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Lightning Protection Plan: Workplace Safety

Lightning Protection Plan
Prepared By:
Reviewed By:
1. Objectives
2. Steps workforce should take to protect themselves
3. Roles and Responsibilities
Approved By:
4. Emergency Preparedness flowchart
5. Lightning alert system and protection
6. Layout for Lightning alert system and protection
7. End of Lightning alert
1. Objectives
A lightning bolt is a million times more powerful than household current, carrying up to 100
million volts of electricity. When someone is struck by lightning, an electrical shock occurs
that can cause burns and even stop the person's breathing.
The purpose of this document is to provide a guide for personal safety during lightning
alerts, The objective of this documents is to let the workforce Know what to do during
lightning alert especially for persons working outdoors. The workforce need to recognize the
hazards associated with lighting and follow the safety measures stated in this plan, so to
prevent any lightning deaths and injuries.
2. Steps workforce should take to protect themselves
 Paying attention to weather conditions and site waring alert
 Know the nearest lightning shelter around his/her work area
 Seek shelter in one of the following locations:
• Within a dedicated Safe area, area that is protected by a Lightning Protection
• Inside a metal-skinned car, other vehicle
 Avoid Hazardous locations during lighting alert
• Flammable and hazardous substances storage
• Standing near a Lightning protection down-conductor, mast, or earthing system.
• Tall metallic masts
• Unprotected shelter
• Tops of any structure
• Open fields and car parks
• Standing beneath isolated trees, or touching or standing near any tree
• Contact with metal objects and electrical appliances
 Stop all work activities and proceed to the lightning shelter, whenever there is a
lightning alert (unless working under shelter which lightning protection is provided
3. Roles and Responsibilities
HSE Manager
 To ensure all person within the worksite know and understand the lightning
protection plan
 To conduct regular briefing to the workforce on the lightning protection plan and
update the workforce if there is and changes in the plan
 To ensure the lightning protection plan is effectively implemented in the
 Review the lightning protection plan regularly and when there is any changes in
the worksite layout
 To monitor lightning detection device used and notify all HSE personals, Site
supervisors and Area PIC, upon receiving lightning alert
HSE Officer
 To assist HSE manager in the implementation of the lightning protection plan
 To assist HSE manager in the briefing of the lightning protection to the workforce
 To inspect the site and highlight any lapses observed to the HSE manager for
continuous improvement and review of the lightning protection plan
 To monitor lightning detection device used and notify all HSE personals, Site
supervisors and PIC, upon receiving lightning alert
HSE Coordinator
 To notify all person within the site to proceed to lightning protection shelter upon
receiving lighting alert
 To check and inspect all lightning protection shelter to ensure in good condition
 To ensure lightning alert warning flags are being raise up to raise workforce
awareness during lightning alert period
 To check and ensure no persons take shelter at hazardous locations during lightning
Area PIC, Site supervisor, Engineer
Upon receiving lightning alert notification
 Notify all workers on the lightning alert
 Raise up lightning alert waring flag to raise awareness within the worksite
 Ensure all workers not working under proper lightning protection proceed to
lightning protection shelter immediately
 To ensure no persons take shelter at hazardous locations during lightning alert
 To lower down lightning alert warning flag upon end of lighting alert
Workers not working under lighting protection
Upon receiving lightning alert notification
Stop all work activities
Turn off all machinery and equipment
Proceed to lightning protection shelter
Do not take shelter at hazardous locations during lightning alert
Only resume work upon receiving notification on end of lightning alert
Licensed Electrical Worker
 To check and ensure all lightning protection shelter is properly earth regularly
 To check all lighting protection equipment at the shelter are in good working
4. Emergency Preparedness flowchart
When someone been hit by lightning
When observed person
being hit by lightning
Call for worksite first aider
and inform HSE Dept.
If Victim not
If Victim is
awake and able
to walk
If Victim resume
Send victim to seek for
medical attention
First aider to perform CPR
on victim immediately and
call for ambulance
If Victim is in
coma and still
First aider to put victim to
recovery position and call
for ambulance
Continue CPR till
ambulance arrive
5. Lightning alert system and protection
24hrs Lightning alert monitoring within worksite (3
miles radius) by automatic lightning alert system for
better monitoring
Lighting alert
strobe light,
lighted up
Lightning alert
siren will sound
for around 10
All person upon
hearing the siren and
seeing the strode
light, lighted up shall
proceed to their
respective lightning
protection shelter
Upon Lightning is detected SMS Alert will be send to
PM, CM, HSE Manager/officers/coordinator and Area
Area PIC and HSE personals to notify all supervisors
and workers on the lightning alert and proceed to
lightning protection shelter till end of lightning alert
6. Layout for Lightning alert system and protection
- Lightning Protection Shelter
- Lightning Strobe light and Siren
- Automatic Lightning Alert System
Under MCE
Viaduct Area
6. End of Lightning alert
24hrs Lightning alert monitoring within worksite (3
miles radius) by automatic lightning alert system for
better monitoring
Lighting alert
strobe light, Turn
Upon end of Lightning is detected SMS Alert will be
send to PM, CM, HSE Manager/officers/coordinator
and Area PIC
Area PIC and HSE personals to notify all supervisors
and workers on the end of lightning alert and proceed
back to work