Uploaded by Ken David

Continents Project: Map, Research, Presentation

Continents of the World Project
Objective: To understand and learn about the seven continents of the world and their
geographical features.
● In seven different groups we will be looking into the following continents: Africa, Antarctica,
Asia, Europe, North America, Australia, and South America.
● Our class as a whole will create a large world map
● Each group will create a continent outline of their assigned continent, markers, and a list of
geographical features to research.
● Each group should research the following features of their assigned continent: physical
features (mountains, rivers, lakes, etc.), climate, population, major cities, and any other
interesting facts they find.
● Once each group has completed their research, they will use the markers to label the
geographical features on their continent outline.
● Any facts about the continent should be posted around or near the continent
● Groups will then present their continent to the class, sharing the information and facts they
have learned.
● As a class, we will display the continent outlines on the wall and create a classroom map of
the world, labeling all the geographical features
Grading Rubric:
Collaboration (5 points):
Team members work effectively together to complete the project (2 points)
Contributions of each team member are equal (1 point)
All team members participate in the presentation of the project (1 point)
The project demonstrates good communication and cooperation among team members (1
Content Accuracy (5 points):
Information is accurate and relevant to the topic (2 points)
Evidence is provided to support information presented (1 point)
The project follows guidelines and requirements for the assignment (1 point)
The project demonstrates a thorough understanding of the subject matter (1 point)
Presentation Quality (5 points):
The presentation is clear and easy to understand (2 points)
Visual aids are used effectively (1 point)
The presentation demonstrates creativity and engagement (1 point)
The presentation is well-organized and flows logically (1 point)
Organization & Creativity (5 points):
The project is well-organized and easy to follow (2 points)
The project shows originality and creativity (1 point)
The project demonstrates a thorough understanding of the topic and subject matter (1 point)
The project is visually appealing and professional in appearance (1 point)
______ out of 20