№ Test Answer choices Key words 1. Histological slide of the biospy material obtained from epidermis of a healthy adult shows dividing cells in the basement (basal) layer. What process occurs due to these cells? A. Differentiation B. Apoptosis C. Physiological regeneration D. Reparative regeneration E. Adaptation What process occurs Differentiation in division of epidermis cells? 2. Histological examination of a tissue sample revealed that the tissue had no blood vessels, and the cells were packed tightly together making layers. Specify this tissue: A. Epithelial B. Cartilaginous C. Osseous D. Nervous E. Muscular What tissue doesn’t have blood vessels and cells are packed tightly? Epithelial 3. In course of an experiment an animal had its cornea injured. What cells will provide the regeneration of stratified epithelium? A. Basal epithelium cells B. Cells of proper substance of cornea C. Cells of the prickle-cell layer of corneal epithelium D. Basal membrane cells E. Squamous cells What cells provides the regeneration of stratified epithelium? Basal epithelium cells Basal epithelium cells 4. Analysis of biopsy material of urinary bladder mucosa revealed a tumour of epithelial origin. What kind of epithelium was the source of this tumour? A. Stratified transitional B. Stratified squamous nonkeratinizing C. Simple squamous D. Multinucleated ciliated E. Simple cubical What kind of epithelium lined urinary bladder? Stratified transitional Right answer Stratified transitional 5. In microanatomy of some organs, there is a sheet-like structure, which underlies virtually all epithelia. It consists of basal lamina (made of type IV collagen, glycoproteins, and proteoglycans) and reticular lamina. Under the microscope, you can see it as pink line under the epithelial cells. Which of the following is described above? A. Nucleus B. – C. Plasma membrane D. Endoplasmic reticulum E. Basement membrane Which structure lined under the epithelial cells? Basement membrane 6. A histological specimen shows terminal secretory parts A. Serous What is type of Serous of glands made by conic (columnar) cells with basophilic cytoplasm and a roundish nucleus in the centre. Specify the type of terminal secretory parts by the type of secretion: B. Sebaceous C. Combined D. Mucous E. Seromucous secretion of cells with basophilic cytoplasm? 7. A person with carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning developed headache, shortness of breath, and dizziness. These signs are caused by a drop in blood levels of a certain compound. Name this compound: Oxyhemoglobin Carboxyhemoglobin Carbaminohemoglobin Deoxyhemoglobin Methemoglobin Deficiency of which compound causes carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning? Oxyhemoglobin 8. An employee was working with radioactive substances and as a result of an incident he was irradiated with 4 Gy. He complains about headache, nausea, dizzyness. What changes of blood formula can be expected 10 hours after irradiation? A. Neutrophilic leukocytosis B. Lymphocytosis C. Leukopenia D. Agranulocytosis E. Neutropenia What changes of blood formula expects after irradiation? Neutrophilic leukocytosis 9. A patient developed punctate hemorrhages after a tourniquet had been applied. It occurred due to functional disturbance of the following blood corpuscles: Lymphocytes Monocytes Erythrocytes Platelets Neutrophils Which blood corpuscles form hemorrhages? Platelets 10. A patient has petechial hemorrhages on the gums, hard and soft palate, buccal mucosa. This is caused by the dysfunction of the following blood corpuscles: A. Platelets B. Eosinophils C. Monocytes D. Lymphocytes E. Erythrocytes Which blood corpuscles form hemorrhages? Platelets 11. A blood smear of a patient who has recently recovered from flu contains 10% of roundish cells 4,5-7 micrometer large with a big round nucleus and basophilically stained cytoplasm in form of a narrow border around the nucleus. What blood status are they typical for? A. Lymphocytopenia B. Thrombopenia C. Leukopenia D. Lymphocytosis E. Monocytopenia What are changes of blood cells (4,5-7 micrometer) large with narrow border basophilic cytoplasm around big round nucleus after flu? Lymphocytopenia 12. A 10-year-old boy is brought to the physician by his parents because of fever, cough, and fatigue. He has been admitted to the hospital five times because of pneumonia. Attempts to induce immunity using the pneumococcal vaccine have failed. The first hospitalization was at the age of 12 months. Laboratory findings show marked reduction in all classes and subclasses of serum immunoglobulins. Which of the following immune cells is most likely to be reduced in the peripheral blood of this patient? NK-cells T-cells Macrophages Neutrophils B-cells Which cells produce B-cells immunoglobulins? 13. During postembryonal haemopoiesis in the red bone marrow the cells of one of the cellular differons demonstrate a gradual decrease in cytoplasmic basophilia as well as an increase in oxyphilia, the nucleus is being forced out. Such morphological changes are typical for the following haemopoiesis type: A. Erythropoiesis B. Lymphopoiesis C. Neutrophil cytopoiesis D. Eosinophil cytopoiesis E. Basophil cytopoiesis What haemopoiesis cells change basophilic on oxyphilic cytoplasm Erythropoiesis 14. A patient consulted an immunologist about diarrhea, weight loss within several months, low-grade fever, enlarged lymph nodes. The doctor suspected HIV infection. What immunocompetent cells must be studied in the first place? A. Helper T-lymphocytes B. Suppressor T-lymphocytes C. B-lymphocytes D. Monocytes E. Plasma cells What immunocompetent cells must be studied under HIV? Helper Tlymphocytes 15. An examination of a 26-year-old patient involved histological analysis of bone marrow punctate which revealed a significant decrease in the number of megakaryocytes. At the same time the following blood corpuscles should be decreased in number: A. Platelets B. Erythrocytes C. Eosinophils D. Neutrophils E. B-lymphocytes What blood corpuscles are produced with megakaryocytes? Platelets 16. A chemical burn of esophagus caused it’s local constriction as a result of scar formation. What cells of loose connective tissue take part in scar formation? A. Mature specialized fibroblasts B. Immature nonspecialized fibroblasts C. Fibrocytes D. Miofibroblasts E. Fibroclasts What cells of loose connective tissue take part in scar formation? Mature specialized fibroblasts 17. Wound healing is accompanied by the development of a connective tissue cicatrice which is formed on the site of the tissue defect. What cells are responsible for this process? A. Fibroblasts B. Macrophages C. Fibrocytes D. Mastocytes E. Melanocytes What cells are responsible for wound healing? Fibroblasts 18. An inflammation is characterized by the dilatation of blood capillaries in the region of injury, reduced circulation, increased permeability of vessel walls. What cells play the main part in the development of these changes? A. Tissue basophils (mast cells) B. Fibroblasts C. Plasmocytes D. Eosinophils E. Macrophages Tissue basophils (mast cells) 19. During allergic rhinitis (inflammation of the nasal mucosa) the number of basophils in the connective tissue of the mucosa increases, which is accompanied by a tissue edema. This phenomenon is associated with the following function of tissue basophils: A. Histamine synthesis B. Production of intercellular substance C. Phagocytosis D. Antibody formation E. Heat production What cells dilate blood capillaries, reduce circulation, and increase permeability of vessel walls? What is function of basophils under allergy? 20. Throughout a year a 37-year-old woman periodically got infectious diseases of bacterial origin, their course was extremely lingering, remissions were short. Examination revealed low level of major classes of immunoglobulins. The direct cause of this phenomenon may be the following cell dysfunction: A. Plasmocytes B. Phagocytes C. Neutrophils D. Macrophages E. Lymphocytes Which cells produce Plasmocytes immunoglobulins? 21. Recovery of an organism from an infectious disease is accompanied by neutralization of antigens by specific antibodies. What cells produce them? A. Plasmocytes B. Fibroblasts C. Tissue basophils D. Eosinophils E. T-lymphocytes Which cells produce Plasmocytes antibodies? 22. When a wound heals, a scar takes its place. What substance is the main component of its connective tissue? A. Collagen B. Elastin C. Keratan sulfate D. Chondroitin sulfate E. Hyaluronic acid What substance is the main component of its connective tissue? Histamine synthesis Collagen 23. On the second year of his life a boy started developing frequent respiratory diseases and ulcerative skin lesions. It was determined that immunoglobulins of all classes are partically absent in the child’s blood. The described syndrome is based on decreased functional activity of a certain cell population. Name this cell population: Macrophages T lymphocytes B lymphocytes NK cells Neutrophils Which cells produce B lymphocytes immunoglobulins? 24. Hemopoietic stem cells were damaged by radiation exposure, which resulted in disturbed formation of certain connective tissue cells. Name these connective tissue cells: Melanocytes Macrophages Osteoblasts Adipocytes Fibroblasts Which connective tissue cells have hemopoietic origine? 25. À specimen of connective tissue of derma was stained with Sudan III and hematoxylin. There are clusters of big polygonal cells that turned orange. Their nuclei are flattened and located on periphery. What tissue is it? A. White adipose B. Brown adipose C. Reticular connective D. Hyaline cartilaginous E. Lamellar osseous 26. As a result of a chest trauma the costal cartilage was damaged. The cartilage regenerates due to the following layer of perichondrium: A. Chondrogenic B. Fibrous C. Elastic D. Collagen E. Sharpey’s fibers What tissue has White adipose polygonal cells with clusters orange was stained with Sudan III with peripheral flattened nuclei? Which layer of Chondrogenic perichondrium regenerates cartilage ? 27. Elderly people often complain of joint pain that can be associated with agerelated changes of tissue covering the joint surface. What tissue is it? A. Hyaline cartilage B. Bone tissue C. Connective tissue proper D. Epithelial E. Elastic cartilage What tissue forms joint surface? Hyaline cartilage 28. A patient with a serious trauma of his upper extremity has an impaired regeneration of cartilaginous tissue as a result of a damage done to poorly differentiated cells of cartilage lineage. What cells has been damaged? A. The cells of the internal perichondrium B. The cells of the external perichondrium C. The cells constituting isogenic groups D. The cells of the young cartilage Which cells of perichondrium regenerates cartilage? The cells of the internal perichondrium Macrophages E. The cells coming from the blood vessels 29. Calcification of the intercellular substance of bone tissue is accompanied by the deposition of hydroxyapatite crystals along the collagen fibers. This process requires the presence of alkaline phosphatase in the intercellular substance. What cell produces this enzyme? A. Osteoblast B. Osteocyte C. Osteoclast D. Chondroblast E. Chondrocyte What cell produces alkaline phosphatase Osteoblast 30. A histological specimen presents the tissue that contains cells having no processes and a few tens of nuclei each. One of cell surfaces has a corrugated (ruffled border) zone that provides secretion of hydrolytic elements. What tissue is it? A. Osseous tissue B. Cartilaginous tissue C. Epithelial tissue D. Nerve tissue E. Muscular tissue Which tissue has multinucleated cells and produce hydrolytic enzymes? Osseous tissue 31. A 14-year-old girl was brought to the emergency department for evaluation of an “infected leg”. She said she had no traumas but mentioned that she had a history of sickle cell disease. On physial examination, the upper part of her right skin is very painful, red, swollen, and hot. Her body temperature is 39.2’C. X-ray shows focal bone lysis and loss of trabecular architecture in the metaphysis of the right tibia. Increased activity of which of the following cells is the most likely cause of bone reabsorption in this patient? Osteoblasts Osteocytes Chondroblasts Chondrocytes Osteoclasts Which cells reabsorb bone? Osteoclasts 32. An excessive bone tissue loss is often observed in older people, which indicates osteoporosis development. What bone tissue cells are activated, resulting in the development of this disease? Osteoblasts Osteocytes Tissue basophils Macrophages Osteoclasts Which cells reabsorb bone under osteoporosis? Osteoclasts 33. The symptoms of regeneration process (callus) on the place of fracture were revealed in the histologic specimen of tubular bone. What tissue forms this structure? A. Fibrous bone tissue B. Loose connective tissue C. Reticular tissue D. Epithelial tissue What tissue forms callus of tubular bone? Fibrous bone tissue E. Lamellar bone tissue 34. Examination of a histological specimen of tubular bone revealed signs of regeneration process (callus). What tissue is this structured formed of? A. Rough fibrous osseous B. Loose connective C. Reticular D. Epithelial E. Lamellar osseous 35. On the electronic microphotography of the human connective tissue the biology student sees an organelle near the cell nucleus. The organelle consists of two cylinders perpendicular to each other. The cylinders are made of microtubules. The main function of this organelle is to enable the formation of mitotic apparatus. Name the described organelle. A. B. C. D. E. Endoplasmic reticulum Mitochondrion Lysosome Centrosome Ribosome One of the cell organelles is the place, where protein molecules are being built and packaged with carbohydrates and fats, before they are transported from the cell via exocytosis. What organelle is it? A. B. C. Peroxisomes Ribosomes Lysosomes Mitochondria Goldi apparatus Electronic microscopy of the pancreatic cells shows the structures that separate the cell into a large number of sections, canals, and cisterns and are connected to plasmalemma. Name these organelles: A. B. C. A cell with vitamin E deficiency was exposed to ionizing rediation. It resulted in intensified release of hydrolytic enzymes into the cytoplasm and a complete destruction of intracellular structures – autolysis. What organelles caused this phenomenon? A. B. C. 36. 37. 38. 39. D. E. D. E. D. E. Centrosomes Endoplasmic reticulum Mitochondria Golgi complex Ribosomes Endoplasmic reticulum Mitochondria Goldi apparatus Microbodies Lysosomes Electron microscopic study of a cell revealed roundish A. Lysosomes bubbles confined by a membrane and containing a lot of B. Centrosomes various hydrolytic enzymes. It is known that these C. Endoplasmic reticulum What tissue forms callus of tubular bone? Rough fibrous osseous Centrosome Two cylinders perpendicular to each other. made of microtubules Cell organelles, where protein molecules are being built and packaged with carbohydrates and fat before exocytosis Canals and cisterns are connected to plasmalemma. Name these organelles Goldi apparatus Golgi complex Lysosomes Name of organelles which release hydrolytic enzymes into the cytoplasm causing autolysis Roundish bubbles with hydrolytic enzymes provide Lysosomes organellas provide intracellular digestion and protective functions. These elements are: 40. D. Ribosomes E. Mitochondria Analysis of an electron diffraction pattern of a cell A. Oxidation of organic substances revealed mitochondrion destruction. This might result in B. Nuclear division abnormal course of the following cell process: C. Crossingover D. Cleavage E. – Microscopic analysis of human heart cells revealed some oval oganellas, their tunic being formed by two membranes: the external one is smooth, and the internal one forms crista. Biochemical analysis determined the presence of ATPsynthetase enzyme. What organellas were analysed? A. Mitochondrions B. Lysosomes C. Ribosomes D. Endoplasmic reticulum E. Centrosomes A 36-year-old male comes to the dental for extraction of the tooth. Two weeks after the procedure is performed, the stratified squamous epithelium regenerates at the site of extraction. Which of the following organelles is most likely involved in the mucosa regeneration? A. Centrosomes B. Mitochondria C. Ribosomes D. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum E. Lysosomes In process of the secretory cycle secretion granules come and go in the apical part of cytoplasm of pancreas cells. These granules relate to the following structure elements: A. Inclusions B. Microfilaments C. Lysosomes D. Exocytic vacuoles E. Granular endoplasmic reticulum 44. Microscopical examination of exudate obtained from a rat with aseptic peritonitis and mixed with bird’s erythrocytes revealed macrophages surrounded by foreign erythrocytes. What stage of phagocytosis is it? A. Adherence B. Uncomplete phagocytosis C. Approaching D. Immersion E. Intracellular digestion 45. A patient has a chromosomal disorder – Klinefelter syndrome – with the total number of chromosomes being 47 (karyotype XXY). The patient’s somatic cells 41. 42. 43. A. B. C. Cabot rings Mallory bodies Doehle bodies intracellular digestion Mitochondria distruction result in abnormal course of process Oxidation of organic substances (for energy production) Mitochondrions Oganellas with two membranes: external - smooth, internal forms crista Ribosomes Organelles most likely involved in the mucosal epithelium regeneration Inclusions Secretory cycle, secretion granules relate to: Macrophages surrounded by foreign erythrocytes. Stage of phagocytosis? Adherence Barr’s bodies In somatic cells, sex chromatin is called contain sex chromatin in the amount equal to X chromosome number minus 1. In somatic cells, sex chromatin is called: D. E. Jolly bodies Barr’s bodies 46. An electronic micrograph presents a cell that has no nucleole and nuclear membrane. Chromosomes has free position, centrioles migrate to the poles. What phase of cell cycle is it typical for? A. Prophase B. Anaphase C. Metaphase D. Telophase E. Interphase 47. An electronic microphotography represents a cell without nucleoli and nuclear membrane. Chromosomes are loosely scattered, centrioles migrate to the poles. What phase of cell cycle is it? A. Prophase B. Anaphase C. Metaphase D. Telophase E. Interphase 48. Sdudying the mitotic cycle phases of an onion root the researchers revealed a cell with chromosomes lying in equatorial plane in form of a star. What phase of mitosis is it? A. Metaphase B. Prophase C. Anaphase D. Telophase E. Interphase In chromosomal disorders, to study the karyotype, the cell culture during mitosis is processed with colchicine. This substance blocks contractions of the fibers that form mitotic spindle (destroys tubulins) . At what stage will the mitosis be interrupted? A. B. C. 50. During the postsynthetic period of mitotic cycle the synthesis of tubulin proteins was disturbed. These proteins take part in construction of division spindle (mitotic spindle). It can lead to the disturbance of: A. Chromosomes’ disjunction B. Spiralization of chromosomes C. Cytokinesis D. Despiralization of chromosomes E. Mitosis duration Chromosomes lying in equatorial plane in form of a star. Phase of mitosis Substance blocks contractions of the fibers of mitotic spindle Interrupted stage of mitosis Tubulin proteins of mitotic spindle was disturbed. It can lead to the disturbance of: 51. By producing a number of hormones placenta plays a part of temporary endocrine gland. What hormone may be detected in woman’s blood on the third or the fourth day after begin of implantation, that is used in medicine A. Chorionic gonadotropin B. Somatostatin C. Progesterone D. Vasopressin Hormone may be Chorionic detected in woman’s gonadotropin blood on the third or the fourth day after 49. D. E. Prophase Interphase Metaphase Telophase Anaphase Chromosomes have free position, centrioles migrate to the poles. Phase of cell cycle Chromosomes are loosely scattered, centrioles migrate to the poles. Phase of cell cycle Prophase Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Chromosomes’ disjunction for early pregnancy detection? E. Oxytocin inplantation 52. Implantation process has two stages: adhesion and invasion. Morphological manifestation of blastocyst adhesion is: A. Attachment of blastocyst to the endometrium B. Destruction of endometrium epithelium C. Destruction of connective tissue of endometrium D. Destruction of endometrium vessels E. Formation of lacunes Blastocyst adhesion is 53. At a certain stage of development of a human embryo one can observe formation of a cavity in its structure, small light blastomeres on the periphery and large dark blastomeres at one of the poles. The embryo at this stage of development is called: A. Blastocyst B. Morula C. Zygote D. Gastrula E. Blastodisk 54. Examination of uterine cavity revealed an embryonated ovum that wasn’t attached to the endometrium. The embryo is at the following stage of development: A. B. C. Small light Blastocyst blastomeres on the periphery and large dark blastomeres at one of the poles. The embryo is called Name of Blastocyst embryonated ovum in uterine cavity that wasn’t attached to the endometrium. D. E. 55. 56. A specimen of a 10-day-old human embryo shows two interconnected sacs (amniotic and yolk sacs). Name the structure located in the place where these two saca connect: Blastocyst Zygote Morula Gastrula Neurula A. Extraembryonic mesoderm B. Amniotic stalk C. Roof of the amniotic sac D. Embryonic shield (disc) E. Bottom of the amniotic sac For an unknown reason the fertilization membrane of an A. Embryo implantation into the embryo dissolved in the fallopian tube in the first Fallopian tube critical period. What complication of pregnancy is B. Embryonic death possible in this case? C. Invagination of the blastocyst wall D. Return of blastocyst back to the ampullary portion of the tube E. Formation of two blastocysts Attachment of blastocyst to the endometrium Name of embryo structure located in the place where two saca are interconnected Embryonic shield (disc) Possible complication of pregnancy when fertilization membrane is dissolved in the fallopian tube Embryo implantation into the Fallopian tube 57. Examination of a pregnant woman who has been taking alcohol revealed disturbed anlage of ectoderma during the fetal life. What derivatives of this leaf (germ layer) have defects? A. Neural tube B. Kidneys C. Bowels (intestinal) epithelium D. Liver E. Sexual glands Taking alcohol by a pregnant woman disturbes anlage of ectoderma. What structure have defects? Neural tube 58. A newborn child has microcephalia. Doctors consider that this is the result of mother’s taking actinomycin D during the pregnancy. What embryonal leaf (embryonic germ layer) was influenced by this teratogen? A. Ectoderma B. All leaves (germ layers) C. Entoderma D. Mesoderma E. Entoderma and mesoderma Ectoderma 59. During gastrulation, three germ layers are being formed (ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm). Later they develop into tissues and organs. Ectoderm, in particular, develops into: A. B. C. D. E. Disorders of what embryonic layer (leaf) may cause microcephalia (small brain and head)? Ectoderm develops into 60. Microspecimen of a child’s finger skin reveals subnormal development of epidermis. What embryonic leaf was damaged in course of development? A. Ectoderm B. Mesoderm C. Entoderm D. Mesenchyma E. Ectomesenchyma 61. A child has a hereditary skin contidion – no sweat glands (anhidrosis) – which impairs important skin functions – perspiration and thermoregulation. This contidion results from maldevelopment of the following structure during embryogenesis: A. B. C. D. E. 62. As a result of a development anomaly a newborn has malformation of major salivary glands. This anomaly is caused by the damage of the following embryonal A. Ectoderm B. Splanchnotom C. Somites Intestinal epithelium Blood and lymph Skeletal muscles Neural tube Hepatic cells Ectoderm Splanchnotome Sclerotome Endoderm Dermatone Neural tube Damage of what Ectoderm embryonic leaf (germ layer) reflect in subnormal development of epidermis? Maldevelopment of Ectoderm which structure reflect in – anhidrosis (no sweat glands)? Damage of which embryonal structure results in Ectoderm structure: D. Entoderm E. Mesenchyme malformation of major salivary glands? 63. An embryo has signs of disturbed process of dorsal mesoderm segmentation and somite generation. What part of skin is most likely to have developmental abnormalities? A. Derma B. Hair C. Sebaceous glands D. Epidermis E. Sudoriferous glands Derma 64. An embryo has a disturbed development of bloodvascular system caused by a teratogenic factor. This disturbance occurred in the following germ layer: A. Mesoderm B. Entoderm C. Exoderm D. Ento- and mesoderm E. Ento- and ectoderm 65. During gastrulation the Hensen’s node remained underdeveloped in the embryo. Which axial organ will slow down its development? A. Chord (notochord) B. Neural crests C. Neural groove D. Neural tube E. Mantle layer of the neural tube What part of skin has developmental abnormalities when process of dorsal mesoderm segmentation is disturbed? Disturbance of which germ layer may disturb development of blood-vascular system? Underdevelopment of Hensen’s node result in slow down of? 66. Normally, the maternal and fetal blood circulation has no direct connection. The fetal blood flows through the vessels in the chorionic villi, while maternal blood circulates through the intervillous space of the endometrium. What separates fetal and maternal blood? A. Hemochorial barrier B. Closing plate of the decidua basalis C. Fibrinoid oxyphilic mass (Langhans fibrinoid) D. Connective tissue septa E. Rohr amorphous fibrinoid What separates fetal and maternal blood? Hemochorial barrier 67. As a result of a development anomaly a newborn has malformation of major salivary glands. This anomaly is caused by the damage of the following embryonal structure: A. Ectoderm B. Splanchnotom C. Somites D. Entoderm Malformation of major salivary glands is caused by the damage of the following Ectoderm Mesoderm Chord (notochord) E. Mesenchyme embryonal structure: 68. A histological specimen shows an extraembryonic organ in form of a vesicle linked to the entodermal canal. Its wall is lined with epithelium, exteriorly it is made up by connective tissue. In the early stages of embryogenesis this organ has hematopoietic function. Name this organ: A. Vitelline sac (yolk sac) B. Allantois C. Amnion D. Umbillical cord E. Placenta Extraembryonic organ in form of a vesicle linked to the entodermal canal. Name this organ Vitelline sac (yolk sac) 69. During embryogenesis trophoblast develops into an organ rudiment that has endocrinal function. What rudiment is it? A. Villous chorion B. Amnion C. Yolk sac D. Allantois E. Umbillical cord What is rudiment of Villous chorion trophoblast with endocrinal function? 70. There is a specimen of soft palate where both oral and nasal surfaces can be seen. It was revealed that oral cavity had damaged epithelium. What epithelium is damaged? A. Multistratal (stratified) squamous nonkeratinizing B. Multistratal cubical nonkeratinizing C. Multistratal prismatic nonkeratinizing D. Multistratal squamous keratinizing E. Multirowed ciliated epithelium Which epithelium forms oral surface of soft palate? Multistratal (stratified) squamous nonkeratinizing 71. A patient with an acute rhinitis has hyperemia and excessive mucus formation in nasal cavity. What epithelial cells of mucous membrane have the intensified activity? A. Goblet cells B. Ciliated cells C. Microvillous cells D. Basal cells E. Endocrine cells Which epithelial cells of nasal cavity produce mucus? Goblet cells 72. Study of a tubular organ revealed that its median membrane consists of solid hyaline rings. What epithelium lines mucous membrane of this organ? A. Multinuclear (pseudostritified) prismatic (columnar) ciliated B. Monostratal prismatic glandular C. Monostratal prismatic with a border D. Multistratal squamous nonkeratinizing E. Monostratal cubical Which epithelium lines tubular organ with hyaline rings? Multinuclear (pseudostritified) prismatic (columnar) ciliated 73. Premature infants have syndrom of respiratory failure. Failure of what aerohematic barriere component underlies this pathology? A. Surfactant B. Capillary endothelium C. Basal membrane of endothelium D. Basal membrane of alveolocytes E. Alveolocytes What component of aerohematic barrier underlies syndrom of respiratory failure? Surfactant 74. Premature babies often develop respiratory distress syndrome. This pathology is caused by the deficiency of a certain component of the blood-air barrier. Name this component: Capillary endothelium Surfactant Alveolar basement membrane Alveolocytes Endothenial basement membrane Deficiency of what component of the blood-air barrier causes respiratory distress syndrome? Surfactant 75. An electronic microphotograph of the biospy material shows structures containing surfactant, type I alveolocytes, bassement membrane, and fenestrated capillary endothelium. What histogematic barrier of the human body has such structures? Blood-air barrier Blood-brain barrier Blood-testis barrier Blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier Blood-thymus barrier Blood-air barrier 76. Morphological examination revealed in histological specimen of biopsy material an irregular-shaped vessel. Its middle membrane (tunica media) is formed by bundles of smooth myocytes and layers of connective tissue. What type of vessel is it? A. Vein of muscular type B. Artery of muscular type C. Lymphatic vessel D. Venule E. Arteriole What barrier has surfactant, type I alveolocytes, basement membrane, and fenestrated capillary endothelium? What irregularshaped vessel has middle membrane (tunica media) with smooth myocytes? 77. Obliterating atherosclerosis causes changes in the vessels of the lower extermities. A histological specimen of such a vessel evidently presents both internal and external elastic membranes, middle membrane (tunica media) contains a lot of myocytes. What vessel is affected in case of this disease? A. Artery of muscular type B. Artery of elastic type C. Artery of mixed type D. Vein with strongly developed muscles E. Lymph node 78. A specimen of the pia mater shows a vessel with no middle membrane (tunica media) in its wall, its outer A. Fibrous vein B. Muscular vein with weakly developed Vein of muscular type What vessel has Artery of internal and external muscular type elastic membranes, middle membrane (tunica media) contains a lot of myocytes What vessel doesn’t Fibrous vein have tunica media? membrane adheres to the surrounding tissues, the inner membrane is made up of the basal membrane and endothelium. Specify this vessel: muscular elements C. Muscular artery D. Arteriola E. Mixed artery 79. A histological specimen demonstrates a vessel with the wall that consists of endothelium, basement membrane, and loose connective tissue. What type of vessel is it? Lymph capillary Non-muscular vein Hemocapillary Muscular vein Artery What vessel has Non-muscular endothelium, vein basement membrane and loose connective tissue? 80. A microspecimen of heart shows rectangular cells from 50 to 120 mcm large with central position of nucleus, developed myofibrils. The cells are connected by intercalated discs. These cells are responsible for the following function: A. Function of heart contractions B. Function of impulse conduction C. Endocrine D. Protective E. Regeneratory Function of contractile cardiomyocytes is heart contractions 81. An electronic microphotograph of the myocardium shows appendaged cells with few organelles. These cells have secretory granules and well-developed endoplasmic reticulum. Name these cells: His bundle cells Secretory cardiomyocytes Ventricular cardiomyocytes Transitional atypical cells Pacemaker cells What is function of rectangular heart cells with central position of nucleus, developed myofibrils and connected by intercalated discs? What is name ofmyocardium cells with secretory granules? 82. For diagnostic purposes a parenchyma sample of the patient’s blood forming organ was obtained. The sample contained megakaryocytes. What organ is it? Tonsil Thymus Red bone marrow Lymph node Spleen What blood forming organ has megakaryocytes? Red bone marrow 83. While playing a child got a punch in the presternum region. As a result of this trauma an organ located behind the presternum was damaged. Name this organ: A. Thymus B. Thyroid gland C. Heart D. Pericardium Wich organ located behind the presternum? Thymus Secretory cardiomyocytes E. Larynx 84. The influence of negative factors upon an organism results in the thymus change that is accompanied by mass loss of thymocytes, their drive out to the peripheral organs, proliferation of epithelioreticulocytes. How is this phenomemon called? A. Accidental thymus involution B. Age thymus involition C. Thymus hypotrophy D. Thymus distrophy E. Thymus atrophy What is results in the thymus change due to negative factors ? Accidental thymus involution 85. Medullary substance of a hemopoetic organ’s lobule in a histological specimen is lighter coloured and contains epithelial bodies. What organ are these morphological preperties typical for? A. Thymus B. Lymph node C. Spleen D. Liver E. Kidney What hemopoetic organ has lighter coloured and contains epithelial bodies? Thymus 86. A patient consulted an immunologist about diarrhea, weight loss within several months, low-grade fever, enlarged lymph nodes. The doctor suspected HIV infection. What immunocompetent cells must be studied in the first place? A. Helper T-lymphocytes B. Suppressor T-lymphocytes C. B-lymphocytes D. Monocytes E. Plasma cells What immunocompetent cells must be studied in the first place under HIV? Helper Tlymphocytes 87. A histological specimen presents an organ that has both cortical and medullary substance. Cortical substance consists of an external zone that contains lymph nodules as well as of a paracortical zone. Medullary substance contains medullary cords, sinuses and trabecules. What organ possesses these morphological signs? A. Lymph node B. Spleen C. Kidney D. Thymus E. Adrenal glands What organ has Lymph node cortex with lymph nodules and medulla with medullary cords and trabecules 88. Histological slides of spleen and lymph node show enlargement of lymphoid tissue, which can indicate activation of immune responses. Where in these organs can be found a zone of antigen-independent proliferation and differentiation of B lymphocytes (B zone)? Paracortical zone Germinal center of a lymph node Pariarterial zone Mantle zone Brain sinuses Where is antigenindependent proliferation and differentiation of B lymphocytes? Germinal center of a lymph node 89. Histological specimen shows parenchyma of an organ that consists of lymphoid tissue that forms lymph nodules; the nodules are located diffusely and have a central artery. What anatomical structure has such morphological characteristics? Thymus Red bone marrow Tonsil Spleen Lymph node What organ has diffusely located nodules with central artery? Spleen 90. Examination of a patient who was exposed to the ionizing radiation revealed damage of wight (white) pulp. What cells of white pulp undergo pathological changes? A. Lymphocytes B. Neutrophilic leukocytes C. Basophilic leukocytes D. Monocytes E. Tissue basophils What are cells of white pulp? Lymphocytes 91. An electronic microphotography shows epidermis with some dendritic cells among common cubic cells. These cells have a well developed Golgi complex, a lot of ribosomes and melanosomes. These cells are called: A. Melanocytes B. Keratinocytes C. Langerhans’ cells D. Merkel’s cells E. Tissue basophils What dendritic cells of epidermis have melanosomes? Melanocytes 92. Histological study of a microslide of human skin found only dense irregular connective tissue. Which layer of this organ was analysed? A. Reticular dermis B. Papillary dermis C. Subcutaneous adipose tissue D. Epidermis E. Basal layer of epidermis What layer of skin is made of dense irregular connective tissue? Reticular dermis 93. Study of epidermal rigdes on fingers (i.e. dactyloscopy) is used in criminalistics for person identification. It also can be used for diagnosing genetic disorders, particularly Down syndrome. Which of the following skin layers creates the unique fingerprint picture? Basement membrane Stratum corneum Stratum lucidum Reticular layer Papillary layer What layer of skin forms epidermal rigdes? Papillary layer 94. A child has a hereditary skin contidion – no sweat glands (anhidrosis) – which impairs important skin functions – perspiration and thermoregulation. This contidion results from maldevelopment of the following structure during Ectoderm Splanchnotome Sclerotome Endoderm Dermatone What is embryogenesis of skin? Ectoderm embryogenesis: 95. After a person had drunk 1,5 liters of water, the amount of urine increased significantly, and its relative density decreased to 1,001. These changes are a result of decreased water reabsorption in the distal nephron portion due to reduced secretion of: A. Vasopressin B. Aldosterone C. Angiotensin II D. Renin E. Prostaglandins Which hormone control water reabsorption Vasopressin 96. A 26-year-old woman at 40 weeks’ gestation was admitted to the maternity ward. Examination revealed that the cervix was open, but uterine contractions were absent. The doctor gave her a hormonal drug to induce labor. Specify this drug: A. Oxytocin B. Hydrocortisone C. Estrone D. Testosterone E. ACTH Which hormon induces labor? Oxytocin 97. Examination of a 32 year old patient revealed disproportional skeleton size, enlargement of superciliary arches, nose, lips, tongue, jaw bones, feet. What gland’s function was disturbed? A. Hypophysis B. Epiphysis C. Pancreas D. Thyroid E. Suprarenal What gland control disproportional skeleton size? Hypophysis 98. Examination of a patient revealed enlargement of some body parts (jaw, nose, ears, feet, hands), but body proportions were conserved. It might be caused by intensified secretion of the following hormone: A. Somatotropin B. Somatostatin C. Tetraiodothyronine D. Triiodothyronine E. Cortisol Which hormone enlarges some body parts? Somatotropin 99. The aim of the morphological study was to investigate an endocrine gland with parenchyma consisting of epithelium and neural tissue. In the epithelial trabeculae the study revealed two types of cells: chromophile and chromophobe. Identify this organ: A. Pituitary gland B. Adrenal gland C. Hypothalamus D. Thyroid gland E. Parathyroid gland What endocrine gland consists of epithelium and neural tissue? Pituitary gland 100. A child has disturbed enamel and dentine formation as a A. Thyreocalcitonin result of decreased content of calcium ions in his blood. What hormone deficiency may cause such changes? 101. Microscopic study of an endocrine gland revealed that its parenchyma consisted of follicular structures. Their wall was formed by monolayer cubic epithelium, and their cavity was filled up with oxyphilic substance. What hormon is secreted by this gland? 102. A 24-year-old man underwent a surgery. During the operation, an organ was excised and sent for histological evaluation. Light microscopic examination shows an organ encased in a thin connective tissue capsule that enters the substance of the organ as septa, to divide it into lobules. Each lobule is a strucrural unit of this organ and contains follicles filled with colloid. Follicular epithelium consists of low columnar, cuboidal, or squamous cells, depending on the activity of the follicle. This histological structure corressponds the most with: 103. A 37-year-old patient has lost 5 kg in weight over the past three months, he complains of hand tremor, excessive sweating, exophthalmos, tachycardia. These changes might have been caused by the increased secretion of the following hormone: 104. Clinical examination of a female patient revealed reduction of basal metabolism by 40%, gain in body mass, drop of body temperature, face puffiness, sexual B. Somatotropin C. Thyroxin D. Parathormone E. Triiodothyronine What hormone Thyreocalcitonin deficiency decreases calcium ions in blood? A. Thyroxin B. Aldosterone C. Cortisol D. Parathyrin E. Oxytocin What hormone is secreted by gland with follicles? Thyroxin Thyroid gland Thymus Parathyroid gland Pancreas Parotid gland Which organ has follicles filled with colloid? Thyroid gland A. Thyroxine B. Cortisol C. Insulin D. Glucagon E. Thyrocalcitonin What hormone causes loss of weight, hand tremor, excessive sweating, exophthalmos, tachycardia? What hormone reduces basal metabolism, gain in Thyroxine A. Hypofunction of thyroid gland B. Hypofunction of parathyroid glands C. Hypophysis hyperfunction Hypofunction of thyroid gland disfunctions, inertness and apathy, lowered intelligence. These symptoms are caused by disfunction of the following endocrine gland: 105. After a surgical procedure an experimental animal died from intense convulsions. What endocrinal glands were extracted? 106. A patient has the sudden decrease of Ca2+ content in blood. What hormone secretion will increase? 107. A child has abnormal formation of tooth enamel and dentin as a result of low concentration of calcium ions in blood. Such abnormalities might be caused by deficiency of the following hormone: 108. There is a 9 year old boy in endocrinological department, who has already had a few fractures of extremeties caused by fragility of bones. Malfunction of what endocrinous glands (gland) takes place? 109. Microscopic examination of a parenchymatous organ revealed that its epithelial cords formed glomerular, fascicular and reticular zones. The central part of the organ was presented by accumulations of chromaffin D. Epiphysis hypofunction E. Hyperfunction of thyroid gland A. Parathyroid B. Thyroid C. Adrenal D. Ovaries E. Testicles body mass, drop of body temperature, face puffiness, sexual disfunctions, inertness and apathy, loweres intelligence? Deficiency of which endocrinal gland causes intense convulsions? Parathyroid A. Parathormone B. Thyrocalcitonin C. Aldosterone D. Vasopressin E. Somatotropin What hormone increases Ca2+ content in blood? Parathormone A. Parathormone B. Thyrocalcitonin C. Thyroxin D. Somatotropic hormone E. Triiodothyronine What hormone lowers concentration of calcium ions in blood? Parathormone A. Parathyroid glands B. Thyroid gland C. Thymus D. Adrenal glands E. Epiphysis Malfunction of what Parathyroid endocrine glands glands causes fragility of bones? A. Adrenal gland B. Thyroid gland C. Epiphysis D. Liver Which organ has epithelial cords formed glomerular, fascicular and Adrenal gland cells. Specify this organ: 110. In a histological specimen of adrenal cortex there are petite polygonal cells that form roundish clusters and contain some lipidic inclusions. What part of adrenal is presented in this histological specimen? 111. A histological specimen of kidney shows a structure consisting of a glomerulus of fenestrated capillaries and a bilayer epithelial capsule. Specify this structure: E. Hypophysis reticular zones? A. Glomerular zone B. Intermedial zone C. Fasciolar zone D. Reticular zone Which zone of adrenal cortex has roundish clusters? A. Renal corpuscle B. Proximal tubule C. Distal tubule D. Henle’s loop E. Receiving tube Which structure Renal corpuscle consists of a glomerulus of fenestrated capillaries and a bilayer epithelial capsule? Which epithelial Podocyte cell of renal corpuscle has numerous appendages attached to the basement membrane of the capillaries? Which tubule lined Proximal tubule by columnar epithelium with brush border and deep plicae of plasmolemma in its basal part? 112. An electronic microphotograph shows a fragment of the Podocyte renal corpuscle. In the photograph there is a large epithelial cell with numerous appendages. The appendages are attached to the basement membrane of the capillaries. What type of cell is it? Mesangial cell Endothelial cell Juxtavascular cell Smooth muscle cell 113. Electron-microscope investigation of cortical substance A. Proximal tubule of a kidney reveals some structures lined with prismatic B. Distal convoluted tubule (columnar) epithelium that normally has brush border C. Henle’s loop and deep plicae of plasmolemma in its basal part. There D. Renal corpuscle is a big number of mitochondrions between these plicae. E. Distal straight tubule These structures belong to the following part of a nephron: 114. A month after surgical constriction of rabbit’s renal artery the considerable increase of systematic arterial pressure was observed. What of the following regulation mechanisms caused the animal’s pressure A. Angiotensin-II B. Vasopressin C. Adrenaline D. Noradrenaline Which renal hormone increases arterial pressure? Glomerular zone Angiotensin-II change? 115. Electron micrograph of a kidney fragment presents an afferent arteriole with big cells under endothelium. These cells contain secretory granules. Name this type of cells: 116. An electronic microphotography shows a renal corpuscle with dendritic cells between the capillaries of choroid glomus (glomerulus). Their cytoplasm contains a large number of filaments. Specify these cells: E. Serotonin A. Juxtaglomerular B. Mesangial C. Smooth muscular D. Juxtavascular E. Interstitial Which cells with secretory granules located next to afferent arteriole of kidney? Juxtaglomerular Proximal part of nephron Renal corpuscle Distal part of nephron Loop of Henle Juxtaglomerular apparatus Which dendritic cells located between the capillaries of glomerulus? Juxtaglomerular apparatus Which part of kidney has cells with large secretory granules and located between afferent and efferent arterioles? What kind of epithelium lined urinary bladder? Juxtaglomerular apparatus Which tubules of t esticle lined with spermatogenetic epithelium? Convoluted seminiferois tubules 117. An electronic microphotography of a part of a kidney Proximal part of nephron shows cells with large secretory granules in their Renal corpuscle cytoplasm in the wall of afferient and efferent arterioles. Distal part of nephron What renal structure has such cells? Loop of Henle Juxtaglomerular apparatus 118. Analysis of biopsy material of urinary bladder mucosa revealed a tumour of epithelial origin. What kind of epithelium was the source of this tumour? 119. A married couple complains of inability to have children. Examination revealed that the husband had his spermatogenetic epithelium of a testicle damaged, which caused absence of spermatozoons in his sperm and infertility as a result. Which part of testicle was damaged? A. Stratified transitional B. Stratified squamous nonkeratinizing C. Simple squamous D. Multinucleated ciliated E. Simple cubical A. Convoluted seminiferois tubules B. Straight seminiferois tubules C. Network of testis D. Epididymis ducts E. Efferent ducts Stratified transitional 120. A patient consulted a doctor about difficulties with A. Prostate B. Bulbourethral gland C. Bulb of penis D. Epididymis E. Seminal vesicles What organ is proximal part of urethra located in? Prostate A. Neuromuscular synapses B. Central synapses C. Ganglionic synapses D. Membrane conduction of excitement E. Proprioceptors Curarelike substances (dithylinum) block Neuromuscular synapses A. B. C. Bipolar arches. What type of neurons are these cells? Unipolar Multipolar D. – E. Pseudounipolar A. Pseudounipolar 123. A sensory nerve ganglion consists of roundish neurocytes with one process that divides (branches) into B. Unipolar axon and dendrite at a certain distance from perikaryon. C. Bipolar What are such cells called? D. Multipolar E. Apolar Type of cells of sensory spinal ganglions Pseudounipolar Sensory. nerve ganglion consists of roundish neurocytes Pseudounipolar 124. It was established that the conduction velocity in the A. Motoneuron axons B. Preganglionic sympathetic C. Preganglionic parasympathetic D. Postganglionic sympathetic E. Postganglionic parasympathetic Specify fibers with conduction velocity 120 m/sec Motoneuron axons A. Axons of motoneurons and axons of neurons of lateral horns B. Central processes of sensitive neurons of spinal ganglions C. Peripheral processes of sensitive spinal ganglions D. Axons of neurons of lateral horns E. Dendrites of neurons of spinal Damaged anterior roots of spinal cord are built of Axons of motoneurons and axons of neurons of lateral horns urinary excretion. Examination revealed hypertrophy of an organ that encloses proximal part of urethra. What organ is it? 121. Curarelike substances (dithylinum) make it impossible for skeletal muscles to contract because they block: 122. Cells of sensory spinal ganglions are a part of reflex nerve fibers was equal to 120 m/sec. Specify these fibers: 125. As a result of a trauma a patient has damaged anterior roots of spinal cord. What structures have been affected? ganglions 126. A patient had a trauma that led to the injury of front spinal roots. Denote the damaged structures: 127. A patient of neurological department has a sensitivity loss caused by the damage to pseudounipolar neurocytes. Pseudounipolar neurons are a kind of bipolar neurons and the only place of their localizationin the human body is: A. Axons of motoneurons and lateral horn neurons B. Central processes of spinal ganglion neurons C. Peripheral processes of spinal ganglion neurons D. Axons of lateral horn neurons E. Axons of motoneurons Front spinal roots injury Axons of motoneurons and lateral horn neurons A. Spinal ganglions B. Retina C. Spiral ganglion D. Intramural vegetative ganglia E. Thalamic tubercle Only place of pseudounipolar neurocytes localization in the human body is Spinal ganglions 128. A histological specimen shows parenchyma of a certain A. organ. The parenchyma is represented by the nervous tissue with pseudounipolar neurons. The cell bodies of neurons are located in clusters and covered with glia and connective sheath. Which of the following is described? 129. A specimen of cerebral cortex impregnated with silver nitrate shows some gigantic neurons of pyramidal form. These cells make the following layer of cortex: 130. As a result of punctate retinal hemorrhage a patient lost ability to see objects in the centre of visual field. In what part of retina did the hemorrhage take place? 131. A histological specimen of an eyeball shows a structure in form of a convexoconvex formation connected with B. C. D. E. Solar plexus Cerebellum Spinal ganglion Epiphysis Spinal cord Parenchyma organ Spinal ganglion with pseudounipolar neurons. A. Ganglionic B. Pyramidal C. Molecular D. Exterior granular E. Interior granular Gigantic neurons of Ganglionic pyramidal form in cerebral cortex lie in layer A. Yellow spot B. Ciliary part of retina C. Iris D. Blind spot E. Vascular membrane Lost ability to see objects in the centre of visual field In Yellow spot A. Crystalline lens B. Vitreous body In eye convexoconvex Crystalline lens the ciliary body by the fibers of ciliary zonule and covered with a transparent capsule. Specify this structure: C. Ciliary body D. Cornea E. Sclera formation connected with the ciliary body A. B. C. Eye specimen shows multilayer structure with pigment epithelium, rods and cones Retina A. Bipolar neurons seeing color green. What cells are absent in the patient’s B. Ganglionic neurons retina, causing the vision іmpairment? C. Neurosensory cells – rods D. Retinal pigment epithelium E. Neurosensory cells – cones A. Angular acceleration 134. As a result of head trauma a 32 year old man has damaged ampullas of semicircular ducts. What stimuli B. Vibration perception will be disturbed? C. Gravitation D. Linear acceleration E. Vibration and gravitation What cells are absent in problems with seeing color green. Neurosensory cells – cones What stimuli perception ampullas of semicircular ducts perform? Angular acceleration 135. An electronic microphotography of a sense organ shows A. Organ of equilibrium Sense organ shows hair cells with short microvilli stereocilia - and a polar kinocilium. Organ of equilibrium Structure that equalizes the pressure between the tympanic cavity and the pharynx What organ of oral cavity has anterior surface lined with Eustachian tube 132. Histologic examination of an eye specimen shows multilayer structure. The outermost layer is represented by special pigment epithelium, which is composed of cuboidal melanin-containing cells that absorb light. The photoreceptor layer contains photosensitive outer segments of rods and cones. Which of the following eye structures is mentioned? D. E. Ciliary body Retina Iris Choroid Sclera 133. Examination revealed that patient has problems with some hair cells with short microvilli - stereocilia located on their apical surface and a polar kinocilium. What sense organ are these cells typical for? 136. The patient’s examination detected an inflammation of B. Organ of vision C. Olfactory organ D. Acoustic organ E. Gustatory organ A. Inner ear a certain anatomical structure that equalizes the pressure B. Internal auditory meatus between the tympanic cavity and the pharynx. Name C. External auditory meatus thus structure: D. Major mastoid air cell E. Eustachian tube A. Soft palate 137. Histological specimen of an oral cavity organ shows that anterior surface is lined with multilayer flat nonB. Gum keratinizing epitheliumand posterior surface - with C. Hard palate Soft palate multirow ciliated epithelium. What organ is it? 138. A histological specimen of an oral cavity organ represents three zones: adipose, glandular and fibrous. Specify this organ: D. Lip E. Cheek A. Hard palate B. Gum C. Soft palate D. Lip E. Cheek 1. Histologic examination of a biopsy specimen shows a 139. structure of the oral cavity composed of the bone tissue, which is covered by stratified squamous nonkeratinizing epithelium and lamina propria. The specimen has also minor mucous salivary glands. In all parts of the lamina propria the collagenous fibers form thick bundles that bind the mucosa to the periosteum. Based on these findings, which of the following is the most likely structure? An electron microphotograph of an enamel organ shows a prismatic cell with developed granular endoplasmatic reticulum and Golgi complex. The apical part of the cell has Tomes process containing secretory granules and small vesicles. Specify the cell: A. Secretory active enameloblast B. Pre-enameloblast C. External cell of an enamel organ D. Cell of enamel organ pulp E. Cell of intermediate layer of enamel organ In the process of tooth tissue histogenesis dentin wasn’t formed in time for some reasons. What process of further histogenesis will be delayed or will not take place at all? 140. 141. B. C. D. E. A. Cheek Hard palate Soft palate Tongue Lip 2. A histologic specimen of the sagittal section of 142. mandible primordium of a 3,5-month-old human multilayer flat nonkeratinizing epitheliumand and posterior surface with multirow ciliated epithelium. Oral cavity organ has three zones: adipose, glandular and fibrous. Hard palate Structure of oral Hard palate cavity composed of the bone tissue, covered by stratified squamous nonkeratinizing epithelium and lamina propria Secretory active enameloblast A. Enamel formation B. Pulp formation C. Predentinal space formation D. Cellular cement formation E. Acellular cement formation Enamel organ shows a prismatic cell with developed granular endoplasmatic reticulum and Golgi complex. If dentin wasn’t formed what process will be delayed or will not occur? A. Dental saccule B. Dental bulb In mandible primordium Dental saccule Enamel formation embryo shows an epithelial organ surrounded by compactly arranged mesenchymal cells. This mesenchymal formation is called: C. External enamel organs D. Internal enamel organs E. Pulp of an enamel organ A. Root apex B. Dental cervix 3. Histological study of two different tooth specimens C. Superior subgingival part revealed acellular and cellular cement, respectively. The D. Tooth crown second specimen comes from the following tooth part: E. The border between root and crown 143. 144. 4. Histological specimen of mandible shows 10 tooth buds connected to the dental plate. Which element of tooth germ will develop out of them? 145. Histological study of an extirpated pulp revealed some cylindrical cells in its peripheral layer. What are these cells called? 146. 5. A histological specimen presents a developed tooth that has a coating resistant to acids, but it can be found only on the lateral surfaces of the tooth. What coating is meant? 6. 7. Histological specimen of a decalcified tooth represents 147. richly vascularized loose fibrous connective tissue containing a variety of cells. Pyriform odontoblasts of this region are arranged in several rows. What kind of dental structure is it? 8. During the formation of mantle dentin the synthetic 148. activity of odontoblasts was disturbed, which will have an effect on the formation of the following fibers: epithelial organ surrounded by compactly arranged mesenchymal cells. Cellular cement location Root apex A. Enamel organ B. Dental bulb C. Dental sac D. Enamel spindles E. Enamel pearls Tooth buds connected to dental plate will create Enamel organ A. Odontoblasts B. Fibroblasts C. Monocytes D. Ameloblasts E. Myofibroblasts Cylindrical cells in peripheral layer of tooth pulp Odontoblasts A. Cuticle B. Dentine C. Enamel pellicle D. Enamel E. Cement Tooth coating resistant to acids, can be found on the lateral surfaces of tooth Cuticle A. Coronal pulp B. Root pulp C. Periodontium D. Mantle dentin E. Vasodentin Richly vascularized loose fibrous connective tissue with odontoblasts Coronal pulp A. Radial collagen Korff’s fibers B. Tangential collagen Ebner’s fibers C. Reticular D. Elastic Disorders of synthetic activity of odontoblasts in mantle dentin Radial collagen Korff’s fibers E. Nerve 149. 150. A microspecimen of parotid gland presents secretory acines with serous cells that synthesize mostly enzymes. According to the chemical composition classification, the parotid gland relates to the following glands: A. Serous B. Mucous C. Seromucous D. Enzymatic E. – A histological specimen of mandible of an embryo shows a tooth germ with the made up of small stellate basophilic cells. What tissue forms this part of the tooth germ? A. Mesenchyme B. Epithelial C. Reticular D. Cartilaginous E. Osseous Dental papilla is formed by Mesenchyme External layer of dental saccule produces Periodontium An embryo had its external layer of dental saccule experimentally destroyed. What dental structure won’t have any further development? A. Periodontium B. Enamel C. Dentin D. Cement E. Pulp Histological examination of trasverse enamel slice revealed linear banding in form of concentric circles that is pointing at an angle to the dentinoenamel junction. Name these structures: A. Retsius’ lines B. Hunter-Schreger’s lines C. Enamel plates D. Enamel fascicles E. Enamel spindles Concentric circles that is pointing at an angle to the dentinoenamel junction. Retsius’ lines Organ is made up of skeletal crossstriated muscle tissue, has cutaneous, intermediate, and mucosal sections What cells form Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath , remnants of which in periodontium are Lip 151. 152. violate the formation of Chemical composition parotid gland secret (enzymes) 153. A histological specimen represents an organ made up of A. Lip skeletal crossstriated muscle tissue. The organ has cutaneous, intermediate, and mucosal sections. The skin of the organ is stratified squamous keratinizing epithelium passing into nonkeratinizing epithelium in the mucosal section. Specify this organ: 154. During tooth development periodontium preserves remains of embryonal coleorhiza (Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath) that are called Malassez’s epithelial rests. They can be sourse of cyst or tumour development in the area of tooth radix. What cells form Hertwig’s B. Hard palate C. Cheek D. Gum E. Tongue A. Cells of enamel organ B. Mesenchymal cells C. Pulpocytes D. Odontoblasts Serous Cells of enamel organ E. Cementoblasts Examination of a patient revealed abnormal development of enamel. This is caused by damage of the following structural elements of dental germ: A. Internal enamel epithelium of enamel organ B. External enamel epithelium of enamel organ C. Intermediate layer of enamel organ D. Pulp of enamel organ E. Cervix of enamel organ Examination of a tooth slice of a 42 y.o. man revealed on the dentinalenamel border some solid linear fusiform structures as long as 1/3 of enamel depth. What structures were revealed? A. Enamel spindles B. Denticles C. Enamel fascicles D. "Dead"tracts E. Carious damage Solid linear fusiform structures on the dentinalenamel border Enamel spindles During examination of a child’s oral cavity a pediatrician established presence of inferior medial incisors. The child’s development is normal. How old is the child? A. 6-7 months B. 8-9 months C. 10-12 months D. 13-14 months E. – Presence of inferior medial incisors corresponds to the age 6-7 months High resistance of enamel depends on Phtorapatite Enamel is characterized by high resistance to the influence of various mechanical and chemical factors. What component’s synthesis provideds such resistance? A. Phtorapatite B. Hydroxyapatite C. Chlorapatite D. Collagen E. Carbonate apatite What lingual papillas lie at lateral surface of tongue Foliate A child damaged the lateral surface of his tongue. What lingual papillas are most likely to be damged? A. Foliate B. Conic C. Vallate D. Filiform E. Fungiform In proper gastric gland large rounded cell with numerous intracellular Parietal cell 155. 156. 157. called Malassez’s epithelial rests? Abnormal development of enamel depends on damage of epithelial root sheath? 158. 159. 160. An electronic microphotograph shows a fragment of the A. proper gastric gland. In the photograph there is a large irregular rounded cell with numerous intracellular canaliculi and mitochondria. Name this type of cell: B. C. D. Chief cell Parietal cell Undifferentiated cell Foveolar cell Internal enamel epithelium of enamel organ E. 161. A histological microslide shows an organ with mucosal lamina propria that contains simple tubular glands, consisting mostly of chief and parietal cells, as well as of mucous neck cells. What type of gland is it? 162. Histological examination in the area of neck of fundus gland reveals small cells that have high nuclearcytoplasmatic ratio and basophilic cytoplasm. Name the function of these cells: canaliculi Mucosal lamina propria has simple tubular glands mostly with chief and parietal cells Function of small cells with high nuclearcytoplasmatic ratio and basophilic cytoplasm in the neck of fundus gland In duodenal epithelium cell with electron-dense granules in the basal pole Proper gastric glands Regeneration of glandular epithelium An electron microphotograph of duodenal epithelium clearly shows a cell with electron-dense granules in the basal pole. What cell is it? A. Endocrine B. Prismatic with a limbus C. Poorly differentiated D. Goblet E. Parietal Liver specimen contains intralobular capillaries that have broad irregular lumen. The greatest part of the capillary has no basal membrane. What type of capillaries is it? A. Sinusoid B. Visceral C. Somatic D. Precapillaries E. Postcapillaries Intralobular capillaries of liver Sinusoid Capillaries in liver specimen Sinusoid Intralobular capillaries of a liver specimen have wide irregular lumen. Basal membrane is absent in the major part of the capillary. What type of capillaries is it? A. Sinusoid B. Visceral C. Somatic D. Precapillaries E. Postcapillaries Hormone that regulates absorption of glucose from the blood into the liver… Insulin 163. 164. Endocrine cell A. Esophageal glands proper B. Proper gastric glands C. Esophageal cardiac glands D. Pyloric gastric glands E. Cardiac gastric glands A. Regeneration of glandular epithelium B. Protective C. Endocrine D. Secretion of chlorine ions E. Pepsinogen secretion 165. 166. The researcher investigates human metabolic processes. A. He studies a peptide hormone that regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and protein by promoting the absorption of glucose from the blood into the liver, fat and skeletal muscle cells. Which of the B. C. D. E. Adrenaline Insulin Thyroxin Aldosterone Glucagon Endocrine following hormones performs described function? 167. A 55-year-old man was examined by the endocrinologist because of a disturbance in the pancreatic endocrine function. This disturbance manifests as decreased blood glucagon levels. What cells of this gland do not function properly in this case? 168. A man has considerable disorder of protein, fat and carbohydrate digestion. Reduced secretion of what digestive juice is the most probable cause of this phenomenon? 169. A 35-year-old patient diagnosed with sterility came to gynaecological department for diagnostic biopsy of endometrium. Microscopic examination revealed that mucous membrane is edematous, uterine glands are convoluted and filled with thick secreta. Such changes in the endometrium are caused by excess of the following hormon: A. B. C. D. E. A cells B cells D1 cells PP cells D cells 171. A woman has hyperemic ovary, increased permeability of hematofollicular barrier with the following development of edema, infiltration of follicle wall by segmentonuclear leukocytes. The follicle volume is large, its wall is thinned. What period of sexual cycle do these presentations correspond with? A cells A. Pancreatic juice B. Saliva C. Gastric juice D. Bile E. Intestinal juice Disorder of protein, Pancreatic juice fat and carbohydrate digestion depends on A. Progesterone B. Estrogen C. Testosterone D. Somatotropin E. ACTH Mucous membrane (endometrium) is edematous, uterine glands are convoluted and filled with thick secreta 170. A histological specimen of ovary cortex shows a follicle A. Tertiary with a large cavity. The first-order ovocyte is located in the region of cumulus oophorus, it is surrounded by transparent zone and radiate crown. Specify the type of follicle: What pancreatic cells are producing glucagon B. Secondary C. Primary D. Atertiary E. Primordial A. Preovulatory stage B. Ovulation C. Menstrual period D. Postmenstrual period E. Period of relative rest Progesterone Type of follicle with Tertiary a large cavity, ovocyte on cumulus oophorus has transparent zone and radiate crown Hyperemic ovary, Preovulatory increased stage permeability of hematofollicular barrier. Follicle volume is large, its wall is thinned. Stage of… cycle