14 ZOOL 409 Lab Week Tuesday

ZOOL 409
Tuesday and Thursday
Lab Week 14
Primary objective: Review all slides.
(The final lab practical is next week!)
After fourteen weeks of histology laboratories, you
should now have a much more highly practiced
"eye" for seeing tissues than you had at the
beginning of the course.
You may be surprised at how much more you can
see when you look again at previously-viewed
Try to appreciate everything that is visible on each
slide. Do not limit your observation (as you might
have done on the first round) to just a few special
features. Realize that every detail has a plausible
interpretation (even in cases where certainty
remains elusive).
And now that you have visited most major organ
systems and body parts, you should begin
appreciating how distinctly different (and hence
how recognizable) each organ actually is.
Another useful approach for review is "selfquizzing -- determining the source of a specimen
without first reading the slide label. (You might
also revisit your past notebook entries. See
whether your drawings are adequate, without
checking your labels, for recognizing each
specimen that you drew.)
Last updated:
25 April 2011 / dgk