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Business 210 lecture notes

Business is the world that we live in and the things that we do are all based on business.
Business is money and money is green and green is a tree and trees make money.
■ ▪Debts from willful or malicious acts
●Tax refund loans
○ An advance on your tax refund
○ Very high interest rates
●Signals of potential debt problems
○ –Paying only the minimum balance each month
○ –Increasing the total balance due each month
○ –Missing or alternating payments or paying late
○ –Intentionally using overdraft protection or taking frequent cash
○ –Using savings to pay routine bills such as food
○ –Receiving second or third payment notices
○ –Not talking to your partner about money or talking only about
○ –Depending on overtime to meet routine expenses
○ –Using up your savings
○ –Borrowing money to pay old debts
○ –Not knowing how much you owe
○ –Going over your credit limit on credit cards
○ –Having little or no savings for the unexpected
○ –Being denied credit due to a credit report
○ –Getting a credit card revoked by the issuer
○ –Putting off medical or dental visits because you can’t afford them
Other stuff I think is important
● COLA-cost of living adjustment
● Ordinary annuity vs annuity due
○ Annuity- an equal stream of payments over a stream of time
○ Ordinary annuity- payment made at the end of the year (dec 31st)
○ Annuity due- payment made at the beginning of the year (make
interest all year), (Jan 1st)
○ Assume annuity due if not specified
●Form 4868
○ six-month tax filing extension
●-When investing, you want the rate high
○ Ex: if the interest rate is 1.5% and you already paid $300 of the
$400 borrowed, you still have to pay interest on the $400
●Adjusted balance method
○ Payments are subtracted before calculating finance charges
○Finance charge for a given month = (Beginning balance - Payments) ×
(Annual interest rate / 12)
●Rule of 78s
○ Used to determine how much interest you have paid at any point
of the loan
○ requires that you pay more interest at the beginning of the loan
○ Penalizing paying off loans early
○ reverse sum of digits= 78
●Total cost of credit
○ Includes APR and all finance charges
○ APR is the percentage cost of credit
○ Could be simple interest or compounded interest
○ Think about inflation
●Bankruptcy – what is usually NOT forgiven
○ some or all of the assets of a debtor are distributed among the
creditors because the debtor can’t pay their debts
○ More middle-class, educated baby boomers
○ Most likely to be a 38 yr old female
○ Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is an example of straight bankruptcy (not all
debts are forgiven)
■ Debtor submits a claim to court and lists all assets and
■ ▪Certain taxes and fines
■ ▪Child support and alimony
■ ▪Educational loans
■ ▪Debts not disclosed to court
■ ▪Debts from fraud, embezzlement, driving while intoxicated,
or larceny
○ Cash or is cash equivalent in the next 90 days
●Closed-end credit vs Open end credit
○ Closed-end credit: single loan for 1 purpose. You borrow once and
keep paying it
■ Ex: mortgage, car loan, payments on furniture bought
○ Open-end credit: you borrow, make payments, then borrow again.
■ Ex: a credit card, overdraft protection
●Debit card vs Credit card
○ Debit card: spending money you have, coming immediately out of
checking acct
○ Credit card: borrowing money, paying later
●Debt to equity ratio
○ total liabilities/net worth
○ Should be less than 1
○ Don’t include the value of your home and the amount of its
mortgage in total net worth
●Debt payments to income ratio
○ monthly debt payments / your net monthly income
○ Ideally less than 20%
○ If it is > 1 than you’re in debt
○ Debt payments= consumer credit so DON’T INCLUDE
MORTGAGE PAYMENT because it is a long-term liability and not
a consumer credit
●Float vs Grace periods
○ Float period- time before bill is posted
○ Grace period- time in between when bill is posted and when you
have to pay it
●Average Daily Balance Method
○= [Beginning balance + Ending balance) / 2] × (Annual interest rate / 12)
●Previous balance method
○ Payments are not subtracted when calculating finance charges
○Finance charge for June = Beginning balance × (Annual interest rate / 12)
○ Taxable income
Gross income - adjustments and deductions
○ Interest calculation is made on the current balance
●Gross vs Net Pay
○ Net pay is the take-home pay; what is left after deductions from
taxes and other items. A.K.A. disposable income- amount of
money a person or household has to spend
○ Gross pay- salary without deductions
●Tax Credit vs Tax Deduction
○ Tax credit- an amount subtracted directly from the amount of
taxes owed
○ Tax Deduction- reduces taxable income, a percentage
●Head of Household
○ A single person with a dependent who lives with them (dependent
could be a child or other family member)
●weighted tax rate aka average tax rate
○ Amount of money paid in taxes / total taxable income
○ the increase in value of your savings from earned interest
○ Yield is the interest earned
○ Principal x interest earned = percentage yield
○ $100 in savings x $3 earned = 3% yield
●Truth in Savings Law
○ Purpose is to provide consistency when comparing different
savings options at different institutions
○ Defines APY- Percentage a saver should expect to earn in a
savings acct
○ Requires disclosure of:
■ fees on deposit accounts
■ interest rate
■ annual percentage yield (APY)
■ Other terms and conditions of the savings plan
●Liquidity vs Solvency
○ liquidity - the ability to meet your short term debt/obligations
○ solvency - the ability to make enough money to stay in business long term
■ Insolvent: more liabilities than assets
●Liquid Assets