ANDROID DEVELOPER ROADMAP Burhan Tahir @iamshekhobaba Swipe Here's an Android Learning Guide on 3 levels, showing what you need to learn at stage: 1 Swipe Junior Object Oriented Programming - Classes, objects, inheritance, encapsulation, etc. - Intance vs. static properties and functions. Kotlin Programming Language - Basic types: String, int, list, map, etc. -Null safety, companion objects, extension function. 2 Swipe Junior Android Basics - Active, Fragments, Text, Button, etc. - ViewBinding and changing the UI from code. Navigation - Go from a screen to another: Navigation, Transaction. - Pass data between screens: arguments, Bundle. 3 Swipe Mid-Level Kotlin-more Concepts - Data and sealed clases, lazy, lateinit, map, filter, etc. - Callbacks and functions as arguments. - Memory management, garbage collector. Data Binding MVVM - Bind UI to code( one way and two way). - Use MVVM as Google recommends .it. 4 Swipe Mid-Level Async Operation - coroutines, more callbacks, suspend functions. - Networking:: Retrofit, okhttp, gson, parsing data. Releasing Apps - The release process: signing, uploading, distributing. - Alpha vs Beta channels, playstore guidelines. 5 Swipe Senior Architectural Patterns - MVI, MVVM + Repository, Clean Architecture. - When to use each one (there's no "best for everything"). App Performance tracking - Android Studio - profilling tools. - Code optimizations for time and space. 6 Swipe Senior Teaching Others - To learn even more, teach android concepts to other people that are still early in their journey. App Performance tracking - IOS development with swift. - Cross-platform development: Flutter, React Native. 7 Swipe DO YOU NEED MOBILE APP OR WEBSITE FOR YOUR BUSINESS? DM "Mobile" or "Website" to get a free consultation. 8 Swipe Burhan Tahir @iamshekhobaba THIS CONTENT USEFUL? If you found this post helpful, please like it Share your thoughts in the comment section Tell your friends about it Save this post, in case you want to see it again