Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions - SN2 and SN1 The Energy Diagrams What is a Substitution Reaction? bond-forming In a substitution reaction, one group replaces another one: bond-breaking H H CN K CN + K Br State The species that attacks with a lone pair and expels the leaving group is the nucleophile SN2 The Br- in this reaction is the leaving group (LG) which is kicked out by the nucleophile. interest). H Exothermic reactants The substrate in substitution reactions is the electrophile (electron-deficient). H products SH > simultaneously (concerted mechanism) - as one comes, the other one leaves. This is the SN2 nucleophile attacks. stepwise - SN1 mechanism. Let's discuss both mechanisms one-by-one. + SN2 2) The leaving group leaves first, and only after this steps, the nucleophile can attack. This is the + OH The SN2 Mechanism Cl The carbocation formed in the first step is attacked from both sides and as a result, SN1 reactions BrH Br SN2 is a bimolecular mechanism. This means the rate of the reaction depends on the concentration of both, the substrate and the nucleophile. O O R sp2 carbocation *If there was an unreactive chiral center in the substrate, diastereomers would form. O O O R SN1 O + S Racemic mixture + order. Below is the rate law equation: The Role of the Solvent On Nucleophilicity In the previous section, we said that stronger bases are better nucleophiles and also larger atoms are better nucleophiles. What if you compare F- and I- ions? F- is as stronger base, while I- is a larger atom, so which one is a better nucleophile? The answer is it depends on the solvent. There are two types of polar solvents used in the substitution reactions: 1-polar protic solvents, 2-polar aprotic solvents. increases 9 times of halides is reversed in polar aprotic solvents. 2o - both SN2 and SN1 3o - NO SN2 R R R Nu C X R H 1o < 2o < Methyl only SN2 R H2C X R C X 3o 1o, H3C X < I caged I still reactive >> 1o carbocation, the more stable it is: SN1 is a unimolecular (first order) mechanism and the rate of the reaction depends only on R R H C R > R 3o the concentration of the substrate. R' R" R Nu H stronger nucleophile (less H-bonding) is the stronger nucleophile LG + R C R > 2o H C R OK 1o Hypercojugation [Nu] has no effect on the rate Poor (Never) in SN1 or SN2 bond to the empty p orbital of the carbocation. Intermediate if [Substrate] doubles, rate doubles Excellent Good more stable Hyperconjugation is the charge-stabilization by pushing some electron density of the adjacent No hyperconjugation Rate = k Substrate > I R Nu Nu + LG effects and hyperconjugation. Alkyl groups are electron donors by the inductive effect, so the more alkyl groups on the Substrate Br Good leaving groups are the ones that stabilize negative charge, so the weaker the LG as a base, the better it is as leaving group. Weak bases are good leaving groups. The reason is the higher stability of more substituted carbocations originating from inductive group. When the leaving group is gone, there is a carbocation formed. This is the intermediate. Nu > the stronger base and methyl don't do SN1 (at least in undergard courses) The first, and the rate determining (slowest) step in SN1 mechanism is the loss of the leaving R" > Cl F > Cl > F Increasing rate of an SN2 reaction I.e. 3o > 2o R Br the weaker base is the Methyl Oppsite to SN2 reactions, SN1 reactions go faster with increasing the alkyl substitution. -LG > What Makes a Good Leaving Group? Because SN2 is a concerted mechanism, there is only one step, so there are no R' R" R LG Polar aprotic solvent Polar protic solvent - F- Both the substrate and the nucleophile appear in the transition state of the rate determining step. The SN1 Mechanism electronegative atom). Polar protic solvent still able to act as a nucleophile because of its larger/polarizable orbitals. So, the nucleophilicity cannot attack intermediaries in the reaction. (no proton on an H So, sterically unhindered species are more reactive/mobile and prefer SN2. if both tripled, if [Nu] doubles, rate doubles make hydrogen bonds Nu SN2 reactions go faster as the size of the substrate (and the nucleophile) get smaller. too hindered Nu H Now, because F- is smaller it gets caged by the molecules of polar protic solvent, while the I- is increases 4 times if [RLG] doubles, rate doubles Aprotic solvents do not H H Reactivity of Substrates in SN2 and SN1 Reactions LG if both doubled, LG CN > HCN PH3 > NH3 > Br > Cl > F, decrease its nucleophilicity. The reaction is first order in the substrate and the nucleophile and overall it is second R' I hydrogen bonds with the nucleophile and breaks the C-LG bond makes the Nu-C bond Rate = k R OH, Polar protic solvents are capable of making leaving group Nu SH, S S R proceed with racemization of that stereogenic center. R > NH2, OH Cl mechanism. Nu > NH OH, rows in the periodic table, classify the larger atom/greater polarizability as a better nucleophile. The Stereochemistry SN2 reactions proceed with inversion of configuration at the stereogenic center where the LG + > Another factor is the polarizability of the nucleophilic atom: When comparing atoms of different Rxn coordinate Two steps - one intermediate 1) The nucleophile attacks and kicks out the leaving group. In other words, this happens R OH Nucleophilicity increases going down the periodic table. There are two ways the swap can happen - two mechanisms: Loss of a NH2 > 2) Charged species are better nucleophiles. O product and do not make an influence on the course of the reaction. Nucleophilic attack NH, products Exothermic Rxn coordinate One step - no intermediate is the counterion. Counterions are often omitted since they are not part of the organic R' R R" reactants H The molecule with the leaving group is generally classified as the substrate (molecule of Ea2 Ea1 > HC C SN1 Ea reactants products 1) Stronger bases, in general, are better nucleophiles. LG Intermediate Endothermic if (electron-rich, likes a nucleus since it is positively charged). K+ R Transition R Energy + Like for basicity, larger electron density increases the nucleophilicity. So, two implications here: R' R" LG Nu Br What Makes a Good Nucleophile? Too unstable + H C H H H H C + C H H H sp3 sp2 More alkyl groups - TsO MsO I H2O Br Cl OH R2N AcO OR F RNH R I -10 Br -8 Cl -7 TsO -3 MsO -3 H2O F -1.7 3.2 AcO 4 pKa of the cojugate acid Most of the time you can follow the pKa pattern to determine the leaving propensity. However, for different reasons, there are deviations. For example, F- is not a leaving group since it makes a strong bond with carbon. These are NOT leaving groups (for most cases in undergraduate courses), so whenever you see them marked as "poor leaving groups", read it as "not a leaving group". more hyperconjugation Doing practice problems is the only way to learn - Copyright © 2018 Chemistry Steps Elimination Reactions - E2 and E1 Stereospecificity of E2 Reactions General Features of Elimination Reactions Regioselectivity of E1 Reactions In stereospecific reactions, only one isomer can be formed dictated by the mechanism of the In an elimination reaction, a new bond is formed by a loss of elements from the substrate. LG Like the E2 reaction, E1 reaction is regioselective as well. reaction and the stereochemistry of the starting material. It is not a preferential formation of one R R + B R R H BH + + LG hydrogen MeOH The E2 reactions are stereospecific if there is only one -hydrogen present. The reason for this bond formed disubstituted-more stable monosubstituted Br over the other - there is no choice. H Zaitsev product + H is the requirement of a parallel alignment between the -hydrogen and the leaving group in the E2 major product mechanism. This can be syn-periplanar or anti-periplanar. The anti-periplanar alignment The carbon bonded to the leaving group is called -carbon. The adjacent carbon(s) is called a determines the stereochemistry of the product for a stereospecific reaction. carbon. The hydrogen(s) on the -carbon is called a -hydrogen. eclipsed conformation The presence of a -hydrogen is a must (unless rearrangements are possible) and because of LG LG H this, they are called -elimination or 1,2-elimination reactions. H If the leaving group is a halogen, the elimination is also called dehydrohalogenation. Cl H H LG LG Cl B H2O + LG * * H H anti-periplanar 1) E2 is a concerted mechanism where all the bonds are broken and formed in a single step. Cl LG anti-periplanar Cl H Br H H syn-periplanar The E2 Mechanism E1 reactions are also stereoselective, so the more stable stereoisomer is the major product: H or H Like in substitution, there is a bimolecular (E2) and a unimolecular mechanism (E1). Stereoselectivity of E1 Reactions staggered conformation * major product * H * * * H Rearrangements in E1 and SN1 Reactions * Watch out for rearrangements in SN1 and E1 since there is a carbocation intermediate formed: H2O R R" + OH R R' H Strong base Substrate Cl R" R' + The leaving group and the -hydrogen must be anti-periplanar: Br E2 reactions are favored by strong bases such as MeO-, EtO-, tBuOK, DBN and DBU E2 is a second order reaction and the rate depends on the concentration of both, the substrate H H Br H H 3o shift carbocation Elimination Reactions of Alcohols Only the red H can be removed regardless of what base is used since it is periplanar to the Br. Remember, the -OH by itself is a very poor leaving group. Removing the -OH can be done in the following ways: 1) By converting it into a good leaving group: The first, and the rate determining (slowest), step in E1 mechanism is the loss of the leaving group. mainly E1: ROH or H2O and heat Once the carbocation has formed, the base attacks and deprotonates it and the alkene(s) is formed. Br Sterically unhindered bases produce the more substituted/stable alkene as the major product. + EtO Na R R' + E2 OTs Py tBuOK Hofmann E1 reactions are favored by weak bases. Most common weak bases are water and alcohols. 20% OH OH2 R' fast R" R" Zaitsev product + H H disubstituted-more stable OH H Br- Zaitsev TsCl R slow H R R' R" or other unhindered bases like -OH, MeO- EtO- Na+ Regioselectivity is the preferential formation of one regio/constitutional isomer over the other. When there are two or more -hydrogens present, the E2 reaction is regioselective. E1 observed The E1 Mechanism monosubstituted expected H2O not H Rate = k Substrate Base Regioselectivity of E2 Reactions SN1 a rearrengement and the base. Br OH H H Br H 1,2-hydride carbocation H MeO- 2o - Cl OH H H E2 Reactions of Cyclohexanes Br + H2O sterics 2) By Using fuming H2SO4 or H3PO4 or POCl3 for 1o or other hindered bases like DIPEA, DBU, DBN , 2o , and 3o alcohols: 80% Sterically hindered/bulky bases produce the less substituted alkene as the major product. H2SO4 E1 is a unimolecular (first order) mechanism and the rate of the reaction depends only on OH the concentration of the substrate. conc. Zaitsev Regio- and stereoselective. or by POCl3 and pyridine Br + OK + Hofmann product 20% H H Rate = k Substrate 80% How to Know if the Reaction is E1 or E2? Short answer: Unhindered base - Zaitsev OH H3C O Reactivity of Substrates in E2 and E1 Reactions Hindered base - Hofmann N O N O N N O DBN tBuOK DBU E2 reactions are also stereoselective, meaning that the more stable (E) alkene is the major product. Stereoisomers R + B R R Z-isomer + R mechanisms. For E2, it increases because the transition state is better stabilized as it resembles a more More details in the next part - competition between SN1, SN2, E1 and E2. substituted alkene. 3o R" R R' H > 2o 1o (no E1 for primary substrates) > The E1CB Mechanism Br + OH R R' H This is an example of -OH and -OR groups being leaving groups when they are next to an R R" R' R" acidic proton at R E-isomer O E alkene- more stable major product carbonyl position. OH more alkyls - more stable the transition state LG R E1 reactions are favored by weak bases. Most common weak bases are water and alcohols. Br Stereoselectivity of E2 Reactions E2 reactions are favored by strong bases and polar aprotic solvents. The reactivity increases with more substituted alkyl halides (or other substrates) for both E2 and E1 B O OR O + -OR H For the E1, it increses because the itermediate carbocation is better stabiized with more alkyl groups by inductive effect and hyperconjugation (check the SN2 and SN1 guide): OR The product, unsaturated carbonyl is a conjugated system which have additional stability. This stability is the driving force pf the reaction despite having an -OH or -OR as a leaving group. Doing practice problems is the only way to learn - Copyright © 2018 Chemistry Steps Competition Between Substitution and Elimination Reactions: SN1, SN2, E1 and E2 SN1 vs SN2 SN1/E1 vs SN2/E2 If you are asked to choose between SN1 and SN2, consider these factors in the following What if you get a question asking you to choose between SN1, SN2, E1 and E2? order of priority: Here is one good way to approach this. First, you want to remember that SN2 and E2 are bimolecular reactions favored by strong nucleophiles or bases, while SN1 and E1 are unimolecular reactions favored by 1) The Substrate. This is the most important and often decisive. weak nucleophiles and bases. Now, because of these different conditions, you are not going to get a SN1/E2 or SN2/E1 competition. So, the question here is to decide between SN2/E2 and SN1/E1. If methyl or primary, then it is SN2. To determine the mechanism, classify first the nucleophile/base as strong or weak and follow the diagram once on the left or the right side: If tertiary, then it is SN1. No question, you are done. Increasing rate of an SN1 reaction NO SN1 only SN1 R SN2 and SN1 X H3C X R 1o 2o Strong - bimolecular: SN2 or E2 Nucleophile/Base H2O or alcohols R X R R 3o NO SN2 only SN2 R X Bulky strong bases Weak - unimolecular: SN1 or E1 O Non-bulky tBuOk SN1/E1 mixture obtained Methyl N E2 Only Br OH Strong, non-basic Nucleophiles 2) The Nucleophile. Strong nucleophiles favor SN2, weak nucleophiles favor SN1. O Oxygen and nitrogen are + OH Strong Nu - SN2 H2O OH -OH I Halides, -CN, -SR, -SH, RSH Br H2O OH + + 2o Racemizaion of the chiral center Br -CN can do SN2 and E2. Cl RNH2, RNH-, -NH2, and bases. CN + solvent Br- SN2 CH3OH DMSO 1 1500 rate E2 bulky SN2 - No elimination 3) The Solvent. Polar aprotic solvents favor SN2, polar protic solvents favor SN1. -CN + Basic Nucleophiles E1-major Inversion of the chiral center Alcohols are also weak nucleophiles Br Br O CN Remember, however, if it is a tertiary R + E2 2o , -OH, -OR R substrate, SN2 is impossible, only SN1. Bulkiness and temperature determine: R + R Cl SN2 1o 1o- SN2, 2o, 3o- E2 A better leaving group (LG) increases the rate of both, SN1 and SN2, so no need to consider it O SN2 E2-major bulky negativelly charged. (No Elimination) heat N Li LDA N H DIPEA Br basic especially if Weak Nu - SN1 DBN be non-basic and basic. SN2 Only SN1-major N DBU The strong nucleophile can H2O The issue is with secondary substrates. They can do both, so other factors need to be considered. N Nucleophilic base (Basic Nucleophile) Non-Basic Heat favors Elimination Increasing rate of an SN2 reaction N O Bulky * Keep in mind that Heat and Bulkiness/Steric hindrance favor elimination over * Any combination of Strong-Bulky gives E2. Doesn't matter if it is the substrate or the base that is bulky. substitution for any of the mechanisms. Molecules do not know that we classify them into substrates and bases. when deciding between SN1 and SN2. Benzylic and Allylic Halides E1 vs E2 Solvents Benzylic and allylic substrates are quite reactive in SN2 and E2 reactions. They also undergo SN1 and E1 Choosing between E1 and E2 is easier since the reactivity pattern is the same for both; the Polar aprotic solvents favor bimolecular SN2 and E2 mechanisms. reactions because of the stability of the benzylic carbocation. rate of E1 and E2 increase with the degree of substitution. Polar protic solvents favor unimolecular SN1 and E1 mechanisms. The only restriction here is that 3o benzylic substrates cannot undergo SN2 R 2o X R O - no carbocation R R 3o CH3 R' SN1 R Br R E1 The key factor here is the strength of the base. CH3O- CH3OH 1o, 2o, 3o heat R R' Also, polar aprotic solvents favor the E2 mechanism since it is a bimolecular mechanism. R' E2 heat R R O CH3OH R' R' + R + S, E + Z R' H2O Solvolysis- Br tBuOK R' O S (DMSO) CH3OH O R' + R' H Methanol (MeOH) N Acetonitirile (MeCN) CH3CN Hexamethylphosphoramide N (HMPA) Combination regioisomers. R R (DMF) Water (H2O) O Acetone (Me2CO) O P N N Ethanol (EtOH) Ammoina (NH3) OH tert-Butanol (tBuOH) O Acetic acid (AcOH) CH3COOH A mess. or Note: This may vary from textbook-to-textbook. For example, in some, it is stated that secondary substrates do not undergo SN1 reactions and in this case, it would be easier to determine the mechanism. In any case, DMSO polar aprotic solvent H2O is the base and the solvent R Strong base - E2 Dimethylformamide of stereo- and R Br Weak base - E1 Dimethyl sulfoxide When allylic substrates undergo E1 or SN1, a mixture is obtained because of different resonance contributors: E2 reactions are favored by strong bases. E1 reactions are favored by weak bases. Polar protic solvents Polar aprotic solvents SN2 R R' elimination - only one carbon. CH3 R' R=H R' Methyl substrates, obviously, cannot do Increasing rate of E1 and E2 reaction R O CH3O- CH3OH Increasing Polarity X X 1o 1o substrates can only do E2 R R R if unhindered base is used you need follow as your instructor teaches. Note: In real life, a mixture of compounds is obtained in most cases. Here we only talk about general traits and major products. Don't take words like "never" "always" literally. There is always an exception, if not more than one. Doing practice problems is the only way to learn - Copyright © 2018 Chemistry Steps