Advanced financial management Dr.Mohamed Seif ElGhamry The course will cover the following main topics : Cost of capital Leverage and capital structure Dividends and dividend policy Raising capital Short –term financial planning . Working capital management What is a bond & stock and the difference between them? A bond: Is a type of debt security under which the issuer owns the holders a debt that is obliged to repay its principal amount at maturity as well as pay interest on agreed upon periods.. What does this mean ?? - The bond is granted to be paid for the holder whatever company Situation is . - Usually the bonds duration are long term durations sometimes reach 30 years to pay principal back - Bond issuer should be a reputable entity with a good history in the market - Accordingly bonds are credit rated securities by which interest rates are set (rates vary from triple A to C +) credit rating companies like Moody’s and Standard & poor’s are offering this service to investors . - Bonds are high cost financing alternative ( financing debt ) compared to other alternatives Is there a difference between bonds or they all are the same ? Of course there are different types of Bonds for different uses and durations for example :- Government bonds :These bonds that are issued by the government itself to finance budget deficit (U.S treasury bonds are the most famous example of it ) . Zero coupon Bonds :These kind pays no coupon payments and are totally paid with interest at maturity , usually priced at deep discount . Floating rate bonds :Enjoys interest fluctuating payments and priced against treasury bonds with remarkable premium (usually enjoys longer terms than other bonds ). Income bonds :This kind shares profit from the company beside set interest rate . Convertible bonds :Some kind of agreement that gives the holder the right to convert them to shares in the company . What happens to the bonds when interest rate change in the market ? Stocks : What does this mean? The stock is the shareholders right in the company by which they bear the company risk . Unlike bond , stocks have no duration till the shareholder himself sell his shares or the company liquidate . Stocks usually issued with new companies or for raising capital and so its suitable for all kinds of companies even starting up companies . Stock Shares considered to be low cost in financing ( financing equity ) compared with other alternatives . Do you think which of them ( bonds or stocks ) are of bigger volumes in market trade ? And why ? Are there different types of stocks ? Sometimes common stacks are ranked to A&B&C categories . Bonds Stocks • Bonds issued for financing debt • Stocks issued for financing equity • Bonds pay coupons on set dates • Stocks pay dividends upon agreements and availability. • Bonds traded in market with maturity dates • Bond dealers are risk averse persons. • Stocks traded in markets with no maturity dates • Stock dealers are risk taker persons. What do you think is better financing by dept or by equity ? Real interest rates & nominal interest rates Nominal interest rates are the one that has not been adjusted for inflation Real interest rates are the one that has been adjusted for inflation . What do you think is the most important to a typical investor nominal or real interest rates ? Thanks!