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Nutrition & Sports Science Glossary: Key Terms Defined

Amino Acid Score Corrected for Digestibility. In 1989, said quality of protein could
determined by expressing the content of essential amino acids
Amino Acids. Molecules that combine to form protein.
Biological Value. Biological way to measure the quality of proteins by calculating the nitrogen
used in the formation of tissue, divided by the nitrogen which has been incorporated in the
foods. This way provide a measure of how body efficiently digest or consumed by body as part
of diet.
Biosynthesis. It constitute the mechanism from which given molecules is synthesized in body
Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA). Supplement that contain ranched Chain Amino Acids
can improve exercise and also recovery time for athlete.
Carbohydrates Complex. A large molecule that Carbohydrate simple that have longer time to
broken down, usually more on fibers for this type of Carbohydrate.
Carbohydrates Simple. Carbohydrate that broken down easily by body to be used as energy.
Used by athlete or people that exercise to regain energy after every set/exercise.
Carbohydrates. One of important part of macronutrients. Needed by people who carry out
general activity of fitness. Needed by body around 45-55 percent of total macronutrients that we
supposed to eat. Athlete that having moderate to high level of intensity may be getting more of
Channel Protein. Not binding solute, but form hydrophilic pores that cross the lipid bilayer
formed by the cell membranes.
Chemical Structure. The thing that studied carbon compounds, usually called organic
Ergogenic Aids. The thing to improve performance by using training technique, mechanical
device, nutritional practice, pharmacological method, or psychological technique.
Food Polyphenols. Food chemicals contain particular bioactivity, such as antioxidant and anti
Higher Fat Diet. Interestingly, diet with higher fat intake, provide more circulationg for
testoterone , better that low-fat diets.
Intestinal absorption. A way to membrane transport protein
Lipids. A lipid is any of various organic compounds that are insoluble in water. A lipid is any of
various organic compounds that are insoluble in water. They include fats, waxes, oils, hormones,
and certain components of membranes and function as energy-storage molecules and chemical
Macronutrients. Most important component that needed by athlete top optimize training and to
ensure athlete consume enough calories to support their training.
Medical Suplement. Supplement to support athlete that being diagnosed by nutrient
deficiencies. Should and must be used under expert observation and need to largely planned well.
Micronutrients. Micronutrients are vitamins and minerals needed by the body in very small
amounts. However, their impact on a body's health are critical, and deficiency in any of them can
cause severe and even life-threatening conditions.
Minerals. Minerals are essential inorganic elements for a number of metabolic processes. They
serve as tissue structure, constitute important components of enzymes and hormones and serve as
metabolic regulators and nerve control.
Net Protein Utilization. SImilar to biological value, but this way measure directly by nitrogen
absorbed retention. Net Protein Utilization both measure the same way like Biological value,
both measure the retention of nitrogen in foods. The difference only Net Protein Utilization
measured or calculated by protein ingested and Biological value calculated from absorbed
Performance Suplement. Supplement that can support or enhance sport performance. Used
under supervised expert or medical practitioner. This not banned by WADA (World Anti Doping
Protein Efficiency Ratio. The thing to determines quality of protein. Any value exceeding 2.7
excellent source of protein.
Protein Intake Recomendation. Total protein intake of person, around 1.4-2.0 gr/kg of body
weight. (60kg body weight around 84gr-120gr)
Protein Intake Timing. At the right time protein intake is important component of overall
training program, essential to recovery program, also key to maintenance immune and system
and key of growth muscle and maintenance lean body mass in case your on restricted calorie
Protein. One of important part of macronutrients that found in throughout body. Protein are
large molecules that play many critical roles in body, one of the example is for regeneration
muscle tissue. Protein itself is Amino Acids being combined together
Recommended Fat Intake. In general, it is recommended to consume moderate amount of 30
percent of total macronutrients.
Reduce Body Fat Intake. For Athelete want to reduce their own body fat, it has been
recommended to ingest 0.5 to 1g/kg body weight/day of fats.
Sport Foods. Food that being specialized to provide convenient nutrition for athlete to perform
better and better than before. Used when practically possible to fill source of nutrition with
everyday foods (chicken, rice, broccoli)
Stimulants. List of banned from WADA
TDEE. Total Daily Energy Expenditure, estimation how many calories you burn during
everyday activities. Counting when you actively exercise or just doing sedentary lifestyle.
Transport Protein. Binding specific solute to be transported and undergo a series of
conformational changes that allow the transfer of solute through the membrane.
Vitamins. Vitamins are organic compounds. whose function is to regulate metabolic processes,
energy production systems, neurological processes and prevent destruction of the cells. As we
can say, vitamin itself is part of micronutrient for athlete that needed by body.
WADA. World Anti Doping Agency.