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Mobile App Development Report

Mobile App Development
Mobile App Development
Task 1: The intended users of each app, and how the users’ needs preferences and
characteristics have been met .............................................................................................................. 2
Explain how the purpose of a mobile app and the needs, preferences and characteristics of the user
affect its design and the provided features. ......................................................................................... 2
The impact of current technologies available on various mobile platforms and how ......................... 4
these have affected the way app has been designed and implemented. .............................................. 4
Analyze how the implementation and design of mobile apps are affected by the intended user,
current technologies, and the purpose of the app. ............................................................................... 8
The aim of the app and the features that are required for it to achieve those goals are determined by
its purpose. A social networking app would require features like a user profile, friend list, and
message system, whereas an app designed to assist individuals in tracking their food and exercise
consumption would need a food diary, barcode scanner, and calorie tracker. .................................... 8
The impact of current technologies available on various mobile platforms and how ......................... 8
these have affected the way app has been designed and implemented ............................................... 8
Task 2: You have been asked to develop a mobile app which will help children improve their
mental arithmetic. ............................................................................................................................... 10
Create a comprehensive design for the mobile app which is suitable for multiple devices .............. 10
and considers alternative aspects of the design. The design should include user ............................. 10
requirements, visual designs, and technical documentation ............................................................. 10
Review your design with at least two other people in order to help you refine ............................... 15
improve it. ......................................................................................................................................... 15
Write a justification of the design decisions you have made, showing how they have .................... 16
helped ensure the app will meet the requirements identified in scenario.......................................... 16
It is possible to consider the fourth question's preview session. The design comprises a basic
background, a distracting graphic that can prevent kids from paying attention to the app, and a 30second time limit for each question. In the updated version of the same question, I altered the
background to a more vibrant theme and integrated it with vibrant colours to attract users. I also
incorporated mathematical cartoon drawings to calm youngsters as they played the game, and the
time limit also been increased. .......................................................................................................... 16
Task 3: Develop a mobile app that utilizes device functions. .......................................................... 16
Mobile App Development
Create the app based on your design. Test the app using a number of different methods, including
the test plans you created during the design and feedback from users. You should document your
tests showing that important problems and errors have been identified and addressed. ................... 16
As the game begins, the easy first level is displayed above. In response to feedback I had received, I
changed the time to its maximum capacity as it was mentioned in the criteria for easy. Next, I
added a good theme background, making it more colourful and appealing. I then swapped out the
images with various quotes and number images to make the game much more engaging for kids to
play.................................................................................................................................................... 16
Gather and analyze feedback on your completed app from other people and use it to ..................... 20
optimize your app and produce an updated version. ......................................................................... 20
Write an evaluation of the design, development, maintenance, and optimization of your app,
considering the completed app's effectiveness in comparison to alternative .................................... 21
solutions, the reasons why your solution was chosen and the extent to which it meets ................... 21
the requirements in the scenario. Your evaluation needs to be supported by evidence .................... 21
form all stages of the project, and it needs to reach conclusions and suggest future ........................ 21
developments. ................................................................................................................................... 21
Present evidence that you have shown individual responsibility, effective time- ............................ 22
management in your design and development of a mobile app, making high-quality justified
recommendations and decisions. For example, you need to show how you have: ........................... 22
Bibliography ......................................................................................................................................... 24
Task 1: The intended users of each app, and how the users’ needs
preferences and characteristics have been met
Explain how the purpose of a mobile app and the needs, preferences and characteristics of the
user affect its design and the provided features.
The design and functionalities of a mobile app are heavily influenced by its intended usage as
well as the requirements, tastes, and traits of its users.
Mobile App Development
Clarity: By making everything plain through language and graphics, the interface prevents
uncertainty and ambiguity. The user usually doesn't need a long onboarding process when using
mobile apps with good user interfaces.
Numerous people like to see recognizable elements, buttons, or calls to action. Common
symbols, images, or colours that communicate messages, such as red for leave or delete, are
considered familiar. Certain components of an interface may be recognizable even to someone
using it for the first time.
Speed is a component of responsiveness, as a top-notch user interface shouldn't lag or feel
sluggish. By keeping the user informed of what's happening while a screen loads, for example,
by telling them that data processing or a purchase has been confirmed, providing feedback will
help improve the user interface.
Consistency: It's crucial to maintain consistency throughout your application's UI so that users
can identify usage patterns. Your users can leverage their newfound understanding of how
specific elements of the interface function to access additional features and regions.
Aesthetics: While it’s not necessary to make a user interface attractive for it to function
correctly, making something look attractive will make the app more enjoyable.
Locale: Localization is the process of translating and optimizing an app with the goal of making
it work well with other languages other than its default. It can include different variants or even
dialects of the same language spoken in different countries, which we call locales.
Creating an app that will live up to consumers' expectations requires a thorough understanding
of their needs and preferences. For instance, users seeking a schedule management app might
prefer one that is simple to use and has an intuitive user interface, whereas users looking for a
health management app might prefer one that is more customized and offers in-depth tracking
of their health parameters.
The goal of an app, as well as the requirements, preferences, and traits of its target audience,
are very important factors in deciding the app's design and features. The app should be created
to satisfy the requirements and expectations of its target audience and offer features that are
pertinent and beneficial to them. The likelihood that the app
Mobile App Development
The impact of current technologies available on various mobile platforms and how
these have affected the way app has been designed and implemented.
The technologies that an app can use depend on the mobile platforms it will be designed
for (such as iOS, Android, etc.). For mobile consumers, there are two main deployment
Making native applications for all or a portion of the main mobile platforms.
Creating a web application that is mobile-friendly.
Native Apps
There are several advantages that come with apps made for certain mobile platforms:
A native application is one that is created specifically for a given operating system. You have
to be aware that each of the platforms, whether iOS or Android, have a different system. So,
if your intention is to make your app available on all platforms, you need to create several
apps with the language of the operating system selected. Native applications are perfectly
suited to take advantage of the special hardware and software features of mobile devices,
such as GPS and localization tools, accelerometers, and touchscreens. Native access to the
user interface enables a level of interactivity that is difficult, if not impossible, to achieve via
a Web browser.
The main advantage of this type of application is that they do not need an Internet connection
to function. The installation and download of the native applications are done through the
application stores. This makes your promotion process easier.
Advantages of native applications
Sending notices or notifications to users.
It provides full access to the device.
It has visibility in the App Store.
Great user experience
Constant updates of the app.
Disadvantages of native applications
Tendency to be more expensive than other options during the development phase.
Mobile App Development
Different tools, skills, and languages ?? for every target platform
The client code cannot be reused between the different platforms.
Mobile Web Applications
The following benefits of concentrating development efforts on Web apps accessible via
mobile networks:
A Web App is one of the types of a mobile application developed by an app development
company with languages ?? well known to programmers, such as CSS, Javascript, or HTML.
The Web App can be programmed independently of the operating system in which the
application is to be used, so applications can run on different devices without the need to
create multiple applications. These applications run within the device's web browser using a
Advantages of the Web App
Unlike the native ones, they do not need external approval to start.
The development process is quite easy and economical.
The user always has the option of accessing the latest version.
Mobile App Development
The base code is reusable on different platforms.
Responsive sites already designed can be reused.
Disadvantages of the Web App
Limited access to device hardware elements.
The user experience is worse than the native app option.
Internet connection required.
A greater effort is needed for its promotion.
Hybrid App (Native + Web)
The types of mobile applications combine both native and web apps. The Hybrid App brings
together the best of the Native App and the Web App and is developed with web app
languages, that is, Javascript, HTML, and CSS. With the Hybrid App, it is possible to group
the codes and distribute them in the app store. Applications can absorb traits from both native
and Web applications in a variety of ways. Applications should use well-defined coping
mechanisms like • Making a few HTTP queries to address loading difficulties on mobile
Advantages of the Hybrid App
The installation is native, but the development is done with the CSS, Javascript, and
HTML programming languages.
Part of the device hardware can be accessed.
Use the same base code for different platforms.
Mobile App Development
You have the possibility to distribute it in the stores of Android and iOS.
Disadvantages of the Hybrid App
Virtual design is not always related to the operating system in which it will be displayed.
The user experience is closer to the web application than the native app.
Operating systems: A mobile operating system (mobile OS) is an OS built exclusively for a
mobile device, such as a smartphone, personal digital assistant (PDA), tablet or other
embedded mobile OS. Popular mobile operating systems are Android, Symbian, iOS,
BlackBerry OS and Windows Mobile.
Hardware: Mobile hardware includes mobile devices or device components that receive or
access the service of mobility. They would range from portable laptops, smartphones, tablets
Pc's, and Personal Digital Assistants. These devices will have a receptor medium that is
capable of sending and receiving signals.
Modern technologies have a significant impact on how mobile apps are designed and
implemented. The design and implementation of their apps will be impacted by current
technologies; thus, app developers must keep up with these developments. This will
guarantee that the apps they create are modern technology-optimized and capable of offering
the finest user experience.
Mobile App Development
Analyze how the implementation and design of mobile apps are affected by the
intended user, current technologies, and the purpose of the app.
The target user, available technologies, and the intended usage of the app all have a
considerable impact on the implementation and design of mobile apps.
Intended user: Creating an app that meets the expectations of the intended use requires a
thorough understanding of their needs, preferences, and personality traits. An app geared at
younger users might, for instance, have a more up-to-date and aesthetically appealing design,
whereas an app geared toward senior users might have a simpler and more uncomplicated
The most recent technological advancements, including mobile platforms, hardware
requirements, operating system updates, and network connectivity, have an impact on the
creation and use of mobile apps. The advent of 5G network connectivity, for instance, may
have an impact on the design of an app that significantly depends on network connectivity
since the app can offer faster and more dependable data transfer.
The efficiency of mobile app development and design can be increased by utilizing modern
technologies including the most recent hardware requirements, operating system updates, and
network connectivity. The user experience of an app, for instance, can be improved by using
cutting-edge graphics and animations, whereas the scalability and dependability of the app
can be increased by using cloud computing. The aim of the app and the features that are
required for it to achieve those goals are determined by its purpose.
The impact of current technologies available on various mobile platforms and how
these have affected the way app has been designed and implemented
These modern technologies are effective thanks to their designs and ways of application in a
variety of mobile platforms:
We all have heard enough about this object-oriented programming language. This easy-tohandle and highly secure language is the official language for building Android applications.
Java offers ample of open-source libraries, excellent documentation, and community support,
which helps developers to build different types of Android applications efficiently and
Mobile App Development
effortlessly. Telegram, VLC media player, and Sea Weather are some of examples of the apps
build using this language.
Developed by Google, Flutter is an open-source mobile app development SDK (software
development kit) that facilitates developers to create cross-platform applications. Yes, you read
that right. By using Flutter, you can make an application that runs smoothly on both the Android
and iOS platforms. The technology is highly demanded because people these days are
preferring cross-platform applications over native applications that run only on a single
The technology uses Dart as the programming language to build native interfaces. It also
relieves developers to write the entire code from scratch to develop a single app for two
platforms. Google Ads, Xianyu by Alibaba, and Reflectly are the three popular mobile apps
developed using Flutter.
React Native
Developed by Facebook, React Native is an open-source framework used to develop crossplatform applications for iOS, Android, Web, and UWP. The apps developed using React
Native have native-like capabilities and can run on multiple platforms.
Developers use ReactJS and JavaScript to create applications that witness skyrocketing success
on different platforms. Myntra, UberEats, Facebook, and Airbnb are some of the apps that have
been developed using this framework.
Swift, the general-purpose programming language, is developed by Apple Inc. for macOS,
watchOS, tvOS, Linux, iPadOS, and a few other platforms. The language dedicatedly works
with Cocoa and Cocoa Touch frameworks and C and Objective C codes written exclusively
to develop iOS apps.
Swift uses a safe programming pattern and offers exceptional features to make the complete
iOS mobile app development process smooth. LinkedIn, Lyft, and Hipmunk are some of the
examples of applications developed using this language.
Mobile App Development
Kotlin is used for developing highly advanced mobile applications. You can consider this
cross-platform, statistically typed, and general-purpose programming language as the modern
version of Java. It interoperates completely with Java and was initially designed only for
Safety, clarity, and a large tool support are the features that make Kotlin a preferred choice
for building Android applications. Trello, Coursera, and Evernote are some of the
applications that have been created using Kotlin.
Task 2: You have been asked to develop a mobile app which will help
children improve their mental arithmetic.
Create a comprehensive design for the mobile app which is suitable for multiple devices
and considers alternative aspects of the design. The design should include user
requirements, visual designs, and technical documentation
The created app is a simple math app where there will be two number given we have to calculate
the sum and choose it from the options given. The numbers will keep on changing until the
allotted time given, we have to do as many questions as possible and points will be given based
on the number of correct answers chosen. Below are the early simple designs for the kidsfriendly math gaming app and the corresponding code:
Mobile App Development
Mobile App Development
Mobile App Development
Mobile App Development
Mobile App Development
Review your design with at least two other people in order to help you refine and
improve it.
The review of the design received from other people to help refine and improve the app are:
Juhi - To draw kids in and keep their attention as they play the game and increase their level
of enthusiasm, the design should be more colourful and have a better theme. Also add some
kind of background music also.
Daksh - Better numbers-related gifs or graphics should be used in the design, along with
other mathematical procedures. Also use a lot attractive colours as well as background to attract
more kids.
Mobile App Development
Write a justification of the design decisions you have made showing how they have
helped ensure the app will meet the requirements identified in the scenario
The design comprises a basic background, there is no distracting graphic that can prevent kids from
paying attention to the app, and a 30-second time limit for completing as many simple additions question
as possible. In the updated version of the app we are adding other mathematical operations also, I altered
the background to a more vibrant theme and integrated it with vibrant colours to attract users. I also
incorporated mathematical cartoon drawings to calm youngsters as they played the game, and the time
limit has also been increased. I have also include a good theme song and playful background music
throughout the game.
Task 3: Develop a mobile app that utilizes device functions.
Create the app, based on your design. Test the app using a number of different methods
including the test plans you created during the design and feedback from users. You
should document your tests showing that important problems and errors have been
identified and addressed.
As the game began, the easy first level is displayed above. In response to feedback I had received, I
changed the time to its maximum capacity as it was mentioned in the criteria for easy. Next, I added a
good theme background, making it more colourful and appealing. I then swapped out the images with
various quotes and number images to make the game much more engaging for kids to play.
Mobile App Development
Mobile App Development
Mobile App Development
As the term suggests, Mobile App Testing refers to the process of validating a mobile app
(Android or iOS) for its functionality and usability before it is released publicly. Testing
mobile apps help verify whether the app meets the expected technical and business
For successful mobile app testing, teams need to test apps across numerous screen
resolutions, operating system versions, and distinct network bandwidths. This helps ensure
that the app performs flawlessly across numerous device configurations when released
Documentation Testing
The beginning of mobile testing takes place from Documentation testing -preparatory stage.
Even before the development of the app starts the testers are handed over screen layouts,
navigational charts, and other requirements that are obscure on the design.
In this phase, you need to analyze the requirements for wholeness and discrepancy. All the
discrepancies found in this stage are required to be resolved before the development begins.
Functional testing
It helps you test whether your mobile application works as expected and in accordance with
the requirement specifications. While you are performing functional testing for your app,
keeps the following factors in mind:
Business functionality of your app, like banking, social networks, ordering
and delivery of food, education, tickets, the game industry, etc.
Target audiences like companies, students, entrepreneurs, etc.
Distribution channels like Google Play, direct delivery, App Store, etc.
The basic validations that you need to test in functional testing are:
Installing and running the application
Fields testing
Business functionalities testing
Interruptions testing
Constant users feedback testing
Mobile App Development
Update testing
Device resources testing
Test Case No 1
Test Type
Checking if the
main menu bar
works correctly
Click on the
options in the
menu bar
Checking if
buttons are
Click on the
desired button
to check
The page would
change to the
next screen
with the
selected option.
The screen
would change
based on the
clicked button.
Gather and analyze feedback on your completed app from other people and use it to
optimize your app and produce an updated version.
These are the game's first three questions. According to the final review, which was quite positive, all
of the questions were excellently finalized and carried out. However, there were a few additional
The advice I was given was to give additional points after each question so that kids would be more
eager to respond to the following one. As well as give bonus gifts in form of extra animations or
stickers for kids who get high scores.
In order to add a brief audio track that says "well done" at the end of each question that is correctly
answered, I have done the following.
Mobile App Development
Write an evaluation of the design, development, maintenance, and optimization of your
app, considering the completed app's effectiveness in comparison to alternative
solutions, the reasons why your solution was chosen and the extent to which it meets
the requirements in the scenario. Your evaluation needs to be supported by evidence
form all stages of the project, and it needs to reach conclusions and suggest future
Background and purpose
Children frequently show little interest in learning and math-related problems, so we decided to improve
management courses by developing a mobile app game for kids to play and learn from reports on the
design and testing of prototype mobile gaming applications (apps) to increase student engagement and
learning of math problems.
Educational activities and settings
The smartphone app was created to support the education of important kids-related subjects. Children
were given access to this app after receiving math instruction. The purpose of allowing students to use
the app was to make learning more engaging and effective.
Survey results
I conducted a survey, and 40% of people responded to it overall. 46.8% of respondents reported using
the game app two to three times. Only 14.1% of those surveyed finished all 10 levels. The majority of
players concurred that the game's description was clear and that it was simple to navigate while yet
being engaging and enjoyable to learn. Increased interaction with your content is possible. People who
used the gaming app more frequently had a better opinion of it. The majority of respondents downloaded
the game app within two days (80%) and played up to four levels (68.5%), according to game app user
The game was generally well-liked by the kids. However, the way the app was created and put into use
had a big impact on how well kids learned math. Thanks to all the questions, the font slides, the photos,
and the interactive design, kids found math to be more exciting than ever before and are now able to
advance using the app we created.
Mobile App Development
Present evidence that you have shown individual responsibility, effective timemanagement in your design and development of a mobile app, making high-quality
justified recommendations and decisions. For example, you need to show how you
Add a reminder for every assignment.
This was my go-to strategy for time management, and I set deadlines and reminders. Setting a reminder
15 minutes in advance of a task or session will help you prepare and gather your materials.
Make a daily schedule.
Make a list of the activities you have to complete today, and as you think of them, jot them down for
the next programming and app designs. When you finish the list, be sure to check the tasks that have
been completed.
Each task should have a deadline.
On the daily to-do list, enter the amount of time needed for each task. Stop when the timer expires and
come back later if it doesn't finish. You might have a fresh start and a different viewpoint when you
leave to take care of other obligations and then return.
These were some of the methods I utilized to make sure I was devoting all of my time and attention to
the app I was creating while also having the opportunity to pick up a lot of discipline rules and
These are some professional and moral standards I attained while creating my software.
An individual's ingrained standards and fundamental values are referred to as their ethics. Ethics are
used to distinguish between good and wrong, and they typically dictate how we act in daily life.
1. Integrity
Honesty is among the most crucial working morals. In most cases, you can rely on employees who are
honest. I learned this from the mentors who had assisted and advised me throughout my project. They
defined a mentor as someone who upholds the greatest moral standards and constantly aspires to do the
right thing.
2. Discipline
Sometimes, even though we have aptitude in a certain sector of work, we lack the commitment and
perseverance needed to complete the responsibilities that have been given to us. Instead of just finishing
the activity in a certain amount of time and doing the bare minimum at the end, a task requires discipline
Mobile App Development
to be performed properly. To guarantee that all deliveries and projects are finished on schedule,
disciplined staff are crucial.
3. Fair and respectful
No matter what level you are at, you must always act fairly and justly, especially if you are trusted in a
leadership role. This ensures that the business will have a great workplace culture. No matter who they
are or where they are, everyone deserves to be treated with respect and dignity.
4. Responsibility and Accountability
An employee with a strong sense of responsibility will show up for work on time and put out their best
effort to finish the duties that have been given to them. To do. Employees may still make mistakes, so
it's critical to accept responsibility for them, admit fault, and deal with the fallout. Additionally, in some
circumstances, a lack of business ethics can easily harm your reputation due to the ongoing monitoring
of your app's reputation and your easy access to relevant social media sites. Working with employees
is ultimately the key to sustaining a good ethical culture inside a firm. Maintaining the integrity of your
My app required a lot of corrections, and I learned from all of my previous steps, so I gave it my
undivided attention and put the majority of my day into developing it. I learned and used these ethical
behaviours while developing my app, and I dedicated about 7 hours per day for about 1 week to its
Mobile App Development
netsolutions.com [online] Available at:
[Accessed 19 Jun. 2022].
forbes.com [online] Available at:
https://www.forbes.com/sites/gabrielshaoolian/2017/06/07/5-mobile-appfeatures-your-customers-want/?sh=1e08aaba47bf [Accessed 19 Jun. 2022].
Michael Page. (n.d.). 5 Tips to Better Your Time Management | Michael Page US.
[online] Available at: https://www.michaelpage.com/advice/careeradvice/growing-your-career/5-tips-better-your-time-management.
Michael Page. (n.d.). 5 Tips to Better Your Time Management | Michael Page US.
[online] Available at: https://www.michaelpage.com/advice/careeradvice/growing-your-career/5-tips-better-your-time-management.
JobStreet Employer MY. (2018). 5 most sought-after workplace ethics and
behaviour. [online] Available at: