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Impact Assessment on CRM model

An Impact Assessment
Conducted on CRM Model
January 2023
Executive summary
Our bank has been implementing a customer relationship management model (CRM) which is considered
as a major change area as indicated in the 3rd Five-year Corporate Plan and Branch Transformation and
Sales Strategy. It is a process of developing strong relationships between the customers and the bank. It
focuses on improving customer experience by bringing in the best of technology and assigning dedicated
Customer Service Managers to customers. The idea of CRM is to develop long-lasting relationships with
customers by providing them with excellent service. Having this, our bank has restructured its structure
by deploying corporate and retail CRM at the head office, District CRMs, and Branch CRMs level by
human resources. Accordingly, the assessment is conducted with the objective of measuring the positive
or negative impact of the CRM Model in our bank in terms of customer perception, customer satisfaction
toward the Relationship Manager's Service, and its enhancement of relationships with customers.
The assessment aimed to assess the practice of CRM in our bank judged from the employee and customer
point of view. We have internally designed the questionnaire with three dimensions i.e. customers'
perception toward CRM, Customer satisfaction towards Relationship Manager's services, and its
enhancement of relationships with corporate customers. Accordingly, a purposive sampling technique
was used to select and distribute questionnaires to 105 corporate customers, 22 Branch Managers, 23
Head Office RM staff (Corporate and Retail RMs), and 8 District Sales and Customer Service Managers
of the Bank. When we comprise the multi-item questions, designed in a closed-ended Likert scale; in its
three major parameters stated here above. The response rate from Corporate Customers, Branch
Managers, Head office RMs, and District Sales and Customer Service Managers were 80%, 91%, 83%,
and 75% respectively. Accordingly, 54% of the corporate customer respondents indicated that they are
not aware of the existence of CRM, whereas, 46% of the respondents have the awareness of their
respective Relationship Manager. Of (46%) respondents of corporate customers who have aware of the
assignment of Relationship Manager (RM) 74% of them were satisfied and happy about services provided
through RMs, 13% were neutral and 8% of them were not satisfied with the services and the rest 5% of
them didn’t respond on it. Regarding with, enhancement of relationship with customers 63% of the
respondents believe that our bank is building a positive relationship with them, 7% of the respondents
were neutral, 26% didn’t believe that they were satisfied with the relationship, and the rest 2% of them
were didn’t respond.
Moreover, improvements needed to be recommended by the respondents are; understanding customer
needs in advance and giving immediate responses, fulfilling resources for RMs, and empowering them. In
addition, they emphasized the importance of collaboration in various work with RMs to timely resolve
customer problems and requirements and the need for having strong and continuous follow-up and
communication with customers by RMs.
Executive summary ....................................................................................................................................... ii
List of tables................................................................................................................................................. iv
List of Figures .............................................................................................................................................. iv
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 1
Objective ............................................................................................................................................... 1
CRM Impact Assessment Survey Analysis .......................................................................................... 2
Analysis of the Corporate Customers Responses.......................................................................... 2
Corporate Customers Background Information ............................................................................ 2
Analysis regarding perception of corporate customers about CRM ............................................. 4
3.1.3 Analysis on enhancement of relationship with corporate customers towards the Bank ..................... 5
Analysis Regarding Customer Satisfaction of corporate customer’s after CRM implementation 6
Major comments or ideas from corporate customers .................................................................... 8
Analysis of Branch Managers Responses ..................................................................................... 9
Branch Background Information ................................................................................................ 10
Analysis regarding CRM building according to branch managers responses ............................. 10
Analysis regarding to Customer Satisfaction as of branch managers responses......................... 14
Bank performance enhancement according to branch managers responses ............................... 17
Major Comments or Ideas raised from Branch Managers .......................................................... 19
Analysis of Districts Sales and CSM responses .......................................................................... 21
Districts sales and CSM background analysis ............................................................................ 21
Analysis regarding CRM Building as of Districts sales and CSM responses ............................. 22
Analysis regarding customer satisfaction according to districts sales and CSM responses ........ 23
Bank performance enhancement analysis according to districts sales and CSM responses ....... 25
Major comments or ideas raised from districts sales and CSM .................................................. 26
Analysis of CRM Responses....................................................................................................... 26
CRM Background Information Analysis .................................................................................... 27
CRM Building Analysis as of CRM Responses ......................................................................... 28
Customer satisfaction analysis according to CRM Responses.................................................... 33
Bank performance enhancement analysis according to CRM .................................................... 34
Major comments or ideas raised by CRMs ................................................................................. 36
Conclusion .................................................................................................................................. 38
Recommendation ........................................................................................................................ 39
List of tables
Table 1 Analysis on Customer background information ..................................................................................... 3
Table 2Analysis regarding perception of corporate customers about CRM ........................................................ 4
Table 3 Analysis regarding perception of corporate customers about CRM ....................................................... 4
Table 4 Analysis on relationship of corporate customers towards the Bank ....................................................... 5
Table 5 Corporate customer responses regarding customer satisfaction ............................................................. 6
Table 6 Branch districts information’s .............................................................................................................. 10
Table 7 Branch Grades ...................................................................................................................................... 10
Table 8 District sales and CSM background information’s............................................................................... 21
Table 9 CRM Background information analysis ............................................................................................... 27
List of Figures
Figure 1 Estimated corporate customers found at a branch. .............................................................................. 11
Figure 2 CRM contacted customers to resolve their issues ............................................................................... 11
Figure 3 Method of communication CRM used to contact customers .............................................................. 12
Figure 4 CRM Serving branch customers to meet their needs .......................................................................... 12
Figure 5 whether branch managers and CRM discussed to build excellent customer relationship ................... 13
Figure 6 CRM uses different strategies and tactics to meet customers ............................................................. 13
Figure 7Customer relationship improvement since CRM implemented ........................................................... 14
Figure 8 Customers pleasant with CRM effort and willingness to deal with customer issues .......................... 14
Figure 9 CRM gives additional benefit to retain and initiate customers ........................................................... 15
Figure 10 Customer satisfactions with CRM services....................................................................................... 15
Figure 11 whether branches started to provide prompt and effective services since CRM implemented ......... 16
Figure 12Improvement of Loyalty and Retention of customers ........................................................................ 16
Figure 13 Customer relationship improvements ............................................................................................... 17
Figure 14 New customers joined the branches .................................................................................................. 17
Figure 15CRM helps branches to increase branch deposits .............................................................................. 18
Figure 16 The bank’s efficiency improvement since CRM established ............................................................ 18
Figure 17 Added Deposits since CRM Implemented ........................................................................................ 19
Figure 18CRM could be enables the bank to be the home of superior customer experience ........................... 19
Figure 19 whether districts sales and CSM acts as CRM .................................................................................. 22
Figure 20 Districts sales and CSM received customers from branches as CRM .............................................. 23
Figure 21 Districts sales and customer service managers whether received training or not ............................. 23
Figure 22 Districts sales and CSM have tried to build excellent customer relationship with customers .......... 24
Figure 23 Districts sales and CSM method of communications is more persuasive to motivate and meet
customer needs ............................................................................................................................................ 24
Figure 24 Districts sales and CSM empowered as CRM to deal with customers’ needs and interests ............. 25
Figure 25 customers have started to have good images for the bank ................................................................ 25
Figure 26 Value added in terms of deposit since CRM ..................................................................................... 26
Figure 27 CRM Contacted corporate customers ............................................................................................... 28
Figure 28 CRM inform Customers about CRM Established at head office ...................................................... 28
Figure 29 CRM Discuss with Customers on their issues and needs.................................................................. 29
Figure 30 Resources fulfilled for CRM meet customers ................................................................................... 29
Figure 31 Communication tools CRM used to contact customers .................................................................... 30
Figure 32 CRM have excellent awareness on CRM and received training ...................................................... 30
Figure 33 CRM fully discharging their responsibility....................................................................................... 30
Figure 34 CRM Created effective relationships with customers ....................................................................... 31
Figure 35 whether has CRM plan to improve customer relationship in the bank ............................................. 31
Figure 36the method of communication CRM used to meet customers is persuasive and applicable .............. 32
Figure 37 the method of communication CRM used to communicate with customers could plays important
role in creating good relationship................................................................................................................ 32
Figure 38 Whether the action CRM used to build excellent relationship with customer is pleasing ................ 33
Figure 39 CRM was empowered to deal with customer needs and requests..................................................... 33
Figure 40 Whether CRM provides prompt and effective services for customers ............................................. 34
Figure 41 Customers have started to have good image for our bank ................................................................ 34
Figure 42 the bank could be benefited from the communication methods that CRM used............................... 35
Figure 43 the bank’s efficiency has improved significantly in terms of attracting and handling customers..... 35
Figure 44 Value added in terms of deposit mobilization since CRM established ............................................. 36
1. Introduction
Currently Our Bank is implementing the third five year strategic plan of 2020/21-2024/25. This
strategic plan is a comprehensive strategy formulated in order to transform our bank on a
fundamental manner. From the corporate strategy of our bank, functional strategies for different
units has been driven, which could be enabling the bank to achieve its goals.
Branch Transformation and Sales Functional Strategy is one of the functional strategies that
developed in order to achieve our bank’s strategic goal. In this functional strategy it is stated that
our bank is aimed to bring superior customer experience through creating long term relationship
and value proposition to customers. To create superior customer experiences and ensure needs
are met, our bank has established new structure (system)of sales and customer relationship
management (Sales & CRM) at corporate and retail level for both conventional and IFB banking
from head office level to branch level.
As originally defined in the strategic plan, this newly established and implemented position of
Sales and CRM aimed that, the system enables; to manage customer data, to supports sales
management, delivers actionable solutions and facilitates team communication on the up-to-date
status of key customers.
Hence it is very essential to examine that, the impact and effectiveness of those established and
implemented CRM system to know as it is performing as defined and directed in strategic plan.
It is also necessary to assess the current potential of CRM, its prospects, and the added value for
our bank in terms of deposit and the life time relationship with customers.
2. Objective
The main objective of this impact assessment is, to check whether the implemented CRM has
positive or negative impact in the right way as it is aimed to and established for to our bank. And
To assess the impact of CRM on the performance improvement of our bank;
To examine the way of Branch Managers acceptance towards the implementation of CRM
is helping their efforts for better achievement;
To assess the attitude of customers on CRM that they helps them on their different kind of
3. CRM Impact Assessment Survey Analysis
To conduct this assessment we have prepared and gather information using questionnaire as
primary source. The questionnaires were designed and distributed for four groups of respondents.
The targeted four groups of respondents are selected Branch managers and selected corporate
customers from city branches, all CRMs, and all District CRMs. By this classification we have
distributed the questionnaires for 22 selected branch managers and for 105 corporate customers
of 21 branches after selecting five corporate customers from each branch, for 8 districts sales and
CSM and for 23 CRMs at head office. Thus to conduct this assessment the total number of
respondents, which we distribute the questionnaires, selected from the whole targeted groups are
158 respondents.
Depending on the targeted respondents and distributed questions as well as objective of the
assessment, the collected data was analysed into three parts as follows;
Analysis of the Corporate Customers Responses
Questionnaires designed for corporate customers were prepared by Amharic languages and
distributed to 21 selected branches to be filled by 5 corporate customers from each branch which
means the total number of customers to fill the questionnaire were 105. From questionnaires that
were distributed for 105 selected corporate customers, we have collected84 filled questionnaires
which mean80% of the total sampled were responded.
3.1.1. Corporate Customers Background Information
As shown on the Table 1 below, out of total respondents of corporate customers, 75% were male,
21.4% were females and the rest 3.6% are not given any information. Regards to age category,
36.9% were below 35 classes of age, 32.1% were between 35 and 45, 25% and 3.6% were
between 46 and 55 ages and above 56 respectively and the rest 2.4% are not given any
information on it. The other information requested corporate customers is about their educational
status and most corporate customers have degree which covers 42.9% of the total respondents,
20.2% have diploma, 17.8% of the respondents have master’s and above and 10.7% respondents
have educational background of between grade 8 and 12, 3.6% of the respondents are below
grade 8 and the rest 4.8% have not given any information about it. The final information that is
requested for corporate customers is about how they were stayed with our bank to know how
they were familiar with our services. Thus, as shown in the table 1 above, 45.2% of the
respondents are being customer of our bank for between 2 and 5 years, 32.1% were also stayed
for between 6 and 10, 8.3% of the respondents stayed more than 11 years with our bank, about
7.2% of respondents responses they are stayed for less than 1 year as customers of our bank and
the rest have not given any information about it.
Table 1 Analysis on Customer background information
Percentage %
Below grade 8
Masters & above
Did not give info
Below-1 year
2-5 years
6-10 years
>11 years
Did not give info
Below 35 years
35-45 years
46-55 years
Above 56 years
Did not give info
Educational qualification
Length of relation with OB
3.1.2. Analysis regarding perception of corporate customers about CRM
As shown in table 2 below question forwarded to our customers about whether they have
information about CRM that established at head office or not and 56% of the respondents
responses they had information about CRM and 38.1% of the respondents responses they had not
an information while the rest 5.9% have not responded to the question. From this it is possible to
conclude that majority of our corporate customers have information about the establishment of
CRM, while others have not information about it. Another important question posed to customer
is whether CRM is assigned for them or not and for this question 53.6% are responded CRM is
not assigned for them and 45.2% were responded that CRM is assigned for them.
Table 2Analysis regarding perception of corporate customers about CRM
Did not
give info
Whether customers have an
Freq. %
Freq. %
Freq. %
38.1 5
53.6 1
information about the
implemented CRM or not
Whether CRM is assigned or
not to the customer
Table 3 Analysis regarding perception of corporate customers about CRM
For question no 6, If the answer is yes, about means of
Question No. 7
communication to contact corporate customers
Physical Visit
Phone call
E- mail
By B/manager
Phone call& B/ manager
As shown in table 3above from the collected responses of those respondents that CRM is
assigned to them has responses on the method of communication used by the CRMs in order to
contact them is 50 % of the respondents responses through physical visit, 23.7% responses
through phone call, 7.9% of them responses that through email, 10.5% of them responses that
through by branch manager and 7.9% of them responses that through phone call and branch
managers. The rest 38% of the respondents have not response to it.
3.1.3 Analysis on enhancement of relationship with corporate customers towards the Bank
Table 4 Analysis on relationship of corporate customers towards the Bank
Effort of the bank to build excellent
Freq %
Freq %
Freq %
Freq %
Freq %
52.6 3
39.4 2
55.3 8
36.9 3
18.4 4
10.5 14
customer relationship is very
CRMs has made the relationship
strong between the bank &customers
It is believe that the new approach of
the bank to build strong relationship
with customers could enhance its
There are improved services as
compared to previous services given
by the bank
The bank still needs to improve its
customer relationship and services
I have not seen any change in the
36.8 9
way customers were treated by the
a. Effort of the bank to build excellent customer relationship is very attractive
The other important question prepared using likert scale is, whether the effort of the bank to
build excellent customer relationship is attractive and considerable or not. As shown in the table
4 above, 50% and 34.2% were responded agree and strongly agree on it respectively,5.3% were
responded neutral and the rest7.9% and 2.6% were responded disagree and strongly disagree
b. CRMs has made the relationship strong between the bank and customers
Regarding to this question, out of total respondents, 52.6% and 34.2% were responded ‘agree’
and ‘strongly agree’ respectively, 7.9% and 5.3% were responded neutral and strongly disagree
on the issue respectively.
c. It is believe that the new approach of the bank to build strong relationship with
customers could enhance its performance
Another important question forwarded to corporate customers is that, the newly started approach
by the bank to build strong relationship with customers is whether could enhance the bank’s
performance or not. Out of the total respondents, 39.4% and 52.6% were responded ‘agree’ and
‘strongly agree’ respectively on this question. But 5.4% and 2.6% were responded ‘neutral’ and
‘disagree’ respectively.
d. There are improved services as compared to previous services given by the bank
As we can see from the above table, out of total respondents 55.3% and 23.7% were responded
agree and strongly agree respectively which means there are improved services than the previous
services given by the bank since CRM implementation.
e. The bank still needs to improve its customer relationship and services
As we can see from the table above, 52.6% and 36.9% were responded strongly agree and agree
which means the bank still needs to improve its customer relationship and services to bring more
efficiency of the bank.
f. I have not seen any change in the way customers were treated by the bank
The other question asked customers is to check whether the respondents were answered the
questionnaires carelessly or deeply understand the questions because we prepare the question
negatively. Out of total respondents 36.8% and 23.7% were responded disagree and strongly
disagree respectively, 10.5% of the respondents are neutral to the issue, 18.4% and 10.5%
answered agree and strongly agree which is the minimum average when we look out of total
3.1.4. Analysis Regarding Customer Satisfaction of corporate customer’s after CRM
Table 5 Corporate customer responses regarding customer satisfaction
Whether customers satisfied
Freq %
Freq %
with the efforts of CRM to
resolve your issues or not
Satisfaction level regarding
Freq %
Freq %
Freq %
Freq %
Freq %
2.9 2
effort and willingness of
CRMS on dealing of cases
The bank started to provide
Freq %
Freq %
Freq %
2.6 3
5.3 3
prompt and effective
Freq %
The bank is currently
providing superior customer
a. Whether customers satisfied with the efforts of CRM to resolve your issues or not
Another important question asked to corporate customers is whether they are satisfied with the
efforts of CRM to resolve their issues or not to assess how the effectiveness of CRM on dealing
with customers issues and problems. As shown on the table 5 above, out of total respondents
89.4% were responded yes. And 10.6% answered no to show as they were not satisfied with the
CRM services.
b. Satisfaction level regarding effort and willingness of CRMS on dealing of cases
Also as most of the respondents answered positive to the question, the other important related
question asked customers is how they were pleased with their effort and willingness. As the
respondents previous answers yes, 44.1% and 41.2% were answered very happy and happy
respectively, to show their responses as they were pleased with the efforts of CRM to deal and
resolve their issues. On the other hand5.9% and 2.9% were responded neutral and unhappy
which is the minimum average out of total respondents.
c. The bank started to provide prompt and effective services
The other important question asked customers is that, whether the bank started to provide prompt
and effective services to its customers or not since CRM established to know the effectiveness of
CRM. Out of the total respondents, 44.8% and 36.8% were responded ‘agree’ and ‘strongly
agree’ respectively, while 7.9% and 2.6% were responded neutral and disagree respectively.
d. The bank is currently providing superior customer experience
Also, other important question asked corporate customers is that, as the bank is currently
providing more services than a customer expected to come to the bank. As shown on the table 5
above, 47.4% and 13.2% were responded agree and strongly agree respectively, 26.2%,
answered neutral. And13.2% responded both disagree and strongly disagree.
3.1.5. Major comments or ideas from corporate customers
17.ባንኩ አሁንም ከደንበኞች ጋርያለውን ግንኙነት የበለጠ ለማሻሻል ምን ማድረግ አለበት
ብለው ያምናሉ ቢዘረዝሩልን
ከዚህ የበለጠ አገልግሎት መስጠት፣
የደንበኞች ግንኙነት አስተዳደር አባላት ወደ ደንበኞች ቀርቦ አስተያየቶችን ቢሰበስብ መልካም
ነው፡፡ ቅሬታ ሲቀርብ ብቻ ሳይሆን በመደበኛ ሁኔታ ቢደረግ ጥሩ ነው፣
ከሌሎች ባንኮች ጋር በመወዳደር አዲስና የተለያዩ ዘመናዊ አገልግሎት ተደራሽ ለማድረግ
መሥራት አለበት፣
ደንበኛውን በስራ ከዚህ የበለጠ ማስደሰት እና አዳዲስ ዘመን አመጣሽ ቴክኖሎጂ ማምጣት
ለምሳሌ፡ የውጭ ገንዘብ ኤቲኤም እንዲመነዝሩ ማድረግ፣
አንዱ ግለሰብ በቀን የሚያመጣው ገንዘብ ሊሚት በኋላ ምክንያቱም ያሰው ነጋዴ ሊሆን ይችላል
እና በቀን ደግሞ መውጣት የሚችለው ብር መጠን 50000.00 ብር ብቻ ነው፡፡ ስለዚህ ደግሞ
በቂስ ላልሆነ ሊሚት ቢነሳ ብዬ አምናለሁ፣
ደንበኞችን ባማዳመጥና ሁሉንም ተጠቃሚ የሚያደርግ የብድር አገልግሎት በመስጠት እንዲሁም
የአገልግሎት አሰጣጡን ማቀላጠፍ፣
ባንኩ በጣም የመናጅመንት ማሻሻል ወደ ነበረበት መመለስ የግድ ያስፈልገዋል::
18. ከባንኩ ምን አይነት ተጨማሪ አገልግሎት ይጠበቃሉ? እባኮዎን ይዘርዝሩ፡፡
የቤት ግዥ ብድር ያለ ማስያዣ፣
የውጭ ምንዛሬ ፈቃድ፣
ለሚቀርቡ የብድር ጥያቄዎች ወቅታዊና ተገቢው ምላሽ ቢሰጥ ጥሩነው፣
ባንኩ አሁን እየሰጠ ያለው አገልግሎት በጣም ጥሩ ቢሆንም ቀልጣፋና ተደራሽ የማድረግ
እንቅስቃሴ ወይም ተጨማሪ ጥረት ያስፈልገዋል፣
በሞባይል ባንኪንግ ከአንድ ሂሳብ ወደ ሌላ ሂሳብ በቀላሉ እንድንጠቀም እንፈልጋለን፣
ኢንተርኔት ባንኪንግ በአግባቡ እንዲሰራ ማድረግ፣
ቢሮክራሲ ያልበዛበት አገልግሎት፣
ተደራሽነት ያለው አገልግሎት ማለትም ቅርንጫፎች ሁሉም ቦታ መዳረስ አለባቸው፣
ለኤጀንሲዎች የሰጠውን ብድር ዶላር በአግባቡ ወደ ባንኩ ማስገባታቸውን ይቆጣጠር ጠርቶ
ማነጋገርና እንደሌሎች ባንክ ተጨማሪ ጥቅሞችን በማሳየት ደንበኞችን መሳብ፣
በጣም ዝቅተኛ ገቢ ያለቸውን ሰዎች ተጠቃሚ የሚያደርግ የብድር መንገድ ቢመቻች ሥራ
ፈጣሪዎችን የሚያግዝ ብድር ገበሬዎችን ያማከለ ብድር፣
ደንበኛው ወደ ባንክ መሄድ ሳያስፈልገው የብድር ጥያቄን ጨምሮ ሌሎች አገልግሎቶችን በ
ኮልሴንተር ቢኖር፣
ዲጂታል ባንኪንግን በይበልጥ ማጠናከር፣
በእወነቱ ከሆነ ኦሮሚያ ባንክአ ጀማመሩ በጣም ጥሩ ነበር ነገርግን ከግዜበ ኋለ በጣም
እየሽቆለቆለ ስለመጣ በጣም መታገል ማሻሻል የስፈልጋል::
3.2. Analysis of Branch Managers Responses
Online questionnaire were also designed and E-mailed to branch managers to assess the
helpfulness of the work unit (CRM) to address potential customers, the effectiveness of current
potential CRM and its prospects, the value added after the implementation of this work unit in
terms of deposit mobilization and to identify challenges of CRM while doing their duties and
The questions were distributed to 22 branch managers selected from city branches and among
them we have collected 20 respondents. Data’s that collected from branch managers were tallied,
sorted and analysed by using frequency, pie chart and percentage.
3.2.1. Branch Background Information
Table 6 Branch districts information’s
No of branches selected for
No of responded branches
No of responses %
As shown on the table 5 above, the branches were selected for responses depending on the
corporate customers they have and by their grades. As shown on the table 5 above, the branch
managers under North finfinne district and EFD were responded 35% and 30% respectively
which shows high participation and to respond it. Branches from WFD were the least
participated to give responses as shown on the above table by 15%.
Table 7 Branch Grades
Branch grade
Shared No of branches
Shared % of branch
No of Branches
selected for responses
branch by %
Grade I
Grade II
Grade III
Grade IV
As indicated on the table 6 above, grade I and II branches were more selected to respond the
questionnaires and grade I responded totally by 36.84% of total respondents. And grade II
branches were also responded 31.58%. Other Grade III and IV branches were selected by
minimum share as per they were small in number and only 10.53% and 21.05% were responded.
3.2.2. Analysis regarding CRM building according to branch managers responses
1. How many Estimated Corporate Customers does your branch have?
Figure 1 Estimated corporate customers found at a branch.
The first most important question forwarded to respondent is, how many corporate customers the
branches have which needs to deal with their issues in building of customers relationship. As
shown from the above chart, 65% out of total respondents have 10-50 corporate customers and
35% of respondents have less than 10 corporate customers in the branch.
2. Has the CRM contacted your customers to resolve their issue since established?
Figure 2 CRM contacted customers to resolve their issues
As shown on the above chart 80% of respondents agreed with that our CRM has contacted
corporate customers and 20% has showed they were not contacted the customers at branches.
These number values interpreted that most corporate customers were contacted by CRM and
their issues were discussed.
3. If your answer is yes, by what communication method they have been contacted
Figure 3 Method of communication CRM used to contact customers
Also another important question requires important answer to make this assessment is by what
communication method our CRM were contacted corporate customers according to branch
managers’ responses. As shown on the above chart out of total respondents more than 43.8%
responded that the CRM were contacted customers by visiting only and 25% also through branch
manager and visiting. 18.8% out of total respondents responded that our CRM were contacted by
phone call only. Also there were customers contacted by CRM through branch managers only
and through both branch manager and customer visit by showing 6.3%.
7. The newly established CRM in our bank is serving our branch’s customers to meet
their needs since implemented
Figure 4 CRM Serving branch customers to meet their needs
As shown on the above chart, 65% out of total respondents were agreed with the newly
established CRM in our bank are serving our branches customers to meet their needs since
implemented. And 5% responded strongly agree with the question in addition to agree. Also out
of total respondents 20% responded neutral. The other remaining respondents’ means 10% out of
total respondents were responded strongly disagree. Agree and strongly agree covered 70% out
of total respondents’.
8. We have discussed with CRM on how we have to build excellent customer relationship
with our customers
Figure 5 whether branch managers and CRM discussed to build excellent customer relationship
Another important questions forwarded to respondents is about discussion between CRM and
branch managers to check whether they have raised how to build excellent customer relationship
with customers. As shown on the above chart 65% responded agree and 10% responded strongly
agree to show they have discussed with CRM on how to build excellent customer relationship.
15% responded neutral and the left 10% out of total respondents were answered strongly
disagree to show they were not discussed with customers on their issues.
9. CRM uses different strategies and tactics to meet customer needs and expectations
Figure 6 CRM uses different strategies and tactics to meet customers
As depicted on the above chart 6, 45% and 5% of the responded branches were agreed and
strongly agreed to show that CRM uses different strategies and tactics to meet customer needs
and expectation. And other 40% of respondents showed neutral to this question. The other 10%
responded disagree to show their responses to the question. From this chart we can conclude that
as half (50%) of total respondents agreed and strongly agreed by this question our CRM uses
different strategies and tactics to meet customer needs and expectations.
10. There is some customer relationship improvement since OB started CRM
Figure 7Customer relationship improvement since CRM implemented
As shown on the above chart 45% and 15% out of total respondents were answered agree and
strongly agree respectively to show their response that there is customer relationship
improvement since our bank implemented CRM. And also 40% responded neutral to show their
responses for the question.
3.2.3. Analysis regarding to Customer Satisfaction as of branch managers
4. If your answer on number 2 is yes, how they were pleased with their effort and
willingness to deal with their case?
Another important question asked branch managers is, whether customers were pleased or not
with the willingness and efforts of the CRM to deal with their issues. As shown on the below
chart, out of total respondents 53.3% and 40% were responded happy and very happy to show
their answer is pleased with efforts and willingness of CRM. The rest 6.3% were responded
unknown which is not negative answer to the question.
Figure 8 Customers pleasant with CRM effort and willingness to deal with customer issues
11. CRM gives additional benefit to retain and initiate Customers of the bank
Figure 9 CRM gives additional benefit to retain and initiate customers
As shown on the above chart, out of total respondents 55% and 15% responded ‘agree’ and
‘strongly agree’ respectively on the question to show their answer is mostly positive. And out of
total respondents, 20% and 10% were responded ‘neutral’ and ‘disagree’ respectively on the
questions. As the maximum average of respondents were responded positive to the question,
which means more respondents were mostly agree means CRM can give additional benefits to
retain and initiate customers of the bank.
12. I think OB’s customers are satisfied with the services provided by CRM
Figure 10 Customer satisfactions with CRM services
As shown on the chart 10 above, 52.6% out of total respondents were responded ‘neutral’ to the
question which is the maximum points and next to this 31.6% and 10.5% were responded ‘agree’
and ‘strongly agree’ respectively to show their answer is that customers were satisfied with the
services provided by CRM. This figure tells us the services provided by CRM are satisfying our
customers and still needs more improvement.
13. We are started to provide prompt and effective services to our customers more than
that of previous since CRM started help us and our customers
Figure 11 whether branches started to provide prompt and effective services since CRM
For the above question most of the respondents, which is 45% and 10% out of total respondents
were agreed and strongly agree to show their answer is that they were started to provide prompt
and effective services since CRM started to help them and their customers.
14. Loyalty and Retention of our customers have been improved
Figure 12Improvement of Loyalty and Retention of customers
According to the response collected for the question number 14 above, most respondents were
responded neutral which is 45% and next to that 35% and 10% were responded agree and
strongly agree to the question respectively. The rest 10% were responded disagree and strongly
disagree by sharing equally which is 5% for both. This information shows that as the maximum
average responded agree, strongly disagree and neutral to the question there is an improvement
of loyalty and retention of our customers.
15. Since the establishment of CRM, there are no exciting customer relationship
improvements as a whole.
Figure 13 Customer relationship improvements
The other question asked customers are, to check whether the respondents were answered the
questionnaires carelessly or by focused on the questions. Thus, identify this question is designed
and forwarded for respondents. Out of total respondents, 30% and 15% were responded
‘disagree’ and ‘strongly disagree’ respectively. Also 30% preferred to choose responding
neutral. The rest 25% responded agree.
3.2.4. Bank performance enhancement according to branch managers responses
5. Have new customers been able to join your branch since CRM was established?
Figure 14 New customers joined the branches
For the above question majority of the respondents’ which is 60% out of total respondents were
responded yes and the rest 40% were responded no to the question. This number value tells us
there are new customers joined the bank since CRM was implemented and able to attract new
customers to the bank.
6. If your answer is yes how much did it help your branch to increase your branch
As the question is depending on the answer of question number 5 above, most of respondents
which is 66.7% out of total respondents were responded there is branch deposit increase by
medium, as well as the rest responded 11.1% equally to show their answer on the question.
Thus, out of total respondents as 11.1% responded there is increased deposit by high average
and 66.7% responded medium, we can conclude that there is an increased deposit in generally
since the CRM established.
Figure 15CRM helps branches to increase branch deposits
16. Since the establishment of CRM, the bank’s efficiency has improved significantly in
terms of attracting new customers
Figure 16 The bank’s efficiency improvement since CRM established
And also the other important question is asked branch managers as the bank’s efficiency has
improved significantly in terms of attracting new customers. For this question, 40% were
responded agree and 35% were neutral out of total respondents. The other which is 15% out of
total respondents was responded disagree to the question. The rest out of total respondents were
responded strongly agree and strongly disagree by equally sharing 5%. This data shows that as
more of the respondents agree to the question, the bank’s efficiency has improved significantly
in terms of attracting corporate customers.
17. There is value added in terms of deposit mobilization to our branch since CRM was
Figure 17 Added Deposits since CRM Implemented
Regarding the above question on value added in terms of deposit mobilization since CRM was
implemented more respondents which is 40% were responded neutral and 30% responded agree
to show there is value added in the branch in terms of deposit mobilization. And also out of total
respondents 15% and 10% were responded disagree and strongly disagree to the question.
18. The established CRM could be enables the bank to be the home of superior customer
experience and could bring reliable long live customer relationship in our bank
Figure 18CRM could be enables the bank to be the home of superior customer experience
As shown on the above chart, out of total respondents 50% and 25% were responded agree and
strongly agree to show their response as the established CRM Could be enables the bank to be
the home of superior customer experience and could bring reliable long live customer
relationship in our bank.
3.2.5. Major Comments or Ideas raised from Branch Managers
19. Recommendations on our Bank’s CRM to be more effective
 All the stakeholders have to be concerned about the resource mobilization issue and not
only the job of Branch Managers;
 You have to decrease daily meeting and give adequate training concerning general
Domestic Banking & other training;
 I recommend other departments strongly cooperate with CRM Units including Chief
executives on responding customers' request;
 Searching for potential and corporate customer's and distribute to the branch in
accordance with their location, it is important to work on those dormant or inactive
accounts together with the branch, and also visiting existing potential and corporate
customers of the bank will get positive reply for to us;
 CRM needs to communicate with branch manager daily or weekly;
 Train staffs to provide excellent service;
 Request feedback from our customers, provide fast support, build loyalty and create
memorable customer experiences;
 Empower CRMs to finalize what they promised, give advanced training on marketing;
 CRM teams should work closely with branch manager;
 Strong and continuous follow up and be supportive with real data;
 Every department should have to work closely with CRM to solve customer problem &
20. The major problem of our bank’s CRM according to Branch managers
 CRM want to mobilize resource by telephone rather than physically contact them;
 As a CRM they have to dress good;
 They lack responsibility and full knowledge;
 Identifying the need of customer and work on it;
 They expect any customer cases from branch to CRM or upward instead of downward
or both side;
 Since the department is new there is a problem of enough awareness by the staff
regarding of working and visiting branches with schedule;
 Not putting the customer at the center, lack of communication and lack of commitment;
 Liquidity and FCY challenges to address corporate customers need;
 Luck of frequent contact with branch and customers;
 Focusing on existing customer only;
 Have no power to decide or to be decided and budget also a problem.
21. Factors affect CRM in our bank
Less belongingness, to be more concerned about unnecessary reports, and not too
concerned about the client issue rather work on making of superiors happy;
Targeted daily customer which is given to CRMs;
They have not management role;
The main factors that affect CRM is prompt response or decision making for customers
various queries while conducting business or customer visit;
Competition with other banks, employees satisfaction;
Poor communication skill & product knowledge gap;
Customer satisfaction, productiveness, communication, responsiveness, emotional
engagement and accessibility.
Analysis of Districts Sales and CSM responses
Questionnaires for districts sales and CSM were designed and E-mailed to 8 districts sales and
customer service managers to collect data from them to make this impact assessment on the
effectiveness and helpfulness of districts sales and customer services. Out of 8 districts sales
and customer service managers 6 respondents, which is 75% out of total selected respondents
were responded to the questions.
3.3.1. Districts sales and CSM background analysis
Table 8 District sales and CSM background information’s
Percentage %
Masters & Above
Educational qualification
work experience at OB
Below-1 year
1-4 years
4-8 years
>8 years
Below 35 years
35-45 years
46-55 years
Above 56
As shown on the above table, out of total respondents, all districts sales and customer service
managers are males. This figures shows that there is no female employee at all districts sales and
customer service manager. Also, as we can see from above table, out of total respondents of
districts sales and CSM, 66.7% are less than 35 ages and the rest 33.3% are between 36-45 ages.
Also, as shown on the above table, out of total respondents, 66.7% were degree holders and the
rest 33.3% has master’s degree. This figure indicates that, maximum of the districts sales and
customer service managers are degree holders. As shown on the above table, out of total
respondents, 83.3% were served more than eight years in the bank and the rest 16.7% worked in
the bank for between 4 and 8 years. This figure indicates that more than 83% of districts sales
and customer service managers are worked more than 8 years.
3.3.2. Analysis regarding CRM Building as of Districts sales and CSM responses
1. I am acting as CRM for our respective district
Figure 19 whether districts sales and CSM acts as CRM
As per the responses collected for question number 5 above, 83.3% and 16.7% were responded
agree and strongly agree respectively to show their answer on the question. This figure shows
that, as the respondents totally agreed with the question, the districts sales and CSM are acting as
CRM in respective of their districts.
2. I have received selected customers as CRM from branches of our district
Figure 20 Districts sales and CSM received customers from branches as CRM
Regarding the above question, on receiving selected customers from branches as CRM, 83.3%
and 16.7% were responded agree and strongly agree respectively. This figure also shows that, all
districts sales and CSM are also received selected customers from their respective branches.
3. I have attended necessary training and have excellent level of awareness on CRM
Figure 21 Districts sales and customer service managers whether received training or not
As shown on the above chart, 66.7% and 16.7% were responded ‘agree’ and ‘strongly agree’ to
the question. Also 16.7% were answered disagree to the question to show they have no attended
any trainings and has no awareness regarding CRM. This figure indicates that, as the maximum
numbers of respondents are responded agree and strongly agrees, they have excellent awareness
and have received training regarding this CRM implementation.
3.3.3. Analysis regarding customer satisfaction according to districts sales
and CSM responses
4. As a CRM I have tried to build excellent customer relationship with my customers
Figure 22 Districts sales and CSM have tried to build excellent customer relationship with
Regarding this question, out of total respondents, 83.3% were responded agree to the question.
And the rest 16.7% are responded disagree to the question. This figure indicates that, as most of
respondents responded agree, the districts sales and CSM have tried to build excellent customer
relationship with customers in the bank.
I believe that the method of communication I have used is more persuasive to motivate
and meet our customers’ needs.
Figure 23 Districts sales and CSM method of communications is more persuasive to motivate
and meet customer needs
Regarding the point stated here in the above on number 9, the majority of the respondents
which is 50% and 16.7% of the total responses collected ‘agreeing’ and ‘strongly agreeing’ to
the question. And the rest 33.3% preferred to choose neutral to the question. This figure
indicates that, they believe that the method of communication they used is more persuasive and
applicable to motivate and meet their customers’ needs.
6. I am empowered as a CRM while dealing with customers on the needs and request of
customers considering the interest of our bank.
Figure 24 Districts sales and CSM empowered as CRM to deal with customers’ needs and
Regarding empowerment as a CRM in order to deal with customer’s needs and requests by
considering the interest of our bank, 50% of the respondents are agreeing to the question. And
33.3% responded disagree on it, while the rest 16.7% are preferred to be neutral on the issue. As
the maximum average of respondents responded agree on the issue that, districts sales and CSM
are empowered in dealing with customers.
7. I believe that our Customers have started to have good image for our bank and satisfied
to our bank’s services since CRM established.
Figure 25 customers have started to have good images for the bank
As shown on the above chart 83.3% out of total respondents were agreed to the questions. And
the rest 16.7% preferred to choose neutral for the question. As more of respondents were
responded agree to the question, our customers have started to have good image for our bank and
satisfied to our services since CRM established.
3.3.4. Bank performance enhancement analysis according to districts sales and
CSM responses
There is value added in terms of financial deposit in the bank since we have
implemented CRM.
Figure 26 Value added in terms of deposit since CRM
Regarding the above question on value added in terms of deposit mobilization since CRM was
implemented more respondents which is 83.3% and 16.7% were responded agree and strongly
agree respectively to the question. This data show that as the total numbers of respondents
were responded agree and strongly agree there is value added in terms of deposit mobilization
in the bank.
3.3.5. Major comments or ideas raised from districts sales and CSM
Factors challenge CRMs to properly discharge their job duty
 The districts CRMs have no power on deciding or convincing on customer’s needs;
 The customers have so many alternatives and always need to get their interest satisfied only.
For that they always compare the service they get from our bank with others and we lose
them because of that. Those areas are FCY and collateral estimation for loan mainly;
 CRMs customer data from branch not responded properly as needed;
 You may be able to motivate your team, but what happens when resistance comes from the
top? Getting approval from management is one of the biggest challenges of CRM
implementation. The sales team may raise some complaints from customers that need the top
management's reaction and they did not react on time as needed;
 We don't have get CRM customers from branches specifically except CRM customer
previously send to District Directors as their KPI'S.
Analysis of CRM Responses
Similar to Branch managers and districts CRM online questionnaires were designed and Emailed to 23 CRM at head office to collect data from those CRM to know and make assessment
on the helpfulness of this established CRM. Among 23 CRM at head office that a questionnaire
was sent to them, only 19 respondents were responded for the question which means 82.6% out
of total respondents.
3.4.1. CRM Background Information Analysis
Table 9 CRM Background information analysis
Percentage %
Masters & Above
Below-1 year
1-4 years
5-8 years
>9 years
25-40 years
41-55 years
Above 56
Educational qualification
work experience at OB
Below 25 years
As from the table above out of total respondents 68.4% were males’ and 31.6% females. Also as
we can see from table above, out of total respondents of CRM employees about 94.7% are
between 26-40 ages and the left 5.3% are between 41-55 ages. These per cent value shows that
almost of CRM employees are at adult ages. The other data of CRM employees included in this
above table is education status of CRM. As from the table above 73.7% have degree and 26.7%
have masters and above.For the above question most of the respondents, which is 36.8% of the
respondents, have more than 9 years of service in our bank. 31.6% of the respondents have
experience of between 5 & 8 years in OB. 21.1% of the respondents have an experience of less
than 1 year in OB. While the other remaining respondents have an experience of between 1 up to
4 years in OB which counts 10.5% of the total respondents.
3.4.2. CRM Building Analysis as of CRM Responses
5. Have you ever been contacted the customers present at branches to try and resolve
their issues?
Figure 27 CRM Contacted corporate customers
As per the responses collected for question number 5, we have got 94.7% of the respondent are
contacted the customer’s present branches in order to try and resolve their issues. While the
others, 5.3% of the respondent are not contacted customers at all.
6. Have you informed the customers of our bank about CRM established at head office and
have you tried to build relationship with them?
Figure 28 CRM inform Customers about CRM Established at head office
According to the response collected for the question number 6, all of the respondent, which are
100% of them, have informed customers of our bank about CRM established at head office and
tried to build the relationship among them.
7. If your answer for question number 6 above is yes, have you discussed with them on
their needs and issues to solve their problem?
Figure 29 CRM Discuss with Customers on their issues and needs
Based on the response for question above, all of the respondents (100%) answers that they have
discussed with their customers on their needs and issues to solve their problem.
8. Is the resource is fulfilled for you to meet and contact customers at any place and time as
you have been assigned as CRM?
Figure 30 Resources fulfilled for CRM meet customers
As per the above pie chart majority of the respondents agreed that resource fulfilled for the
CRMs in order to meet and contact customer at any place and time. But the other respondents
which are counts 36.8% have disagreed on this question.
9. If your answer is no for question number 8 above, what resources have to fulfill for you?
Please list
As per the responses obtained for question number 8, and who said no for it have listed the
following resources to be fulfilled for them.
Lack of vehicle especially out of Finfine
Laptop & adjust office
Time to meet customer is limited to only morning
10. What are communication tools have you been used to contact customers? (You can tick
more than one)
Figure 31 Communication tools CRM used to contact customers
For the above question majority of the respondents’ which is 57.9%, response that CRMs’ are
contacts their customers through customer visit and phone call. 21.1% of the respondent answers
they contact their customers through customer visit, 10.5% of the respondents responses they
contact customers using customer visit and through branch manager.
11. I have received necessary training and have excellent level of awareness on CRM.
Figure 32 CRM have excellent awareness on CRM and received training
For the above question, on number 11, majority of the respondents agreed on they have received
necessary training and have excellent level awareness on CRM, 15.8 % of the respondents are
strongly agreed on it, and 26.3% of the respondents are neutral on the above point. But the rest
are disagreeing on the point.
12. I have fully discharging my responsibility as outlined in my job duties.
Figure 33 CRM fully discharging their responsibility
Regarding the above question on discharging of responsibilities of CRMs, majority of the
respondents, which are 63.2% of the total responses agreeing and 21.2% of the responses
strongly agreeing on they had fully discharging their responsibilities as outlined in their duties.
While the rest 10.5% and 5.3% of the total responses responded neutral and strongly disagreeing
respectively on the point.
13. I have created effective relationship with customers to bring superior customer
experience in the bank.
Figure 34 CRM Created effective relationships with customers
Regarding creating of effective relationship with customers as indicated on the above majority of
the respondents, which is 57.9% of the total responses and 31.6% of the total responses agreeing
and strongly agreeing respectively on they have created effective relationship with customers to
bring superior customer experience. While the rest 5.3% and 5.3% of the total responses
responded neutral and strongly disagreeing respectively on the point.
14. I have a plan to improve customer relationship to bring superior customer experience
in the bank for the future
Figure 35 whether has CRM plan to improve customer relationship in the bank
Regarding the above point all of the respondents which is 68.4% and 31.6% of the total
responses have strongly agreeing and agreeing respectively on they have a plan to improve
customer relationship to bring superior customer experience in the bank for the future.
15. I believe that the method of communication I use is more persuasive and applicable to
motivate and meet our customers’ needs.
Figure 36the method of communication CRM used to meet customers is persuasive and
Regarding the point stated here in the above on number 15, majority of the respondents which is
61.1% and 33.3% of the total responses collected ‘agreeing’ and ‘strongly agreeing’ that they
believe that the method of communication they used is more persuasive and applicable to
motivate and meet their customers’ needs.
16. The communication method I use to communicate with the bank’s customers plays an
important role in establishing a good customer relationship.
Figure 37 the method of communication CRM used to communicate with customers could plays
important role in creating good relationship
Regarding the above point, among the respondents 61.1% and 38.9% of the total responses
strongly agreeing and agreeing respectively on the communication method which CRMs used to
communicate with the bank’s customers plays an important role in establishing a good customer
17. The action I have been taken to build excellent customer relationship with our bank is
completely pleasing.
Figure 38 Whether the action CRM used to build excellent relationship with customer is pleasing
For the above point, majority of the respondent which is 57.9% and 21.1% of the total responses
collected they are agreeing and strongly agreeing on the issue regarding action taken by CRMs to
build excellent customer relationship with our bank is pleasing.
18. I am empowered as a CRM while dealing with customers on the needs and request of
customers considering the interest of our bank.
Figure 39 CRM was empowered to deal with customer needs and requests
Regarding empowerment as a CRM in order to deal with customer’s needs and requests by
considering the interest of our bank, 26.3% and 10.5% of the respondents are agreeing and
strongly agreeing on it. While 21.1% and 15.8% of the respondents are disagreeing and strongly
disagreeing on the issue that CRM are empowered in dealing with customers. The rest 26.3% of
the respondents are preferred to be neutral on the issue.
3.4.3. Customer satisfaction analysis according to CRM Responses
19. We are started to provide prompt and effective services to our customers
Figure 40 Whether CRM provides prompt and effective services for customers
For the above question most of the respondents, which is 36.8% and 26.3% out of total
respondents were agreed and strongly agree to show their answer is that they were started to
provide prompt and effective services since they were started their responsibilities. And also
21.1% were preferred to choose neutral for the question. The rest 15.8% were responded
disagree and strongly disagree to the question.
20. I believe that our Customers have started to have good image for our bank and
satisfied to our bank’s services since CRM established
Figure 41 Customers have started to have good image for our bank
As shown on the above chart 57.9% and 21.1% out of total respondents were agreed and strongly
agree to the questions. And also 15.8% preferred to choose neutral for the question. The rest
5.2% were responded strongly agree to the question. As more of respondents were responded
agree and strongly agree to the question, our customers have started to have good image for our
bank and satisfied to our services since CRM established.
3.4.4. Bank performance enhancement analysis according to CRM
21. I believe that our bank could be benefited from the communication methods I am
using to create excellent customer relationship in the bank.
Figure 42 the bank could be benefited from the communication methods that CRM used
Regarding the point stated here in the above on number 21 majority of the respondents which is
63.2% and 31.6% of the total responses collected strongly agreeing and agreeing that they
believe that the bank could be benefited from the method of communication they used to create
excellent customer relationship in the bank.
22. Since the establishment of CRM, the bank’s efficiency has improved significantly in
terms of attracting and handling customers.
Figure 43 the bank’s efficiency has improved significantly in terms of attracting and handling
And also the other important question is asked CRM as the bank’s efficiency has improved
significantly in terms of attracting new customers. For this question, 55.6% and 27.8% were
responded agree and strongly agree to the question. The other point which is 11.1% out of total
respondents was preferred to choose neutral to the question. This shows that as more of the
respondents agree to the question, the bank’s efficiency has improved significantly in terms of
attracting corporate customers.
23. There is value added in terms of deposit mobilization in the bank since we have
implemented CRM
Figure 44 Value added in terms of deposit mobilization since CRM established
Regarding the above question on value added in terms of deposit mobilization since CRM was
implemented more respondents which is 57.9% and 26.3% were responded agree and strongly
agree respectively whereas15.8% preferred to choose neutral to the question. This data show that
as the maximum average number of respondents were responded agree and strongly agree there
is value added in terms of deposit mobilization in the bank.
3.4.5. Major comments or ideas raised by CRMs
24. Factors challenges CRMs to properly discharge their job duty
 Lack of clear definition of CRM customer;
 Lack of man power (CRM) in the department, lack of technology, not deploying or
absence of some IFB products or services (such as saving mudarabah, diaspora mortgage
financing, murabaha financing for export i.e., other than card financing);
 SME CRM unit empowerment like corporate CRM, especially in credit & FCY
 Awareness problem and not getting out of the old routine;
 Lack of empowerment compared to other banks CRM;
 Failure to respond to customer inquiries on time and properly.
26. Hindrances for CRMs to make the bank the home of superior customer experience
 Lack of exactly know customer experience at all;
 Lack of resource, empowerment, and support from management;
 Existing organizational culture;
 Policy and procedure;
 There is equal understanding of interdepartmental about customer, all staff of our bank
must on the same page regarding information;
 There must be continuous training for all staff specially at branch level;
 Customers past experience (Attitude);
 Lack of uniformity in customer service at the branch;
 Lack of sales experience of customer handling;
 Customer request vs. Bank’s potential;
27. Recommendation of CRMs on our Bank should do to make the existing customer
relationship smooth
Responding customer requests as soon as possible as per standard service delivery time;
The way we give service, and support of management;
Maintaining close relationship and improve our service quality;
To implement superior customer service and empower CRM;
Keeping promise and to be flexible;
Build strong relationship, sell our diversified products and visit the customer at their
work place by concerned body;
Giving customers effective and efficient CRM service;
Respond customer request on time;
By empowering the RM and fulfill their needs;
All decision making organ will be on the same page and give immediate response for
customer request;
Since the purpose of CRM is for superior customer experience, then it must be guided by
the same department;
Below over their customer service expectation, giving sound attention & care, effective
& consistent communication via CRM & and all staffs;
Applying a dynamic customer retention strategy fully from top to down;
Modernizing our service delivery;
All staffs should take trainings on customer relationship, those who is not take care of
customer service should be penalized;
Answering customers questions properly and visiting corporate customers by the
management of the bank;
Understand what the customer need and give responses on timely.
28. What should be done to help customers to overcome barriers in implementation of
 Automating processes that will improve user productivity and boost customer satisfaction ;
 Accepting customers complain and try as possible to resolve it;
 Training shall be given for CRM,
 Management shall empower CRM like other banks do,
 Fulfill required resource for CRM, and making salary and other benefits relative with
other bank CRM's;
 We have to create good relationship with our customer and communicate them day to day
to know their interest and need to give on-time respond for their request;
 Give attention for the issue that the CRM differentiate.
This CRM impact assessment is basically focuses on the implemented CRM effectiveness and to
assess its impact on the performance improvement of our bank. In order to do this assessment
questionnaire has been distributed after it was properly designed and collected from 129
respondents. The respondents are categorized in to four various groups, as we prepared the
questionnaire. Those categorized groups which are corporate customers, Branch Managers,
District sales and CSMs and corporate and retail CRMs are among different stakeholders that
have direct impact on the implementation of CRM.
The questionnaires that were prepared for corporate customers are prepared in to three major
core points that would help us to assess the impact properly. Those are; customer perception of
RM, relationship building with customers in the bank and customer satisfaction,
The questions for internal respondents (Branch managers, district sales and CSM, CRM) were
also prepared in to three major points to assess this CRM implementation. These are, building
CRM in the bank, Customer satisfaction and Enhancing bank performance since CRM
implemented in the bank.
The responses which are collected from all groups of respondents leads in the conclusion of
positive assessments regarding all points stated in terms of building CRM, customer satisfaction,
and enhancing bank performance which are collected from branch managers, district CRMs,
Corporate CRMs and customers.
As all points assessed in this post implementation impact assessment results show that, the
implemented CRM has a positive impact on the bank’s performance improvement, there are also
some limitations and hindrances which challenges the bank in creating and building effective
customer relationship in the bank. Thus, regarding this newly implemented CRM there are
somewhat required attention and improvement to be more effective in building excellent
customer relationship and meet customer needs and expectation. Therefore, the bank must pay
attention and improve somewhat listed in the following as a recommendation, to overcome the
challenges and hindrances which could limit the bank from to become the bank of first choice in
all aspects.
 The bank should accept the customers complain and try as possible to resolve it
 Understand what the customer needs and give responses on timely
 Fulfill Resources for all CRM units, Empower them, and the management should support
them on timely deciding and providing customers’ requests.
 Every department should have to work closely with CRM to solve customer problem and
 The CRM must have strong and continuous follow up and communication with customers.
 The CRM and all other staff must get out of old routine and have aware in all aspects of
customer service.