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web design

A void element is an element that only needs an opening tag. Other void elements include <img> for
displaying an image and <input> <br>
<cite> tag denotes a title, such as a book or song title, and is italicized / <em> <i>
<mark> tag denotes important content that should be semantically highlighted and is rendered with a
yellow background
<u> tag denotes text that should appear differently from normal text, such as misspelled words, and is
<b> / <strong> = bold
<!--not--> = comment
<ul> = bullets indented
Type attribute fore <ol> type=”1” = numbers/default “A” CAP LETTERS “a” lowercase “I” Upper Roman
“i” lower roman
<th> will display the table headers centered with a bold font
colspan attribute and rowspan attribute to specify how many columns or rows to span
The JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) image format is commonly used for digital photographs.
The PNG (Portable Network Graphics) image format is commonly used for line art, screenshots, or
images requiring transparency.
The GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) image format is commonly used for simple animated images.
favicon is a small icon that identifies a website and typically displays in a browser tab
relative URL may use two periods followed by a forward slash (../) in front of a filename to indicate the
file is one directory above
fragment, of a document by adding a hash tag (#) and a fragment identifier at the end of the URL
block element (sometimes called a block-level element) fills the width of the element's parent container
and can contain other block elements, inline elements, and text <div>
An inline element fills the minimum space possible in the element's parent container and can only
contain text or other inline elements ex. <span> <a>
query string is a set of name=value pairs separated by the ampersand character (&)
<style> tag is placed in an HTML document prior to the <body> scripts and style not shown in browser
Examples of non-semantic elements: <div> and <span> <nav>- Tells nothing about its content.
Examples of semantic elements: <form>, <table>, and <article> - Clearly defines its content
EM= elements
general sibling selector, specified using a tilde character (~)
adjacent sibling selector, specified using a plus character (+) between two selectors, matches an
element that immediately follows another element, where both elements have the same parent
= Attribute has exact value ~= Attribute contains whole word ^= Attribute begins with value
The clear property can stop elements from floating
:root selector, which targets the highest DOM element
relative size is a size that is relative to another size. Some common relative size units include:
em - Relative to the element's font size. Ex: 2em = 2 × current font size.
Ex x-height of the actual font
ch width of the zero
rem - Relative to the root element's font size. Ex: 1.5rem = 1.5 × <html> element's font size.
vw - 1% of the viewport's width. Ex: 10vw = 10% of browser's width.
vh - 1% of the viewport's height. Ex: 5vh = 5% of browser's height.
Vmin 1% of viewport’s smaller dimension
Vmax 1% of viewport's larger dimension
% - Percentage of the element's font size. Ex: 120% = 20% larger than the current font size
The font-weight property specifies the font weight, such as normal or bold.
The font-style property changes the text style, such as normal, italic, or oblique.
The font-variant property specifies the variant of the text, such as normal or small-caps
flex-shrink property sets a proportion that determines the item's minimum size
flex-grow property sets a proportion that determines how much of the available container space should
be assigned to the item
flex-basis property sets the initial length of a flex item
BOX = Two values - Specifies top and bottom, right and left thickness
Three values - Specifies top, right and left, and bottom thickness
Four values - Specifies top, right, bottom, and left thickness
A viewport is the visible area of a web page
BORDER Radius = Two values - First value is top-left and bottom-right corners, second value is top-right
and bottom-left corners
Three values - First value is top-left, second is top-right and bottom-left, third is bottom-right
Four values - First value is top-left, second is top-right, third is bottom-right, fourth is bottom-left
-webkit- for Chrome, Safari, and newer versions of Opera
-moz- for Firefox
-ms- for Internet Explorer
-o- for older versions of Opera
ease - Slow start, then fast, then slow end (default)
linear - Same speed throughout
ease-in - Slow start
ease-out - Slow end
ease-in-out - Slow start and end
cubic-bezier(n1,n2,n3,n4) - Specify numbers that control speed based on
a Bezier curve
Bootstrap is one of the most popular free, open-source frameworks. It uses HTML,
CSS, and JavaScript to help a developer create responsive websites
Trouble shooting = Storage for cookies
network for request
element for sizing
inspector for CSS declaration precedence
console for JS
Which Bootstrap installation option avoids bundling Bootstrap with the source code of a
website? CDN