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4 Look at ideas a-e from Text 3. Answer the questions.
1 Do the ideas:
• paraphrase an idea from a single sentence in the original text OR
• summarize ideas expressed in more than one sentence?
a Despite rising fuel prices, Americans remain heavily dependent on their cars,
b Most Americans drive to work, to the shops, or to school because there are few viable
c In the US, increased suburbanization and urban sprawl mean that many are forced to
travel long distances to work or school.
d Poor urban planning often means that people are no longer able to walk or cycle to
work or school.
e Americans have struggled to reduce car usage in response to rising fuel prices because
the American lifestyle has become so dependent on driving.
2 To what extent do sentences a-e:
• use the language of the original text OR
• paraphrase the ideas using different language?
5 Edit ideas a-e in 4 to write citations that could appear in an essay. Use the formats in
the Academic Language box on page 032.
Example: Sperling and Gordon (2009, p.161) maintain that despite risingfuel prices,
Americans remain heavily dependent on their cars.
TASK 5 Writing a body paragraph of a discursive essay
TITLE: 'Today there are over a billion vehicles in the world, and within twenty years, the number
will double, largely a consequence of China and India's explosive growth. Given that
greenhouse gases are already creating havoc with our climate and that violent conflict in
unstable oil-rich nations is on the rise, will matters only get worse? Or are there hopeful
signs that effective, realistic solutions can be found?' (Sperling & Gordon, 2009)
Discuss the effectiveness of solutions to this issue currently being tried around the world.
1 Read the essay title again, and review the issues and arguments in this module.
1 Look back through the module and make a list of the issues and arguments discussed.
2 Note down relevant perspectives that the essay could include.
3 Work out two opposing stances that it would be possible to take.
2 Choose one perspective on the topic and one main argument that could be included in
the essay. Draft a single main body paragraph of 200-250 words. Follow the guidelines
Guidelines for drafting a body paragraph
1 State your main argument clearly.
2 Include supporting points in a logical order.
3 Explain or define any key terms or concepts where necessary.
4 Use relevant evidence to support your points - from this module or your own research.
5 Ensure that citations are appropriately presented and referenced.
6 Include comment and/or evaluation to make your own stance dear.
Exchange your paragraph with another student.
• Evaluate each other’s writing using Checklist D (Task 3.3).
• Check the citations are correct.
• Give each other feedback on both positive points and possible weaknesses.
• Redraft your paragraph in the light of the feedback.