Lab Practice HFE (INP 559) Name : Siddhant Binani 2019-2020 Roll No: 77 Evaluation Sheet Sr. No. Title of Experiment 1 To conduct the Illumination and Noise level assessment of a workplace. 2 Determination of Body Mass Index (BMI), and Calculations of Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) for Physiological Workload Calculation. 3 Determination of Physiological Cost of Walking and Physiological Cost Index of walking (PCI) Using Heart Rate. 4 Determination of Anthropometric dimensions for Workplace Design 5 Case Study Date of Conduction Total Marks (10) Prof. Himanshu M. Shukla Course Coordinator Lab Manual (Human Factors Engineering) EXPERIMENT NO: 1 Aim – To conduct the Illumination and Noise level assessment of a workplace. Requirement- LUXMETER, NOISE LEVEL METER Measurement of Illumination: Illumination means light. The type of illuminations are natural (Sun) and artificial (Tube light, bulbs etc.). The design of artificial illumination system does have an impact on the performance and comfort of those using the environment as well as on the effective response of the people to the environment. Illumination engineering is both an art and a science. The scientific aspects include the measurement of various lighting parameters and the design of energy-efficient lighting system. Measurement of light: There are many concepts and terms related to measurement of light (photometry). The fundamental photometric quantity is luminous flux, which is the rate at which light energy is emitted from a source. The unit of luminous flux is lumen (lm). Luminous flux is a somewhat esoteric concept, which is similar to other flow rates such as gallons per minute. Time is implied in the unit of luminous flux. The luminous intensity of a light source is measured in lumens emitted by the source per unit solid angle. The unit of luminous intensity is candela (cd). A 1-cd source emits 12.57 lm. Consider a source of some luminous intensity emitting luminous flux in all directions; imagine the source as being placed inside a sphere. The amount of light striking any point on the inside surface of the sphere is called illumination, or Illuminance. It is measured in terms of luminous flux per unit area, as for example lumens per sq. foot or lumens per sq. meter. One lumen per sq foot is called footcandle (fc), a USCS unit, where one lumen per sq. meter is called lux (lx), a SI unit. One footcandle equals 10.76lx. The amount of illumination striking a source from a point source follows the inverse-square law: Illuminance (lx) = candlepower (cd)/ D2 Where D is the distance from the source in meters. The amount of light per unit area is leaving a surface is called luminance. The light leaving the surface may be reflected by the surface or emitted by the surface would occur with a fluorescent light panel. The amount of light can be measured in luminance flux (lumens) or luminous intensity (candelas). When the light is measured in lumens and the area in sq. meters, the S.I. units of luminance is candela per sq meter. The ratio of the amount of light (luminous flux) reflected by the surface (luminance) to the amount of light striking the surface (Illuminance) is called the reflectance. In SI units Reflectance = π x luminance (cd/m2)/ Illuminance (lx) In USCS units is Reflectance = luminance (fL)/ Illuminance (fc) Reflectance is expressed as unitless proportion. Department of Industrial Engineering, RCOEM Nagpur Lab Manual (Human Factors Engineering) Luminaries: Luminaries are classified into five categories based on the proportion of light (lumens) emitted above and below the horizontal. In selecting a particular type of luminaries for use, consideration for use, consideration must be given to the pattern of light distribution, glare, task illumination, and shadowing and energy efficiency. Various Devices can be incorporated into a luminaries to control the distribution of light, including lenses, diffusers, shielding, and reflectors. Choice of efficient luminaries is complex decision, should be made by, and qualifies, experienced person after an analysis of the lighting needs and the physical environment has been made. How much is enough? The problem of determining the level of illumination that should be provided for various visual task can be done via many a methods i.e. Blackwell etc. The IES provides the tables for the measurement of safe and appropriate illumination be as follows. Recommended illumination levels for use in interior lighting design: Category Ranges of luminance, Lx A 20-30-50 B 50-75-100 C 100-150-200 D 200-300-500 E 500-750-1000 F 1000-1500-2000 G 2000-3000-5000 H 5000-700010000 10000-1500020000 I Type of activity Public areas with dark surroundings. Simple orientation for short temporary visits. Working spaces where visuals tasks are performed only occasionally. Performance of visual tasks of high contrast or large size: Eg. reading printed material, typed originals, handwriting in ink, food xerography, machine work, ordinary inspection. Performance of visual tasks of medium contrast or small size; eg: reading medium pencil handwriting, poorly printed or reproduced material; medium bench and, machine work; difficult inspection; medium assembly Performance of visual tasks of low contrast or very small size; eg., reading handwriting in hard pencil on poor quality paper and very poorly reproduced material; highly difficult inspection Performance of visual tasks of low contrast and very small size over very prolonged period; eg, fine assembly, very difficult inspection, fine bench and machine work Performance of very prolonged and exacting visual tasks; eg inspection; extra fine bench and machine work; Performance of very special visual tasks of extremely low contrast and small size; eg; surgical procedures Department of Industrial Engineering, RCOEM Nagpur Lab Manual (Human Factors Engineering) Observation Sheet: Illumination Assessment Date of Audit: 26/7/22 Time: 3 PM SN Place Illumination Location (lx) 1 Lathe 2 Carpentry 3 Smithy 4 Moulding 5 Campus Tailstock Chuck Switch Drives Bench wise Table Side Bench wise Anvil Moulding Area Shelf Notice board diagram Construction Washroom Playing Area Gym 34 45 77 25 43 60 60 26 560 20 210 28000 20 31000 900 Measurement of Noise Level: Loudness is a subjective or psychological experience related to both the intensity and the frequency of sound. Researchers have tried to develop scales indices based on the physical properties of sound that will measure the psychological experience, hence the term psychological. Among the oldest and most widely recognized psychological indices of loudness are the phon and sone. Examples of Loudness levels: Noise Source Residential inside, quite Household ventilating fan Automobiles, 50 ft(15 m) ‘ Quiet ‘ Factory Area 18-in (46-cm) automatic lathe Punch press, 3ft (1m) Nail-making machines, 6ft (2m) Pneumatic riveter, 4ft(1.2 m) Loudness Decibels 42 56 68 76 89 103 111 128 Sones 1 7 14 54 127 350 800 3000 OSHA (Occupational safety and Health administration) standards: The OSHA limits for noise exposure are as shown below: Duration dBA Department of Industrial Engineering, RCOEM Nagpur Lab Manual (Human Factors Engineering) 8 Hours 4 Hours 1 Hours 25 Min 90 95 105 115 OSHA noise exposure limits In typical situations, hearing loss is perhaps the prime criterion for acceptable noise levels. Standards that differentiate between continuous noise, impulse noise, infrasonic noise, and ultrasonic noise, have been set by various organizations. Continuous and intermittent noise OSHA has established, permissible noise exposures for persons working on jobs in industry. The permissible levels depend on the duration of exposure were shown in the above table. A key concept in the OSHA requirements is noise dose. Exposures to any sound level at or above 80 dBA causes the listener to incur a partial dose of noise. The partial dose is calculated for each specified sound pressure level above 80 dBA as follows: [Time actually spent at sound level]/[maximum permissible time at sound level] Noise dose is a total exposure to any sound above 80 dBA during 8-h day. D = 100 x (C1/T1 + C2/T2+……Cn/Tn) <= 100% Where d=noise dose during 8-h day Ci=hours spent at given noise level. Ti=hours spent at noise level. The total or daily noise dose is equal to the sum of the partial doses. The noise dose can there be converted to an 8-h time weighted average (TWA) sound level. The TWA is the sound level that would produce a given noise dose if an employee were exposed to that sound level continuously over an 8-h workday. A noise dose of 50% (TWA= 85 dBA) is designated as the action level, or the point at which the employer must implement a continuing, effective hearing conversation program. The program must include exposure monitoring, audiometric testing, hearing protection, employee training, and record keeping. A noise dose of 100% TWA = 90 dBA is designated as the permissible exposure level, or the point at which the employee must use the feasible engineering and administrative controls to reduce noise exposure. Noise Dose 10 25 50 (action level) 75 100 (permissible exposure level) 115 130 150 175 TWA,(16.61log(0.01D)+90)dBA 73 80 85 88 90 91 92 93 94 Department of Industrial Engineering, RCOEM Nagpur Lab Manual (Human Factors Engineering) 200 400 95 100 Department of Industrial Engineering, RCOEM Nagpur Lab Manual (Human Factors Engineering) Noise Level Assessment SN 1 Date of Audit: 26/07/2022 Time: 2:00 PM Noise Place Location (dBA) Workshop 2 Campus 3 Canteen 4 Reading Room Lathe Smithy Construction Area Classroom IT Square IT Parking Gym Table Counter 69 91 85 88 80.7 82 Table 95 Remark 101 95 72 All the places are prone to high level of sound CONCLUSION: Using daylight as much as possible reduces the energy input of artificial lighting required in the industry halls. Daylighting should be designed in such a way that glare is reduced. According to the results of the model, glare was observed on both types of glazing and under both types of sky conditions. By using diffuse glazing, however, the brightness values were smaller. However, the diffuse glazing was considered in the alternative only for the skylight and not for the side windows and therefore it would be appropriate to consider the visual comfort for this alternative in the future. According to the results obtained in this study, by increasing the sound pressure level, performances and errors are definitely affected. At the sound pressure level of 95 dB, the efficiency decreased and rate of mistakes increased, and in exposure to sounds less than 85 dB at the initial period, performance increased and with the passage of time of confrontation, the performance gradually reduced. Date of Performance: 26/7/2022 Name of Course Coordinator: Prof. Himanshu Shukla Grade Signature: Department of Industrial Engineering, RCOEM Nagpur Experiment No:- 02 Date:- 31/08/2022 Aim – Determination of Body Mass Index (BMI), and Calculations of Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) Requirement: Stadometer, Weighing Machine Theory of Experiment Body mass index is defined as the individual's body weight divided by the square of their height. The formulas universally used in medicine produce a unit of measure of kg/m 2. Body mass index may be accurately calculated. BMI range: Starvation Category BMI range kg/m2 BMI Chart: Underweight Normal less than 15 from 15 to from 18.5 18.5 25 Overweight Obese Morbidly Obese from 25 to from 30 greater to 30 to 40 than 40 Aim – Determination of Body Mass Index (BMI), and Calculations of Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) Calculating BMR and RMR BMR and RMR are estimates of how many calories you would burn if you were to do nothing but rest for 24 hours. They represent the minimum amount of energy required to keep your body functioning, including your heart beating, lungs breathing, and body temperature normal. The Harris-Benedict equation for BMR (calories in 24 Hrs.): For men: (13.75 x w) + (5 x h) - (6.76 x a) + 66 For women: (9.56 x w) + (1.85 x h) - (4.68 x a) + 655 The Muffling equation for RMR (calories in 24 Hrs.): • • For men: (10 x w) + (6.25 x h) - (5 x a) + 5 For women: (10 x w) + (6.25 x h) - (5 x a) - 161 Where: w = weight in kg, h = height in cm, a = age years. Observation Table: BMI , BMR, RMR: Data Recording Form Date: 31/08/2021 Name: Aayush Bisani Weight: 53 kg Age: 21 Roll No. Name Weight(in Gender Age kg) Height(in cm) BMI BMR RMR 166.37 17.16103893 1318.6045 1248.8125 1 Arpita Aparajit Female 21 47.5 2 Aryaa Joshi Female 20 45 3 Ayushi Lanke Female 20 62 156.5 25.31412998 1443.645 1337.125 4 Bhavisha Agrawal Female 21 57.5 157.5 23.17964223 1397.795 1293.375 5 Divya Vyawahare Female 21 64 174 21.13885586 1490.46 1461.5 6 Himanshee Dixit Female 20 52.5 152.4 22.60421188 1345.24 1216.5 7 Mitali Agrawal Female 21 44 150 19.55555556 1254.86 1111.5 11 Aayush Bisani Male 21 53 180.34 16.29640236 12 Abdul Razique Male 20 51 175 16.65306122 1507.05 1508.75 13 Abhijit S Rajurkar Male 21 82 183 24.48565201 1966.54 1863.75 15 Aditya Jain Male 20 73 187 20.8756327 1869.55 1803.75 16 Akshansh Jaiswal Male 22 82 175 26.7755102 1919.78 1808.75 17 Akshat Kotadia Male 21 65 173 21.71806609 1682.79 1631.25 18 Aman Kumar male 21 98 188 27.7274785 2211.54 2055 20 Arya Khatri male 22 85 185 24.83564646 2011.03 1901.25 21 Ayman Sheikh Male 20 60 175 19.59183673 1630.8 1598.75 22 Ayush Agrawal Male 21 55 177.4 17.47654013 1567.29 1558.75 24 Chetan Tawari Male 21 64 174 21.13885586 1674.04 1627.5 Abdul Daniyal 29 Kazi Male 21 60 182 18.11375438 1659.04 1637.5 30 Neusy Jain Female 21 60 31 Rucha Toal female 21 70 170 24.22145329 1736.54 1662.5 32 Sneha Tembhare Female 21 54 156 22.18934911 1361.56 1249 33 Snehal Rathi Female 21 59 162 22.48132907 1420.46 1336.5 34 Tanu Agrawal Female 21 68 156 27.94214333 1495.4 1389 35 Tanushree Pal Female 22 53 159 20.96436059 36 Vishakha Agrawal Female 21 43 164 15.98750744 150 20 1269.1 1126.5 1554.49 1557.125 170.18 20.71735041 1445.153 1397.625 1352.87 1252.75 1271.2 1189 Deepansh 41 Rughwani Male 21 70 186 20.23355301 1816.54 1762.5 Mohd. Haris 42 Sheikh Male 22 87 175 28.40816327 1988.53 1858.75 43 Rasika Palkar Female 21 52 44 Harshal vyas Male 21 74 177 23.62028791 1826.54 1746.25 45 Indra Gupta Male 21 74 174 24.44180209 1811.54 1727.5 46 Jatin Pradhan Male 21 65 174 21.46915048 1687.79 1637.5 47 Karn Agrawal Male 21 62 170 21.4532872 1626.54 1582.5 48 Kartik Agrawal Male 21 75 174 24.77209671 1825.29 1737.5 49 Krishna Chaturvedi male 21 75 186 21.6788068 1885.29 1812.5 165.1 19.07696123 1359.275 1285.875 Conclusion Category Underweight Normal Overweight Obese Starvation BMI range less than - kg/m2 15 from 15 to 18.5 Roll No. 1 from 18.5 from 25 to to 25 30 BMI Shantanu Kale 2 Yash 3 Aryan 4 Shreya 5 Ayush 6 Vidhi 7 Tejas 11 Siddhant 12 Sugam 13 Shantanu Morbidly Obese from 30 greater to 40 than 40 15 Arya 16 17 Kankshita Mrunal 18 20 Jaskaran Yashvi Therefore, Determination of Body Mass Index (BMI), and Calculations of Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) are done successfully with the help of given theory and formulas. Date of Performance: 31/08/2022 Name of Course Coordinator: Prof. Himanshu Shukla Signature: Grade Experiment No: 3 Date: 28/09/22 Aim - Determination of Physiological Cost of Walking and Physiological Cost Index of walking (PCI) Using Heart Rate Requirement: Digital Pulse meter, Stethoscope, Measuring Tape, Stop Watch. Theory of Experiment Walking is an activity which has been studied by many investigators. The results indicate that if the speed range is 3.2 Km/hr, energy expended is almost linearly proportional to speed of walking. It has also been found that the more the body weight the greater is the energy expenditure for the same speed of walking. The relations established are as follows: The Oxygen consumption = [-0.155 + 0.024 x Heart Rate (Beats/min)] l/min Energy Consumption = 5 x Oxygen consumption kcal/min The purpose of this study is to determine the variability of the physiological cost index (PCI) for normal subjects performing two distinct gait tasks; free walking at their naturally adopted speed and forced walking at a fixed cadence. Knowledge of the PCI variability is important since this normalized index is often used to compare the walking efficiency of subjects exhibiting gait pathology, or to determine if a particular therapeutic intervention affects overall gait performance. PCI is defined as the ratio of net heart rate to velocity in the units of beats/meter, where net heart rate is the difference between average heart rate over a fixed distance and resting heart rate while standing. Parameters: 1. heart rate at rest in beats per minute 2. heart rate when walking in beats per minute 3. walking speed in meters per minute PCI = ((heart rate when walking) - (heart rate at rest)) / (walking speed) The results show that PCI is relatively invariant in successive passes for the same subject for either free or forced walking, but quite variable for different type of walking speeds. Interpretation: • A low PCI indicates an energy-efficient gait. 10 PROCEDURES Use one subject and follow the procedures outlined below: 1. The heart Rate at rest is measured. 2. The Weight of the subject is measured. 3. The subject is allowed to walk at Slow, Moderate, Fast speeds. 4. The readings of the Heart Beats of the subjects are recorded at different speeds till it stabilizes to RMV (Resting Minute Ventilation) or BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) Observation Table: Physiological Cost of Walking and PCI Data Recording Form Date: 28/09/21 Subject's Name: Amit T. Subject's Weight: 95 kg Heart Beats at Rest: 82 bpm Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Distance, m 42 83 49 98 74 139 Time, minutes 1 2 1 2 1 2 Speed Heart Rate 42 41.5 49 49 74 69.5 88 93 97 92 103 103 Subject's Name: Shankar M. Subject's Weight: 56 kg Heart Beats at Rest: 85 bpm Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Distance, m 48 95 60 128 72 150 Time, minutes 1 2 1 2 1 2 Speed Heart Rate 48 47.5 60 64 72 95 91 93 93 100 105 114 Subject's Name: Dev B. Subject's Weight: 78 kg Heart Beats at Rest: 68 bpm Sr. No. 1 2 3 Distance, m 47 103 68 Time, minutes 1 2 1 Speed Heart Rate 48 55 68 70 72 85 11 4 5 6 130 77 160 2 1 2 65 77 80 86 96 102 Calculations: Sr. No. HR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 70 72 85 86 88 91 92 93 93 93 96 97 100 102 103 103 105 114 Oxygen consumption 1.525 1.573 1.885 1.909 1.957 2.029 2.053 2.077 2.077 2.077 2.149 2.173 2.245 2.293 2.317 2.317 2.365 2.581 Energy Consumption 7.625 7.865 9.425 9.545 9.785 10.145 10.265 10.385 10.385 10.385 10.745 10.865 11.225 11.465 11.585 11.585 11.825 12.905 Calculation of PCI & Rest minutes requirements: PCI = ((heart rate when walking) - (heart rate at rest)) / (walking speed) PCI= (114-85)/95) = 0.305263 mins Rest = T (K- S)/ (K-1.5) where, R = Rest required in minutes T = Total work time in minutes S = Recommended average expenditure in Kcal/min (usually taken as 4 to 5 Kcal/min) K = Energy expenditure Kcal/minutes Rest = T (K- 5)/ (K-1.5) minutes = (9*(12.905-5)/ (12.905-1.5)) = 6.238053 minutes 12 CONCLUSION: Therefore, Determination of Physiological Cost of Walking and Physiological Cost Index of walking (PCI) Using Heart Rate is successfully calculated. Date of Performance: 28/09/22 Name of Course Coordinator: Prof. Himanshu Shukla Grade Signature: 13 Experiment 4 Aim: Determination of Anthropometric dimensions for Work place Design Theory: Anthropometry (Greek, man, and, measure, literally meaning "measurement of humans"), in physical anthropology, refers to the measurement of living human individuals for the purposes of understanding human physical variation. Today, anthropometry plays an important role in industrial design, clothing design, ergonomics and architecture where statistical data about the distribution of body dimensions in the population are used to optimize products. Changes in life styles, nutrition and ethnic composition of populations lead to changes in the distribution of body dimensions (e.g., the obesity epidemic), and require regular updating of anthropometric data collections. The comfort, physical health, well-being, and performance of people can be increased by designing equipment, goods, furniture, and other devices according to the needs of the human body. When designing for people we have to consider their measurements and since everyone is different we have to use averages. Males in turn have different overall measurements than women so two sets of data are needed. If we were designing for a child the measurements would be considerably smaller and if we were designing for a basketball team the needs would be different again. Usually when information is collected the extremes (very tall, very small very fat, very thin, are ignored because they give a false end result. Below are average measurements of men and women with the bottom 5% ignored and the top 5% ignored. These measurements might help you in your designing. Percentiles Percentiles are shown in anthropometry tables and they tell you whether the measurement given in the tables relates to the 'average' person, or someone who is above or below average in a certain dimension. If you look at the heights of a group of adults, you'll probably notice that most of them look about the same height. A few may be noticeably taller and a few may be noticeably shorter. This 'same height' will be near the average (called the 'mean' in statistics) and is shown in anthropometry tables as the fiftieth percentile, often written as '50th %ile'. This means that it is the most likely height in a group of people. If we plotted a graph of the heights (or most other dimensions) of our group of people, it would look similar to this: First, notice that the graph is symmetrical – so that 50% of people are of average height or taller, and 50% are of average height or smaller. The graph tails off to either end, because fewer people are extremely tall or very short. To the left of the average, there is a point known as the 5th percentile, because 5% of the people (or 1 person in 20) is shorter than this particular height. The same distance to the right is a point known as the 95th percentile, where only 1 person in 20 is taller than this height. So, we also need to know whether we are designing for all potential users or just the ones of above or below average dimensions. Now, this depends on exactly what it is that we are designing. For example, if we were designing a doorway using the height, shoulder width, hip width etc., of an average person, then half the people using the doorway would be taller than the average, and half would be wider. Since the tallest people are not necessarily the widest, more than half the users would have to bend down or turn sideways to get through the doorway. Therefore, in this case we would need to design using dimensions of the widest and tallest people to ensure that everyone could walk through normally. Deciding whether to use the 5th, 50th or 95th percentile value depends on what you are designing and who you are designing it for. Usually, you will find that if you pick the right percentile, 95% of people will be able to use your design. For instance, if you were choosing a door height, you would choose the dimension of people's height (often called 'stature' in anthropometry tables) and pick the 95th percentile value – in other words, you would design for the taller people. You wouldn't need to worry about the average height people, or the 5th percentile ones – they would be able to fit through the door anyway. At the other end of the scale, if you were designing an aero plane cockpit, and needed to make sure everyone could reach a particular control, you would choose 5th percentile arm length – because the people with the short arms are the ones who are most challenging to design for. If they could reach the control, everyone else (with longer arms) would be able to. Here are some examples of other situations - your design project will normally fit into one of these groups: What is it that you are aiming for with your design? Design examples: Examples of measurements to consider: Users that your design should accommodate: Vehicle dashboards, Shelving Arm length, Shoulder height Smallest user: 5th percentile Adequate clearance Manholes, to avoid unwanted Cinema seats contact or trapping Shoulder or hip width, Thigh length Largest user: 95th percentile A good match between the user and the product Knee-floor height, Head Maximum range: circumference, Weight 5th to 95th percentile Easy reach Seats, Cycle helmets, Pushchairs A comfortable and Lawnmowers, safe posture Monitor positions, Worksurface heights Elbow height, Maximum range: Sitting eye height, 5th to 95th Elbow height (sitting or percentile standing?) Easy operation Screw bottle tops, Door handles, Light switches Grip strength, Hand width, Height To ensure that an item can't be reached or operated Machine guarding mesh, Finger width Distance of railings from hazard Arm length Smallest or weakest user: 5th percentile Smallest user: 5th percentile Largest user: 95th percentile Sometimes you can't accommodate all your users because there are conflicting solutions to your design. In this case, you will have to make a judgment about what is the most important feature. You must never compromise safety though, and if there is a real risk of injury, you may have to use more extreme percentiles (1%ile or 99%ile or more) to make sure that everyone is protected. You may need to add corrections for clothing. Have you allowed for shoe heights? You generally add 20mm for fairly flat shoes, and more if you think users will be wearing high heels. If your product is to be used somewhere cold, can it still be used if someone is wearing gloves or other bulky clothing? Figure showing major anthropometric dimensions: Table showing Sample Observations: We are not conducting the experiment because offline classes are not being conducted due to Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, I have attached a literature review of a research paper on the same topic. Topic: An Ergonomic Approach on Facilities and Workstation Design of Public School Canteen in the Philippines by Ma. Janice J. Gumasing, Eidref Joseph E. Espejo Abstract: This paper aims to redesign the facilities and workstations of public school canteen in the Philippines by applying the principles of Ergonomics. Previous studies have proven that workers in the canteen are exposed to musculoskeletal disorders and injuries due poor facility layout and workstation design. Thus, the researchers aim to assess the current condition of the public school canteen in the Philippines in order to determine the risk and exposure of the workers to musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) and injuries. The researchers also aim to identify significant factors in the design of canteen that affect the discomfort level of workers in terms of the following: personal factor, physical factors and task-related factor. Result of rapid entire body assessment (REBA) and NIOSH lifting equation proved that workers are exposed to risk of MSD. The researchers redesigned the facilities and workstation of public school canteen by applying the principles of ergonomics, quality function deployment (QFD) and systematic layout planning (SLP) tools. Summary: The researchers conducted the study among the six (6) public schools in Metro Manila wherein large numbers of students and staff were located. A total of 42 respondents were involved in the study. The researchers have conducted review of related literature, direct observation, surveys, interview and actual measurement of tools and materials used by canteen staff. Devices such as BP meter, light meter, noise dosimeter, and digital psychrometer were used to obtain demographic profile factors of the respondents as well as measures for environmental factors. The researchers also used Cornell Musculoskeletal Disorder Questionnaire (CMDQ) in order to determine the discomfort location and common types of musculoskeletal disorders experienced by canteen staff when performing their tasks. Postural analysis was also done in order to gather data for task related factors. The researchers used Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) to evaluate whole body postural MSD and measure risks associated with the task of canteen staff. NIOSH lifting equation was also used to assess the manual material handling risks of workers associated with lifting and lowering tasks in their job. Based on the results, the most affected body parts of workers in terms of discomfort and MSD when performing their tasks are the following: neck, upper back, shoulders, lower back, hips/buttocks, upper arm and lower leg. The researchers also assessed the lifting posture of canteen staff using NIOSH Lifting Equation. The job resulted in poor lifting conditions specifically on the task of lifting of water from the floor. The results of the analyses have proven the need for the redesign of facilities and workstation for public school canteen. Therefore, the researchers used the principles of anthropometry to ensure that the design will match the body dimensions of users in order to improve their comfort, health, safety and productivity. In order to redesign the facilities of public school canteen in order to improve the efficiency and productivity of workers, the researchers used systematic layout planning. And in order to determine the arrangement of activities in the work area in a systematic manner, the researchers developed a relationship chart and diagram for each public school canteen considered in the study. Conclusion: The findings of the study have proven that workers in canteen are exposed to risks of musculoskeletal disorders and injuries due to poor facility and workstation design. The risk was evident on the scores generated by RULA and NIOSH computed from their body postures while performing tasks. Based on the result of CMDQ, majority of the respondents’ experience pain on their neck, upper back, shoulders, lower back, hips/buttocks, upper arm and lower leg. Several risk factors were considered in the study based on review of related literature, direct observation and interview from the people involved in the tasks. Factors considered are the following (1) personal factor: age, gender, height, weight, BMI, (2) environmental factor: temperature, illumination, noise, (3) task-related factors: rest period, work duration, work posture and lifting posture. These factors were analysed and treated using regression analysis. The result revealed that factors such height, body-mass index, temperature, lifting posture, and work posture significantly affect the risk and exposure of workers to MSD. Given these conditions, the researchers were able to redesign the facilities and workstation of public school canteen by applying the principles of ergonomics, quality function deployment (QFD) and systematic layout planning (SLP) tools. Date of Performance: 26/7/2022 Name of Course Coordinator: Prof. Himanshu Shukla Signature: Grade