Course Specification Name of the University Faculty Asia-Pacific International University Faculty of Science Section 1 Course Identification and General Information 1.1 Course Code and Name 1.2 Number of Credits 1.3 Curriculum and Category of the Course 1.4 Responsible Teachers. 1.5 Semester / Student Classification 1.6 Pre-requisite 1.7 Co-requisite 1.8 Place 1.9 Date of Course Development or Revision CNSC 124 Microbiology & Parasitology for Health Professions 2 (1-3-4) Bioscience requirement : Core Required Emphasis Course (Minimum Grade is D+) Mr Luther Ku Office: SB 325 : : 0880699690 Dr Kamolnan Taweeyanyongkul Office: AD203 : : 0836072448 Second Semester 2022-2023, Sophomore Class (Second Year Students) Lecture: Tue 08:00AM-08:50AM. Lab: Fri 8.00AM-10.50AM. Lecture: SB303 Lab: SB101 January 2023 CNSC 124 Microbiology & Parasitology for Health Professions : Second semester 2022-2023 1 Section 2 Aims and Objectives 2.1 Course Aims The objective of this course is to provide a basic foundation in microbiology for students who are majoring in nursing. Emphasis is placed on bacteriology and organisms that contribute to disease and their relationship to other living systems. By the end of this course the student is expected to demonstrate knowledge of the following as evaluated by written and practical examinations. 1. Bacterial anatomy and physiology. 2. Bacterial control. 3. Basic microbiological laboratory techniques. 4. Principles of bacterial transmission and control. 5. Elementary immunology. 6. The basic groups of microorganisms and their characteristics. 7. The role of microorganisms in ecology, human disease and food industries. 8. Current issues and trends in microbiology. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE GOALS OF THE INSTITUTION: Scientific health principles are examined and their implications for Christian faith are explored. The course provides an opportunity to integrate faith and learning (IFL) and to apply Christian principles to ethical decision-making with regard to health, science, society, and the church. Specifically, the practice of devotions, by the lecturer and/or the students, in each class is an application of IFL. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE AIMS OF THE PROGRAM OF STUDY: The importance of microorganisms in the environment and application will be useful for medical field, food industry, and many different areas. 2.2 Objective of the Development of the Course To be consistent with the TQF curriculum of the Commission of Higher Education. Section 3 Course Composition 3.1 Course Description A foundation study of microorganisms including; bacteria, fungi, virus, protists, and helminths microbial growth, microbial control, antimicrobial therapy, host-microbe relationship, host defenses, epidemiology and nosocomial infections, , and infectious diseases in human body systems. 3.2 Number of hours Lecture Additional Lecture 15 hrs None Number of Advising Hours per Week Field Work, Practicum, Laboratory 45 hrs Self Study 60 hrs Office hours Section 4 Student Learning Outcomes 4.1 Ethical and Moral 4.1.1 Learning Outcome Honest, disciplined, punctual (develop habits and act morally). LCA 4.1.2 Teaching Method Lecture with group discussion (includes the uses of visual media) Laboratory sessions Reading assignments and/or presentation accompanied by reports 4.1.3 Evaluation Method -Attendance and participation at all class sessions for the full duration of the class are important. A. Punctuality : students are expected to come to class on time (see appendix D) B. Any unexcused absence will result in the loss of points from the final grade. Three tardy are equal to one absence. Attendance will be taken at the start of class each day. If a student arrives after CNSC 124 Microbiology & Parasitology for Health Professions : Second semester 2022-2023 2 attendance has been taken s/he is tardy and has a responsibility to let the lecturer know at the end of the class period that s/he was present. Otherwise s/he will be marked absent. C. Students who miss 20% or more of the class (6 or more class periods) may be required to withdraw from the course. For more information, see pp. 37 of the Asia-Pacific International University Academic Bulletin 2021-2023. -Honesty: Formal assessments will include exams, quizzes, tests, and lab report. Students are expected to act with integrity in the performance of their academic work while study at AIU. Students are discouraged all forms of academic dishonesty; plagiarism, cheating in test, falsification of data, and incorrectly ascribing authorship in group projects. (AIU Academic Bulletin 2021-2023, p. 37) -Student Uniform : Students are expected to wear the college uniform as normally practiced in Thailand. For some laboratory field trips, casual clothing may be permitted. 4.2 Knowledge 4.2.1 Learning Outcome Have knowledge and understanding of the basic essence of science that is the basis of life in term of social science, humanities, science, math, and health sciences. It also includes other aspects of science that promote 21st-century skills as well as being a complete human (Able to understand, think and present information)LC 4.2.2 Teaching Method 1. Lecture and Classroom Discussion: This course is structured around the premise that learning occurs best with varied methods. Students are expected to read the assigned textbook chapters prior to class. Class lectures and discussions are designed to review the basic concepts of each chapter, to clarify, illustrate, and simplify, where possible, the more difficult ideas with biological models, and to supplement the topics with illustrative materials and personal experiences. Study questions conveying important facts and concepts may be available and should be used by the student. (Cell phone use is not allowed in class) 2. Laboratory Work: Laboratory work includes exercises and experiments designed not only to reinforce and illustrate the scientific principles discussed in class, but also to awaken the spirit of inquiry using experimental techniques. Labs involve experimentation to test hypotheses, critically evaluate experimental results, and creatively discuss the meaning of the results. Activities will be complied in order to stimulate the critical thinking. (see appendix B) 4.2.3 Evaluation Method A. Quizzes: to be announced B. Written reports: in the form of laboratory reports, field trip reports (If there is) C. Midterm examination: to be scheduled during midterm. D. Final examination: comprising of two parts i.e. examination on laboratory sessions and examination on lectures given. These are both comprehensive. 4.3 Cognitive Skills 4.3.1 Learning Outcome Able to think systematically, creatively, and critically to find new ways to solve operational problems and able to see the impact of solving the problem (Able to apply knowledge, principles, theories, and processes to think, analyze and solve new problems/situations that are unexpected) LCA 4.3.2 Teaching Method Group activity and discussion Independent assignment 4.3.3 Evaluation Method Ability to analyze and solve problem in the activities and assignments Evaluate from independent study report, group discussion report. 4.4 Interpersonal Skills and Responsibility 4.4.1 Learning Outcomes Interact creatively with colleagues and other related personal. (Able to work in groups.) LCA CNSC 124 Microbiology & Parasitology for Health Professions : Second semester 2022-2023 3 4.4.2 Teaching Method Ability to analyze and solve problem in the activities and assignments Evaluate from independent study report, group discussion report. Oral presentations of researched topics 4.4.3 Evaluation Method Evaluate the learners on the role of leader and follower Evaluate the ability in working with others and as a team work Evaluate the responsiveness form the practical section 4.5 Numerical Analysis, Communication, and Information Technology Skills 4.5.1 Learning Outcome Use information technology effectively and ethically. (Able to communicate in speaking writing and using information technology)LCA 4.5.2 Teaching Method Organize activities that emphasize that emphasize the numerical analysis and IT skills. 4.5.3 Evaluation Method Evaluate on the information analysis assigned, examination papers. The lab reports and research paper will also be considered as part of this assessment process. Section 5 Teaching Plan and Evaluation 5.1 Teaching plan Teaching Method and Activity: Week Day Tue 1 Date Jan 10 hr Topics 1 Course Introduction & Chp. 1 An Invisible World Ch2: How We See the Invisible World (Microscopy and 1 Staining) 1 Ch4: Prokaryotic Diversity 1 Ch5: The Eukaryotes of Microbiology 1 Ch6: A cellular Pathogens 1 Ch9: Microbial Growth 1 Ch13: Control of Microbial Growth 1 Ch14: Antimicrobial Drugs MIDTERM 1 Ch15: Microbial Mechanisms of Pathogenicity 1 Ch16: Innate Host Defenses 1 Ch17: Adaptive Defenses THURSDAY CLASS SCHEDULE 1 Ch12: Modern Applications of Microbial Genetics 1 Ch21-26: Selected Infectious Diseases (Mosquito-borne) 1 Ch21-26: Selected Infectious Diseases (Tropical disease) 1 Ch21-26: Selected Infectious Diseases (STDs) FINAL EXAM 2 Tue Jan 17 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Tue Tue Tue Tue Tue Tue Tue Tue Tue Tue Tue Tue Tue Tue Tue Tue Jan 24 Jan 31 Feb 07 Feb 14 Feb 21 Feb 28 Mar 07 Mar 14 Mar 21 Mar 28 Apr 04 Apr 11 Apr 18 Apr 25 May 02 May 09 Total 15 CNSC 124 Microbiology & Parasitology for Health Professions : Second semester 2022-2023 Remarks FOF 4 Tentative Schedule of Laboratory of CNSC124 (Friday) Week Date TOPICs 1. Microscopy 1 Jan 13 2. Bacterial Staining 3. Gram staining 2 Jan 20 4. Endospore staining 5. Capsule staining 6. Basic Lab and Culture Technique 3 Jan 27 7. Media preparation and sterilization 8. Streak-Plate Technique 9. Pour-Plate Technique 4 Feb 3 10. Spread-Plate technique 11. Liquid Culture technique 5 Feb 10 12. STAB Technique 6 Feb 17 13. SWAB (Hand washing, Environmental Sampling) Lab Practicum (4%) with controls 14. Gram staining 8 Feb 24 15. Endospore Staining 16. Capsule Staining 17. Streak plate technique 9 Mar 3 MIDTERM 10 Mar 10 18. Selective and Differential Media 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Mar 17FOF Mar 24 Mar 31 Apr 7 Apr 14 Apr 21 Apr 28 May 5 HANDOUT *(Har) Ch 1 *(Har) Ch 7 *(Har) Ch 8 *(Har) Ch 10 *(Har) Ch 11 *(Har) Ch 13 *(Har) Ch 16 *(Har) Ch 17 *(Har) Ch 15 **(Tri) Ex 7 **(Tri) Ex 9 5 points 5 points 5 points 10 points handout 19. The Killing of Bacteria by Antiseptics & Disinfectants **(Tri) Ex 18 20. The Killing or Inhabitation by Antibiotics 21. Cinnamon Roll/ Pizza 22. Yogurt SONGKRAN BREAK 23. Thai Fermented Mushroom Review all labs Lab Final examination (6%) **(Tri) Ex 17 Note: *(Har) is for **(Tri) is for Harley, J. P. (2011). Lab Exercise in Microbiology, 8th . New York, NY. McGraw-Hill. Trivett, T. (2001). Experimental Microbiology. Pacific Union College. Art and Culture preservation Project Thai Art and Culture preservation is partially integrated into this course. The non-Thai students will be able to learn how to ferment some Thai national local food such as Naem Hed (fermented mushroom), Tour Now (Thai natto) using natural microbes. 5.2 Evaluation Plan Student Evaluation Method Learning Outcomes Final Exam (Second half) 4.2, 4.3, 4.5 4.2, 4.3, 4.5 Midterm (First half) 4.1, 4.4 Daily : - Quizzes - Attendance - Lab reports - Lab Practicum & Exam Evaluation Schedule (week) Proportion 16 9 20% 20% TBA Every meeting Every week Week 8 , 18 10% 5% 15% 30% CNSC 124 Microbiology & Parasitology for Health Professions : Second semester 2022-2023 5 Grading The Grade Scale is set as follows: A = 80-100% B+ = 75-79% B = 70-74% C+ = 65-69% C D+ D F = 60-64% = 55-59% = 50-54% = 0-49% Section 6 Teaching and Learning Resources 6.1 Text Book Parker, N, Schneegurt, M., Tu, A.T., Lister, P. & Forster, B. M. (2021). Microbiology. OpenStax iBooks. 6.2 Important Information and Book Willey, J. M., Sherwood, L. M., and Woolverton, C. J. (2011). Prescott’s Microbiology (McGraw-Hill International Edition). McGraw-Hill International. USA Harley, J. P. (2011). Laboratory Exercises in Microbiology 8th. McGraw-Hill Companies. Inc., USA 6.3 Recommended Information and Book Information may be given during the course of the semester. Section 7 Course Evaluation and Improvement 7.1 Student Evaluation Group discussions between teacher and students Reflection from the students’ behavior and participation in class and laboratory sessions Course and Teacher Evaluation Survey 7.2 Teaching Evaluation Examination result Evaluation from the examination committee Evaluation from Faculty Dean Evaluation from student evaluation forms every semester 7.3 Teaching Improvement Try new way of teaching such as active learning. Recommendations from Course and Teacher Evaluation Survey Student evaluation forms 7.4 Course examination verification process Examination review by Faculty committee Mark verification from other teachers in different department Consultation with external course providers 7.5 Course Effectiveness revision and improvement plan Yearly course improvement based on learning and recommendations Recommendations from employers, academic institutions and advances in subject area ________________________ ___________ Instructor’s Signature Date ______________________ Program Chair’s Signature CNSC 124 Microbiology & Parasitology for Health Professions : Second semester 2022-2023 ___________ Date 6