See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: System Integration: Challenges and Opportunities for Rail Transport Conference Paper · June 2018 DOI: 10.1109/SYSOSE.2018.8428760 CITATIONS READS 8 3,839 1 author: Mohammad Rajabalinejad University of Twente 76 PUBLICATIONS 394 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: SIRA: System Integration for Railways Advancement View project All content following this page was uploaded by Mohammad Rajabalinejad on 07 September 2018. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. System Integration: Challenges and Opportunities for Rail Transport Mohammad Rajabalinejad, Assistant Professor Faculty of Engineering Technology, Department of Design, Production and Management, University of Twente Enschede, Netherlands The challenges on the right-side of “the V model” are often more than its left-side for Systems Engineers. And so are the challenges of assembly of products comparing to taking them apart, integration of systems comparing to their decomposition, or testing systems comparing to their analysis. For System of Systems, this is even more confronting because a complete definition of system is not always available or often only a part of the system is changing. Referring to real-cases, this paper highlights the problem and suggests basis for integration primarily for rail transport. Co-integration; co-creation; safety; rail; systems engineering I. INTRODUCTION Europe faces a huge integration challenge for its rail transport. European Commission aims a competitive transport system in which rail transport plays a key role. One of the goals is that “thirty percent of road freight over 300 km should shift to other modes such as rail or waterborne transport by 2030, and more than 50 % by 2050, facilitated by efficient and green freight corridors.”. To accomplish this goal, a trans-European rail transport which is capable of high speed for medium distances is unavoidable. Other goals are that “By 2050, all core network airports should be connected to the rail network, preferably high-speed; all core seaports are sufficiently connected to the rail freight and, where possible, inland waterway system.”. This leads to a single European rail area operating openly across the whole Europe under agreed (non)technical demands [1]. There are multiple stakeholders for the rail systems at the national, European, and International levels. They have different views, skills, responsibilities, goals, behavior, and interests. These stakeholders continuously demand a higher level of integrity for the project and the level of tolerance acceptance is becoming lower and lower. Extra rules and measures do help improving safety, but they may also add to the complexity and tight coupling; there is doubt if extra regulations can always provide a higher safety level in risky circumstances. Compliance with regulations of different domains for different stakeholders can be confusing. The complication of complying with recent regulations leads to unclear responsibilities resulting additional resources for time, energy, and cost. Besides, this confusion hinders the decisionmaking process and delays design or operational decisions. Striving for perfection in complexity is a challenge. The 978-1-5386-4876-6/2018/$31.00 c 2018 IEEE projects are becoming increasingly complex. This complexity demands often demands high tech and smart solution to ensure continuous performance at the desirable level. On the other hand, system performances are increasing both in quantity and quality. For example, not only a higher quality rail service is requested in a shorter period of time but also the number of passengers is increasing (see [2]). Surprises happen including (non)intentional incidents, failure of train systems, poor-design issues, incompetent use, or misuse of the system. The domino effect of such safety surprises negatively influences system values and discards its quality. As the interconnectivity offered by internet grows (see e.g. Smart Industry outlook), the side-effects of these surprises may become large scale, complex and beyond the foreseeable outlook. On the other hand, the risks must be reduced to an acceptable level or a level that is As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP). This encourages the goal-oriented approach which imposes more freedom and more responsibility to rail industry. European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) has become a standard for ATCS (Automatic Train Control System). European Commission dropped specifications for functional requirements for ERTMS in November 2012 and made those specifications no longer mandatory. The remaining specifications allow multiple interpretations and become ambiguous. ERTMS facilitates interoperability among countries and among projects. This influences the supply market and increases competition within the industry. The result of this is the absence of a single entity that handles the railway system. Because of these circumstances, European Railway Agency (ERA) watches a decreasing progress in safety improvement: “Despite a positive long-term trend in the risk of fatal train collisions and derailments over the past two decades, the data suggests that the progress has been slowing down since 2004” [3]. As results, the degree of fragmentation of the rail systems and its interconnectivity, multi-stakeholder nature of making decision, variety of views of stakeholders, numbers of (revised) rules and regulations, and arrival of modern technology may intensify the effects of the safety surprises and impose risks to the rail industry, people, and society. On the other hand, the urge for advancement and the need for changes create an opportunity for the rail industry to upgrade its services and earn Figure 1. The “V” model for rail industry, adapted from [3]. competitive advantages over other means of transportation e.g. air transport. This research studies the needs for integration in a multi stakeholder, complex and dynamic environment such as rail transport. It reviews the seminal references and a few best practices for integration. Besides, several cases are presented to highlight the scale of the integration problems in rail transport. The research is based on several case studies conducted on the areas of systems engineering and systems safety through research and education in the University of Twente. It combines the outcomes from literature study, various research projects, expert interviews, and workshops on the topic of system integration in the Netherlands through the Railforum platform. Next section explains the standard model of practice for the rail industry and presents several example issues at the national or European level. Section III reviews seminal references and best practices for integration. Section IV integrates and discusses the results. Section V summarizes conclusions. II. FULL LIFECYCLE Figure 1 presents the standard full life-cycle or the “V” model for rail transport [3]. The left side of this model is about co-creation while its right side focuses on integration, implementation, and disposal. Further details follow. A. Co-creation It is a set of clear objectives and maintaining them across the organization that fundamentally contributes to success. The importance of objectives is becoming increasingly evident when complexity rises. Clear objectives ensure directing the organization towards the preidentified goals. In practice, however, there are still many technical factors contributing to the final goals. To highlight the interconnectivity of these factors, one should view the influence of any design or decision on these factors at the system or subsystem level. It has been discussed elsewhere that there is no longer the case that one single organization can make the rail transport successful. Having a clear set of objectives, stakeholders need to work together and co-create shared values and solution where everyone benefits. Literatures conclude four different pillars of user, operation, technology, and supplier for creating shared values [4-6]. These have been described as follows: • • • • User is the individual or organization that uses the service provided by the system. Operation includes hosting passengers, (re)scheduling and driving trains, and offering the services that users demand. It holds activities needed for operating the system. Technology is the technical installation that enables operation of the system. Supplier is the product producer or service provider for the system. Therefore, cooperation and co-creation of values for achieving the shared goals is key for the left-side of the V model. Next subsection explains the right side this model. B. Integration & operation A quick look at the V model in Figure 1 reveals that the focus of its right wing is on integration. While the steps in the left side are described in further details, the integration, validation, and acceptance are the main blocks on the right side. Some stakeholders at this stage assume that the realization and integration will be realized according to their expectations expressed during the design phase, but experience proves that is not always the case and unexpected problems at the integration phase may appear. As a matter of fact, there is often a need for co-integration. For illustration, integration of a new train with updated technology to the available infrastructures may result integration issues in different cases. The experience shows that integration is not always straight forward, and it may impose further cost, delay or concerns into the project. Next, several examples for the integration issues for railway are presented (see 1) ERTMS Currently there are more than 20 train control systems across the European Union. Each train used by a national rail company must be equipped with at least one system but sometimes more, just to be able to run safely within that one country. Each system is stand-alone and non-interoperable, and therefore requires extensive integration, engineering effort, raising total delivery costs for cross-border traffic. This restricts competition and hampers the competitiveness of the European road transport by creating technical barriers to international journeys. To overcome these issues, ERTMS (The European Railway Traffic Management System) is designed to gradually replace the existing incompatible systems throughout Europe as a unique European train control system. Figure 2 represents ERTMS Level II where Eurobalise data is transmitted to the train and to the control center for effective and safe operation. The integration of ERTMS with the currently operating infrastructures may cause incidents. For example, in September 2017 a train continued to move with “full movement authority” after crossing the border between two member-states while it had supposed to stop. This incident was a result of a disorder in transmitted signals and values across the border. 2) TGV fast trains When new TGV fast trains were ready to be integrated with the running infrastructure in France, the France’s national rail operator SNCF realized that they are too wide for 1,300 stations. The cost of this problem for SNCF was estimated to be around €50 million [8]. Public reacted negatively to this mistake appeared in integration seeing that as waste of resources. 3) Fyra Fyra was an international high-speed rail service that did not manage to successfully integrate with the operating platforms in Netherlands and Belgium. After a month of operation, more than 5% of all trains were cancelled and less than 45% of them ran on schedule [9]. The continuous problems with Fyra have caused public outcry in both nations. The allowable speed for Fyra had been reduced several times. Less than four years after the first operation, the contracted was cancelled in May 2013 [10]. Figure 2. A graphical representation of how Eurobalise data is transmitted to the train and to the control center for ERTMS level II [7]. III. SYSTEM INTEGRATION This section reviews dealing with system integration form different perspectives of systems engineering, project management, standards and safety aiming to develop a multidimensional view on the areas that a proper integration process must cover. A. Systems Engineering The famous V model has two sides: the left-side is about decomposition and definition and the right side is about integration and verification [11]; decomposition and integration almost summarize this model. In systems engineering (SE) handbook, integration is listed among the technical processes [11]. This handbook defines the purpose of integration process “to synthesize a set of system elements into a realized system that satisfies system requirements, ….” The SE handbook suggests different strategies and approaches for integration e.g. top-down integration, criteria-driven integration, or incremental integration. Through this handbook, integration is often used with words such as verification, validation, and test. Beyond the physical elements, integration of software with hardware and human system integration are discussed. Although the SE handbook defines integration as a technical process, it only once refers to integration requirements. On the other hand, the systems engineering guide for writing requirements does not provide any information about writing integration requirements [12]. Figure 3. An example integration problem for rail industry [8]. Although integration enjoys technological supports, it is beyond a purely technical process. From this perspective, model driven approach or model-based systems engineering (MBSE) is a fundamental enabler. The SE handbook also pays attention to human system interaction further discussed through another subsection for safety. Next subsection explains why systems engineering should pay more attention to project management for integration or implementation. B. Project management The integration process was named as an unresolved issue for systems engineers through a panel discussion at INCOSE International Symposium in 2006. The panel moderator, Dr. Avigdor Zoonenshain, concluded that integration is a challenging task because it needs synthesis, needs dealing with interfaces, multidisciplinary team, test, evaluation, validation and because it full of surprises. One year later, integration of systems engineering with program and project management was discussed in a similar event. The panel, moderated by R. Ade, shares the observation that the best systems engineers have been program/project managers and the best program/project managers have been systems engineers. This has been a subject for further research resulting in valuable publications for the years after this event e.g. [13, 14]. The outcome shows that this joint area covers most of integration concerns and challenges. Some of the important integration challenges have been discussed in [15] in details in terms or requirements, validation and interfaces. In fact, management of interfaces is one of the critical tasks for system integration. Gerrit Muller explains strategies for coping with integration problems where policy, requirements and design nonlinearly contribute to integration [16]. Kouassi presents applications where system integration succeeded to mitigate risks [17]. J. Armstrong reviews approaches to address integration problem and ways to improve the integration process [18]. The advantages of model based approach for integration have been discussed e.g. in [19, 20]. In conclusion, integration is a phase where the skills of both systems engineers and project managers are needed. Not only paying attention to interfaces and requirements but also proper knowledge about policy, system and experience helps making decisions that minimizes the risk of integration problem. C. Standards The ISO standard for systems and requirements engineering demands requirements for human system integration [21]. This standard demand specifying requirement for the interaction of human and system. ISO 15745 elaborates in integration models, processes, and information. From the industrial perspective, this standards looks into integration of software, applications, network, or information exchange [22, 23]. ISO 9001 and ISO 55001 primarily focus on integration of the asset management system with the business process [24, 25]. ISO 10303-233 specifies an application module for the representation of the variety of general model classifications used to support model-based systems engineering. It brings together the system modelling capabilities and the program management capabilities and uses EXPRESS which is a standard data modeling language for product data [26]. CMMI makes extremely abstract models for generalization and improvement of processes [27]. While interoperability is the aim for the rail industry across Europe [28], the state members must check the technical compatibility of subsystems with the railway system into which they are being integrated and the safe integration of these subsystems in accordance with the scope of this Regulation [29]. EN 50126-1 pays specific attention to integration defined as the process of assembling the system elements according to design specification [3]. Here integration is linearly positioned after manufacturing, see the right-side of Figure 1. This standard demand for integration requirements for preexisting subsystems or components. Integration is among the activities explicitly discussed through the RAMS (reliability, availability, maintenance, and safety) process. Integration phase aims to achieve a complete system that works together as defined by interfaces achieving the RAMS requirements. This concludes that policy, organizations, management, and technology all play roles in quality of integration, and safe integration is desirable outcome for policy makers in Europe. D. Safe integration Improper integration can damage properties, environment or human life and therefore have direct influence on safety. In his book named Normal Accidents, Perrow explains how integration of coupled systems can lead to accidents [31]. Need for integration of safety assessment with systems engineering has been discussed e.g. in [32-34]. SE handbook highlights human system integration (HSI). HSI considers domains such as human factors engineering (human performance, human interface, user centered design), workload (normal and emergency), training (skill, education, attitude), personnel (ergonomics, accident avoidance), working condition and health (hazard avoidance) [35]. These domains have direct links to safety. As a matter of fact, integration is similar to safety from several perspectives inheriting a multidisciplinary nature where different techniques and methods can be used for safe system integration, see e.g. [36]. The Swiss cheese model of accidents, developed by J.T. Reason and shown in Figure 4, presents a model for integration of different system layers in which the risk of a threat may become a reality [30]. Seminal safety references pay attention to integration. ISO 12100, the reference standard for safety of machinery, pays special attention to safety matters during assembly of a machine or its integration with the surrounding environment [37]. IEC 61508 a seminal standard for functional safety delivered in several parts. Its first three parts focus respectively on general requirements, requirements for E/E/PE, and Figure 4. The Swiss cheese model of accident causation [30]. It enables to track the physical or logical chain of influence for changes in the status of subsystems or components. This is prerequisite of management of capital assets or big data. Here Model Based Systems Engineering is a fundamental technological enabler. C. Decision support Right decisions at right moments by right people provide huge competitor advantages. This not only needs the knowledge of governance and capabilities but also the knowledge of culture and alternatives. For example, finding the right balance among safety, cost, capacity, and speed requires experience, managerial or leadership skills, supporting information and technological enablers. Figure 5. Four areas for system integration. requirements for software for safety-related systems. Part 1 of this standard addresses issues on system safety validation and system integration (tests) including architecture, software, and PE integration tests. Part 2 addresses the module and system integration for safety-related systems, and Part 3 focuses on software testing and integration. Integration is comparable with safety inheriting multidimensional problems where stakeholders with shared goals need experience and technology to make proper decisions and remove, minimize, or control the risks. D. Body of knowledge A solid foundation for knowledge dissemination is a need for suitable growth. Knowledge about past lessons, best practices, or design and construction concerns helps smooth transition of new subsystems components e.g. new coaches. It facilitates sharing the experience and recommendations for future developments. V. CONCLUSION The V model for systems engineering is widely practiced including for standard rail-related practices. Currently, the integration process is seen as a technical process which seems to be insufficient to address challenges for rail transport. In other words, next to technological enablers, stakeholders need to continue working together to realize shared values and objectives. Alliance of technology and knowledge promises better performances for system integration. IV. SUMMARIZING RESULTS AND DISCUSSION There are four areas that summarize the points reviewed earlier through this paper. These areas are system definition and overview, coherent frameworks for communication and for making decision, and knowledge dissemination as shown in Figure 5. They must be developed simultaneously for the optimal system performance. While the upper part of this figure is enabled by technology, its lower part needs effective cooperation among stakeholders enabled by shared goals, experience, and knowledge. This figure represents the area of focus, cooperation, and simultaneous development. Further explanation about these areas follow. A. Overview Two critical success factors are a clear set of objectives across the stakeholders and cooperation for creation of values [4]. A proper system definition, a sharp vision for the goals and a simple interface for describing the rail transport is key to communication, shared understanding, and collaboration. Therefore, system definition and overview are among principal needs for cooperation. B. Framework Technology offers the possibility of forming elaborated models for the rail system and its internal or external interfaces. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] Roadmap to a single European Transport Area, E. Commission, 2011. M. 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