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The Woman in Black Worksheet

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Analyse, Evaluate- Draw conclusions,
1. Christmas Eve
2. A London Particular
3. The Journey North
4. The Funeral of Mrs. Drablow
5. Across the Causeway
6. The Sound of a Pony and Trap
7. Mr. Jerome is Afraid
8. Spider –
9. In The Nursery
10. Whistle and I’ll come to you
11. A Packet of Letters
12. The Woman in Black
Chapter 1: Christmas Eve
1. What is the name of the main character? What job did the main character have and in
which city did he work?
2. What happened to his first wife?
3. Who is Esme? What are the children doing around the evening fire? How does the main
character react to this event?
4. What happens when the boys urge the main character to participate?
5. What is the difference between the main character’s story and those that the children are
6. What has the main character realised about his own “story”?
7. How does the chapter end? What does the main character decide to do?
Read the following quotations from the first chapter of the novel.
For each quotation, firstly, identify the language techniques (adjectives; onomatopoeia; use of
senses; simile; metaphor; personification; use of short sentences; alliteration; powerful verbs,
repetition). Secondly, explain the effect on the reader/ the atmosphere created.
Language Technique
What does this suggest to
the reader
Language Technique
What does this suggest to
the reader
I was paralysed, rooted to the spot
on which I stood, and all the world
went dark around me.
I felt all over again the renewed
power emanating from her, the
malevolence and hatred and
passionate bitterness. It pierced me
The sickening crack and thud as the
pony and its cart collided with one
of the huge tree trunks.
They asked for my story. I have told
it. Enough.
“I knew of her,” he said evenly…he
turned away abruptly.
Eerie marshes, sudden fogs,
moaning winds and lonely houses.
From the kitchen area, as doors
occasionally swung open, wafted
the rich smells of cooking, of
roasting meat and baking bread,
of pies and pastry and cakes, and
from the dining room came the
clatter of crockery.
Our appearance among the men in
workaday or country clothes was
that of a pair of gloomy ravens.
Language Technique
What does this suggest to
the reader
Mr. Jerome looked frozen,
pale, his throat moving as if
he were unable to utter.
We were at once plunged into the
hubbub of vehicles, the shouting of
voices, of auctioneers and
stallholders and buyers, and all the
cleating and braying, the honking
and crowing and cackling and
whinnying of dozens of farm
Read the following quotations from the first chapter of the novel.
For each quotation, firstly, identify the language technique (adjectives; onomatopoeia; use of senses; simile;
metaphor; personification; use of short sentences; alliteration).
Secondly, explain the effect on the reader/ the atmosphere created.
I have always liked…to smell the
air, whether it is sweetly scented
and balmy with the flowers
of midsummer….or crackling cold
from frost and snow.
The moaning rise and fall of the
High Hawthorn hedgerows
Dripping stone walls in
uninhabited castles…locked inner
rooms and secret dungeons, dank
charnel-houses and overgrown
Language Technique
What does this suggest to
the reader
The Woman in Black
Footsteps creaking…fingers
tapping…howlings and
shriekings, groanings and
scuttlings and the clanking of
And then silence in the room. I
I had always known in my heart
that the experience would never
leave me, that it was now woven
into my very own fibres, an
extricable part of my past…
Like an old wound, it gave off a faint
now and again…
… Of late, it had been like the
outermost ripple on a pool, merely
the faint memory of a memory.
Language Technique
What does this suggest to
the reader
The Woman in Black
Paper 2- Elements of an Argument
Marcel Dick’s TED Talk, ‘Why not eat insects?
Elements of an argument
Information from the talk that fills the
The Woman in Black
Chapter 2: A London Particular
1. Describe the weather and setting at the start of this chapter.
2. Who is Mr. Bentley? What job has Mr. Bentley assigned to Arthur?
3. What does he have to do in Cry thin Gifford?
4. What is unusual about Eel Marsh House?
The Woman in Black
5. What does Arthur suspect Mr. Bentley is doing based upon how he is describing
the project?
6. How does Arthur react to being given a job?
7. Produce a character profile for the young Arthur Kipps (Chapter two
onwards) using these questions as a guide.
i. How does Arthur Kipps describe himself?
ii. What does he say about his past/personality/thoughts/feelings?
The Woman in Black
iii. What is relevant about his profession?
iv. What is Arthur’s relationship with Mr. Bentley?
v. What are his initial thoughts about Crythin Gifford and the people he meets?
6. How does Arthur respond when he first visits Eel Marsh House? What does this
tell us about his personality?
The Woman in Black
7. How does Arthur try and cope with the task he feels he must complete at Eel
Marsh House?
8. How does Arthur behave towards Mr. Jerome and Mr. Daily?
9. How is Arthur affected by the sounds that he hears at Eel Marsh House?
10. How are we reminded of Arthur’s life outside of Crythin Gifford and why is
this important?
11. What effect does Spider have on Arthur?
The Woman in Black
12. What does Arthur tell himself about what he encounters at Eel Marsh House and
how does this change?
Watch Jamie Oliver’s talk, ‘Teach Every Child about Food’.
Introduction to: Logos, Pathos, Ethos, and Kairos
Define each of the following:
1. Logos:
2. Pathos:
3. Ethos:
4. Kairos
The Woman in Black
Watch Ann Cooper’s talk, ‘What’s Wrong with School Lunches?’
Explain what you notice.
Chapter 3: The Journey North
1. Describe Arthur’s feelings at the start of his journey? How do his feelings change as the
journey continues?
2. Arthur rides in three trains: how are the trains different to one another? What happens to
Arthur when he is in the third train? Does he remain alone?
3. What is a “fret”?
4. How does the man interrupt Arthur?
5. What does Arthur learn about how many people will attend the funeral of Mrs Drablow?
What is the name of the man Arthur meets?
The Woman in Black
6. What does Arthur learn about Crythin Gifford from the man?
Chapter 4: The Funeral of Mrs. Drablow
1. How does Arthur get to Crythin Gifford from the train station?
2. At this point, does Arthur think he will call upon Mr Daily?
3. How does Arthur feel when he is at the inn? What are his thoughts about his future?
4. What else is happening in the village? How does the landlord react to Arthur telling him
he is here to handle the estate of Alice Drablow?
5. What are Arthur’s thought about the reaction of the landlord and the reluctance of Mr.
Daily to talk about Mrs. Drablow?
The Woman in Black
7. Describe Mr. Jerome.
8. What happens at the funeral? What does Arthur notice inside the church? What happens
outside when the service moves outside?
9. Describe the woman attending the funeral.
10. How does Mr. Jerome react when Arthur asks him about what happened? Will Mr Jerome
be taking Arthur over to Eel Marsh House?
The Woman in Black
Chapter 5: Across the Causeway
1. Describe Keckwick.
2. How does Arthur feel about his journey? Describe the effect the landscape has upon
3. How does Arthur feel when he arrives at Mrs. Drablow’s estate?
4. Describe Eel Marsh House; both its appearance and its location.
5. Where does Arthur see the Woman in Black?
The Woman in Black
6. Describe, in detail, the woman’s face and the effect it has on Arthur. What does Arthur
realise about the woman?
7. What does Arthur realise about the scale of the job he has been set when he starts to
search through the house?
8. As he is eager to return to the inn, what does Arthur decide to do?
The Woman in Black
Chapter 6: The Sound of a Pony and Trap
1. What does Arthur notice about the water as he begins his walk across the causeway?
How far ahead can Arthur see when the fog descends?
2. What does he decide to do when he realises it is dangerous to continue forwards?
3. What does Arthur hear and how does this initially make him feel?
4. As he listens to the sounds, what does Arthur realise has happened to the pony and
5. What sounds can he hear after the footsteps abruptly stop?
The Woman in Black
6. How does Arthur react to hearing these sounds? What does he do?
7. When he is at the house, what does Arthur do?
8. Who knocks on the door? As a result of this person knocking on the door, what does
Arthur realise about the pony and trap he heard being dragged into the marsh?
The Woman in Black
Chapter 7: Mr Jerome Is Afraid
1. Why does Arthur go to visit Mr Jerome? How does Mr Jerome react to the appearance of
2. What does he tell Arthur following Arthur’s request?
3. What does Mr Jerome reveal about Keckwick?
4. What does Arthur learn about the age of the property? What was built there before the
family’s home?
5. How does Arthur react to Mr Jerome’s repeated warning to abandon the estate?
The Woman in Black
6. What does Arthur tell Mr Bentley in his letter? Does he mention anything about the
paranormal activities?
7. What does Arthur borrow from the landlord and how does his “trip” make him feel?
The Woman in Black
Chapter 8: Spider
1. How does Arthur feel after his bike ride? Who does Arthur meet on his way back to the
2. How does Arthur prepare for his return to Eel Marsh House?
3. At dinner, what warning does Mr Daily give Arthur about his return to Eel Marsh
4. How does Arthur react to this warning?
5. When he realises Arthur intends to go back anyway, what does Mr Dail offer Arthur?
The Woman in Black
Chapter 9: In the Nursery
1. How does Arthur feel about Spider? How does the presence of Spider affect his mood?
2. When he takes Spider out for a walk, what does Arthur find on the headstone the Woman
in Black was leaning upon?
3. As the evening continues, how does Arthur feel about the work he has been asked to do?
4. Describe how Arthur wakes up? How is Spider behaving and what effect does this have
on Arthur?
5. What can Arthur hear outside of his room? What strange notion does Arthur have about
the noise?
The Woman in Black
6. What does Arthur learn from the first collection of letters? Focus on Jeanette and her
7. What type of certificate does Arthur find? What breaks Arthur’s concentration at this
The Woman in Black
Chapter 10: A Packet of Letters
1. Where does Arthur wake up and how has Arthur got there? Who awakens him?
2. What does Arthur pack to take with him?
3. What has happened to the nursery? How does Arthur react to this?
4. Describe Arthur’s state as he leaves the house. As he looks back at the house, what
does Arthur feel?
5. Where does Mr Daily take Arthur? What does Arthur learn from the letters?
6. .What happened to Nathaniel Drablow?
The Woman in Black
7. According to Arthur, who is the Woman in Black? To whom had she given her baby‫؟‬
8. What does Mr Daily tell Arthur about the Woman in Black?
9. Who died when the pony and trap sank into the marsh?
10.After the conversation, what happens to Arthur? .Who comes to take Arthur home?
The Woman in Black
Chapter 11: The Woman in Black
1. Who is Arthur and Stella’s child named after?
2. What do Samuel and Stella decide to do at the park?
3. Who does Arthur see as the pony and cart disappear from his sight?
4. What does Jeannette do?
5. What happens
The Woman in Black
Questions based on the Novel
1. Identify what we learn about Alice Drablow at different stages of the novel/stage
adaptation – from the initial meeting with Mr. Bentley through the discovery in the letters
and the information provided by other characters.
2. Compare the descriptions of the house given in the novel and the staging of the moment
in the stage adaptation.
3. What is the effect on the reader of the description of the journey towards the house in the
The Woman in Black
Pages 80-82
1- What is the effect of Hill’s description?
2- Do you think that the interior of the house is more or less important than the exterior?
3- Is the interior description surprising?
4- Can they identify any clues that suggest the eerie developments that follow?
What adjectives are used to describe the causeway/marsh and what is the effect on the
reader? How is this enhanced or changed by the descriptions of the weather?
6- What is the significance of the causeway? What does it add to the story beyond the
incident of the past?
The Woman in Black
7- How ow does Hill engage and sustain our interest in the character of Arthur Kipps? What
makes Arthur Kipps an interesting character?
8- How does Hill/the production make the audience feel unnerved and uncomfortable? How
does Hill/the production?
9- The Woman in Black is at times terrifying’ Identify and analyse moments in the
novel/production that support this quotation.
10- How is the mystery surrounding the woman in black created and maintained in either the
novel or the production?
11- The setting is so vivid it is like a character itself’ Focusing on key moments
from the text/production analyse and explore this quotation
The Woman in Black
12- Analyse the role of two/three minor characters in the novel/production.
13- What does their presence add to our overall understanding of the novel/production?
14- Analyse the effectiveness of two/three gothic techniques in the novel/production.
15- To what extent does the reader/audience sympathise with Jennet Humphyre?
16- Write about a production you have seen where the performer demonstrated a range of
believable emotions, where one or more performers worked together to tell a story
The Woman in Black
17- Write about a production you have seen exploring how one or more performers worked
with the set to engage the audience.
18- Write about a production you have seen where the lighting and/or sound created a
specific atmosphere, where the lighting and/or sound worked together to create specific
The Woman in Black
Resource D- Minor Characters’ Functions
Character Function
Mr Jerome
Landlord of Gifford
The Woman in Black
1- What is the major theme of The Woman in Black by Susan Hill?
2- What effect does the weather have on the characters in The Woman in Black? How does it
makes the characters feel?
3- What impressions do we get about Crythin Gifford from chapter 4 of The Woman in
4- Where does the lady in black appear in The Woman in Black?
5- What is the summary of the play The Woman in Black?
6- How does Susan Hill's presentation of the community of Crythin Gifford contribute to the
The Woman in Black
7- Referring to the stage production of The Woman in Black, which scene serves to sum up
the entire play?
8- What is an example of a rhetorical question in The Woman in Black?
The Woman in Black
Do you know the meanings of the following words? If you don’t, look them up on a
dictionary! Work in groups- prize for first group to finish!
Never Heard Heard but not sure
of meaning
10 blithe
11 scant
12 prospect
The Woman in Black
13 untoward
14 demonic
15 conveyance
16 complexion
17 tallow
18 melancholy
19 Rum
20 obscurity
21 toll
22 abstemious
23 gout
24 reclusive
25 jaunt
26 cantankerous
27 lugubrious
The Woman in Black
How does Susan Hill present the ‘Woman in Black’ as a character of mystery and fear?
How does Hill create a sense of isolation in the novel? (30 marks)
Hill writes that setting is ‘so important’ in a ghost story.
How does Hill present the setting of Eel Marsh House and why do you think it is
important? (30 marks
The Woman in Black
In Chapter 3, The Journey North, how does Hill’s description of the train journey from
London to Crythin Gifford prepare the reader for what is to come in the novel?
How do you respond to Hill’s presentation of the woman in black in the novel?
The Woman in Black
Read the passage below from The Woman in Black and then answer the question that
“It was a Monday afternoon in November and already growing dark, not because of the
lateness of the hour - it was barely three o’clock - but because of the fog, the thickest of
London pea-soupers, which had hemmed us in on all sides since dawn –if, indeed, there
had been a dawn, for the fog had scarcely allowed any daylight to penetrate the foul gloom
of the atmosphere.
Fog was outdoors, hanging over the river, creeping in and out of alleyways and passages,
swirling thickly between the bare trees of all the parks and gardens of the gaining a sly
entrance at every opening of a door. It was a yellow fog, a fi lthy, evil smelling fog, a fog
that choked and blinded, smeared and stained. Groping their way blindly across roads,
men and women took their lives in their hands, stumbling along the pavements, they
clutched at railings and at one another, for guidance.
Sounds were deadened, shapes blurred. It was a fog that had come three days before, and
did not seem inclined to go away and it had, I suppose, the quality of all such fogs – it was
menacing and sinister, disguising the familiar world and
confusingwww.purplehobbit.co.uk Page 2 the people in it, as they were confused by having
their eyes covered and being turned about, in a game of Blind Man’s Bluff.”
Now, answer these questions.
How does Hill use the fog in Chapter 2, ‘A London Particular’, to create tension and to show
what is to come in the rest of the novel?
The Woman in Black
How does Hill present Samuel Daily in The Woman in Black?
How do you think Hill creates sympathy for the character of Arthur? (30 marks)
How does Hill create a sense of terror for the reader towards the end of the chapter ‘In the
How do you think Hill creates a sense of threat and danger in her presentation of Eel Marsh
The Woman in Black
Arthur describes his story as one of “haunting and evil”. How successful do you find The
Woman in Black as a ghost story and how does Hill make you think as you do by the ways she
How does Hill use setting to create a sense of threat and danger?