ChatGPT Writing 49 LinkedIn hooks in under 10 minutes. Filipa Canelas @filipa.canelas swipe 1. Feed AI with great hook examples @filipa.canelas swipe I've got a Notion database with 10+ hooks already. @filipa.canelas swipe I copy and format them as a bullet-point list. @filipa.canelas swipe 2. Ask the robot (politely) for 10+ extra hooks @filipa.canelas swipe 10 more hooks. And they're actually quite good. @filipa.canelas swipe 3. Add these new hooks to my Notion database @filipa.canelas swipe We've got 20 hooks already. @filipa.canelas swipe 4. Feed ChatGPT with all hooks. Ask for 50+ hooks @filipa.canelas swipe WRONG @filipa.canelas swipe Don't simply ask for 50+ more hooks. They'll be boring and repetitive. @filipa.canelas swipe Instead, add modifiers. I've asked for specific hooks on skill-building @filipa.canelas swipe And hooks on learning from my own experience and failures @filipa.canelas swipe 5. Update your database and continue adding @filipa.canelas swipe That's 49 hooks. @filipa.canelas swipe 6. Categorize your hooks for easier access @filipa.canelas swipe Tips Observation Results Niche-Specific Resources @filipa.canelas swipe @filipa.canelas swipe ©2022 Want the 49 hooks? comment below. @filipa.canelas