t- ,k ~JJ!l? 1t 37 ~i;t-,k~Al? 6. A: 1t- B: _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ 7. A:~¾_1t-1i- * 4h o/ ,~ ~-Jt 37 * at o a~ J{k, ~ r#J if f 1JJ144h o/ '~ ~ r#J 37 -k rai ? J-)...1t1.i:. af.J ~~-Jf- -$-i1JJJJ1:J fEJ? B: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ o 63 64 Integrated Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook C. Complete the following sentences using 1t;!-al.; 11t ,z. al.;. EXAMPLE: ii 100 J!t 4h tf ,~ Jl- k. , ;{{Jfl , gf f1l~ ,.., fl] 1t~ al.; , 11J~ :,t~ ~t o i!. ,t- JnfJ w t * EJ )f) k ,(; -A- k , ::i<JJll , a m£ 1t ,z. aJ.i , 1t ;tt~ it o ii ~ 1f I@ i&.-1i a1 JR1R-¾f , _ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ , ;:i~1RJ-tit i!. ~ 1f gJ f,&.1ia1 ;ftAR:kt, _____ _ ______ , ;:i~1R~m 2.1-tt 1l ;;i<..J11l1R1la+ rai , _ _ _ _ __ _ _ , 1-tt~ 1ffr 1R7'._ 1-tt -RJJll1R-1l at Jal , _ _ _ __ _ _ __ , 1-tt;tf~ 1. 0 0 * 1l~1R~ 3. 0 0 itl-1-lt-~;fil&-=f- .Jl-~~P)' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ , 1-tt~~ fpj ~t M.. 1tl1-lt-~;fll&-=f- J!-~ ~lb, 1-lt~~~ 1',;J ~ ~ 0 0 D. Rewrite the following sentences using ~ 1~· · ·~/ JLit-· · -;f~. EXAMPLE: ii~.k1-tt~k#~, {J,ry ' 1-tt ~ ~ ~- iit i!.~ ~1-tt~ k #JJll, {J,ry , ,f-tt;f~ ~ ~- iit ~~~'*14~--~JR~~~& 0 ~f ~Jg_, 1f-±4 ~, ~Jrt~~ 1t¼ 0 ➔ ~~k1-tt~k#a, ~~~&*,1-tt~~~~ ~ rJi .k1-tt ~ kit Rll , JG it-1t ¼ 1-tt~ ~ ~- iit *, 0 0 Lesson 4 • 1. t+~, T+~, ~+~¼,~i~, t+~, T+~, ~~~¾, ~i~ , fl ,!.f.. il!J / * #- il!i ~i~~ 0 ~i~~ 0 ➔ -------------------- □ 2. it 100 JA "$" af.J {Jl1fc_tJr ut af.J ~1Jt , Jr # af.J ~1t1Jt , Jr m 0 {r{; ~~1t {X, 0 *m ~+~~~~~~ □ *~~~~, *~~~#~, #J ~~1t:fYL 0 ➔ -------------------- □ 3 . FH ilt iif Maf.J J144-h ~F k O tit af.J , ;r af.J , ma'-J , JJt5l af.J , t~ ~t I ftl 0 F1t ilt iif-Jt af.J 9liJ 4h ~ F k O tit af.J , ~ af.J , af.J , J;t JL t ,~ af.J, t~~t * t ,~ f1J * * m 0 ➔ -------------------- □ A.R~-1iJt A.R$-1iJt A.R~ Ji.-t Jt A.R$1i-tJt E. Complete the following sentences using ~ ~ f~ . EXAMPLE: ii1&--fiflniil~1tJ!-.of.J' ~~Pt1f1-tAR$4~Jl 1tJl-. :fR-%--f :J_1t:fJI. ~ ~ Jl- a'-1 , ~ ~ Pt 1l~1tl _$ 4l ~ Jl1. ~ lf i:_~jf k3zJft4Jfe.-½, * ~ o/ i:_~-M3z_3z_l1JT~%' 0 0 0 0 65 66 Integrated Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook 2. ,{I-.. tf ~ ~1't ,!J; *, * :ko 1,t- ~ ~t flt J;t.tt ilf1 J;t~~ tl; ;it, 8lAJ %~a~~~~n~-~~, * ,*. t _ ________ o 001'JJ..1i 1-, .-Jt.o 1t ~ ~~ µt ttR )ro tt4iA a~~, iJtA:tf ¾i!fA!l~ ,91 ~'Ji,~,JLis_~irh, _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ 3. ;rll)t-J- ~:kt~ ~;rlL(f. k .~ 1~ ~it a/.J , _ __ __ _ ~ 0 0 -~-r~:kf~~-;(f_k~4~~~, - -- - - o F. You disagree with your friend on many issues, but you are always tactful. You always acknowledge the partial validity of your friend's view before stating your own opinion. n l 'fl 'fl Complete the following sentences using "AdjN+ 7(..+AdjN, µJ 7(.. • • • ." EXAMPLE: A: 1t ~1t 1#1- ~ ¾{K-¼ JJ~ ~~1itµt1iR? 1-tt1ri a~ ;it1iiA-f1P<. J-tiR 0 ~:);*¾~¾~*~~~~~~?~m~~~~~ J-tkiil 0 e: 1-tt1r1 af.J ~J-tk.ilJlJ-tk.ilt, ~ Jl;tf ,wJ; iih 1-tt 1f1 ill.; ;r€J-tk. j_g_Jl J.tk, ilt ' ~ Jl ~ ~t iih 0 I 1. A: lf :t.k• j o lf kk~fi. 1 ° O 0 B: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ fl 1f<_:kf, 1t- ~1f ftl-~qHt ttl -k? 1i.;tf_itt fl 1f<.-n, 1t-:); 1t ¾ ~int tB-¼? 2. A: 1i.;(f_:,t~ B: _ _ 3. A: _ _ __ __ 1-!_ ift:ft }]~ fi.t-{sj , ~{*~}]~ ¾ l8, _ _ 0 , 1t- l.v 1fftl- ~ .fAtf1J ] 1] a{J J.tk, jj" -;k? 1t:); 1f ¾ ~qHtflJ ] 1] il{J J.tk,jj--¼? 0 B:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ~k~**~~ff¾~:kf~, ~*~~J? ~%*-r~~•~*~' B: _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ :);*¾~~? 0 G. Complete the following sentences using ~f ···~of···. EXAMPLE: ~fr~ :f of' 1t ] 1] -!--tr Jt 1 ° JC_ ~ 5l 1A 5l ~ if All , ~ f r f:fu ~ rif ' 1t ] 1] -!-tr Ji r 1. 4'--k~ ~¥Jl~1- El, u;t_ta,ry :£ El HJt-t-~- - - - 4'--k~~*tl1-a, ~~~1-El~½~_ _ __ _ o 2. 1-\t*;k_ f:B-¼vti&._, _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ , ]1J a,ry ;it k~ 5l ~ 5l :f if All, 0 0 1-\t 1f~ ~ ¾{itvt o 1-1!!.J ~ ,k tB -¼ vtA&_ , 1-\t:it~ ~ $- ~x_ vt o _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ , ]'J a,ry ;rt 3.1tk.k.vtJJ~»} j ~, 5lJJ~»}$-Jzvt~Jt, 0 ~kk~~~§~, 5l~~$~~~, 0 H. Translate the following passage into English. (PRESENTATIONAL) (TRADITIONAL) ,J,4 R~ ,{J_-trJfa,ry EJ4-1i~ 1[ -RJJfl, -!t~JLvJJ~~ jf a-trJJr, ii~ f -¼ J ~ ~ ~ tJL : "-tr ;}Jr a,ry >t ~ 1:t_ 1[ )t1:t_ 1[ ' 1e )t Jr i ~ if -.ill=. ,J, 4tJL: ",RJJfl1:'t_1L ~ VA j 'J[ ~14-, ~ i:-Jf - ,fJ;~_t MJ 1~ , 3f ~ r "itf vA 1t i It a,ry 03r o ,, 1 0 0 " (SIMPLIFIED) - 11f1JtvJJ~ ~~~-tr Jf, ift>ff ~ of ~ -ix. : "Jr JJr 1ftl.J t & 1t_ 1t ¾_1t_ 1t , 1.e ¾_m -:1- ~ ft - ;tl:. J, if=-iJt = " -RJ11t1t_ 11 ~ VA i JL 1t , m-I- ft - .~t ~.t t , ~ J,1' 7 ~ vA 1t iJr a~ 113r o " ,J, ~ R ** 0 * ~ ,{J_-tr Jfa,ry st1~~ ~-RJJfl, O ,, , * * 68 Integrated Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook I. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. (PRESENTATIONAL) 1. Zhang Tianming doesn't have a car. He has to take the bus wherever he wants to go. ( ~ 2. 1®- I JG it-· .. ~~·· 0 ) They had dinner at a restaurant in Chinatown. The dishes that they ordered, such as Chinese broccoli, steamed fish, etc., were all very delicious. df /f;-a'-J / 1f-¼ a'-J) 3. A: I feel living on campus is better. It's very convenient. 'E1 B: Living on campus is convenient, but it's too expensive. (Adj JC Adj, rt! 'E1 PJ JC··') 4. A: No matter what I buy, I always buy the cheapest (one). B: Are you telling me that you only care about the price and not the quality? (~i1L/ ~1-!R) S. I won't buy this pair of shoes for my son. He will wear nothing but brand-name shoes. ( ~ F- • "~ 6. Pf· ") Zhang Tianming wanted to buy a sweatsuit, but he left his credit card in his dorm. Therefore, he told the salesperson he would buy the sweatsuit next week. (¾Jll-f Jl) Lesson 4 • Jf JR. ?I;!~ rt, ?I; J. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. Pay special attention to the position of the time phrases. (PRESENTATIONAL) 1. A: How long has your teacher been teaching Chinese? B: My teacher has been teaching Ch inese for five years. 2. A: How long haven't you had any Chinese food? B: I haven't had any Chinese food for two weeks. 3. A: How often do you do your laundry? B: I do my laundry once a week. 4. A: How many hours did your roommate sleep last night? B: My roommate slept for three hours last night. 5. A: How long do you work at the university bookstore every day? B: I work two hours at the university bookstore every day. 6. The doctor said that you have to drink water ten times a day. 7. Little Zhang e-mails his parents every two or three days. 69 70 Integrated Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook 8. He moved three times last year. 9. My brother hasn't bought any jeans for two years. 10. He lived in the dorm for six months and moved off campus last week. K. Translate the following conversation into Chinese. (PRESENTATIONAL) A: Is this set of clothes pure cotton? B: Yes. A: If it's not pure cotton, I'll be allergic to it. ¼- · ·· ~.'A:..···/ -- -g B: Both the color and quality of the clothes are very good. ( -4H:.. , .., °JllfJ }Lit-.. ·if.}t_ .. ') A: I didn't bring cash. Can I use my credit card? B: I'm sorry. You can't use your card here. Why don't you come again tomorrow? I'm really sorry. Lesson 4 • 'J[ ,f... iHiJ I :'K lJ; iHiJ L. Translate the following passage into Chinese. (PRESENTATIONAL) Little Zhang came to the United States from China in March last year. He has been living in New York State for more than a year, and hasn't had any authentic Chinese food for six months. Before he came to the United States, he heard that it was very convenient to live in the United States. But now that he is in America, he doesn't think so. Since he doesn't have a car, he has to ask friends for help wherever he goes. He misses his parents very much and plans to return to China right after he finishes his exams in December. M. Write a brief essay on the following topic: What I look for when shopping for clothes: preferences and criteria. (PRESENTATIONAL) 71 72 Integrated Chine/ie • Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook N. Storytelling (PRESENTATIONAL) Write a story in Chinese based on the four cartoons below. Make sure that your story has a beginning, a middle, and an end. Also make sure that the transition from one picture to the next is smooth and logical. 1 2 {I 3 4 Lessons• iJH-f.l:i!i-f. I. Listening Comprehension A. Textbook Content (INTERPRETIVE) Listen to the recording for the Textbook and answer the questions in English. 1. What courses is Zhang Tianming taking this semester? 2. What do Zhang Tianming's parents want him to major in? 3. What does Li Zhe plan to do after he graduates from college? 4. What does Zhang Tianming think Li Zhe should do in order to become more competitive on the job market? B. Workbook Dialogue (INTERPRETIVE) Listen to the recording for the Workbook and answer the questions. Questions (True/False): 1. The speakers are most likely mother and son. 2. Regarding his post- graduation plan, the man is not likely to follow his father's advice. 3. None of the courses the man is taking next semester will fulfi ll his major requirements. 4. The man is quite confident about his academic work next semester. 73 74 Integrated Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook Questions (Multiple Choice): ( ) 5. The woman suggests that the man take another course in computer science because she thinks that _ _ _ _ __ a. it is required for his major b. it is easier than a course in finance c. it is more relevant to his future studies as a graduate student ( ) 6. Which of the following is the university's requirement? a. All students must take at least one course in phi losophy. b. All engineering students must take a course in philosophy. c. All graduating seniors must take a course in philosophy. C. Workbook Narratives 1. Listen to the recording for the Workbook and answer the questions in English. (INTERPRETIVE) a. How many schools does the university have? b. What are they? c. Which school requires the highest tuition fees? d. Which school has the most students? e. Which school has the largest library? f. Which school has the best faculty? g. What is the controversy about? h. What are the two opposing positions? 2. Listen to the recording for the Workbook and answer the questions in English. (INTERPRETIVE) a. Why are more and more students interested in having double majors? b. What two examples of double majors are mentioned in the passage? Lesson 5 • i!~li&-i* 3 . Listen to the recording for the Workbook and answer the questions. (INTERPRETIVE) a. Little Lin's original plan: _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ b. Little Lin's parents' suggestion: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ c. Little Lin's professor's advice: _ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ d. Your opinion in Chinese: - - -- - - -- - -- - -- -- - -- D. Workbook Listening Rejoinder (INTERPERSONAL) In this section, you will hear two people talking. After hearing the first speaker, select the best from the four possible responses given by the second speaker. II. Speaking Exercises A. Practice asking and answering the following questions. lb -~ ~ ~ ,ee 1. -,,J, 1.e.. '--r :f'"yJ ~ ~ i\!:\ .J ~ fJ El 1 (INTERPERSONAL) ..,;.m7 J iilf'--. 1,t-rl.':!f JtJJjzt_ T JL fli*? 2.1t-:l,${Ik11JJ~- p~ i*? fai1t /!J;? 1t-:l.-¥-xk 11JJ~- fl i*? /.J 1t z.? 3 . 11JJ~ P~ i*iltA1,t- 9:~ r? fai1t ~? ll}J~ fl i*:l. it 1t-1: ~ T ? /.J 1t ¾ ? 4.1t T 100 *JtJJiT J1=.*~100 *~? 1tJf-at1 Pf v~~~? 1 ~ ~r+~JtJJtiJ1=.~~+~~?*z.~~~~¥~? B. Practice speaking on the following topics. (PRESENTATIONAL) 1. * -tt-tt-t.l1t- it 100 J±JJ MJ 8/: WJ 0 ~-il-il 1-t ~ + ~ JtJJ a'-J ~ >J a 2. -tt--tt--tt 1t it ifi -tt-ttiJ!.-4- ~ vi1 * 0 :ti 1tJ!J;? ~~~~~*#~~~~~*o/.J*¾? 75 76 Integrated Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook 3.tt~~~~*~~R~~~~~h~ 0 ~~~~~¾~~~~~~~~h~ o Ill. Reading Comprehension A. Building Words Complete this section by writing the characters, the pinyin, and the English equivalent of each new word formed. Guess the meaning before you use a dictionary to confirm. 1. "ti@" {J'-] "I@" + "-t!t-.J!l" {J'-] "~" ?I "1f I!}" {J'-] "00" + "-t!t- ]!(-" {J'-] "~" ?I ➔ 2. ",tt:::.f:l ~ '15" " {J'-] "-t~ f" a'-J + "~ ~ip" "f" + ":t-vifi" " '15" " ~ Engl is h pinyin new word a'-J "~ip" a'-J "Yifi " ➔ 3. "~(« -Jj:,:,. " :.:r-;t,t.;- a'-J "~,r,t.}" a'-J "if.ill." + "-jj-1:t." "~" + "-jj-1:t." a'-J "1:t." "1:t." a'-J "$" a'-J ";;!." '-r a'-J ",.f.." "J;t~" a'-J Y, "~" Y, a'-J ➔ 4. "tt q." "Jtq." a'-J a'-J "tt" + "1t~" "it" + "1t':if" 'f ➔ h " s. " i':k: 1l.. ";}t _%:.." a'-J "✓-:k:" a'-J ";}t" + + " J; t ,.f.." ➔ B. Answer the questions in English after reading the following passage. (INTERPRETIVE) (TRADITIONAL) ,J' if= fl k_ 8/: ~ ~ f,&_ a'-] ~ 1. , P)f YA -i}1ml q:- $}] t~ ilt 7'" Pi Izs1 J¾1-lt ~T jf:- aJJ i* , -:EJ:-1@ ¾1Ri~ jf ~ 0 -f Ji_ fl fj)(_, =f-#. , ~~ * , ~~ 1~ iiArjf.~~~1± 1~a'-J-t~i.f-~~~f:1-'t-1~i*ili1l±i r, 4-tl1~ 0 Lesson S • iltt.Jft/~i.Jft ~Y ill - .w.J; , ~ ~ P.~ 1z. i r, 1t 311 tt1;t• ~~:tr*»t O , J, ~~-~~~,~~~~~~k8/:i~4~~~T~ ~J ' 1~~,,(1-t *iJL1~ 0 ~ ~~J 0 (SIMPLIFIED) ,J,*Jlktip~4j,&_a1 tip .1.., l!J j,;1~.tr Jf-~4 3i-}J iJG-f-.JI,,_, fo)f vJ. 4t,t-. # Jt}J:tf~i! 1'1 i;f, 4t-t--¾1R:tf~ ~ >J $:-Jl # 5}/;JJ, 1~ * ~h~~~tip~ 0 O ~~ffl~~~~~~~~~k§T,~~~ ~Y~-.~t, ~~ftkJ T, xt3J'1f-1;i-~~:tf:k=f~ ~ -¥-- .ri. -f-. J1:_, i!.t-¥-1~ Pf vJ. ;re:. k tip i ~ 1¥- a14\~~ r 0 ~ J' 1~~,(f.--t ,J,~-i>L1~~ ~ 0 ~ rJ 0 Questions: 1. Why does Little Li want to graduate one year early? 2. What did Little Li's advisor say to him? 3. Do you think it is possible for Little Li to achieve his goal? Why or why not? 4. Would you do the same thing if you were Litt le Li? Why or why not? C. Read the passage and answer the questions. (INTERPRETIVE) (TRADITIONAL) :tr - k ~100 JJJJ,A_-tt-ttilt--f-. ~a1 ~ ,J, £ iJL1~a1 ;t~-1L~, il_1{t_.~vJ.1!½-l-8/:FX ,J,;,ttiJL:kt1t ..I..8/:fX1R-~~~' Pf Jl~ ;t ~f:1-ffii_Jt,!J--f ~:kf ,J, tJ iJLif-1£---fi.~-fi.~~ /ff1{t, 1{t,!J-1t Jf---f-. 1t ~~ Pf vJ. J, tJ ffH -k~ ~, ilt JJI- :t_ 4 Jt , Pf Jt ~ r ii* JJJJ ~ ,J, ;tt,ff-~, ~~ J,tJ:_-f8f:FX O ,J, '.fflt T vJ.1itkt3t: "1t1rl k~:tf~~ -1- , t1~ ~ ~ tr- 8f: ' ± #i --f-- ~ ' r ~ ~ Pt , ~t ~1t 1r1 iift.} i -1.1.. jlj 3/J~ )t-k _f\ #j A_"f1T? " 0 O O 0 , O 77 78 Integrated Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook (SIMPLIFIED) ;tr - k JL 1-- JJJJ ~ -it i0v1 -t ~ a'-J -t J, _1_ -iJf.A-t!!. ill.; 5(_-ft -- .iL ~, il 1-ttJ?i~ 5Y- vA ;€; ~ ~ f;t ,J' if:f- -iJt:ktxt .:Cf F7L1Jlif iif ~Jtt :i__ -Bt~1-ff i£Jl ~ ~ il-M- 0 ,J, tJ-iJt-e--e-MM ~ 'f 1-tl?,, 1-tl?, ':if: 1t ~ -t ~~iif V:~ u ,J, ~-Jf--k~ ~,~)35 3t -t ±, ~ Jt/J r *R JJJJ~ ,J,;tt~ --~, ~~ ~, J:. ffi_ ':if: f;t J, 5R t7Jr r YA f6 itk 1JL: "1t-1n k ~t~ ':!fr O * , *~, O * O , ~~~*':if '1..~-t~' ffi_, -yo~~~'~*~m~~jffi_ 1.. jlJ 11}]~ ) L-¼ -tt ~ A 11jty? " Questions (True/False): ( > , • ( ) 2. ( > 3. ( > 4. ( ) 5, ( > 6. at £-It~ ;(f. -f-1-t!!.ili1tft.l--4- ~ 0 'J' .£ ilt 5(_ -BJ:-~ ;(f. -f-1-t!!. ~1t ¾ -½ ~ 0 , J, i 1-: * *• *:t j, *:f- 1l _r_ tt ,'& I j' if:f- j{: ,ft;- ':if j_ ft ':if ffi_ 4f" ~ I ~ I 0 O ,J, *:tat x_ -BJ:-f:1¥:ktJ:.-l--!t f;t tttt½i& ,J, *:tat£ -BJ:- ~1¥M!.iJ:. oc ':if f;t tttt½i!. ,J, ~ at £-tt~1: 1~-!t &~ ,J, ~ at x_ -BJ:-~ 1!. 1~ ':if m~ 0 * , rt rt 1.. ,J,5R3l',f,f.~*, rtrt 1..~ I J' 5tt 3f tt ~ *-1- ~ 0 O 0 J, ?t f.:1f at A k i r ,J, 5R ~ 1l ':if ffi_ at A. k J 1 ° , 0 0 0 D. Look at the photo and answer the question in English . (INTERPRETIVE) What college/school is this?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ 80 Integrated Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook E. Look at the degree certificate issued by a mainland Chinese college and answer the questions in English. (INTERPRETIVE) j1._j\~A, -JL.i'--~t +- fl 't " :ff J: ~ 11-- ~ ~ *F.Jt 1ft ~ \1Q 1¥- , nUl 1il ~ • ti -f ~~ ,, i11H~ ~~ ~ i:f:t¥A ~~,a lt~fif~~J ;(, i'.L Ji: AHiA, - +- ~ ~o m!E . fflVU&H\t~ ~'. .= • 4 , •• =i_ ' ~ Jv\...::.1f ;(f_tw~~OOiI*~ 13l (~) '. . _.,J.,-,_ I'\,,' ,--_ . ->;,c-, .J-& :·, ~~5fQ[!j*fiI~iJ~)) i,m!E, :·,: •· .... _ -'.-~· . . . 2003.tf7Jl10':' ~~im1¥, ~tf~t!, lt-f tp ~ o ~W~t4fi' (( q:i $ A ·,' ~- . .: .. •·· , , ,I · • ,._ - ., I ,,. : ·•'\.~ ... • Lesson.S•ili~/~-i-* Questions: 1. What is the degree recipient's name? 2. What is his date of birth? 3. What is the name of the college? 4 . What is the degree recipient's major? 5. How long is the degree program? 6 . What degree was awarded? 7. What role does t '/:f,J i-~f serve at the college? 8. When was the degree awarded? F. ~~-~-~~% 0 ~~~#~~~~~?~~~#~? 1.v1t».t-? ~~-+~~~% 0 ~~~*~~~~~?~~~*~? :Ji 1t ,Z. ? (INTERPRETIVE AND PRESENTATIONAL) 81 82 Integrated Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook IV. Writing and Grammar Exercises A. Building Characters Form a character by combining the given components as instructed. Then write a word, a phrase, or a short sentence in which that character appears. 1. J:.i!-1@ "w" -r :r!-100 ' J:. itL - -t-- "w" ' TitL-1-ft 2. a'-J a'-J fJ{J "~fJJ" 71 ..-o a'-J "~" 71 ' 0 li_i!-1@-tJt.+~' "Ei!-1@ £_ itL - 1"--tJt. -t ~ ' ;tiitL--tJi:_ "~" 71 "71 ~ ,~JJ" ..p 0 ",t/~1" a'-J " '5,t/C. " '5C.' ~., '' "~/~1" a'-J '' '3C '5C. ' ' Lesson 5 • i!~ i* I :i& £. :i!-11!1 i !.f ,t' ~ i!-1@1 "-t" lc.JJ-+-t~~' ,-;t;JJ-+ "-t" ' 3. lt_ _ _ _ _ u~ -- _ti! -100 "Jr ,-tt" a~ 4. J:. ill_ - ~ Q ";Jt,, , "Jr ,-tt" al.J "Jk" , fl - - -- ~J.; - - r :i!-100 rill_-~ "0" "0" ' 0 B. Complete the sentences using if!Jk..... or JZ. Jk...... As the saying goes, you can't have everything. What prevents the following scenarios from being perfect? EXAMPLE: it1f i! 1}J ;tJf-l}f i:"M-, 1t 4l1t_ 1t , it~~#Jiir-$-f"M, 11r4~1t_1[, (st yle) ➔ i!-ifj}J*~½M,~~~11,~Jl.~~~tM-~ it~~#J~$½M-,~~~1L,~Jl#~~kM-~ 1. rt~£ tl¥-1R~~ ,'&, :t- ~if5 -tk.ARM, rt §1 JJj t i'-1R-1f ~ :t- Yip -tk.AR M- , 0 0 (amount of homework) I~ , ➔ ----------------------- 0 2. Xk-¼ J:. ,i}"" rt~, at Fai 5.l rpi Jl!, JJ~~~~-1f1RJ Jl}] ,&_' ~ (affordab;lity) Xk-¼ J:.,ij:-':!fr rt~, at faJ5k1oJM, JJ~~~~~1RJ }]}] ,&_' ➔ 3. _ _ _ ___ ___ _ _ _____ ___ ____ -t-f- _i_;/)Uif , lit~ 1/l J A, Jlt,f!l %~ , ~ ~ ~ ±1RM-, ~t ~ 1R J A_, •1R-J 4~, o (leisure time) ➔ -----------------------0 83 84 lnte9mted Chinese • Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook C. Based on your own situation or the stories from the Textbook, fill in the blanks with the correct resultative complements and answer the questions. EXAMPLE'. A: B: r aj:k_{lJ5:/Jif1t-1tk~ ~~? a1j=kf1J.; :rJ;i*1t-1tk~ 1 11~? at k a'-J f}J i*$..1tk 1c. 1 ° Et R._ a'-J f}J i*~1ti ~ 1 ° 1. A:~ at J2_ a'-} 5jJ i]ft$.. ;f_1ti % or at 3f:... a'-} 5JJ i*$_. ;9:1tk 3t or k:t- trr _ti* -tt a'-J 1i1t- i:t_ 0 0 r ~~? _ ~k:t-~_t~~~~~~ 1~? B: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ 2. A: ffz.kaJJ 1[ _ _ 1-tt~a'-J~iJJJJll 1 ~!f-j? {Rk aJJ ~ 1-tt~a'-J ik#J JJll 1 t11Ji? B: _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ 3. A: o ~-1§~ -1§- r r ~ J±JJ a'-J -tJfti1!_ ~ J±JJ at i*~ B: _ _ __ _ __ _ _ r ~!f-j? 1 t1~? _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ D. Complete the following dialogues using o o __,J::...2:> F] JL. EXAMPLE: G.¥&itftl-Ui. 1, 1-ttii.--t--t-~!f-j? G ~:i!_ ¼ H}t 1 , 1-tt:B:½ ~ t1!1_,? B: 1-lt FJ it ;r:;: 1f,t_ J , $_. 1r, ]tj ~ J 1-tt fJ it ;r:;: ½ ~ 1 ' $..111 ]tj ~ 1 ° A: 0 1. A= 1-lt r 100 1-tt r B: _ _ *JtJJ -t-iAtiu 1.st1r* + ~rf-j? ~ J±JJ ½-tAi Ju ~.st 1 r-¼ t1g_, ? _ __ _______ , 1-ltGf@..tt-:kf&--=f 1 ° -----------'~~~~~&~To Lesson S • ill.1JIV .i&-i3R 2. A: ,J-. 5Jk_ ~ :t-;fz_ vJ. ,{!_, ;tr J1:- ..r..1t iiJL1;$Jf ~ ±? ,J-.i-Kk>ifr!fir..rJ.J~, B: _ _ _ _ __ 3. A: 1~ 8}]-{f-Ji_}] :tr .n-..L1tiE:Jt-;t--fJfJt.±? ____, 1-tf!.~j){.;J:tJU1-1iJ 0 ~1f J Jk~~? 1~~-+kfJ -¥-1l 11r_v~7 B: 1-ltii_ ~y' __::..100 $ ~, a}J JJ:- lz..}) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~~~~+~~, o aJJJJ:-lz..J] ______ ____ o E. Based on your own situation, answer the following questions using .£~/ .£ f-. B: _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ 2. A: o 1,t ~ F+J- 1li:J!#J it,~ al.; >t- vJJ ~ -I- ,'t J!fiJR? 1t 4l ~? 1:F ~ f,{tili.~ 4h it I~ al.;* vJJ Jgt-f- 1-t ¾ i-t? 11\'-4~ ~? B: _ _ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ o 3. A: 1t aJ.; k $ aJ.; J1k ~* i "£ :t_ i " l& ,~if- i ,'t J!fil? ~~k*~Jlk~i,m~i--~~i~¾#? B: _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ _ _ z:;. .:-1-. z:;. -+F. Use ..:±-ff~-/..:±.J to complete the tasks. 1. Your younger brother is trying to decide on a major and is asking for your help comparing the following two possibilities. ~1t-t.l-t.l ~JJ~;tii½~it ~100 ~ ;t_ ~1:Filil ~JJ~:fP½~i!_~+-t Ar_ 0 0 o 85 86 Integrated Chinese • Level 2 Part 1 • workbook 2. Your roommate is thinking about whether to stay in the dorm o r move off campus next year. She is asking you for your advice. 11-111.i./tfA~ 17') fP1i.,tlt~>'ra'-JM »t_;tp~»t_ it -it1.i,,tfAx fl {D1.i~Ax:frra'-J:kf-5ZJ:{D3:~~ 0 0 3. You are a salesperson. A customer is examin ing a sports outfit. You try to be helpful by talking about different aspects of the outfit, includ ing it s brand, color, material, price, etc. G. Complete the following dialogues using ;1J >'f (the other). EXAMPLE: A: s: 1,7' a'-J M&~Jt JJi-1. ~~? 1~ a'-J M,&~~JtJJr 1. 11~? ~~~1®M&, m1®Jt1., ;tJ>'r-1®:Jt:t-!l ~ ~ ~ 1-- M& , ~ /i'--JJr !l , h >'r-1-- Jt :t-!l it F1t ilt ~ ~ ~ AA-4h lf ,-:; ? i11it it Jli! ~!fj ? ~ F1t ilt~ JL ~ 9JfJ 4h lf ,-:; ? #fi ~JL12l 11~? B: ~ ~ ~ ~1ftiJi, 0 0 1. A: 0 - 0 2. A: .a1r, it~£1~1, 1t Jr ~1ii1tftf? $.1n JJi~ ~1R, 1,t-;tr .X.1tt1t ,z.? B: 3. A: $_ -1T ~- k_ ijt;ftJJ!l, 0 1-tt aJ.; _=:.100 ~ ~ t~ k ~ =f-j: 1 111!:.i? 1~M1:-+**:½~k~.lf-~ JflE? s: 1-tt aJ.J k 1~ aJ.; k ****e..e.. £" ~r , j§. lp- ~ 1 , 0 f H. Complete the following brief dialogues using jJ 0 >'f' (besides). EXAMPLE: A: iiAit-~1tffil? ~~;fi~1t¼? B: 1. A: iiAit-~i?Ciz.ifl:fPf#~t:tt, jJ >'f':@_~~JJ~ ~~1i-1r i5ti<-tJL:fPt#-ttJL, jJ O >'rii.~ ~ ~0 ° 1,t :Q ~ Ji}J J::.1f ffil ~? lb , , rJ!-. J::.1t /,¼. 17f',-? ~IQ 'j,J, ~ ~ .f}] -1-1- -<1: -~ ~ -lfA L. rb B.• -:r><..1!!.. ==t-- -fL:FJJ- T ~ -<1: ' ' rJ!-. jj:A J::_ rb ' ..:r><..~ ~ ,,,;n T 3(_, 2. A: 0 _.)I,,._, 0 f&32._f!fJ " ,Jit ~ "~;,t;f.:fP;f;f.~;tff~1f!JA-k 1f IJ,vJi,viTJtiJi, w.1- < ;l:t 1t/~,~ .y;- ?• 1•"0 .J -==~ *k~,~~,~~:fP~~*:-+A--¼i:rm~~~~' .~, 1 .itt1t ¼;it? s:1~1r,,wi1 -1f.i4~, 1-tt1f1 .~t T 1F- .:f 4 ~ , ;f;f. ~~~:fP ,Jit ~ f; ~ Jr .itt1t ffi} J:l )f) ~? ~t 1f~:fP AH ~ %:l- ~ .itt1t 2- El Jf1 J7a? s: :kt1r, t; ~ Jr ff:r .1. t;~ , 3t -t , jt1nt;~~1±i~, !t-f, 0 0 3. A: 0 0 88 Integrated Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook I. Use~)_ft'"· •·~}_ft,.·· ·I~¼ · · · ~ ¼ 1. A: · · · to complete the following dialogues. ii100~*1tir Jf-1li1f !5f? ~ 1-- %1 %1t -tr Jf-1ii 1t :L,. ? B: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2. A: ______ o 1,t A, k HJt.,M._ ~' µt 1t~? 1tA,kHJtf,&.~,T1t1t ¼? B: - - - -- - - -- - -- - - -- - - -- - o - 3 . A: 1t ~ ~ -k,~-k,~iti.J¼1~ 1t~ .1. El 1tAh? 1t~1!. j(l!ij(l!i~i¼1,t1t ¼ !!. EJ :fL4h? B: _ __ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ o J. Complete the following dialogues using JR ... ir ~ilt. EXAMPLE: *1t ;~-,,,,,, ~ --r _h-,~ ilc ~!!&? lb A A: 'J,J, ~ ~ I)(; • (patients) 1t :h 1t ¼ ~ ~ 1K .':if FX? s: ~ ii;-i\ ~&Ji~ jR~ AAr ?Z_il 0 ~ :h ~ ~ ~ ~ JR~A-ir ?Z_ilt 0 1. A: 1,t}i;1f ~~ ~~ Jf ~ J 7 1t 7-11t ¼ ~ ~ %)t .w r ? (money, customers) B: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ o (numbers) ~~*~~½~,~~1#~~~½~, ~¼~t~? B: _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ o 3. A: tk Ml ~ r , ~ tt 1; ~-~ :t- 1- ~ J1r ±-Mtii!-1t ¾-, 1t €iJ i~ £ J.v 1f J!- ;f. &Ji: ~ f '/-C? (freshmen) ~ff~1, ~&~~-~~±~~±•*~¼,~~~ Ji /21t z. ~ ~ ~ ~~ l'i=? 1 B: _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ __ __ __ _ ____ K. Complete the following sentences using o Jt:. }f / Jt:. ~. EXAMPLE: ~~~·~~~~~~~~-~~#,Jt:.-t~~~~;f. k# o ~a1 ~ ~~~'Jt,ff~,k~-i~~-.~.. JLi{i, $~~,k_~-i~;f. ,ki{i 0 , . k ~ ~~ ~ 1.ff- JJ~ 1@ i&,ft a!.J *,ff<.-J~ il , k ~;f~ 'Jt 1i JJ~ 1-1'/4.1't af.J ;it,1i-1~m., A_$~1.ff-1i.,ff.ix_jf' tttt-:kf' ,1i J A_~~ '.Pt 1l1i.,ff. ix. j rtt 4i 2. ,ff<._j 3. *, Jt:. }f / Jt:. ~. 0 0 0 ~llt~ -.itr-:tll~~;t_-t-tt it I@ *kiih, ~ilt~ -.itr--tJlfL\j:_"tiJL it~ *kiih, L. Translate the following sentences using 0 0 0 (PRESENTATIONAL) 1. Everyone thought she was Chinese. She's actually Japanese. 2. I thought the food in the dorm would be terrible. Actually, it was not as bad as I thought. 3. I don't listen to my parents too much. But as a matter of fact, what they say does make sense . 4. Many college freshmen thought it would be more economical to rent an apartment. In fact, it was not necessarily so. 90 Integrated Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook M. Translate the following conversations into Chinese. (PRESENTATIONAL) 1. A: Have you finished choosing your courses for next semester? B: Yes, I've finished. I've chosen Chinese, Chemistry, Economics, and World History. How about you? Have you finished choosing? A: I also want to take Chinese and Chemistry. As for the other two, I haven't thought it through. I'll see my advisor tomorrow. I'd like to ask her. 2. A: This sweatsuit is really nice. B: It is very nice, but it's just that the price is too high. A: Actually, I'd also like to save money. But other sweatsuits are too poorly made. B: Are you telling me that no matter how expensive it is, you'll buy it? A: Either you buy things of good qual ity or you don't buy anything at all. As for price, I don't care. N. Translate the following passages into Chinese. (PRESENTATIONAL) 1. My major is computer science . I am graduating next year. But I don't have any work experience, so I've decided to intern at a computer company this winter break. Lesson 5 • ~ -t]f.; itif 2. Little Lin spent a lot of time preparing for exams and writing papers this week. He felt it was too much to bear. He hoped he wouldn't have to worry about studying this weekend and could relax a little. 3. My older brother plans to go to graduate school after he graduates next semester. He says he will study either engineering or medicine. My parents hope that he will study computer science and make a lot of money in the future. They know that he could make even more money in the future if he chooses to go to medical school. However, they don 't want to make him deal with patients all day long. 0. Write a composition about your current academic studies, including information such as: courses you have taken in the past, courses you are currently taking, credits you need to graduate, your major, the reason you chose your major (if you do not have a major yet, what you hope to major in), your parents' influence on your choice of major if applicable, your outlook on graduate work or job prospects after graduating from college, etc. (PRESENTATIONAL) 91 92 Integrated Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook P. Storytelling (PRESENTATIONAL) Write a story in Chinese based on the four cartoons below. Make sure that your story has a beginning, a middle, and an end. Also make sure that the transition from one picture to the next is smooth and logical. 2 1 7________. Student Cafeteria 3 4 Let's Review· (Lessons 1-5) I. How Good Is Your Pronunciation? Write down the correct pronunciation and tones of the following short sentences in pinyin, and use a tape recorder or computer to record them. Hand in the recording to your teacher if asked. Then translate each sentence into English. (INTERPRETIVE) 1. ~ tx i¾Jft ~1Ri! 0 ~tx~ ~1tzi&o 2. 3. 4. ~ !£_/~~1tz*~ 0 *!£/A'--~1R*¼o r 1i-,,f±Ax>'raJ.;-Af- ~ ~ ~y 1£,{±. tx j aJ.; -M-A.~ ~y iiittt- it~ 1i o ~A*~ tt-ti 1a o 0 0 93 94 Integrated Chinese· Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook 6. j]!l_,~Ji-]1J ~ ,i o ii "fl:; J~]1J~ ,& o 7. 8. JJ~100WJ$1..¾_i}f1[.1.. JJ~ ,t- WI ~ 1..¾iJt Jt 1.. o 0 1ti ,ffe, j_r_ J'!t ~ -;{O 5% ?-ffi: o 1!i~ ~1. )ft~ -;{O ~ ~ o 9. 10. i!_$fi__x._i117 _x._~ 0 ~ ~t _x._ il17 _x._ A o ii1f41-ti;t. a1-J ~-1.-Mit ~41-ti/f a{] Jfff-1.-M- 0 0 Let's Review• {Lessons 1-5) 11. 12. 1,t at /~41h :-tl ~ Jl 1t~ '? 1,t at Nil 4h iift ;,'(i. Jl 1t ~ ? M!.~f Jr tt~* at ;i<.Jfl~ i:f ~~F 13. * teA~ at *JJfl~ i:f ~-tt Jr 1tJf ~1l:hriiJL JG -it-* 1t z. t~1l :ho iJL o 0 o 0 it-tt ~ ~-ix.i!.14- ~ a}] k-1t it -it- a 1s. .AJt-tlit14-~ aJJ k1t 0 95 96 Integrated Chinese • Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook II. Put Your Chinese to Good Use! (PREsENTAT10NAL) Complete the following tasks in Chinese. Imagine that you are going to China. Before you go, find out if you know enough Chinese to get by: A. Suppose you are in a grocery store in China. What food items and cooking ingredients can you name without looking at your textbook? List them here: 8. Suppose you are in a Chinese restaurant. What dishes can you name without looking them up? List them here: 1. Meat dishes: 2. Vegetarian dishes: 3. Soups: 4. Spicy dishes: 5. Beverages: Let's Review• (Lessons 1-5) C. Suppose you are in a convenience store in China getting some daily necessities. What items can you name without asking your Chinese friends? List them here: D. Suppose you are shopping in an apparel store in China. What pieces of clothing can you ask the salesperson to show you? List them here: 97 98 Integrated Chinese· Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook E. Suppose you are reading the academic directory of a Chinese university. What departments/ schools can you identify? List them here: Ill. Getting to Know You! (PREsENTAT10NALJ Make lists in Chinese. A. Information that you want people to know about you when you first meet: Let's Review• (Lessons 1-5) B. Your opinions on on-campus and off-campus living: On-campus living Pros Cons Off-campus living Pros Cons 99 1 00 Integrated Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook C. Your dietary restrictions and/or preferences: Restrictions Preferences D. Your preferences and criteria when shopping for clothes, with the most important listed as #1: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Let's Review • (Lessons 1-5) E. Academic courses and additional career planning resources that you think may help your future job prospects: After you have finished your own lists, interview a classmate about his/her opinions on these topics. IV. Express Yourself! (PREsENTAT10NAL) Based on, but not limited to, the information you have provided in Parts II and Ill, present an oral report or write a short essay in Chinese in response to each of the following questions. A. What advice would you give if asked whether it would be better to live on campus or off campus? B. How would you describe the interior and the surroundings of your ideal living quarters? C. Suppose your personal chef is to prepare a Chinese meal for you. What instructions would you give him or her? D. Suppose your personal assistant is going to shop for a new outfit for you. What instructions would you give him or her? E. Suppose you are a career counselor. What advice would you give to students to help them be more competitive in the job market after graduation? 1 01 Lesson6• JI )l~ ~-k}))l~ I. Listening Comprehension A. Textbook Content (INTERPRETIVE) Listen to the recording for the Textbook and answer the questions in English. 1. When did Zhang Tianming and Lisa first meet each other? 2. Why is Xuemei visiting Lisa this evening? 3. What has happened between Zhang Tianming and Lisa recently? 4. What is Xuemei's reply to Lisa? 5. What does Xuemei say to Lisa to make Lisa feel she's not alone? B. Workbook Dialogue (INTERPRETIVE) Listen to the recording for the Workbook and answer the questions. Questions (True/False): 1. The two speakers are in front of a movie theater. 2. When Tianming called, he had been in front of a movie theater for twenty minutes. 3. Lisa was about to call Tianming when she received the call from him. 4. Lisa lost track of time because she was watching a concert on TV. 5. Lisa arrived at the movie theater around 7: 5 5. 6. Lisa couldn't find Tianming because there were too many people there. 7. Finally Tianming realized that he was not in a position to forgive Lisa. 103 104 Integrated Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook C. Workbook Narratives 1. Listen to the recording for the Workbook and answer the questions in English. (INTERPRETIVE) a. Why was Little Wang in a bad mood yesterday? b. Why did his friends invite Little Wang to play ball? c. What made Little Wang's girlfriend angry? d. Do you think Little Wang cares about his girlfriend? 2. Listen to the recording for the Workbook and answer the questions in English. (INTERPRETIVE) a. In what ways is Little Li different from her boyfriend? b. How would you describe Little Li's relationship with her boyfriend? c. Do their different hobbies affect their relationship adversely? Why or why not? 3 . Listen to the recording for the Workbook and answer the questions in English. (INTERPRETIVE) a. How would you describe Xiaoming? b. In what way is Xiaoming different from his mother? c. Why is Xiaoming's mother so concerned? D. Workbook Listening Rejoinder (INTERPERSONAL) In this section, you will hear two people talking. After hearing the first speaker, select the best from the four possible responses given by the second speaker. II. Speaking Exercises A. Practice asking and answering the following questions. (INTERPERSONAL) * 1.1+ J5k ,t--t!.1~ '~ ·tt ~ -Jtt? 1t ¼ 1=½-iJ:1t ,(; ,tt ;f: :kf? 2.1+ Jf; ~ ,t-t,t1,t ~ ,i? 1t¼ ~k-iJ:1t-~,i? lf ~ ~ h:- ~_,_ lb J.l- k 3. 'I ;~--=F1f-J,l_-1,J, J:.. ~? 1t ¼ *¾il:.1t- ± 9i..? 4.1t 1t1t J5k ~~? * 1t-xt1t¼;fif"~~? s.1t- f:1-ff- J)IJ:. ~ ,:t-t{i al.; ,t1.;r%-tt.~MJ ft}]? 1t- j£: 1-ff- J)I J:. ~ ~ -i,fi al.; •r1.if%- tt.~-Jf- fe}] ? lb 6. 'J,J, lb ' /1J, 1f[ ~.;: ~ ~ -i:= -~ -i:= :i:tJZ #--;:p<_iij:I:. rp rp 1 ~ ~ 1 ~ T J I.. , --;t:;; -i:= ~ ' ' I~ -i:= TJ, ::flJZ #-- 3:- 'tj:r- rp rp 1~ .. , --;t:;; -==---f~ '{!EJ 2:-> 2:-- TB ',(± ~ ~ :t_:: --!:;,',rm? :t - -f-"'-i:.-::J -1-..::.. ? • B. Practice speaking on the following topics. (PRESENTATIONAL) 2. -tttl-tl1t ill !fJ JJJJ ~I -k JJJJ ~ al.; it+ 0 it-if -if1t ~ JJ }JJ] ~/ 0 * }JJ] ~ af.J ifiT- ?(i 3. Your friend is trying to persuade you to go on a blind date with someone, so he or she tries to present the person in the best possible light, telling you about the person's hobbies and interests, special skills, personality, etc. You, however, are wary. You have a lot of questions about that person that you would like your friend to answer. 106 Integrated Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook Ill. Reading Comprehension A. Building Words Complete this section by writing the characters, the pinyin, and the English equivalent of each new word formed. Guess the meaning before you use a dictionary to confirm. ,. "r~" al.; "rr,f,,-" 3 al.i 3 "~" + "i[J.f-,." J.f-.." " r,f,," + ~3 " ,/,ck al.; "J.f-..,, af.i "J.f-.." ➔ 2. ";:lb.5!-" Fl ,'f-. al.i ";:lb .5!-" aJ.i Fl ,'f-. ";:lb" Fl ";:lb" Fl + + " r:r. ~ f,'7 " ~ i'f;/ j(; "-5?-j ,"f-:7 " " " -5?-/. ,y-j " aJ.i ~ -5?-j •f;/ F,b " aJ.i j(; English pinyin new word ➔ 3. "ir 1¥. " al.; "ir" + "t1j'~" al.; "ftp " U:l" ,~,~ al.; ".ft-" ~ ➔ 4. "ilik." al.; "ik." + ";f-. '~ ➔ s. "icAfL" al.i "1fL" + "icAfl./' a'-] "1/L" + "1f ~A" "t @]A" a'-] "A" al.; "A" ➔ 6. "-¼ ~.;J_i el" "-¼ ~.;J_i el" al.; al.i "-¼" + "E~ 00 00 al.; " §1. rm rm a'-•J " "-¼" + "~ ~ ➔ ~ al.; al.; "H'-'"-" ;u: "~" ~ Lesson6· i MA..-kM& 107 B. Fill in the blanks with the phrases provided. ~-~m--!- k3¥.k_-¼ .tt~.tt-¼ ~~~~ *~*~ ,. ,J,:#ffe:ffeJ r 0 P]"" VA ii!_-£- 0 ~ ~tizt-¼ P]"" VA* -i::1:-.t.. -,: ~ ~ 2. :;:;e, ~~~¾ ~~~~~* ~~~* , :l(ta'-J ,13 JJJJ ~!R~:l(t, ~ ~tii!.-¼ ,J, w:ffeJ r PJ"" Jl --1- ±J1..,tf t¼:kt~¼, 1-tt,(f >'ri!~ ,tJ~____ , , :kt a'-J ,13 JjJl ~ -4l ~ :kt , 0 ~ :1-oilt1that1~ PJ"" Jl ~ ± J1..,(f ~:kt#z-¼ , 1-lt1f->'riiI.~.tJ~- - - -' ~:1-oilt1t ¼ at1~ O --i= -~ -i:= ~R ,t, .:n:.. J11 rp ,~ 1.e._ ,~ TJI" , .>f- \!.::J ...J- ~ ~~;t;- ;,t-¼ ~ ~~¾ ~-L4:x__ •./,. , /&1 ____ , ~~,(f,1]<.fgjlf_ -:c -r::= - • -r::= +.- .:n:.. .$.L :;:;e, $ $ '~ ~ '~ ~ \!.::J 4:x__ ' O ~~ ::1:-.t.. -tlr( T-J ,.. ' _:I-. -.1,. ¢ _ _ _ _ , Jff,_,4l,(f_;;j(.f~J:. 3. 0 k ~jtM- T -~~kJ~~-¼~~'.ffiµ~-it, PJ""fl_ _ __ _ ,J,*if.ii.~~, k~~1tl±tl 0 k~~*T-~~~~*~~~½,~ll ____ , 1 J'*if.i£~ ~, k ~~1tl.i. ~ 0 ~~~M~~k,~~lf_~A____ ~Jla~*M~ it~ lol ~1tl k , ~ ~ £ 6'-] A if.fl_ ~.t d;, Wf ;)t * s.~~~k~~~-Y , ~ '.efE. .1. ~ r , 0 0 ~•~~~i~~~ 0 r:k:k~lf~ T, 1 ~ ~Jt.1. r 0 C. Read the passage and answer the questions. (INTERPRETIVE) (TRADITIONAL) ?kk~ a'-J Y.._ ~ ri.1%~~1Elr#J ft}]' ffl1f!1A- A;ta»t.1l1ElM-' 1tl 1·t1j'* 1-tt1ri;:i~1tt~ x_}J}Jh"_, ~~~ft~ %-*JR., J;l:,-j{o1lt1ri;f~ 1 0 ¾,fitlf.tir~, JYt-Jt 1-tt1r,~i~::t~1t, -i-i&i:!t-Jt-1F<-J ~i.f O O Ji 108 Integrated Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook >'I", m100 At~¾-ftti-1[iJl ~ ii§. ?!A:.±)!_100 i!Jtit, $-ftt;;t i! J;jt~ ?! ;k_ k 1t ~ J;jt- ,WJ; ~~ t~ ;~ ;tf" , 18 44= JJ1J _g..,fit;t if,;]<. tr. ,f- o a,tJ:. al.; ~ ;jJL-f.!o _x__ ;tf" jf Jt tt 1i- x_ ~ i'ff ,11<- J;r, ,fi- at; if , ft :k :k_ O 0 * ~x~-~~±~, ~~~M~h~~~~ 0 ~Jl~~*~~ ~±~T~kk~~'~R*~~~~~, ~kk-~~~ 0 ,1]<. 0 #•r¼1;J?Ari ~100 A_1R ~' u~)l * ~k~~k~ii-t~~**~~~~~~i-t~~., (SIMPLIFIED) f~k~ fiJ x._-EJ-,r1.t~1f~1Rft fl}], ~~~ 0 ~~~~~~Mk, fJ:JJ +A_- JL;ta~1l1Rn, *~~~~§-#, 1R ~~~~~ ¾XX. 11)f~ ~ " Ii}t -ft 1~111 ~11~ ~i~it' -¼i±-t!t-Jil1R j ~~ )j >'r ' rfJJ A_1f~%xk i- ~ ~Jt ~ i± 5R ~ ± Jl M. l;"[<..i! ' %xk ~ M. J;Jt~ !RkkxtM.Jt- ,~t *~~~~;pf, 1E-4t JJ1Jt<~x.~it ,1J<..tt O + 0 + O 0 ~ o ~i~~~~*_x__~j{~~~~~if*~~~~, *** ~Rnil*~±~, ~~~M~~~~~~ 0 ~k~~~~* ~±~Tilkk~*,~Rn~~M.~~' ~kk-~~~ ,1]<. 0 ;xfi_,r¼1-lt1i1~+A1R~Yu_J* 0 *~~~k~i~~~~~~~~~~MM~~~~., Questions (True/False): ) 1. Mr. and Mrs. Zhang are more similar than different in terms of personality and interests. ) 2. Mr. and Mrs. Zhang like to watch different TV programs. ) 3. They like to travel, listen to music, dance, watch TV, and hang out with friends. ( ) 4. Mr. Zhang makes Mrs. Zhang call her friends whenever there's a basketball game on TV. L!!non 6 • Jf Jl)j h:. -!K Jl]j h:. ( ) 5. Mr. Zhang sometimes watches ice skating to make his wife happy. ( ) 6. The secreL of their successful marriage is that they have two TVs. D. Read the passage and complete the task. (INTERPRETIVE) (TRADITIONAL) ,J, f;J a1 x._ffefl- 1L~~ ,J, f;J 11:-k 8frM-n8fr ~ , ~~ ?t J5 JJJJ ~ '1" JL,J, f=1 J:.1@£JtJJ.:tr~"iifrl£7 ~, ¾iJf x._tJl~?tJ5 RJJ~ 1, 1-tt l1~ ,~ -JtHt J, f;J tt , ~ ,~ ;i -JtHt a1 x.1t _;lt jR~ ~ - {t , ~ JL, r1. * 0 O ~*~~' , k~~-~ f=J~±aJ~~mG¾~~ ~kk_ £JtJJ *, f=1 JG± rJJ-f.~Ju ,J, f;J J:.~a1.1A if, ~~*-t- -==-.tJ;.+;fi_~ 'f @J*ititt,~-ltHtJLtir, ~ k_,~~- .Wtit;r .f1J ,J, f=11R~,t, - fpj' :1-µi! 1-ltllt!;.flJ - ~ E1 **it¾ 1 ° f;J ~±1R±#t. 1-ltf: 0 0 O * 0 /.'f:1 ,a ..J.a ,.;:... ..J-ii II:.. cv. 1-;fto/} x~~.lf7j<..,;-;--J J)L, J -qe, ..L--. ~P-- 1 't=:J -r b.. -l- i=e /.'f:1 .I.fl, J..1a ,a ..J.a 1..,_ t.L - ,; -'l" -'i f/ffJJ~1-if1~.xJ o ~~1o/}x~~ f'~i[. ~, ~Jt# ] 1J :ff, ei JG± f:1-f ,~~~~~ii_JLJl-,~ a1, ;¼--JltJG ~ ~1-tt1ri ~1@A.~JJJJ~ o (SIMPLIFIED) ,J, f=1 al.; x.. ffe- .1f..~!f: ,J, 'eJ ;fi_ k '3f**'3f 5J , ~~ ~ JJ JJJJ ~ ~Jc.IJ' f;} J:. ,t- £ $}] .:fT ~ ii- {§1 ~ , %-i}f x._ ffe :kt ,X_ J! JJJJ ~ 1 , 1-ttl1~ ~m~ ,J, ei-iJL, ~ ,~~m-JtHta{] x.1t.;lp)b*iR~~-;tf, ~ Jl,r1. O 0 f%-1R-JrfeJJ, * ·1-t-~JJivrp f=J~± JrJ ;Jc~ mG¾~~ atkJc. £ .fl}] /-.. ' t, JG± -Jr-+ ~ jlJ J' f;J J:. '3f a{] J)x. if ' i{J M-t- _::_ '~---+ ;{J_ ~ 'f 00 ~,t'g JR ih ~ Yi ti, ' ~ Jc. ih ~- '*-- 4t jlJ IJ' f;J 1R ~ ,t ' - la]' :1-µi! 1-ltll~i1J- ~ E1 *Jl--it ¾ 1 ° f;J JG±1R±~ 1-lt~ 1f ih~i!;tflb JX, itt,J, ei ~½1fJ!lt.1-'ff-1RM ~ Jlih-ltHt~1f~il :#k, ~1.tAtJi1l:kt, f=1 ~±'Jt1l~h~µJ""~~ii.JlJl-.,(;a{], -tJliJG~ t: 1~1i1 fJfJ ,t-A. ~}1}] ~ 11 O 0 I * * O 0 O 0 Tom has been evaluated by Little Bai and Mr. Bai. List in English the positive aspects about Tom in the thumbs-up column, and the negative in the thumbs-down column. 1 09 11 0 Integrated Chinese • Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook E. Fill in the blanks with either~, 1f, or .i-t. (TRADITIONAL) 1 J, ..£ J:_ 100 £ $}] iJA~ ~~At~~ :kt at ;k_J:_ +Jc ,WJ; ititi!tif- _ _ _ $ 0 ~~~~~#$~- - --~~* 04k t 1-1£-fi-.Jii-,,tA~ ~~At , J, ..£ 7f ~-~ ~, 1~ ti~ 1,f_ _ _ 1 -~attit~ ait±l-t.. 1i,rk-._ _ _ ktB 1 0 *• ~ r ~ ,J, ..£, - GJ -t;t~~.t~JL, 0 (SIMPLIFIED) i* ,J, J:. J:_ ~ £. JtJJ iR-t~ ~ :f±A~ fl] ½I- at k__r_ +Jc,~-- -it -i~~ _ _ _$ ~~~~~#~~- - - -T~~ 4kt 1-1£-*ffJii-JJl.A~~ait, ,J,..£:;i-~-~~, 1~1!~1,f _ __ t¼1'i~~ilt.'1 ° 1tit±~-- - ~1 ~,J--£, -GJ-i'i,~~.t-iJL, 0 0 1Ll•r;k:_ _ _k_ tl:! l" ~Jf o F. Answer the questions in English based on this movie theater's advertisement. (INTERPRETIVE) lliMi!ttJ 1,~-ll)JnP~FB: ~=1[~~:i:jc=¥-ffl: ~- ~ =11*~~; ~ lmffl~:9:±=¥-@t ~n. ,\~Q~jfjjt 2J~*A~~m. *A~~m <23~~.:J.1') ~-=pffl; 3, fitjc~.q:12:30wJ22:001f~$-fl. Lesson 6 • Jf5 AA ii..+ AA ii_ 1. Which day of the week would you go there for a movie? Why? 2. What discount does the movie theater offer to senior citizens? 3. What discount does it offer for a morning show? G. Take a look at this personal ad from an on line dating service and answer the questions. The person's name and birthday have been changed in order to protect the privacy of the individual. (INTERPRETIVE) tt~ £1N!1J !lffi ~ -=f -ffi :±11:{FJ,J 1983£f:. 6 Fl 14 48 kg iUJ1/ t 51-A 165cm ~m: Ji.JriOJi'Uli ~t:i}( ~* mi:iJE ~V,f r.j:r lf,!I lfTI.it/ O"!IQ ~IHl!f!ij;lJl >k!4r jffl~ i** ~.@,13 ~~;;\13 Fl qSt;A i*fil !'.?,/:M :k};,qq.: f-+ .!11~:$:fli ~tJ¥.\IH:;ki?- SlM<ttll5l Sllit<J4i.At;J.J: W.* IIIHi~ T.1tti'liJl :/:tilH/lt~ ~'£ 11&:/.t tE!ff& :f-1J& ~if! 1mm ft)# Bi! :X:-HJ: fnJ 11 fllli # '.tl'.Jli1t1-',!!JJ !fl·R(~fff) :l@-..'.'f~. llf!!~ 1'.IJJ}f-'l fl- iUillllM, c9HiiJ, i/,\t*f<lffli,:.f>Jt;11J,fili, "Jf-KL:tff ,l!fi<\¥.,~1r~!IJ tt~ .£1Mi;i t ttiJ £~ x;Ff~ l:1:11:."f-f:l !983 f!:: 6 J=I 14 B ~i'ili 165cm U.lli: 48 kg Wf::i:E~r!f ~tffi yliji)i,: m~ ~* 'PIT! .lfn.m. OW/ i!\liid!l~1£ *~ u.m. f:!t'dt ff-,~ B 5<5{~1,t::l J=li&A -cil'.f ~ffi :;J;::~-"tfl !$\.ii::~~ ~tffi~ot;l:;J;::$: Sl~'lff1£ Jr.~WlA i;J...t "/t.il:'. Ol'H4 If1:it1£ 1:EIITT ./}JJl!R~ ~.'£ 191'.lffl ,Fl2,l ~/W {/./J}l ,ft~ --~:'.x.llJ:r,ij,(:j: ii'\;$ tB~*irrJJ tfl~ (~!l:f) fl::tlt ~Hr *' l!Jr-;} B lil!!tF ri5#Uftlfl,1'~r,J,i,IU~f4'Wi,,f:/fil1J,"p",•;!f;If,~:!Js,l#J.lffi?,t):~#ci1l' 111 112 Integrated Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook Questions: (True/False) 1. She lives in Beijing with her parents. 2. She doesn't have any siblings . 3. She's never been married. 4. She graduated from a medical school. 5. She gets one day off from work every week. 6. She owns a car. 7. She considers herself outgoing. IV. Writing and Grammar Exercises A. Building Characters Form a character by combining the given components as instructed. Then write a word, a phrase, or a short sentence in which that character appears. 1. £i!-100 ";fz." ' :Ei!-100 £ifI.-1-- ";f..." ' :EiiL.-1-a 2. J-_ i!-100 J-_ iiL -1-- a _)<_ 3. ".:It" ' ".:It" ' ff_ " El " al.i £:i!-100 "0" £iiL-1-Jl "0" al.i " gJ " ' r i!-100 "J=J " TiiL.-1-- "JJ " ' 0 al.i Ti!-100 ".:It_,_,, lf... J-_ i!-100 " El " _1:-_iiL-1-4. 0 al.i _)<_ " gJ " ' TiiL.-1-- al.] '' ~ lf, '' ".:It--'-" ,y... ,y... al.i "--'-" 0 ;t;i!-100 "½ i&" al.i ' ;t;iiL.-1-- "½i!" al.] ' 0 "A" p "A" p Lesson 6 • JJ Jill h._± JJ}] h._ B. Clear up the confusion surrounding the main characters in the textbook by first asking questions using lU ;ff_., and then answering based on the texts. EXAMPLE; (on campus ➔ 2. ➔ 3. off campus) flk aJ] .f1J1&1.itx_ 119 il_~1.iAx>'r? 1-lt1.itx_ 0J ftk aJJ .t1JA1.1tx_ Ai£~1.1tx1r? 1-tt1i.Ax_ r9 ° 0 ,. A ➔ vs. ft (undergraduate student vs. graduate student) (spicy food vs. sweet food) - - - -- - - - - - -- - - li (hot and sour soup vs. spinach and tofu soup) (sweatsuit vs. jeans) (finding a job vs. ➔ 4. ➔ going to graduate school) 113 114 Integrated Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook C. Paraphrase the following sentences using ~ ~ / ~ ~ (originally). EXAMPLE: ~~~~a~~~*~,~~~a~ 0 ~1~~A~ 0 tlT~+A~ ~~J O ~~~~R~~~~~,~~~El~ ;f.~1 0 ➔ 1~Jfi. ~ . El ~, ,ti_~;f. ,!ffe 1 ° ~Jfi.~~ El~' ro~~~ 1 ,. ° ~~~t~*~' ~~~~,~k•~~, ~~~~ r 0 ~~~t~~~' ~~~~,~k~~~,~;f.~~ r 0 ➔ ---------------------- □ 2. 1~ ,J, *11l ~ ~l?t pg , JJL~ ,R l?t-t ,¥., ~ l?t pg 1 ° 1~ ,1'E1t1ii ~ ~ l?t pg , JJt-tf- ,R l?t -t At , ;f. l?t pg r 0 ➔---------------------- □ -hr- Jt7 W'- ·A:.. ~ © "l=1 }JI! s.~ fil _;,.,f $ 2:> 7 3. I J,,,,...,J 1~•·•--PIJ=l ~~ ... ,' 1-e -.,:(_ P<-'ll]- ,.,, iX, ,.§! .7L ,J ' 1001~-f,J, ~ ~- •*' 5t ~ jt , 1-e kJJll ~ ~ 1JL ~ % r , ,R M-µ1 r ~ -r 0 ➔ +~-f- o _ _ ____________________ D. Did any of the main characters' experiences catch you by surprise? Use }!f,._ ~ / Jfi. turns out) to describe your realization. EXAMPLE: * (as it o 1. ~ VA I½ ;f9f-f,f. Jl 7Z_ ~-Jf- f,&_ MJ i}T !£ , 0 *-4- ~ll a'-J lJr .i. , 0 ~ vA fl ;fvI ,tt fl k ».; 5tck El}J 1t~~1tlif~~, ~ VA Yi ~Rkf!JJ >t·;-J-,½,ij;,fR1f ~~' 2. ~ vA & Jl 100 .f;J<_i!_ , ~ VA fl fJfJ WJl /i'-J;j<..i£_, 3. ~ vA ~ jl 0 u 0 0 ~~~~,tt~*~~~~~%M~~·~%~~~1, 0 0 s. ~VA~~{§-~ ..T..1'} fa§_.~, ~vA7'] ~{ff-~ ..r..1t~J&, 0 0 E. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. (PRESENTATIONAL) 1. I thought he didn't like the sweet and sour fish I made. As it turned out, he was allergic to fish. 2. In terms of hobbies, my roommate and I both like singing and dancing. But in terms of academic studies, I like to deal with numbers, but she doesn 't. 3. Why not give the taxi company a call? You never know, perhaps they have found your keys. 4. My roommate was especially busy yesterday afternoon. He was cooking one minute, doing laundry the next, and tidying up the room, too. 116 Integrated Chinese • Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook F. Translate the following dialogues into Chinese. (PRESENTATIONAL) 1. A: How is your boyfriend? B: Don't bring it up. He doesn't care about me at all. A: What happened? Does he have another girlfriend? B: No. Every day all he wants to do is play basketball with his friends. He's only got basketball on his mind. Last Saturday evening we had a date to see a movie. Who knew? He played basketball with his friends all night long and totally forgot about the movie. How could I not have gotten angry? A: No wonder you were mad. Next time, ask him out on a date to watch a basketball game. Show up half an hour late. Keep him waiting. B: That's a good idea. 2. A: How is your boyfriend? B: Not bad, just very careless. A: Careless in what way? B: He often forgets this or that, or leaves things behind. Last month for my birthday he bought me a book, but he didn't realize until he was back in the dorm that he had left it in the cab. Two nights ago he invited a friend of his to dinner. When it was time to pay, I saw he was very embarrassed. Turned out he had forgotten to bring any money or his credit card. I ended up paying. A: No wonder you said he was careless . Lesson 6 • JJ JlJj .it±Jljj .it G. Translate the following passages into Chinese. (PRESENTATIONAL) 1. Something seemed to be bothering my younger sister. I asked her repeatedly what it was before she said that she had quarreled with her boyfriend Little Zhang. Little Zhang is a nice guy. He's tall and handsome, and very outgoing. What really happened between the two? It turns out that many girls like Little Zhang, and my sister thought Little Zhang liked them, too. She was not sure if Little Zhang genuinely cared about her. 2. My grandma and grandpa used to fight all the time. My grandpa is a basketball fan . Whenever there is a game on TV, he has to watch it. My grandma is a fan of pop music. Whenever there is a concert on TV, she'll insist on watching it, too. But they only had one TV, so my dad bought them another TV. Grandma and Grandpa then each watched their own TV, and didn't fight anymore. But later on Grandma said that watching TV alone was no fun, and that they would like to give one of the TVs to someone else. Now I understand that although Grandma and Grandpa fought all the time, in reality they were "an old married couple, so they didn't hold grudges." 11 7 118 Integrated Chinese • Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook H. Suppose you are helping your older brother or sister place a personal ad in a magazine. The following is a personal information form that you need to help him/her fill out in order to place the ad. Fill in the blanks. (INTERPRETIVE AND PRESENTATIONAL) !l'l 4Z. i1: }Jlj Jg fJ 5t ~ ~Yi !rs fa ~ ffi ~ ~ ili~RAA ffi !fl ti .lffi !JJJl Ix 1/j "' ~ Wi'tEII ~wrnx,Jr. ~tlfl !Ix /}(, ;ff~-f~ ~ :iffii\'ll:lilihl ms ;}t'tffim. ~*f.tjJ ft£ ~ tt • 1l't ~ M- ~ilt ,@ffl~f,t :1fjf;=fy: iUR:lt!i.:IJI: ~'Et#~ •*x1"1J 1IR BIJ ~ tl:~l:!WJ ~~ ~ ~ JJj if' !!I -ij- pJr:(£11 ffl ~ffltt~ !4-~~lfl Et!.~ Lesson 6 • %Jl}j ~-:k M ~ I. List the qualities that you look for in a date, and the qualities you hope he or she doesn't have. (PRESENTATIONAL) J. Imagine you are going to help your brother or sister send in a 90-second video clip to an online matchmaking agency. Before shooting the video, write a draft of what he or she wants to say about himself or herself and what he or she looks for in an ideal girlfriend or boyfriend. Make sure to include basic information such as his or her name, where he or she is from, education, etc., and personal traits that are important to him/her. (PRESENTATIONAL) 119 1 20 Integrated Chines@• Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook K. Storytelling (PRESENTATIONAL) Write a story in Chinese based on the four cartoons below. Make sure that your story has a beginning, a middle, and an end. Also make sure that the transition from one picture to the next is smooth and logical. 1 A movie 2 again? 3 4 I. Listening Comprehension A. Textbook Content (INTERPRETIVE) Listen to the recording for the Textbook and answer the questions in English. 1. Why is Zhang Tian ming late for the appointment? 2. What does Xuemei's professor think of the information on the internet? 3. Why does Lisa tell Zhang Tian ming that one can find a girlfriend online? 4. Why does Zhang Tian ming prefer email over the telephone? 5. What does Ke Lin say about Xuemei's use of the telephone? B. Workbook Dialogue (INTERPRETIVE) Listen to the recording for the Workbook and answer the questions. Questions (True/False): 1. Tianming was online for half an hour before he started to have the stomachache. 2. Tianming ordered the stomachache medicine online. 3. Lisa does not consider all information on the internet to be equally reliable. 4. In the end, Tianming may have to agree that Lisa's view of online information is not outdated after all. 5. Zhang Tianming didn't go to a doctor for his stomachache because he couldn't wait for Lisa to take him. 122 Integrated Chinese• Level l Part 1 • Workbook C. Workbook Narratives 1. Listen to the recording for the Workbook and answer the questions in English. (INTERPRETIVE) a. Does the speaker advocate that people should get rid of computers? b. List the five things that people do online, according to the speaker. c. According to the speaker, why are computers detrimental to people's health? 2. Listen to the recording for the Workbook and answer the questions in English. (INTERPRETIVE) a. Who is the speaker, and to whom is he speaking? b. Does the speaker encourage his audience to use the internet? Why or why not? c. What does the speaker think of the school library? 3. Listen to the recording for the Workbook and answer the questions in English. (INTERPRETIVE) a. Who is the speaker? b. What does the speaker think is the difference between email and telephone conversations? c. Why does the speaker have to try to call Tian ming repeatedly today? d. How would you describe the speaker's mood? D. Workbook Listening Rejoinder (INTERPERSONAL) In this section, you will hear two people talking. After hearing the first speaker, select the best from the four possible responses given by the second speaker. II. Speaking Exercises A. Practice asking and answering the following questions. (INTERPERSONAL) 1.1:t a'-J 1t A~~ --f 11J a~~~ r;J :t- ~~ ? Jq 1t~? ~~~~~--f~~~ff.~?h~¼? 2.1:t -ii} k J:. ~liJ .1.. ~ 37 J::. 37 -k Fai ? 1:t-fi} k J:. ~ ,£ ~ 37 J::. 37 at iaJ ? 3.1:t J:. ~Ii] 1ii .itt 1t ~? 1:t J:. ~ 1ti .itr-1t ¼ ? 4.1:t a'-J 1.. n;- ~1Jf r#J ~,_ ~ r#J 1t JJ~ ? 1:t ~ 1.. n;- ~ 1Jf-Jf- $5 ~ ff~ R~? s.~Jt.1:t ~ }1J]~JJt1tJJ~iitJ::.1F.l T , 1,f-~jfl,f{tit1t~? * * ~Jt.~~Mkiit~~iit.J::.•1,~½~1lt~~¼? B. Practice speaking on the following topics. (PRESENTATIONAL) ~* -tttt-tt 1t JJ~ ~liJ i~M;--1:t a'-J 1.. n;-,f ~ r 1t ;Jt *~~~~~~*~~1..n;-~*T~¼M-~ o 2. -tt-tt-tt t: JJ~ ~liJ t~ ~1:t a'-J 1.. ,'-5 ,t ~ r 1t ~1Jit.1Jt *~~~~~~*~~1..n;-~*T~¼~~ o 1. 0 0 3. Imagine your friend is hooked on internet games and doesn't even care about eating or sleeping, let alone having a social life. You are going to intervene and remind him or her about things that truly matter. 124 Integrated Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook Ill. Reading Comprehension A. Building Words Complete this section by writing the characters, the pinyin and the English equivalent of each new word formed. Guess the meaning before you use a dictionary to confirm. 1. "~MJ.$--" a'-J ';j:; " a'-J + "~R~il" a'-J "~M '' + "I#]~~" ...-p a'-J " I#] " " ,if,>- }J(({ ~m~ "'* " "'* " ~ l2E ➔ pinyin new word 2. "i~ -}f" a'-J "i~" + "Ml-it" "fry M-" a'-J "-5!9" .,,-• + "-Jr½" a'-J "~" J::l a'-J "b" A ➔ 3. " '§i ~ If''j:: " a'-J " §i " + '~ "±~" Mi "~" ➔ 4. ".tx.14" ".$}:14" a'-J ".tk" + "~i:" at "~" a'-J "3tt." + " JI), i: " a'-J "Ii}" ➔ 5. " ttl Jtli. " at "Jtli." + " )Jo J:.:f.t" a'-J ":f.t" ➔ 6. " 1-t1.n.. " "1-t.1.n.." a'-J "~" /p + "1! drJ" a'-J "1!" at "1-t" + a'-J "Ji;" ➔ "Ji;drJ" English B. Read the dialogue and answer the questions. (INTERPRETIVE) (TRADITIONAL) ..J_ fJA A '.F.J , ,J,atT 5l q- ! l- W.1- 4:.J ,:..p 7.J , ~ W.1- ---r ~ >.l> L ,,, £J"© ,--·P ,7-ft,; _j_ ~J , 0 -G ,W.J; T ? ~, :t.K , ~ ii I]' ~ ~!; -B- -t ,W.J; it - ~-¼ It ~'.ft 11£ ,t-, x.. ~i§.J1J 7 ~~: 1b•l, - ~~~-f-! o ~~~~~~~~-f- o ~~*~*~~~ -t--, »i1t/!l; ~ --f .w.J; Yl-f.11? 5l -f- : ~ _l_ #.~ r ~ ~ 1@ lt14=-, - •ti::½-i-JJG ~ 7 at rai 7 ° .fr.~ , ~~~\•-~~? ~~= -~~k~~+J:.~?~~k~•~..::..~~~, ~~ ~ .t -l§=-,k tt-t"-~i!!IU, ~ 1f ,J, ~ -¥-1~, ~ 1it~ ± O fl~~? 5l~: ~~~, ~~**~~~~~ 14- , ~~: ~ -1@ kf¼:kt a'-J ~~, ~rA~~ 0 -l§:-k~kJ:.~r~~#! #.~ _t T ~ -11!J -:k JJJl ~ 0 .n- 7 ~~~~m~½M~1,~ ° (SIMPLIFIED) -llR;-llR; : k aJJ , -G ,~, 7 , 1,t ..::.. .~, ,J,atr JL q- = -llll;-llll;: JL~: +iJG _t /#J , Iu J~ ~ E:; t.i. ..::.. + % 0 * * .~, 1 ? ~ ~i, , ~ 1R ,1. . ~ tv ~ 1r - ½ 11Jr ~-,r 11~ ½, x..~~IU 1 ° 1~ ~ :f~ -r ! ~ 1~ .i .i •ti= •ti= a'-J ;r.f-f- ~ 41' ~-¼ 11JT i-,r 0 s ½, la 1t ¼ ~ -f,~t J L >!I~? ~J:. l#J r ~ JL ,t-ftx_14=-, - ,ti:½~iJG ~ 1 at fal 1 ° -llll;, ~ a'-J ~\ 4--4JJ ~ ~? ~ •~-- 0 . ~.. 126 Integrated Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook MM:~~~~~#+~~?#~~~~¾~~~~, ~ ~ ,i O ~ ;k_ il; ½ t~ ~ jJJ w1f J~ ~ ~ 1~ 1 I 1 ~il #, ~t ~ 1- ~ 11.Q;? JL -f : ;_t =k :% , -1~ ½ # # t¼ lt it tt al.J 14' ~~: 4f" -~;lt¼:kt{try O 1t ·i>l , ~\ r ~ fl~ tk 0 *k~;lL~r~~#! ~~~~m~*M~T,M ~ _t T ~ -1--* JJJJ~)f- T 0 Questions (True/False) ) 1. Darning is going to be late for the concert. ) 2. Darning's mother urges her son to hurry up. ) 3. When Darning uses the internet, he forgets everything else. ) 4. Darning is looking for his car key while he himself has it. ) S. According to Darning's mother, Xiaomei will not wait for Darning this time. ) 6. Darning is afraid that Xiaomei will break up with him. ) 7. Darning's mother thinks that Darning should find a different girlfriend through the internet. C. Read the passage and answer the questions. (INTERPRETIVE) (TRADITIONAL) JJl$.Jt ~ JJ~ at1\, ~~ t~it ~ 1r1 a'-J .± ~~~~ ~ ~ T O A.1ri ~~L~~~~,¼~#,~~A,~M~~k,~~~~~ $.. , iJJJ1JA. it -tt mG ~ ~~ a'-J rpi ~ 0 v~ #J";; tt$. I t-it¼ .fU a'-J *#,~~~~~~~~~~~~~; ~~~,~1±-~~~~~~~~L*~ ~#J";;~~*~~*~ 0 ~~T~,½~½~ -kk ~~~~~~~m~1.-~,~~~mLk*T?~k -t.1t~_t~~~1t-1w, ~~~4f"k*, ~1r1~±~½,t.~;tf~? (SIMPLIFIED) ~~k~~~~, ~~~~m~±~~*~~~T 0 A.m ~~L~~~~, *~#,~~~'~M~~k,~~~~~ -'t-, ifl_~1J A.-it it- tl G if" ~A! al.; Jo] ~ 0 v~ ~;; ~~,,ff_ 00 -¾ 1t ~ .f1] al.; i-A:f, JJil,(f. of VA ,1tl:;t 1~~,(f. ~ J:. 1t jrJ ; VA "W] J; tit~~ :RX* jrJ a!J $ iffJ , JJil,(f. uf vA-1tl ~ 1~.ttl-A ~ J:. Jrj i!Af r-:!- , ½ :f. ½ ;tr * O -~k~~~~~~~rn~m~~,~~~rn~k~T?~k %~~~~00~~,~~~k*,~~~~~½~~#~Y Questions (True/False) 1. The author is most likely a computer software advertiser. 2. The author believes that the internet is becoming increasingly important in people's lives. 3. The author is more focused on the academic use of the internet than on recreational use. 4. The author welcomes wholeheartedly that the internet facilitates the acquisition of information and knowledge. S. The author thinks that libraries are dispensable. D. Look at this newspaper ad and answer the question in English. (INTERPRETIVE) What courses are offered? List at least two. IV. Writing and Grammar Exercises A. Building Characters Form a character by combining the given components as indicated. Then write a word, a phrase, or a short sentence in which that character appears. 1. 1ri!-100 "ri" >'ritL--t- "n,, ' al.i Jl 2•.li!-1f!l J::_~-,t- Jl "*"* · IA ·b" : IX, 'b" al.i "-lf-" "-lf-" ' 1f_i!_-1@ ' £itL-,t0 ~ al.] " ,J.,,. " IA " IX, ,J.,,. " 0 ' ' ri!-1m " /gJ " '\ riiL-,t- "JJ,!" ' 1 28 lnt,,~9rated Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook 3.£i!-11flA.~w, ;tl!_-11ll ",;E_" E_.i!I_-/i'--A.~w, ;/;ii!_-,t-- ".:E-" "1 aJ.i 7<.. 0 4. £:i!-100 "Jjj ll" ' :,f;i!_-100 ";/J.&e:" - AR. 07 ";/] " E_i}J_-+ "rm ll" al.J ((ll" ' ;{;-i}J_-+ ((jJ ~" al.J "jJ"' 07 a7 Jf_ "_fl" ' 0 B. Let's see how addicted the main characters are to their favorite activities. EXAMPLE: ~ w_ 1t- £ it J:. JtJ foJt a'-J at11f ::tf~ J:. f~ ~ £ ii J:. ffiij foJt a7 at 1~ ::tf~ J:. /#J ➔ 0 0 1,!i ➔ ______________________ o 2,1{ ➔ 3, ➔ ➔ ______________ _ _______ o 41 R ___ _ _________ _________ o f _ _ _ ____________ _______ o C. Answer the questions based on the texts of the lessons. 1. f!..k aJJ (11.J 16 ¾ ,% f i 1i.1-J r 1i.~ r 0 \J_!;J 11!1 A.? 1tF ,-t /5f .f-ri iQ.? *k~~~¾&~~ffT~~ra+A?#~~~~? ➔----------------- ➔----------------3. 5t<-k o/J ~1Jf M] ~;r. FffJ #.lil i~? 1t :tft.}~µm_? *k~~fffr~~fr~~? ~~~~~? ➔----------------- ~-~~ff1~:;f-1~ko/J~¾~ ~?#~·~il? ~~~ff1~:;f-1*k~~¾~~?~~~~il? ➔---------------------- 1 30 Integrated Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • workbook lC#C D• Use i ,,.,,, ~ / .,,.o ~ . _ to recap what the main characters end up doing, based on t he texts of the last few lessons. l:XAMPLI:: ~~aJJ*?~#-~-~., 't BiMi* 0 *kaJl*~~#~~~~~' ~ }Jiti* 1. ~*~~~t~,~-'~ ~*~~~t~ , ~~'~ O f&k aJJ -¼ /~t4h t {lk aJJ-¼ Y1iJ 4h t ,~ Jr -RJJ!l, ,~ *-RJlll, 0 0 0 0 3. ftk a}j :1-P m,,,(fJ!t4h t ,~ ~ vA 1tJ,Jl½, ~~VA )fl 1i. )fl f-, 1-tt~.t ~ .fJL½, ___ _ _ ___ _ _______ 5-~ k a}] :1-P i!,(f. liJ1;J 4h ff ,~ of VA 1tJJil,j:-, ~ of VA )fl 1i. )fl f- , 1-tt~.t ~ JJil,j:-' o - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - 0 ~~~~~k~~*7-~¾~t~, 0 0 ::}: __±l.. E. Fill in the blanks with either ~.X.. /fl 1. "€1 A:1t- '.£:Pt/1f 5fl* - - -1t- ~ pt r t * B: ~ )lt_* ~*~ 2. ,J!!?_ '"1: "€1 or ~x"_lx'.t.x"_. *? m*? }J}]i¾} %}] t'i}J i¾} ~, 4\~'.£:Pt o ~~~,a~~~ o ~½~i-f ~ 'tArM-f :l:1t~~.tti1t~~f Jl}J ~½~~~ ~~+~~**~1~~~*~ 0 0 Lesson 7 • 't JI~;fo #.~ f,r,-/ ~ Jwi ;fo f#l #}. 3. tli3 r¾ 1t~ 1r, ffJ ± 16 ~ -tt;;fJ":ffii:._ .t\ 1ri :f~ ~ .~&~ft ;f. f#J t!td f.~ T 0 ~~~~m~±~L~~*~ --- ~~~, ~ 1i1 :t~ t.J t~ ~ ~ ir M i~ 1 ° F. Translate the following sentences into English. (INTERPRETIVE) ¾-.+-t..:::. Jl Iu ~-+ /\.. Jl , ,iJ.fl.~~,t£ ~ JJ~ ,/~ ~ -t 5£1 ° A¾1f--t..:::.JJ~+~A}l,~~~,tf_~~~~~~ o 1. 1¾. ➔---------------------2. 1Jt i%i it .f1 J k ~, ,J, fk~,t£~it .tr _:r_ JA ~ it .f1J k ~, ,J, fLt~~,(£~1t .tr _:r_ 0 0 ➔---------------------- * 3.1Jt I j, _flj :k._ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ vt ~ ;A ,J, J1J k, ~ ~ ~ ~ vt ~ ;it x O a ➔---------------------4. it ~/ijt4fl 'f ,;:.; 1¾.-;f .f1J ~A ~,ff..tr :tJr :i! ~ JJ1fJ 4h it,;:_; I-A- /£;; .f1J~/£;;~,(£.tr JJr 0 0 ➔---------------------5. ,1Jt/J11 fl·j .flj rill: f!; , ~ ~ ~~ jf_ ~ ~ ~ p ~ Iz_ 11!J 37 4_i- jjf 0 A~~~~~, ~~~A~~~J~Iz_+J~* 0 ➔---------------G. Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given to form a coherent narrative. (TRADITIONAL) 1 • a~~ !Tu l=I 4. J:..100 JJ 25Jet 2. }]~ Jz. aJt.,J:. s. Jfl1i_ 3. 11.WJ; 6. ,ff_ ~,t-J:. _ _ _ , Jl~ p] & at-k JJJJ ~ at .i. El ,ff.~1ri -rii ¼-~~~ r -100 ,J,,J,at ± EJ &t-wt s.w.t+rm1t~ _ _ _ _ , ~1ri-i!ii~.;rk. '\ Jlifp k_, - :i!vtt_~ O _ O _ __ , 0 _ __ 0 - - - - 131 132 Integrated Chinese· Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook HJt1r·r* ~J 1c. a~ ~111, ~ 1riT1t ~;l)t, :k. ~ fJt1--Y-;t~ ~ ~ _ _ _ , ~ 16J ,& at.;* JJJl ~-tt k ~ii: "-tM~1t 1r11 ! " 0 (SIMPLIFIED) 1. Bjt½ 2. JJ~ :k. u,tJ:_ 3. l l,1t 4. _t,t- }125½ 5. ~,If; 6. ,{i_H,t½J:. ---,~~~£~½M~~±a ,~~ffi$ ¼i¼:kt-ff- r -,t-,J-- ,J-. a'-J ±a~½ s,1t4Jf"~ti _ ___ ,~ffi-~~*'~k,-~~t~ a ___ _ ~½~Jf"~~~~,~ffi~~M, k~~~*~* o _ _ _ , ~ ~ J1. ~ ½ JJJJ ~xt k ~ iJL: "-i~t-i~t1t 1f1 ! " 0 0 _ _ _ ____ 0 H. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. (PRESENTATIONAL) 1. It's convenient to compare prices online, and shopping online is often tax free. 2. The articles in this magazine are all garbage. Stop reading! 3. My uncle doesn't know how to text message, send email, or surf the internet. He is so behind the times. 4. My book is going to be formally published. Thank you for helping me with the translation. I. Translate the following dialogues into Chinese. (PRESENTATIONAL) 1. A: Hello, is this the school computing center? My computer died. B: What's wrong? A: Yesterday I downloaded a program . Just now I was writing an article and, at the same time, looking for references online. But I don't know why my computer just died, (which caused) the article I wrote to disappear, too. B: Although the internet world is vast and very convenient, and you can find almost any reference materials, if you're careless, you can bring problems on yourself. A: Then what do I do? B: Please bring your computer to the school computing center. We can help you take a look. A:Thank you. I'll be right there. 2. Lisa: Xuemei, Tianming spends so much time on his computer. His computer is on from morning till night. Xuemei: It's the age of the internet now. You cannot be without a computer. Lisa: When he is online, he doesn't take a break for one moment. He seems to have become add icted. Xuemei: Is it as serious as that? Lisa: He even completely forgot my birthday. In a word, I am not as important as his computer. He doesn't care about me at all. Xuemei: Oh, so that's what it is. No wonder you're so upset. 134 Integrated Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook J. Translate the following passages into Chinese. (PRESENTATIONAL) 1. How convenient it is in the Age of the Internet. You can buy things, make friends, and find information online. Some people write biogs on their own websites. There are also many people who like to chat online. There is a whole other world online. The internet has made the world even bigger. Or you could say the internet has made the world even smaller. Do you agree? 2. Do you have your own website? Do you blog? Having internet, can you do without newspapers, a telephone, or even a car? Do you often forget the time once you go online? Is your computer on from morning till night? Do you shop, order takeout, read the news, check references, and play games on line? If you say "yes" to all, then you are probably addicted! 3. Zhang Tianming's blog : Starting tomorrow, I probably won't be able to write my blog every day because my girlfriend says I'm online all day, and she cannot take it anymore. She is going to break up with me if I don't spend more time with her. This is serious. Don't assume she is joking. She sounds like she's truly angry. I love blogging, but I love my girlfriend more. K. List the things you do online, and rank them based on how frequently you do them or how important they are to your daily life. (PRESENTATIONAL) 1. _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2. _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 3. _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ 4. _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ s. _______________ _ 6. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ 7. _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ L. Pick one thing you do on line and explain why it's essential to your daily life, the impact it has on you, and why you cannot live without it. (PRESENTATIONAL) M. Pick one thing you do online that you wish you could give up. Explain whether you are addicted to it, and why you want to cut down or quit. If applicable, provide alternatives to replace it. (PRESENTATIONAL) 136 Integrated Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook N. Imagine you are going to send in a 90-second video resume to go with your job application to an international company in China. Before shooting the video, draft what you want to say about yourself. Please include basic information such as your name, background, education, skills, work experience, etc., and personal traits that are suitable for the job. (PRESENTATIONAL) 0. Storytelling (PRESENTATIONAL) Write a story in Chinese based on the four cartoons below. Make sure that your story has a beginning, a middle, and an end. Also make sure that the transition from one picture to the next is smooth and logical. 1 2 3 4 Lesson 8 • tr .:r.. 137 I. Listening Comprehension A. Textbook Content (INTERPRETIVE) Listen to the recording for the Textbook and answer the questions in English. 1. How do Zhang Tianming's parents pay for their son's and daughter's college education? 2. What are the two reasons for Zhang Tian ming to look for a job? 3. How does Lisa pay for her tuition fees? 4. Why do very few college students in China work in restaurants? 5. How would you describe the spending habits of Lisa's roommate? B. Workbook Dialogue (INTERPRETIVE) Listen to the recording for the Workbook and answer the questions. Questions (True/ False): ) 1. The speakers are most likely a student and a professor. 2. The man has been working for about a month. 3. The man does not work all day on Wednesday. 4. By making some money, the man has reduced the burden for the woman. 138 Integrated Chinese • Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook Questions (Multiple Choice): ( ) 5. How much did the man make last month? a. $100 b. $400 c.$500 ( ) 6. At the end of the conversation, the woman is most likely to feel ~ - - a.disappointed b.happy c. indifferent C. Workbook Narratives 1. Listen to the recording for the Workbook and answer the questions in English. (INTERPRETIVE) a. According to the speaker, what is the typical attitude of Chinese parents toward the ir children's education? b. The speaker mentions one reason for Chinese peasants to go to the cities. What is it? c. Do Chinese peasants encourage their children who are college students to look for jobs? Why or why not? 2. Listen to the recording for the Workbook and answer the questions in English. (INTERPRETIVE) a. Did Chinese college students have any financial pressure in the past? Why or why not? b. What is the financial situation for the parents of college students in China today? c. What difference can students make to their families' financial situation by working part time? 3. Listen to the recording for the Workbook and answer the questions in English. (INTERPRETIVE) a. Why do Little Bai's parents not have to pay for his tuition fees? b. How would you describe Little Bai as a son? c. What were the jobs that Little Bai has taken so far? d. How much money does Little Bai expect from his parents next month? Lesson 8 • -h .I. D. Workbook Listening Rejoinder (INTERPERSONAL) In this section, you will hear two people talking. After hearing the first speaker, select the best from the four possible responses given by the second speaker. II. Speaking Exercises A. Practice asking and answering the following questions. (INTERPERSONAL) ,.1t- -i!J:. ~-it.tr 1. ~~? iv1t fit? 1t-iiLJ:..#-iiL.tr _iii~? 711f ¼? 2.1t-1tftf mG€JJ.;J£,~if-&JJ k~k? 1.r- '.t 1l mG €JI.; il. J1i jJ k ~ k? 3.1,t- f: 1l%%·i~-fr.~ a'-J .~£ i~ ~ ti -:t" ~ -i_-? 1t '.9t 1-1" %%11b 11b a'-] ~g_ itf-- ~ ~e -:t" ~ -i_-7 ~~~·#~f?~~~~, ~G#~, ttt~~½, ~Jt. JRJliAtyt#k? * ~~¼##f?~~-~' JR~At~#k? s.1.t--M-.:t-».t- t~? mc.;1ik, 17 1.r- --At)f.. ¼ t1t,t,&? mG1ik, ~G~~' t~~~½,~~ 1rf, ~Jt.~*±~Jlt1t? ~~ 11' #; , ~¾_,ff.~±~ ff µt ? 17~ B. Practice speaking on the following topics. (PRESENTATIONAL) 1. -tttt-tt -:i!J:. *-ii. -ir ..r.. -:tt ~ 1N ;fif"1tfi.l-1; 2'J. *~~-iiLJ:.~-iiLh..r..~~~;fif°*¼~~ 2. -tt-ttit :rt -f- ,1f: If.-;tf of v~ iA~.fil. ~~a-{; t& ✓-~ ~ .:ti 0 0 0 ~~~~-f-~¼#of~~~~~~il_*~~ o 3. Imagine that you are trying to persuade your parents to allow you to work part time while in school. You need to provide good reasons to support your request and convince them that you will be both academically and financially responsible. 139 140 Integrated Chinese• Level ;z Part 1 • Workbook Ill. Reading Comprehension A. Building Words Complete this section by writing the characters, the pinyin, and the English equivalent of each new word formed. Guess the meaning before you use a dictionary to confirm. 1. "~tA" {19 "A" + "ri o" {19 "~t.A" {19 ".A" + "(lo" {19 "p" "0" ➔ new word 2. "3J'$®" a{] "~" lta Fl.ft. "31' 1f.." a{] + "-1t.1f" "1f.." + "-1t_1f" pinyin a{] "*" Fl a{J " -t;;- " Fl ➔ 3. 4. 5. "4" + " -v:- Jif.." a9 "Jif.." "44~" a9 "4" + "Jjtif." a9 "if." "44~" "* a{] * ➔ J.£" a{] " J:-.k H "W + "~»l" a{] "~" ➔ 4--- ]fJ j?&" --~ a9 "r-F.>" 4--- 4- }f] k~ l " MJ " r."F.> " "r."F.> " r.F.> + + ":f--1z-1iAf" 09 "~" R + "~1z-1iAt" a{J "~" IR ➔ 6. "..I. ✓JI-" /' a9 " ✓'K" t:§1 "..I. ;.:k.." a{] .91 " ;.:k.." ,,, .91 a{] ~ + "J!'lb" .b-" {19 + "J.Jilu~ 1/ ➔ "b" ~ "b" ~ English Los:s:on 8 • -h .:r.. B. This is an email message sent to all students at a Chinese college by the provost's office. Read the message and answer the questions. (INTCRPR[TIVC) (TRADITIONAL) ~*~~-~~~1, ~Jl~-~~~~~~w~~~ o $. 1P1 M-1~1P1 M1 ~ k.tr 't -tf;, ;i-- :92oi!1-lki1Pi ,,(f.~JtAt:iF± ~ ~~~ ~ -tt , iij~ lE7 ~ ~ ti I: 1-¥- ~ ~ 1Pj Jr 1- , Jf5t1f 1-1,t .~£ .~ , Jl :kt "f= ~ Jl1t1ria1*1¥ t~Jr 1..J!ti~.f..-i:"~ $.1rij.µil, 1,t-1r~a18/: t~ ± 5-1; t-.t-r1P<-J x._-BJ: ~tJl& lJ ~ ,J,, *:f5(_~1f-~-¥}if *ifex.-'.fil.1t 1ri a1 l& ,1it- ~ iii , 1.e Jl. lZ51 iv .tr 1.. ~ J:.1*Jl. ~ i't a1 ° rm lL , j{o IZ5"J iv Jr 1.. JJ Pl- r 8/: i , fi,J!_ -tt: ,f-;t_ a1 at1it ~ ~t ,f-;t_ , ,fttt1t 1r, x._ -It a1 .~&,1if- ~ iii .f.. "£ ~ 1ri ~1!. :k. ~i1J iv r Jr 1.. ~ r 8/: i 0 0 0 * 0 0 (SIMPLIFIED) ~#~~-+£~1, ~Jl.*-~M#~~*~~#~ 0 ~m~~m~~*h~~, ;j--~~~m~~~tt~~*~A~ ~,~~~* 0 #~~ffM#filhi,~ffi~~~ , Jl.* ~ 0 ~Jl~m~*~~h1..-~.f.."£~ 0 ~m~il,~m~* t ;tP !£ if; t xt-ff<-3/ x._-Hj:-~-j,x_.,&jJ ~ ,j,, ~{X,~~~-dJ,*~~1;fm~ ~~~ ~' ~Jl lZ5"J h h1..~_l:.~~~~~ o Tff]A, IZ5"J ~hi~~1~~,~~*~~~~~~*~,½il~filx._-HJ:~~~~~.f.."£ 0~fil~1!.:k.~~h1h1..~1*~ 0 ~* Questions (True/False) ( 1. Those students who are not back on campus yet are currently out of town. 2. This email sounds sympathetic to students' families ' financial difficulties. 3. The provost's office promises to cut the tuition fees and living expenses . 4. According to the email, it would only make things worse for parents if a student spends too much time working . 5. The provost's office prohibits students from working during the semester. 141 142 Integrated Chinese• L6!V'11 2 Part 1 • Workbook C. Read the following email message and answer the questions. (INTERPRETIVE) (TRADITIONAL) 1£-1£--~ ~~~**~~ffl}]~~~,~~1, ~JT£+~ 0 ~~~' ~~~}] ~f~~~A~±~f~~m~,~~A~~ ~**~~~~T ~~~1~~*J, i~~~, ~~-% ;f:~£ FtiJ ~;ktJ.fU :i:tJL~ittJx_ ~ 1ri J)I~100 v1 -b-bai.i JJ ~ ~~1~%1£-~ mGai.i-¾~ ~1=-'f~4~, it!lA-f:4~, ~k;f:Jl ~~~JL,~Jl~f~OK,*~}]~%%~~~~fi~~4t ~ f:1-¥-1~1r11 ,~ ,;.~ r 4~ii_Jl4~ ~ a!.i-1£-1£- J;t.1~1ri:t:t J r , *, 11 0 O 0 O 0 ~~~-~T~*%*~lt*;f:~~~~ o it£ (SIMPLIFIED) %%: f~t¼~ ~ ~ af.i i! +}] ~ ± ~ f ~tf1J T , ~ ~ Jk., J;t.J:. +}] ~ir~~Jk. o~~~J:.+JJ~~~f~~m~,ii+JJ~t¼ ~**~~~~7 ° ~~~1~~~1, 1~~~, ~~~j ;f:~£ 11Jtr O *;k_~,.fUiiJL~i/G~,x_ 0 ~1f]J)I~ +v1 ~~~ JJ ~ #, ~7-11~%%~ mG~¾~ ~1=-'f~4\, it1L1t4\, *k;f:Jl ~ltfi...#:JL, iJc,Jl 11~f ~i.OK, *+}] 1~%1£-~~f¼-1~fi JL~Jk. ~~f£-f£-J;t.~1ntt% T, ~7-1~-t¼T~*j#~.£#;f:~~t~ 4~ ~~1.f1~1fJ,~.£/!tT4\~Jl4~ 0 0 0 8Fl8Fl Questions (True/False) ( ) 1. Lili's monthly allowance has been increased. ( ) 2. Lili's father owns a restaurant. ( ) 3. Every time Lili is out of money, she will cry. ) 4. Maomao covers his own expenses by working in his father's company. ( ) 5. Lili is proud of her father because he never fails to send her money. ( ) 6. Lili is a frugal person and considerate daughter. Limon 8 • .h 1. D. Based on the employment advertisement shown here, answer the questions in English. (INTERPRETIVE) tl.JJ.li~if.!I!.: 1400-1700ft. lJii. i-'J= ~ , 1300-1500 3i::. ~1'F in : 1SQ0-15M3c. JI~~ ~ : 1200- 1400 3c, JUi¾ ~ : 1200-1400;:ie, :145~ ~ : 1200-14007t ~5~ .in ~7':.~.:c.: 1200-13007t ~;liJt.:r..: 1200-1300.;;c : 1200-1400.7C. 0 J;l..t..Ab:t~~1#-jz-S/i o .$m ~~~1'!-~l"*.::r:.o .$.~~jJ.mJlf.,1,~;c.., J.-.:,(...t.A. ~ ~Jlli#"oc!fiii' 1. What positions are they trying to fill? List two positions. 2. ls there any position in the advertisement that you may be interested in applying for? Please explain. 3. What benefits can one get in addition to a basic salary? ~-A~ E. Based on the ad shown here, answer the questions in Chinese. (INTERPRETIVE and PRESENTATIONAL) ■ 9s ■ *I~~- ~t.n-:1 ■~~ ■ !¥m I AM 11 :OO-PM)8:oo ■ ~m I AM18:oo-PM22:~ O®B I AM -PM ftJRA~ ■ ~ ■ :tz: I 'Ef:~ · 9l)l"f I ■ ::ft'QJ -~I!JI ■ ~WI AM ll:oo-PM)8:oo l AM18 :OQ-PM22 :OO □J~i8 I AM -PM 14] 144 Integrated Chinese • Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook 1. "tf f~j }ff% tf 01 ~ Ju] /- --@- 'f u/.; "-f Jjl " ;'fP "--f Jjl" 1P " lltJ)l" "H ft Jyl " **j;_Jl1f1t 5:_}1-_ )!~ t: ,~,? ¼ ~ ,'&? 2. 1~1r'f1-tti!15t 1-11=~~ ? :#.~1t »l-? 1t.-½rt1itit1~ 1.1,ttt~'? jl.J1f 2. '? f. Look at the following form and complete the tasks. (INTERPRETIVE) ~ ff □ fJ!fJJ~ff □ $~ff lllr ~ □ 'it ff □ L&tJH\: □ J:&!l'4ff □ ;Jtf& fflpf{;~ 1¥-ffrtt~ ~flUr:ll2tffi fflPtt~ wt JlilfiiJ:ftJ& ~ itt □ ~Z)!Jm-rt ~ ~ □ lei:!. 1(!{il f tfif!i mri~~Wi ~ ~1:1:I,j!t~ '!}1 □ mmm □ _t~:m □ ljj(f.W,:Vl □ ~ {tB FFJf11-tfi½ rn f1 tt 1:i LQ!:!:On 8 • .fr 1.. 1, Circle the name of the bank. 2. What fees can be deducted directly from your account and paid after you fil l out the torm? List at least two. 3, Sign and date the slip. IV. Writing and Grammar Exercises A. Building Characters Form a character by combining the given components as indicated.Then write a word, a phrase, or a short sentence in which that character appears. 1. £it-1!!1A~'.t, ;t;ii_-1!!1 "-J±.." a1 !i.UL-1--A~'.t, ;t;UL-1-- "-J±.." ~ /' /' a1 'f1 y:(._ 2. a1 'E1 3. J:.ii_-1@ J:.iiL-1-- a1 'f1 y:(._ 4. "r,, "r,, /' "J±_" /' ' 0 ;t;ii_-1@ Ji. ii -1@ ".1f-" ' Ji.jj;_-1-- ".If-" ;t;UL-1-y:(._ "J±_" ' ";J._" ";l._" 0 Ti!-1@ "1t4~" ' -·~ ' TiiL-1-- "1t4\" ' a1 "1t" a1 "1t" 0 ' J.i_i!_-1@-t ~ '.t' ;t;i!_-1!!1 "ft-~" a{] "$" J! "..b" fl1 ~ !i.VL-1-- i ~~, ;tj}l_-/i'-- "+,1t-~" ?:k '" a1 J}__ 0 B. Draw a line connecting the verb with an object that can go with the verb. o/tt1'f1* ~ ~Ji;~ ,fe ~f1J 1..5-5 ,A-f_fil.1;A~ Jfx.-1-f fft-ik1ffilf,Jt ii&/,@,Ii!. El fpj ;fl!; l'iiJ M. 1-+1= -JJ~1-JJvM ~(<' IV;;---/ ,.;_:e_ ~;;7.. IT.b.. ,,~J;-1:1.,._ ;..J:!'1, ' 145 146 Integrated Chinese • Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook C. Read the following conversation and fill in the blanks with the phrases provided. (TRADITIONAL) ____ lilt iJt~x_~~t:f ,t~ O 0 s: ~ llL.¥&. iit :f M- , ~ x_ -Ht :i~ ~.t ;tr" i 1t O iA-fii. x_ -Ht at ~T ~~~~,~~~~~¼•w~ft,~~~,ft~f ~ -- -,~~*~±~f~:lk__M~ A: y;,J ~ ,t !JJt JlA- _ __ at tt T , iE. M ,,(£ .tt :t ~ -tf , 1,r- ~ v~ -t~ -t~ B: }k_ ~~ ? }]~ ~ S}] k_ j}G-¼ 'f7 -tt o O * 0 * O • • • ~ 1ri tB Jf,&_;f± 0 (SIMPLIFIED) A:~ _ _ _ _ 1,r-,~+t~M- :t¾ T? ~1t¾ :f JL, _ _ _ 11fr"11Jr" s: Jfl llt t-1 ~Jt- ~ n, 0 o -iJL~X.~~~~•fi: ~ x._ #- ;ff~ ~~ ~ 1..1t 7'J r ,,};Jf£ x._ #- at 0 O ~~~~,~~~~~¼•w~ft,~~~,ft~f ~ - - -- ,~~~~±~f~:lk__FlM A: JJlJ ~ ,t dJ- :lk__A- _ _ _ at xt r iE.-16- ,,(£ Jt ~ X- ~it, 1,r- ~ v~ -i;( -i;( O B: Jl 11!¾? * }]~~ ~ kilG-¼ 'f-1 O * D. Fill in the blanks with either i!_½1:i:t½ , ~ 1n tB Jf,&_;f± 0 O or * • • • 0 ½i!_1½:i:t. J-. i $,fik ~ :t;;i+ ' ii15} 1E 1..1t 1t1-tl!Arl - -- ,J-. £¾ _xk_ ¼ jf-~t, ~11t~ 1r. 1..1t xt1~1El _ _ _ _ , • I 2.1~~~irt,J--1i~r~il, ;r::. _ _ _ _ 1tt~;ft 1,t~~ii,J---Jt.trx_i!, ~ _ _ _ 1ti~~ 0 0 0 0 Lesson 8 • .fr ..I.. 3.1~~ 7 *~1;_, ~1Pj),@.-;w:-¼;t;t1{t ~r+~t, ~Jt1l~ _ __ O Y-.;ilAfiii.1i. , 0 1-tl!., ~ 7 -kf JL ~ , 4~ 1n EL it* ;t ~ 1{t ,, ;; Jt.-£. i i1t, ;JT -f tJL , $_. '.fft 1-1- ~ _ _ _ o ~~•4ff*ktt ___ ,~-f-,~~~;r::~, ,ff<_ _ _ _ _ 1t- 0 , ' ~ A::..11. !Iii: Jt. k~ ~ T -J ;f)-r -J-'-- 7Jt _ __ _ , 1E1<. ____ 1t- -le'' .::I·m !4 ,.1-r -r l:Jl;.. ,1-fJ , #'J, ~ ~ .,,1, '-tl:1 , 0 s.1~1ri m1m ;t1t ~pj' ~ , ,fl_ -~;r:: - -- ~ if ~Pi'~~ ;r:: ~ , 0 ~m~+;z¼~~,~if~~~;r::~, ,fi_-~;r:: - - - 0 E. Based on the illustrations, describe what people do. EXAMPLE: Teacher Li every Saturday ~ ~ ~ifi -i§:-100 £ $}] -k ;r:: Jl i.$t ;l<.Jll , ifJG Jl .:tr ,ff & fa9 ° ➔ ~~~-it+£M*~Jl~~~, ~Jlhb&M 1. Zhang Tianming's father every night 2. A I riding the bus when shopping for meat ~ 0 147 148 Integrated Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook F. Connect the following individual sentences into a coherent narrative by adding connecting devices, deleting unnecessary pronouns, etc. ~*4-*1R-!-ftll:~!i ~~-!}-!} o 4\ --i-Jf-»:1K¾ i11.i'-J ~ ~-q-~ ~ 12)=] 16{fflttit~±~~~¾ ~ 12 JJ 16-;- JA:i! ~ ~ ~ ~JL ¾ #JI:~~ t11.i'-J 0 O ~1f- ~~~J:. ~1f. -100 -k- :Ji Jl ~it ~ 1f- ~ tJLJ:. ~ 1±- -1----k- :Ji J L JJ~100 * :f~1 ' /.R- /if'Jb '.ft ~ JJ~1"--k-:Ji1R.i~ 1t 0 0 r~ ~f; ~ ;y,: ~ ~ jR.:kt iJt-t! I~ }]~100 *:Ji~ ;.J; ~ :kt~~~* O ~iiL 0 -Jt ~f; ~ ;y,: ~ ~ I~ 0 jR-:ktiJL1,'f; 0 JJ~k---k-:Ji~ 'fi ~' 0 :kt>~"~ 0 0 ~1R- ~ ~Jt,te:,~ a'-J *#r.f½:kt a ~ 1R- ~ 7Z Jt!rAe:.~ a'-J ~ 1% t¼:kt :kt ~ % ~ ~ 1ri Ml :kf; JWr 3c. :kt 'fi % ~ ~ 1f1 -Jt ~f; Jfiff k ~ 1ri Jfiff k Jfiff 1l1R- ~ ~ ,tJc r ,ii? ~ ~~~ --'! "~ 1~ J 1;n. ,... r, 0 ~ 1iJ Jfiff k Jfiff 1J1R- ~ 0 :kt% iff r 0 ~ i t - ;t_M;--:kt-tr rt -ti 0 0 ~ :kt a'-J * 0 0 ,tJc T~tJL 1, :kt% i}f r it -if,½ Jl!; o ~ iJL- ;t_f'¼:kt-tr ~ -ii, a o ~ :kt a'-J Lesson 8 • .f r .:r.. G. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. (PRESENTATIONAL) 1. I am all grown up. I should start making money to lessen my parents' financial burden . 2. The professor suggested that we go online to read Chinese newspapers in order to improve our Chinese. 3. On weekends, he stays in his room all day. If he's not blogging , he' s playing games online . 4 . No one can stand going shopping with him. If he's not complaining about the lousy quality, he's complaining about the outrageous prices. H. Translate the following conversations into Chinese. (PRESENTATIONAL) 1. A: Why do you want to get a part-time job? B: I'd like to make some spending money. If I earn the money myself, I can spend it however I want. It's liberating and I can ease my parents ' burden at the same time. A: Do you have time to work? Will it affect school (your studies)? B: I'd like to work during summer break. It won't affect school. A: Where do you want to work? B: I plan to go to medical school later, so I'd like to get a job at a hospital to see if I like to deal with patients. What about you? Are you tel ling me that you don't want to wor k? A: I'd like to take classes in the summer. B: You can go to school and work at the same time. 149 150 Integrated Chinese· Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook 2. A: Shoot. I spent too much this semester and now I have a lot of credit card debt. B: Then what do you plan to do? A: I haven't come up with a solution. I can only pay (it) back slowly. B: Then borrow some money from your parents. A:They have financial pressures, too. I would be too embarrassed to borrow money from them. B: I'm doing tutoring. You can also tutor or work in computer maintenance. A: I'm not suited to be a tutor, but I can maintain computers. I. Translate the following ad into Chinese. (PRESENTATIONAL) Do you want to make money? Do you want to gain some work experience? Do you know how to speak English? Do you know how to use a computer? Do you want to be a tutor? We are a tutoring center, and have many tutoring jobs. If you are inte rested, you can start applying right away. You don't need experience. We will teach you how to be a tutor, but you must like dealing with children. If you have any questions, please check out our website, or call, email, or send us a text message. Limon 8 d--r 1.. J. Translate the following email messages into Chinese. (PRESENTATIONAL) 1. wenwen r.:Z.:Z). Your dad and I hope that you won't work this summer. You can take some courses. If you have enough credits, you can graduate earlier and pay back the government loan earlier. 1r you don't want to take classes, you can relax a bit. If you need pocket money, you can borrow it from us. We know that you are a good daughter and you want to lessen our financial burden. But your sister graduated from college already, so we don't have to pay for her tuition or living expenses any more. Our burden is not as heavy as it used to be. Don't worry. Mom 2 . Mom, I don't need to borrow money from you and Dad. I've saved up some money this year. I don't owe the bank or my credit card company any money, so I don't have any financial pressure. The summer break is very long, so I can take one class and work after finishing the class. I want to work not just to make money. Gaining some work experience is also important. I will have time to have fun. Sis and I have agreed to travel to China before school starts. Her college roommate now works at a bank in Beijing. She's will ing to be our tour guide. I have a Chinese test this afternoon . I have to review now. I'l l call you this weekend. Wenwen 1 51 152 Integrated Chimm1 • Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook K. Suppose you are a financial advisor.Try to give students tips on how to spend and save wisely. (PRESENTATIONAL) a. Compile a list of common spending problems: b. Provide a list of financial dos and don'ts to help build a healthy financial future: Do: Don't: L. Storytelling (PRESENTATIONAL) Write a story in Chinese based on the four cartoons below. Make sure that your story has a beginni ng, a middle, and an end. Also make sure that the transition from one pie Lure Lo Lhe nexl is smooth and logical. 1 2 3 4 L@sson 9 • .:M_ 8 I. Listening Comprehension A. Textbook Content (INTERPRETIVE) Listen to the recording for the Textbook and answer the questions in English. 1. Why do Li Zhe's brother and sister-in-law argue with each other? 2. Why does Li Zhe's niece call Li Zhe? 3. What kind of weekly schedule has Li Zhe's sister-in - law set up for her daughter? 4. How would you describe Lisa's view on the issue of children's education? 5. Why does Li You say that Li Zhe has become a "philosopher"? B. Workbook Dialogue (INTERPRETIVE) Listen to the recording for the Workbook and answer the questions. Questions (True/False): 1. The speakers are most likely husband and wife. 2. Xiaoming is most likely the man's son or daughter. 3. Xiaoming has complained to the woman about the man. 4. Xiaoming enjoys his piano lessons but not his swimming lessons. S. The man believes that a child must be put under some pressure in order to succeed in the future. 6. The man cannot become a good lawyer because he was not made to learn many things during his boyhood. "'fi 155 1 56 lntogratod Chino~o • Lcivcil 2 Part 1 • Workbook C. Workbook Narratives 1. Listen to the recording for the Workbook and answer the questions in English. (INTERPRETIVE) a. How did Little Qian feel when he first landed the new Job? Why? b. When did things change for Little Qian? c. What kinds of phone calls did Little Qian receive? d. How would you describe Little Qian's reaction to those phone calls? 2. Listen to the recording for the Workbook and answer the questions in English. (INTERPRETIVE) a. What are Anthony's parents interested in, respectively? b. Do Anthony's parents agree on what their son should learn? c. Does Anthony share either of his parents' interests? 3. Listen to the recording for the Workbook and answer the questions in English. (INTERPRETIVE) a. Who is the speaker? b. Whom is the speaker addressing? c. Accord ing to the speaker, what problem do the children have? d. How would you describe the speaker's view on the issue of children's education? D. Workbook Listening Rejoinder (INTERPERSONAL) In this section, you will hear two people talking. After hearing the first speaker, select the best from the four possible responses given by the second speaker. II. Speaking Exercises A. Practice asking and answering the following questions. (INTERPERSONAL) * * , .1t ,1, 1ii iJ!IJr¾J ~ , -..-.. 5l , 1r~~~? 1t,J,at1if~i±4rxJ~, @.J@.JJL, >'r-i½ 11!1;? 2. -:ko ~ T j -k 84= Fai ? )t1t 18 G 1,t **at? * ,* ~~*al.; ? ii_¾_ :Sc-iij:-~ ~*~ii, ~TJ*~M?¾#~G~~{r,J?~¾~~~ l b ~ 1-,J., 'J,J, '-r tl'J? 3.1t-:t-f a!.; at-1~ *if & JJ k~ k? ~~f_~at" Pai »t? #*-f{r,J~~~~AJJk~k?~~~~M»t? B. Practice speaking on the following topics. (INTERPERSONAL) 1t al.;~ W&-:h 1Rk, 1t :tft.¼t!_ §1 G-fi#}-JE.r.? 1. -:ko* ~~~~~~~JJ~k,#~¾il~G~~-~? 2.1;1- Jl?.M x_ ~ r tll vJ 1i~il!L*iti.1t-r ~~~~? *it* JJG al.;1ik* ~~? 1,t ~1tft.1-? #~M~~T~~~A~*~~-r~~~~~~*~?# ~ ~ 11EJ? 7-11t ¾ ? 3. Suppose you could relive your childhood. Express what you wish your parents and/or you had done differently in terms of your schoolwork and extracurricular activities. 158 Integrated Chinese • Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook Ill. Reading Comprehension A. Building Words Complete this section by writing the characters, the p inyin,and the English equivalent of each new word formed. Guess the meaning before you use a dictionary to confirm. 1. "k -~,, a'-J "--~" + " k iilf; a'-J "i~" + ✓ ✓•~ ~ •-+le ,, .~ "¾ ~ " a'-J "ft..." ·~ u "% .!lr1U " a'-J "ft..." '~ I'$ ➔ pinyin new word 2. ";}-41 9:e," ~.~ al.i " 9:e, " " ;}-41 ~ 2:e .;:;,_, " a'-J " ,p_e " ,G' . I~ ;if-(.. + "!f_k" + "± ~" al.i English "k " ;if-(.. " al.i ",e ~ ➔ 3. "~ti" al.i "~ {.:,.." ~ x.. al.i ",t_.:,.." x.. + "~Jc_" a'-J "Jc_" "{.:,.. al.i x.. " + ➔ 4. "0 7j(." " 0 7j(." al.i "0" aJ.i "0" "~*" "*" -, + "~_g_" al.i "_g_" -, + " 41XJ 1f.." a'-J "_g_" .,;Ji ➔ ➔ 5. ~ " + "~~" al.i "~" " ffi~ {t" al.i " ffi' "~At" a'-J ".it." + "~ ~" a'-J "~" ➔ B. Read the conversation and answer the questions. (INTERPRETIVE) (TRADITIONAL) ~#: ~~,#~1!-~~-~1!#~~~M~~al.i~1f-? ~i~: ~~ 0 ~#:~~&~~~M~#Ml!-~~~T? ~~=~,a~~~*~~~~~~~~,~~~~~~?~ ~~M~~~i~1f-~~al.i*~,~-~~~1f-~~o ~ l!J.~1.~-;t_~_t1t.if7f ~~ ~ ~ 0 Lesson 9 • M:. ~ tvJ";tt-.: :W!,,t.,&~ttil1t. *1t.1f.~ ~~ al.; t-- ~ 1%? ,~14q:: $., 1,!fg1.!fg4f"}ta~ ilt.r.£ :kttt, *~lf--:t--f, -l-iu -rt-t gJ Jtj~Jt-4f" ~~, rif ~~t;t ±. ayt, T 0 G 0 ~~=~~~ 0 ~~~~*~~~$-~~' ~~~~1*~ 4 , ~ lt_ J,,t,,ff. itz1t- tt , k 1.f k J 1 ° ~* = ~~~*~~~~~~-~~~~ o -~~~**~ ~' ~Jt_~~~~~~$-~~1,~*~~~'~* ~,t:k:~ 0 ~#:~1f.~~~~M~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* 1 0 (SIMPLIFIED) ~#: ~*'~~~~~~~1! Tm, ~Jt_~,ff~*~~~? 'W~: ~# : ~~~rm,~ff~~~~~*~1? 0 ~~=~,~rm,~~~~~tl~~~~' ~~½~*~?~ ~~ff~~~i~~~~~~~,~-~~~~~~ o ~ ~ -j_Jl:i-j_Jl:i- 5t ~ J:. Xi*~ ~ ~ lEl ~ 0 ~#:~~~~il~*~~~*~~t~~? 'W~:~~~~~~~~ o :kt~, ~~~~~,~~~-f~G *~, r xt4M~~ ~~ti!,ka,t ~#:~~~ o ~~,~~~ff~$~~~'~*~*1*~ 1¥-' of}E_J)l.,,(f.itz1t- tt ' ,l_ 1-J? 0 * %1 ° ~*=~~~*~*~}E_~~~~~~~ o -ff~~~~~ ~' ~¾~*~~~~$~~~1,~*~~~'~* ~'f:k: ff; 0 ~#:~~~ff~~M~~~~~#~~~~~~~~~* 1 0 159 160 Integrated Chinese· Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook Questions (True/False): ) 1. When Xuemei started taking piano lessons, she was not interested in them. 2. Xuemei often cried when her mother took her away from the p i ano school. 3. Xuemei's mother insisted that a ch ild should start taking piano lessons early. 4. Ke Lin's parents made him take piano lessons when he was ten. S. According to Ke Lin, Xuemei plays piano better than he does. 6. Xuemei sounds quite grateful that her mother forced her to t ake piano lessons when she was young. 7. Ke Lin has always been sympathetic to Xuemei's mother' s ideas about children's education. C. Read the passage and answer the questions. (INTERPRETIVE) (TRADITIONAL) ~t~,~,~~~~~roG~~-t~~~~~j~*, ~~~-tkkT*~~ili-•k~~ ~~~~~~-tA£~ AJJJ... a'-J ~-*, fof v~1tl1 ~kt~:st -t a'-Ji*>'rat rai 4c-14f1li~ ,~ 0 * * a'-J , ~ r ~ 100 x.-:!-- 8/: JJ~1oo , ;r. :k.:t ~ :st -r- mG a'-J ~J1!:fP 11:._ 1tl1 :st-t ~ ~:k. ti:, 1~,t~%1iJ, 1JPl-1 ~tt1~11t ii_~~ ~Y:J~ -t ~ ~ £ jJ :k. k, 5~~ at ra, lRJ-t-1-t/!; ,J, JJJJ }§__ -~JJt>l, P)f VA f:. 1-;t ro G a'-J ~ 4 ~ ·rJc ~ .iG ~ ~ 1@ -t- ::::-~ a'-J JJ :St 5l ii: "-%-%-k.~~.~ 0 O 1 0 -~~~~kkTA~-*~ ~~~-*;r.~~~~, ;r.~ 0 (A : ch6ng, insect; bug) (SIMPLIFIED) ~ lf f!1 , 1tl j ~ ~j~~~ ro G a'-J :St-t ~ al.] t ~~ j ~*, ~#~-t*kT*~~ili-•k~~ ~jJ~~#~-tA~~ Affil a'-J ~-*, foJr v~1tl 1 ~ *~~:s~ -t ~i*>'r at faJ 4c-14F-fi i~ i~ 0 * ~, ~r~+x.~~~+,~:k.:t~~-tmG~~J1!~~* 1R 1 :St -t ~ jJ :k. ,ti:, 1~,t ~ ~ , IJ faJ 1 3l' 1f.1~~ :i£~ ~ ~- :Si 0 11 0 --f lzil f.J )JJ./J :k.k, i~~at faJ iR~ 'E ,J, JJJ),&.-;{f.1JGJL, fof v,A 'JtAl mG a'-J ~ 11=- ~ •rJc ~ ~t i7: ~ +-t--==- J a'-J JJ :si JL-ix.: "%%j{JJij{JJi 0 -~~~~*kTAjJ-*~ ~¾~-*~*~~~,~~ 0 ~ -*•ffc~ a'-J;}; 0 " (3;: ch6ng,insect;bug) Lesson 9 • 4t 1f 161 Questions (True/False): 1. The author asserts that many Chinese parents place very high expectations on their children. 2. Some Chinese children are too busy because they are interested in too many things _ 3. The author believes that being too busy could be detrimental to children's health. 4. Some children have to be pressured to spend some time playing with their friends. 5. The twelve- year-old boy fully understands his parents' efforts to make him study harder. 6. The author disapproves of the practice of forcing children to learn many things. D. Look at this newspaper ad and answer the following questions in English. (INTERPRETIVE) ,· 1. What classes can parents sign their children up for? List at least four. 2. Is the ad targeting students in grade school, junior high, or senior high? How do you know? 3. Circle the words that mean "tutorial services ." 162 Integrated Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook E. Look at this newspaper ad and answer the following questions in English. (INTERPRETIVE) 1. What's the teacher-student ratio? 2. What time of year does this ad encourage people to sign up for classes? 3. In which areas does the ad guarantee good results? Name at least one. IV. Writing and Grammar Exercises A. Building Characters Form a character by combining the given components as indicated. Then write a word, a phrase, or a short sentence in which that character appears. ;z;. " 1.£it-1@A-.1,~, ;(;it-1@ ";z;. ..:±- ~ " a{] " ..:±;z;. " I.;_ iiL - Ii'- A_ -1- ~ ' ;(;:iiL-,t- "_f_ -t" a{] " ..:±' al.; fl 2. I.;_ it -1@tl-t ~ , ;tit-1@ "~F1t" a1 "~f" ~ 0 + ~' j_;_jiz_-,t-JJt fl al.; ;(;jiz_-,t- "~F1t" al.; "~):." 0 -r i!-100 "/.'.f" k " al.; " /.'.f" k " a{J ".b" -, 4. /.;_ it-1f!J "~" ;tit-1@ "~1] ~ " al.; ' £.itz.-,t- ",f.." ;fiQL-,t- "Mtl ~" a{J ' a{] Jk_ "~" "~" 3. J:. it~ 1@ "_£" J:.jfl_iH-j Ji'- "_£" a{J Jk_ ' ' -riiL-+ ".b" -, 0 0 ' ' ' LQSSOn 9 • ji_1f 8. Fill in the blanks with a{J, 1.f, or~(TRADITIONAL) ~ 1F1 ~1ID;il1Jk _ _!Ji5J~--~, ~J_lf_M-1t _ _ ~-*, 1t ~ ~~---~~,~-A~~#~~---~* o ~~~~~ 7!.fi T 11f4~ , q~ 1ri \'.1)' \'.1)'_ _ JJ~ ft.¼J~ '.f iU ~1t ft.¼~~? 1~ii * JlJJJJ~? O ~ 1rifl,!.-tt:kt:ktJl_ _ ~-!JJ o (SIMPLIFIED) ~m~+~~- -~~*,~~~#- -~*,#~ ~~---~*,~-A~~#¾~- - -~¾ o~¾~~~ ~1~~,~m~*~--~~$~ JlJJJJ~? ~1iJE-ii:kt:ktJL _ _ ~-~- 0 ~~~~~~?~~ a C. Reply to the following statements to set the record straight. EXAMPLE: A: ;f,f- ~ ;;r4-)c,f;tJ:. i/t ~ a'-) fl{::;? * it 'W ~4- }lN-.._ J:_ ,~ a'-J fl{::;? s: it 'W ;;t~ -:f: Jl 1;t.J:. i/t ~ a'-J , m¾ ,1;t~Jt fl'! ~ a'-J #~~-:f:k~J:.~~~, 1. A: It ti it~~~ \'.1t ;,t a'-J ? 0 m¾~~~*~ o Jrit;tt ~~iffe~ t#ia1-J? 17 B: 17 - -- - - - -- -- - - -- - - - - -- 2. A: f&k aJJ 100 ftJJ M-1tili 1 ,1:-~~i* r gtkaJJ r B: 3. A: B: * o 0 +~JtJJ~1tizt. T ½~~i* 0 - -- -- - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - o J!t & ft Jt~1fl~ ~ft! ~? ITTf -r; xtJt,Jf-1tt~ ~~ fle.? 11 --------------------- □ 1 63 164 Integrated Chinese • Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook B: o - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - 5. A: )l tf;-ff1t ~ t: ~ {g- j{-f af.i 1ti }i;- 0 ITTf wn1t~ ~~-tg-jt-f-frry1*i* 0 B: 0 D. Practice asking and answering questions based on the following topics. EXAMPLE: children ➔ studying vs . having fun * lb -,}JJ "t' .:2-. JJl.,. ;I.51 Question: ·1,J, fr,~, A -J~ .J '-=t- ~ important --;f;- ,!& ,5,!! 'E7 ::i:- ,?:, --;f;- ,!&? _jc__ -x~JZ.J.JGYL ~ -X . 1tiA7-J :Jt-f-* 3J ":£ ~if.kJJtJL ":£ ~? Answer: .f~,;j~, J.b :ft -f (your choice)-:t" ~ a iA7-J :Jt-f (your choice) it~ 0 O 1. LiZhe ➔ Q: 0 A: 0 2. finding a job vs . going to graduate school Zhang Tianming living on campus vs. living off campus good good ➔ Q: 0 A: 0 studying literature vs. studying finance appropriate 3. Zhang Tianming ➔ Q: 0 A: 0 4. Lin Xuemei studying vs. dating important ➔ Q: 0 A: 0 Lesson 9 • ~ 1f E. Fill in the blanks with the words and phrases given to form a coherent narrative. (TRADITIONAL) Mi-P4 1. 1!~ s. 4-k-f J: 2. 4~ 3. 5. ~ Jf__ 4. ~ Jf__ 9. Elf R._ 10. ,tf_/~41h t ·~ _____~,f±_r.f%J.1-~ JL*i:~f+t:ilia1/~4h t ,~1RJ 1fi"~1i.tr ;}f O - - - -- ----- ~JK,fi~ ik M] .f--¼ t1~11!L~J4h lf ,(; , 1RJ ~~~a11f~.tr.tt, ~1R~~ 0 0 ---- ~x-~~~a, _____k~T-~t~~a~,ffj" ~ o~¾-~,*·~h6~,~~~~~ o- - - - -~ - ~11t 4~, ~Ar6Jf, - - - - -ii_1-'!f~~ 11~ - -- - -~5l-¼T ~~"i$J~, - - -- - - ' 1t 0 (SIMPLIFIED) 2• .A 7.16* ~ it 8. A,R._-f .13. 4. 9. ~Jl atk 5. 10. ~Jl 1f-1JJtJ4h t,(; _____ .A ,fi_ J#J .1- ~ 3L *i:~ f1t :ili a1 y!iJ 4h lf ,(; 1R J ~ ~ 1±-tr ;Jf - - - - -:½_~;g- .A iJG fr 4- ¾ JJ~ ~ ~ 4h lf ,(; 0 O _ _ _ _ _ , 1RJ ~ ~~a11f~.trJn-, .A1R~* ~~-~~~~' -----**T-~~~~~~~ If, iti-¼-~, 1t¾~.tr6Jf, .A'Jt1-'!f-:f:4tr .A -~11r4l, _ _ _ _ _ lt.tr6.:Jn-, _ _ _ __ iIAl-:ktJL 11 j)c - ---~5l-¼ 1 JL ~ lo1 J;5 ' - - -- ' 1t ¼ ;:tf~ ~i. ifc.@:] ~ 1 ° 0 O 0 O *' _ _ __ ____ 165 166 Integrated Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook F. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. (PRESENTATIONAL) 1. He was crying nonstop, like a little kid. 2. It took her a lot of effort to get her master's degree. G. Translate the following dialogues into Chinese using JrJ. (PRESENTATIONAL) 1. A: Is your major history? B: My major is not history, but economics. 2. A:Are you a computer science Ph.D.? B: I'm not a computer science Ph.D., but a chemistry Ph.D. 3. A: Mom, are you against my marrying Little Wang? B: I am not against it, but think it's too early for you to get married now. You'd better graduate from college before getting married. 4. A: I haven't seen your boyfriend Little Lin for a while. Did you two have a falling out? B: Contrary to what you think, we didn't have a fight. He went to Mexico to study abroad and won't be back until next winter. A: So that means you broke up? B: Actually, we didn't break up. We chat on line every single day. Lesson 9 • M:_-=fi" 5. A: Little Zhang, where did you say you ' ll have to take your son on Friday evening? B: I'll have to take him to learn swimming. Saturday I'll have to take him to a skating lesson. A: I hope you get a day's rest on Sunday. B: No, on Sunday I'll have to take my son to a piano lesson. A: Your son is still just a kid. Won 't he complain? B: No, he loves learning these things. One moment he's learning this, and the other moment he's learning that. When we see how happy he is learn ing, we are happy, too. 6. A: Little Gao, your older brother and sister-in- law are both teachers. Their opinions wouldn't differ in terms of education, right? B: Not necessarily. Although they are both teachers, their opinions often do differ when it comes to their child's education. My sister-in-law thinks that chi ldren should play, but my brother packs their child's schedule and wants him to take this lesson or take that lesson. A : Whose opinion do you agree with? B: I think both their views make sense. I think that when children play they also learn . Is children's playing learning? It depends on what you think is learning: many things you learn from life, and of course you can also acquire a lot of knowledge from books and at school. I think my sister-in-law wou ld definitely agree, because she is a teacher herself. But their child is only eight. He ought to play more. A: So one could say that you actually agree with your sister-in- law! 167 168 Integrated Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook H. Translate the following passages into Chinese. (PRESENTATIONAL) 1. Many Chinese parents want their sons and daughters to become distinguished and successful like dragons and phoenixes. They hope that their children will be good students when they are young and will have successful careers later, so they give their children a lot of pressure. However, Bai Xiaolin's ( El ,J" ifif..) parents only hope that he will have a happy life. I don't think this is because they feel that Bai Xiaolin is incapable of being a good student or that he is incapable of having a great career in the future. On the contrary, this is because they feel that the most important thing in life is to be happy. As a matter of fact, Bai Xiaolin is a very good student. He will become an accomplished person. 2. The Chinese used to think that men must be accomplished and women must be beautiful. Li Zhe's sister-in-law considers this kind of thinking very outdated . Nowadays there are many women with master's degrees and Ph.Ds, who design and manage websites or are college professors. And why is it that men don't need to be good-looking? Li Zhe's older brother said it would be best for everyone to be as intelligent and good-looking as Li Zhe's sister-in-law. Li Zhe's sister-in-law said that his brother was being too "glib." lesson 9 • ~ 1f 3. Do you want your sons and daughters to become distinguished and successful like dragons and phoenixes? Do you want your children to have great careers? If you do, our college student tutors can make your children become the accomplished people that society needs! Our tutors can teach English, computer science, chemistry, piano, Chinese .. Do not wait a moment longer. Hurry' Call us immediately' I. Design an after-school or weekend program in Chinese that will, on the one hand, satisfy parents' desire to help their children live up to their full potential, and on the other hand, be enjoyable for the children. (PRESENTATIONAL) 169 170 Integrated Chinese • Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook J. Prepare a sales pitch to promote the program that you have designed in Exercise I. Make sure to entice both parents and their children by offering a variety of classes, reasonable fees, and flexible hours, and show that you can guarantee good results while letting children have fun at the same time. (PRESENTATIONAL) Lesson 9 • ~ 1f K. Storytelling (PRESENTATIONAL) Write a story in Chinese based on the four cartoons below, Make sure that your story has a beginning, a middle, and an end. Also make sure that the transition from one picture to the next is smooth and logical. 1 2 3 4 Piano: C le~ Skating: C sw,rnrning: c Running: A 171 I. Listening Comprehension A. Textbook Content (INTERPRETIVE) Listen to the recording for the Textbook and answer the questions in English. 1. Why are Zhang Tian ming and Lisa studying a map of China? 2. Which Chinese city does Zhang Tian ming suggest that they visit first? Why? 3. According to Zhang Tianming, why is it not a good time to visit Harbin? 4. Why do most of the rivers in China flow eastward? 5. What geographical similarities do they see between China and the United States? 6. Why do they finally decide to go to Yunnan? B. Workbook Dialogue (INTERPRETIVE) Listen to the recording for the Workbook and answer the questions. Questions (True/False): 1. The speakers are planning their trip to Yunnan. 2. According to the man, the weather in northern Yunnan is balmy all year round. 3. Based on the conversation, the natural conditions in Yunnan are diverse. 4. This conversation most likely takes place in October. 5. According to the man, there are only two seasons in southern Yunnan. 6. The man learned about the climate in Yunnan in his geography class. 174 Integrated Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook C. Workbook Narratives 1. Listen to the recording for the Workbook and answer the questions in English. (INTERPRETIVE) a. Who is the speaker, and to whom is he speaking? b. What kind of place are they going to visit? c. What is the arrangement for lunch? 2 . Listen to the recording for the Workbook and answer the questions in English. (INTERPRETIVE) a. Is the speaker familiar with the person she is speaking to? How do you know? b. What is the difference between visiting Harbin in summer and visiting Harbin in winter? c. What is the speaker's advice to the other person? 3. Listen to the recording for the Workbook and answer the questions in English. (INTERPRETIVE) a. Is the speaker now in the United States? When was the last time he talked to Wang Laoshi? b. Who is more familiar with the United States, the speaker or Wang Laoshi? c. What advice did Wang d. Laoshi give to the speaker? How does the speaker like it? Is New York likely to be on the speaker's itinerary next time he visits the United States? Why or why not? D. Workbook Listening Rejoinder (INTERPERSONAL) In this section, you will hear two people talking. After hearing the first speaker, select the best from the four possible responses given by the second speaker. II. Speaking Exercises A. Practice asking and answering the following questions. (INTERPERSONAL) I@~/ 00 ~ (gu6jia):country , .1t- MJ ~~~,ff 1,t- a'-J I@ ~ a'-J ,t_-g:~ -- ~ -g:~ -- m -g:~ -- ~t-g:~ ii_Jt tf7.g:~7 1t- a'-J ~ ~ ,ff 1t- a'-J oo ~ a'-J t -g:~ , ~ .g~ , m.g~ , .:ft .g~ J£Jt lf .g:~7 2. ~t Jt t I@ a'-J it ;tt~ :tP i:_1t t ,\.J , J:. ,'.ftJL tf=1 ~ a'-J .~& i1if- t ,\.J 1t- a'-J I@ ~ a'-J it~¾11JJ~ -100 JA *? 1t- a'-J I@ ~ a'-J i:_ 1t t ,\.J ¾ 11JJ~ -100 JA ? 1,~ a'-J ~ ~ a'-J .~& i1if- tf:1, \.J Jt 11JJ~ -100 JA ? .it* Jl t 00 a'-J it ;tt~ :tP i:_1t t ,\.J , J:. iii- JL t 00 tJ'-J ~ Bf t ,\.J 1,t- a'-J oo ~ a'-J it ;tt~ Jl 11JJ~ JA *? 1t- a'-J oo ~ a'-J i:_1t t ,\.J ¾ 11JJ~ - ,t--JA rfi"? 1t &!i 00 ~ a'-J ~ ~ t ,\.J ¾ 11JJ~ - JA if? 3.1t a'-J @l ~~ i¾ .i, ~!f.i? ~o k _$ ,,f_f_ ,t_.g~ " m.g~ " ~ .g~ ii. Jl ;ft -g:~ ? * 0 * * 0 + *~, + ~a'-JOO~~~~~?~*~' k§,fft~--m~--~~i£ }t_:il:..g~? ~~a'-Jl@~~k~M~Jt~•~?~~~~~~~? ~a'-JOO~~*a'-JM~JL~~~?~~~~~~~? s.1t- a'-J I@ ~ ~ iJ ~t ~!f.i ? ,,/.f_ ,t_.g~ " m.g~ " ~ .g~ ii-¾ .:ft .g~ ? 1t a'-J 00 ~4f iJ~l t1~7 ,ff t ~, m-g:~, ~~:i£Jt.:ft.g~? B. Practice speaking on the following topics. (PRESENTATIONAL) rr I@ 1~ Jl?. 0 /fu1 if-¼~ -To/ 001~Jl?. 0 ,.it AA Jf-¼ _fg - T * 176 lnregrared Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • workbook 2. -tt J;t.#-1,r- 01 ~ '.t jfµ Tf ~ MJ .it% , ~t fl , ifJ ,if , A_ o 0 *~~#~~~~t~~~*'~~,~~,A0 ° 3. If you have been to China, describe the city/province/region that impresses you the most, including its topography, climate, natural scenery, people, and food . If you have never been to China, name the city/province/region that you would most like to visit, and explain why you have chosen that place. Ill. Reading Comprehension A. Building Words Complete this section by writing the characters, the pinyin, and the English equivalent of each new word formed. Guess the meaning before you use a dictionary to confirm. ,. 'JL "',;1<--~" MJ " ,J' 1<--" + "AJ-JA,~" ",;](. Jr" a'-J "'1,;<---" + "A_ J-J A_ i1ij: " af.J " J., " af.J " J., " ➔ pinyin new word 'Jl rift ,I-,: " 2. " la a'-J " •k " ,Et + "{5tftr,, a'-J "ftr,, al.; " BR" u'-J "Bil" ➔ 3. " l';I -)- 1·t" " '/_J 'I-" + "BR*" "-)t',J t',J 1'l_" al.) "')-" + " filJJJ"ff " a,ry ➔ 4. 5. "ttt" " 31' 1f--" af.J a,ry _.,, + "UfJ ,if" af.J "i½" "1-f--" + "UfJ~R" a,ry ";fo" "$db" R.a /' "~1¾ J" a'-J ➔ "1-{t" + "-it_~" " ~ 1-{t J af.J "1¾" + "Jt-1-" " ➔ 6. "~ 4" "T!!:/4" af.J a'-J "4" + "~Mi" 1-:L l7 "4" + "'t 4-1-" ➔ of.J a'-J a,ry ".:it_" af.J "Jt" "n,, "4-1- " l7 Engl ish B. Read the passage and answer the questions. (INTERPRETIVE) (TRADITIONAL) 1f~Aoj,~#~~~A~~~~j ~ijA¼~*~ at1ii , ~;t a{J itJ§i ¾:- .~t :t~;tA J.J A~ , :t~~-f t1fl -f-¼ t @ ~' 3R~-;t_~F¾ll~~1@JR~;ta{JJ~"7i"~~ f ~JJ~ftlk, ;,t 0 O * * 0 ~~~"7)"~~~~~~"7J"§~J o ~~~~~~~~-~~# 1 1J~ J~"7i", JJ~ 5l~ -1f ~1@ ~Y ti R~t, ~ 1ri J:. ;k ¾ JJ~ 5l, 1-tt1ri :4f~ a{J mtt ~ -?t 44- _nlJ ~ ' Jc_~ ~-1f ' :f-t1 il FJ{J A~ §,~~-~JG~~- o T~~¾~~,-;t_*¾~Jl~~ o l]~ Jl~ tt ~ftJW:~~~ -=IF ,;tit' ~ Jl ± )(_ Jf-:fP ?\ -f.1El"7i" 1~ ~ f 't :t- ~ 0 l]~ 5l 0 (SIMPLIFIED) 1f~Ao§,~~~~~A~~*~§ 0 tl~A~~~~ at1~, ~ ;t a{J~,4*'" ,~. :4f~JlAJ.JAi*, tt-1l1fl Jt:. ~¾ rt ~Jt ,4, fr~ - ~-=IF¾ JJ~ JL-t-ik.~ ;tat~~~ Pf 1f ~ !J~ ¾ k, ;~ O O ~~~~~~~~~~~§-J o ~~~~~~~~-+~# J a{J J~ ~ , ] 1 -=IF ,;t :t- ~ 0 JJ~ JL~ -1f JL ,t- ~-y 4&. R ~l , ~ 1fJ J:. ;k_ ¾ !J~ JL , 1-lt1fJ ~ !)~ ) L at gJ tt ffil ~ 44- ]tj ~ ' Jc_ ~ ~ -1f ' ~tl il a{J A~ §, ft)f v.A-J,JL~~,j3} 0 T ,k1t¾~m, - ~*¾!J~JL~~ l]~JL~ it~ ~{;{;J,n-=iF'tizl, ~ Jl±k_-$-:tPj\-$-1El~1~ 0 0 Questions (True/False): 1. The author wants to visit Yunnan because he has never been there. ( ) 2. The author suggests that the more frequently visited tourist attractions are more beautiful. 3. The passage mentions a place that is becoming a major tourist attraction. 4. That place in Yunnan has beautiful scenery and nice weather. 5. That place is easily accessible by train, but not by airplane. 178 Integrated Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook C. Read the passage and answer the questions. (INTERPRETIVE) (TRADITIONAL) !Ji xit~ /~ ~ ilt~ 1/E J}- JJµ -1=~ 1rj a'-J it~ i-f--t if<- fo A.t~ Jt il ~ t:f:1 ~ .ifr lf--~, ti w ~ , -ft,tt. ~ ~ Jt- -jf , lfr lf-- ~ 1rj ~-r -1f!I J £ $JJ al.; 1R , Jc_~ :kt al.; 84- Faj , fai 1t~ ~ F,,(f. ~ ~ ~ 4 ~ Pf 3/r,? ~ 1ri ii~~ k m~1*'-14- ~ k -M-, ::JF ,;t 14--, iv1t J5k ~-¼ mi!kk? iv1t fik~-¼;;t;;t J1f fl·] ;fPi*.!)1/, -¼;;t;;t kilt' A¼-¼;;t;;t-VSJ ~~p $-a'-J 1; m? k ~ ~ m-tli ,~ 11~:Al $- 1-- , ~ iv~ ?E /~ ~ ,t-f¼~ 1r, Jr ~ ;Jfr ~p * ft 1t-¼ t ~ m-¾~*~/ff ~ft! ' -tt ~ 'fR: f¼ ~ 1r, Jr ~ti ~1r,- 5t_ ,t-.r:¼-1Ji;fP1t al.1 ~A.*J4F-1m ::JF 't# Ji1J a'-J ifrlf1r1JtJJ O 0 *Mi * O O 0 (SIMPLIFIED) Jlkit,:#-/~ ~ 5!X.iff. fjj~J;v ~ 1f1 a'9 *,:#-it l 1J O 1f<.-$ A.~ jt,1f lit:J:1~#4~~~~,#,,(f.~£ o~~,#4~fil/ff-+j£ JtJJ a'-J 1r1 , Jl_ ~ :kt a'9 *~at 1°1 , JJ 1t ¼ ~ F,,(f. ~ £ tt 4 ~ PJ"" 3/r,? ~ 1f1 i!.£~ k mi-&~14- ~ k-:kt, :=lF 't 14--, 7-J 1t ¼ ~-¼ mliLkk? 7-J 1t ¼ ~ ::t ::tr f1·1 ;fP 1, ::t ::t k iit , A¼* ::t ::t VSJ -t ~p * $-a'-J-i;i¾J? i*; , * k_~~}f];fe,~~;t1ti$ki-, ~ 7-JAft.~/~~ ½M;-~1f1 h~# ~*~~-¼t~m~*~~*ft!,~M~~~mh ~ 1"-f; ~ 1n - 5t_ ½ M;- ft ;fP ft a{i ~A.* J4F - +: J F't # ] J a'-J ifr 4 0 1 0 1riJtJJ 0 Questions (True/False): 1. This message is from a tourist agency. ( ) 2. The intended readers of this message are residents of Guangzhou and Shenzhen. ( ) 3. According to the message, those who sign up will get airplane tickets at favorable prices. 4. Weather conditions at the destinations mentioned are a major selling point of this message. 5. Interested people should go online to sign up. D. Look at the following wealher forecast and answer the question. (INTERPRETIV[) 12/31 ■IIJ!=. - 111 I aMl!!I , 112 1/4 aJVJ.u ■IVJl:l 1/5 ••(,,.,.,_ ...zJ , ,,.c...,,s"C 1o"C..,2o·c 1o"C---2fc 11t,.;22'c 12'c..,19'c -12'C...20'C B <a . b -:~ ~b .:R:> €JL .. ~~~ 2,t: ,,t:~22·c 11'C:~23'C 11'C...24'C rui 6) 2.:s \() -:R) ·:() -:Rj 6) ~ \ : -23'C _!4'C"'~ le ,~~ 14'C....25"C 15°f'."'~ J.6'C....24'£_ 1r c--:.2s'C <9 <SJ <9 ~ ~ 3'C....2~ ·c ....21·c t3'C~22'C t4"C~23~ 1s"C~21'C ~:s-:2~'C- 12/31 :flJUI:::: <a 1 /1 ~ Ml!!l I 1/2 ~!IIIJi 1/3 fl.Mi- 6) 6) 6) 1/4 ~!1118 e 1/5 ~mi- fd 11'C....16'c 10"C..,,20"C 10"C..,,21"C 11_!:~"C 12"C~t9"C 12"C~20'C On average, which region has the coldest weather? 180 Integrated Chinese· Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook E. Look at the following newspaper ad and answer the questions. (INTERPRETIVE) - ' ll/1"1138881 .tlll5~8888m Jll-~tiij&9f9,:"t--~~;:g_ fl~ 1 lllf/llllllfllf·••n:1as 1/10 1Moe ;~·•-i~2Mid461_/~?~3i~,-~181'~• -,~t• 1. What destination cities does it offer? List at least four. 2. What time of year will these tours depart? 3. What do JL:Jtt and §J dJ.f-y mean? F. Look at the following newspaper ad and answer the questions. (INTERPRETIVE) fill ~~m~ga'A. *l!. RE5I~R:!!i~6 El Jfflff ~ 1J,j;£E: 3060 ~~ ~aJl *!I. Jiff ,jflj5jij/i~.IJ1 ~~[J..8 El 251 ~ ~~Jl. *lt.JIII.~ (Ji.1~~) =~- llJ..7 / IZQ~-~ss 3230~ lf1 £Ea,ij.:x!l.niSI.9J'ffl]~ljt~fil IZ9~+3i~ ~~~5~BEI 3380 saaJJ.*ll .,ljI. ~t~~:¥ttl!mll gy~+li~ - m6 El 4030 .. ~._.. tiii. 1fi"Ji}}t'g. *aB~.$A#. .fjij .B pt~1J. :J:L1tftffi~ ~ti fa...ii .~Jit.!i: , .-~ .*BB='# .$, J\. :ti: .~ *j}ff~1£/~~ B, 2540~ ~~z. 1::~J'A ifilMJ. e ~a~ - r-;ll 11 · -- ~*~- ~~ 10/.fJi\8 B IDfr-~8/ 10EI g§"$. w5&iAA+g§"Hi ~ 25~ 4~ Im !l ~ m(.g- ~ ~ ;'ffi ~ ~ w) ~ El 2 oo,tg itJ 5&5f1fffitff2Bfil¥+2B l~HE - ..Jqf:@ n~/!•i ~~5EI 2350 wf - §:4Pf57e~ 83.;\.(~~+~ili3-5~;@$ ¥fil"tt=11~~)2300~ - -.,_,,. - - ~ ' / ! '. . . ., .... . . . . . . ......,..... liF41-$.~~CFff[ ,llJ~)+:ltit - ~~:::111~~9/ ~~B 2380~ -~ -&i. ,i.Jf wJ$+{l7Cil~+imii+:lt1a=£~~flJ~~11~mss 1900~ ,~I-*~. ±~ffi. ffl1~5f4. JCW7C5if!. ~~.~~~.-~II. ilfM ~~B 3r:;oo ~m1E1 31so g : ,~I-*~. ±~ffi.m~~. JCW7Ciif! ..li*f,6f ~ffl5f. ~~Wr .d .t,1------·-,-~-----·*-•-- ••a:Ji---·,....___.. , 182 Integrated Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook 1. How many tours are heading to Yunnan? _ _ __ _ 2. Among the Yunnan tours, which one would you prefer? Why? 3. What do JRt/-"t , i\, and _Jj_ £ refer to in English? IV. Writing and Grammar Exercises A. Building Characters Form a character by combining the given components as indicated.Then write a word, a phrase, or a short sentence in which that character appears. E.. -~ 100 _::..,._. - WJ; J~ ' -;Gi!,-100 £.QJ_ ~ - ~I _::.., J; ..,J~ ' ";GQJ_-+ 1. ~:Izl_- J}_ 2. 1:1 fr!; al.J "ti[" "ti[ .Al::." 12 FJb al.J "ti[" al.J "_I.." al.; "_I.." 0 al.; J:i!-100 "-1:i." ' J:iiL-+ ",,fi" ~ "ti[ .Al::." 12 FJb ' r i!-100 ".t.." riiL-+ ".t.." 0 ,~ 3. E.. ~~- 100 _::.., - WJ; ... J~ ' -;Gi!-100 ".tr 1..,, £.QJ_ ~ - ~-i:1,~ I _::..,," J , ";GQL-+ ".tr i,, 'E1 ~ 4. l_i_i!_-100 /_i_ifL-+ Jl 0 al.J "_±." "_±." al.J ' -;Gi!-100 "VSJJI]" ' -;Gi!L-+ "VS] JI] " ' 0 al.J al.; "JI]" "JI]" ' ) B. Locate the following cities on the map by placing the corresponding numbers next to their locations. 1. /1f fl·j / T fl·j s.ic_it C. Fill in the blanks with either -f 0 2. ~ffi ,t /~ ~ ii 6.J:.iifj: fl5J ~ / fl5J j; 3.}TI* 7. or ~ i*})1J J / j; J . 184 Integrated Chinese· Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook 2. _ __ {i~1t,t - - -- ,(£ ~1t-,t #fr lf-1~1 J+}] ~~ * ,W.J; A_;k_ i , I J-. ~ ik:;t ~ tl! r, , 0 -itJrJf--1R1JJJJt-,#-l-.~.A-ki, ,J,~J!:;t~ ili n, 0 4. _ _ _ tl-kYlM-~1i~Aikili-~k":f-:t, ,1;e_ I J' it -!t ii -!t JJ~ ~kki!_-k.$l O - - -- il:.-k JL~f~1it1ikt&-~k":f ~, ,A,A_ I J' it~~~ JJ~ 0 4=kkil:-k JL ~Ji , f-kk aJJ ~- ;tr .I.#4t - - - -~~x._-Ej:-~~*~~' *kaJJ~~.I.~~ o 6. - - - - ffk aJJ -!l- k ~ft:f- MJ 1t JI~, k ~ f:1l1-\tJJt 1t JI~ »t J:.11.l r - - - -*kaJJ~k~:f-~~~' k~~~~»t~~»t s. - - -- ifeX.~!f x._ -EJ:-al.J l@. ,1if- j 0 0 J:.~ T o D. Give an account of what the IC characters like to do based on the visual clues. Use mi in your answers. EXAMPLE: ➔ ~#$-•t~~k~, mi#~~$-~t~~3c_~ ~;f,f-¼XX~ ~ 4,~~r kJL, mi ;i=t ~~$xk;tr ~ if; Jfifr kJL 1. ➔ 0 O ft M ______________________ o ➔ () A 3.~ -I ➔ 0 ft 4.~ ~ 1fl_ ➔ 0 E. Answer the questions based on the clues provided. EXAMPLE: ➔ ** 1t~at11l-¼ ;1t :kt? 1t ¾ at 11-¼ ;1t :kt? B: :f:k. 3c_ -k ;1 r. j( ~:kf ~ i& J A: tx.k-¼~tij(~:kt~ii r 1. A: autumn 0 0 5-ffe.k aJJ a'-J-ft¥Jlf:1l1tt,t-1t ft.l-¼i!? fRk aJJ a'-1-E:J:-ffe :t1l1tt,t-1t ¾ ¼i!.? fina nce B: - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - flowers 2. A: -HJ-tJl ~ ir:k :t1J iii.1tft.l-tt 4h t~-fr.~-k~:kf-? a r, -Htffr~*~T, iti.~¼~~~MM:kt? B: 3. A: - - - -- - -- - -- - - - -- - - -- - r *JtJJ 1it1fftl-j*jfff}? r ':ift JtJJ ~1+ ¼ i*4~t~? 8: _ _ __ __ __ _ __ o drawing _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ o 186 Integrated Chinese • Level 2 Part 1 • workbook F. Connect the following individual sentences into a coherent narrative by adding connecting devices, deleting unnecessary pronouns, etc. (INTERPRETIVE AND PRESENTATIONAL) ,. -¼Jf-#--1R~ltl±JJJJ}§_-¼iy ~jf{At -¼Jf--*1Y-l~ltl*JJJJ/2l-¼'t7filitA-t 2. ~ 1ri 12}] lS{ffG ::lt1~A~¾ ;it i:° ~ 1f112 JJ 1s½::It~ tJG-¼ ;it~ 3. ~ 1ri 1 sM ::It x_ .f- -¼ ~ 'ffl ,1i a ~ 1fJ 18 ½ ::It j(_ -$--¼ ~ ~ i1i: 4 . .1\ 1ri ,,(f. ~ m ii ;t 1 ,1J<.. ~ , ,1](. ~ il 1b ,t~ 1 ° -1\m,,(f.~~*;tT*h, *h~~~1 ° s. -1\1ri 22{tt 1¼.~ mii - T -r .f1J r m~ a{J Hr 1•1·1 ~1f122½ N'--~~ i~-T-r.fU 1 m~a{J fl'] 6. Hr 1•1·1 tt~m ,t fl£:fp 37 1 ° 1•1•1 J;t ~ ~ ~~ B,l{P 37 1 o . l --J::;- -1?.. .,,,_ 7. Hr 1·1· /fJ 1~ 37 ,1-t;' 1~1,F '.TC 0 0 0 0 0 r r r 1•1·1 ~1i 37 ,it; , 1iii 1c /.I:], 8. 9. /.I:], ·Jr, _,_ 0 0 ~~Ji* ~;;fP-X }J}J li_24'fffc. @1 :t- ~ ~;fP-X}J}Jli_24½fEJ:Jt{/?;m*~~ * JJJJ * * k n&. r *Jr.+ -1\ 1n ,,(f. * JJJJ ~ii 11Jr Jf=- ~ 1ri ,,(f. ~ JJJJ ii_ 11. o ii_ a{J x_ -Ht ;t JL.1\ M-1~1tt i¥i ~ }]Jj ii_~ 5l_ -Ht~ ,W_,.1\-Jtf1~1tt i¥i 1 o. o 1 }] 3{ffc..1\1rj fEJ .flj ~ ~ 1 }] 3 ½ ~ 1f1 fEJ .flj ~ g) o o 0 0 * o 0 ° 0 188 Integrated Chinese• Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook G. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. (PRESENTATIONAL) 1. Chinese New Year is coming. There are beginning to be more people in shopping centers and restaurants . 2. Professor Wang was very interested in this issue. As soon as he got home, he started to read up on the issue. 3. Little Lin plans to go to graduate school after graduation, and doesn't plan to work. 4. My father likes to eat spicy (things), and my mother likes to eat sweet (things). H. Translate the following dialogues into Chinese. (PRESENTATIONAL) 1. A: Are you busy next week? B: Monday, I'll have a piano lesson; Tuesday, I'll have a swimming lesson; Wednesday ... A: OK, OK. It seems that you have a full schedule. Never mind, I'll ask someone else to dinner. 2. A: Where would you like to travel this winter? Let's go to Harbin, OK? B: Harbin's ice lanterns are very famous, but it's too cold. •k..:};.. A: Then let's go to the south, to Hainan (/it 1-¥=-J). B: Hainan is fun, but too many people go sightseeing there. A: How do you feel about going to Yunnan? It's neither too cold nor too hot, and there are not too many tourists. B: Many places in Yunnan are spring-l ike throughout the year. It's a great place to visit. A; So that means you agree to go to Yunnan? B: The only thing is it's too far away. A: Now I know: you are a traveler who likes to sit at home. 3. A: Have you been to Nanjing? Is Nanjing a fun place? B: Yes, I have. Nanjing is a real ly fun place with a very long history. It' s by the Yangtze River and has great natural conditions. A: What about the landscape? · B: The land scape is very beautiful , too. A: Do you want to go to Nanjing again? B: Yes. My parents were born and grew up in Nanjing. A: Then let's go this summer. B: Nanjing is too hot in the summer. We'd better go in the spring or in the fall. 190 Integrated Chinese • Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook I. Translate the passages into Chinese. (PRESENTATIONAL) 1. There are tall mountains as well as plateaus in Yunnan. Therefore, geographical conditions differ greatly. Everywhere the landscape is very beautiful. In many places, no matter when you go it' s neither too cold nor too hot. It is very suitab le for tourism. 2. America's topography is very similar to China's . The latitude is almost the same, and so is the land area. However, the population is only a quarter (VS/ fJ- Z. -) of China's [population]. In American's southwest there are also tall mountains, plateaus, and deserts, and the landscape is beautiful. I hear that during holidays tourist sites are also crowded with people . 3. The population of China's northeast is smaller than that of the coastal area. There is a big plain, and winter there is very cold. Harbin's ice lanterns are often mentioned on TV. That is why many people in China know about them. J. Do some research and complete the following sentences. Proper nouns can be written in English. If you like a challenge and don't mind a bit more work, t hen you can fill in the names in Chinese. (INTERPRETIVE AND PRESENTATIONAi ) 1. -tll:- -fil J: fk. k at, )_'Y ~t k ~~J:~k~&~~- - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 2. i!t--1} J:. if_ ~ fl{] J_, ~·- - - - - - -- -- - - -- - - - - - - -1.l.l- W l- ~ >- J., >- )b -e 3. ""C:!- -1r~--1- ~~fl'.) ~ 1,1t~- -- o o - - - - - - - - -- -- i!t-~ J:. ~ fz_ fl't, ~ ~j,L)t -tM.-JilJ:. if.* a{]~ ~i,L~-- - - - - - - - - - -- - -5. -t!t--1}J:.A_ 0 ~ 3? fl{] I@ ~(country))t i!t--1} J:.A_ 0 ii. 3? a{] 00 ~(country)}t_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ o 4. 6. -Bt-~J:jtlt_~.:itfl9 o 0 II ~ft -tM.-Jil J:. tt; 6-ii..:ft a{J l!l ~Jt_ _ _ ________ o K. Write an introduction to your hometown or the place where you currently live. Include information such as its latitude and longitude, where it is located within the state or the country, whether there are mountains, rivers, plateaus, deserts, or plains nearby, and its population. (PRESENTATIONAL) L. Choose either \I!;] JI l, #Jr~: 1; m/-.i;- m Hf jft_;r ff; ,or and write an introduction about it. Find out where it is located within China, what kind of topographical features it has, where I its population is primarily concentrated, what the climate is like, what kind of cuisine it is famous for, etc. (PRESENTATIONAL) 192 Integrated Chinese· Level 2 Part 1 • Workbook M. Storytelling (PRESENTATIONAL) Write a story in Chinese based on the four cartoons below. Make sure that your story has a beginning, a middle, and an end. Also make sure that the transition from one picture to the next is smooth and logical. 2 1 Guangzhou Airport -~ 3 4 Why don't they have any winter clothes here?? Everyone is traveling to Guangzhou! Let'$ Review· (Lessons 6-10) I. How Good Is Your Pronunciation? Write down the correct pronunciation and tones of the following short sentences in pinyin, and use a tape recorder or computer to record them. Hand in the recording to your teacher if asked. Then translate each sentence into English. (INTERPRETIVE) ,.1-tl!..1fj ,J, ~ o ~k_JiJ rf}t-~:fr 1-tl!.. 111 J\ vJfr O Jf k_ l$) ] 1] ;JlL I 2. 3. 4. _J·*~,~~ J fPJ ~ 0 ")' *~f ;)c :f: 1 o 0 0 l;iJ fl@_ o il :f: ;t1-t!?Art~-Jt-,~ 7fg} ~ i}t:f: ;t1-tt1n k~,~ 7fg} ~ o 0 -Jt tJl ~ + :f: ~ ~Ii] f~ #Jr )1fj o -it ffe JL-f- :f: ~ f#J f~ #}f l!f} o 193 Let's Review• (Lessons 6-1 OJ 12. 13. ~-kl@-~ -t- ~-f-± a'-J ill~f ~ S- ii~£ -t-!K a'-J i!-tt o * 0 Jt<At a'-; it f&. e.. #& i~ ~ 1 ° Jt.At a'-J it~ e.. ti. ;Jc ~ 1 o 5l 'f ;t ;f: f lJ ~~ ~f,L )~y ~t it ;t 7f: f 1J X ~/,L o 14. ),'.!i 0 1s.1; i$J 4f" .tr.J~:J,iT!};/ ~1o,i.- 0 ~ 1=f .tr. J~ 7i V};J 1o -i-- 0 m :t 195 Let's Review• (Lessons 6-10) C. Your Chinese friends ask you to explain how American students finance their education. Write an outline for your talk. D. You need to recruit some Chinese tutors for an American school. Prepare a flyer explaining the qualifications you are looking for. 197 Let's Review• (Lessons 6-10) B. Explain what you like and don't like about the internet. Positive Negative C. List some choices that you think could save money and those that could waste money. Save money Waste money 199 Let's Review• (Lessons 6- 10) 201 IV. Express Yourself! (PREsENTAT10NAL) Based on, but not limited to, the information you have provided in Parts II and Ill, present an oral report or write a short essay in Chinese in response to each of the following questions. A. Your friends are trying to find you a boyfriend or girlfriend. What would you tell them to ensure they find a good match for you? B. You are asked to comment on the impact the internet has had on people's daily lives. What would you say? C. You are asked to talk to high school and college students on how to live within their means and be financially responsible. What would you say? D. You are an educator. What would be your advice to parents on how to give their children a happy childhood while preparing them for their future careers? E. You are a tour guide planning to lead a one-month trip to China in the winter. What route would you choose, what places would you visit, and what do you need to know about those places?