Science Roots, prefixes and suffixes review. Name ______________________ Please use the laminated charts laying around the room to complete each section below. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Exocytosis _______________________________ Anaerobic_____________________________ Glycolysis ____________________________ Chloroplast ___________________________ Pseudopod ___________________________ Write the best word based on the definition given 6. Water fear _________________________ 7. Light response_______________________ 8. Green leaf __________________________ 9. Self feeding _________________________ 10. True nucleus ________________________ Science Roots, prefixes and suffixes review. Name _______________________ Please use the laminated charts laying around the room to complete each section below. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Exocytosis _______________________________ Anaerobic_____________________________ Glycolysis ____________________________ Chloroplast ___________________________ Pseudopod ___________________________ Write the best word based on the definition given 6. Water fear _________________________ 7. Light response_______________________ 8. Green leaf __________________________ 9. Self feeding _________________________ 10. True nucleus_________________________