1 AMAZON COMPANY Amazon Company Name: Institution: Course Code: Instructor: Date 2 AMAZON COMPANY Introduction We ought to get a little perspective of what fortune 1000 means before we get to too many details, don’t you think? Well, fortune 1000 is a list of a thousand biggest companies in America that are ranked based on revenue spawned from consolidated subsidiaries, discounted operations and core operations. Keep in mind this list is produced yearly by the well-known magazine fortune. Among these one thousand companies, Amazon Company stands out based on this discussion. That being said, this article involves discussing Amazon Company, its approach to big data analytics and business intelligence, where they are on the right and wrong track, and areas they can improve as a company in maintaining and applying business intelligence and big data analytics. Discuss the company Amazon The history behind Amazon Company goes way back to 1994, the month of July when it was founded. Jeff Bezos in Seattle founded the Amazon Company. At the time, Seattle was advancing technically at a higher rate hence influencing Bezos’ intentions to form a company in Seattle. In addition, it’s not a walk in the park forming a company by yourself, so Jeff Bezos had a team of talented and well-specialized individuals. These personalities include Mackenzie Scott. Amazon Company began by selling books online. In the year 1997, the company was gaining popularity where it started selling videos and music. The following year amazon progressively advanced to selling more items like software, toys, games, home appliances, consumer electronics, among others. As years progressed, technology was also advancing at a high rate. Therefore, this led to the introduction of the Amazon web service (AWS). The purpose of AWS was to provide data AMAZON COMPANY 3 on the internet traffic patterns and website popularity, which made it much easier for developers and marketers to make analyses or statistics (Ozgur, 2017, p. 355-371). The AWS portfolio immensely grew in 2006 when data storage through the internet was introduced or rather made accessible. Between the year from 2012 to 2017, Amazon Company focused on managing and automating its inventory. Currently Jeff Bezos is not the CEO but the Executive Chair of the company. Andy Jassy is currently the company’s CEO. Its approach to big data analytics with business intelligence Well, to understand how Amazon’s approach to big data with business intelligence on a deeper level, let’s figure out the terms that stand out in this particular topic. These terms include big data, big data analytics, and business intelligence. Big data is the systematic way of analyzing and extracting data from data sets that seem too large to handle using outdated data processing application software. Big data analytics uses radical techniques to analyze large data (unstructured data, structured data, and semi-structured data). In addition, the processes and technical infrastructures involved in gathering, storing, and analyzing data produced by an organization or company are known as business intelligence. Furthermore, some individuals would view business intelligence as process analysis, data mining, or in simple terms, benchmarking (Jin, 2018, p. 10). As discussed earlier in the article, Amazon is one of the leading e-commerce platforms; therefore, the amount of data it gathers is massive. Managing this data involves using technologies in big data. Customers being Amazon’s valuable assets, the company strives to collect information from its customers. Therefore, this will increase the chances of the company gaining more clientele and even more insights on how to market the company’s products or the company at large. Amazon uses the recommendation engine to leverage its gathered data. For 4 AMAZON COMPANY instance, if a client views a particular product in the AWS, the company utilizes this information to predict the client’s products of interest. In addition, Amazon keeps records of the product clients purchase and delivery addresses. By doing this, Amazon can convince customers to purchase a particular product. In easier terms, Amazon uses a personalized recommendations system that figures out customers’ behavioral patterns in the company’s platforms, such as AWS. Additionally, Amazon uses big data to keep track of the company’s inventory hence influencing manufacturers to ensure orders are delivered fast. Moreover, if you think about it, big data enables Amazon to reduce delivery expenses by picking the closest warehouse. In simple terms, this is known as supply chain optimization. How Amazon uses big data correctly Amazon has incorporated the "everything under one roof" model of business which has been successful. Customers feel overwhelmed when faced with a wide variety of options where customers have poor insight and little or no idea concerning the best purchasing decision. Amazon uses Big Data analytics to understand its customers and therefore influence the purchasing decision of its clients (Kauffmann, 2020). It has helped Amazon edge its competitors. In support of Amazon using Big Data, they collect clients' information at the browse, which designs and customizes its recommendation engine. Amazon tries as much as possible to know its customers at a deep level. It helps them predict the purchasing patterns of their clients. Once the retailer is aware of one's interests, it makes influencing one to buy easier. Amazon does this by recommending products to purchase depending on what one searches for mostly. Clients are happy when they find it easy to get what to buy, increasing the chances of purchasing goods via Amazon. AMAZON COMPANY 5 Amazon has incorporated technology referred to as collaborative filtering. It aids in predicting the user's wants by building personalities then advertising products that people of the same personality have purchased. Amazon collects data of every customer as they navigate the site. Amazon monitors what one searches, the purchases, and the address to which things are shipped. Based on where you live, Amazon can predict income levels based on purchasing power, where you come from, and purchasing history. Amazon also is keen on checking customer's feedback which allows adjustments of products and services. The large volume of data Amazon manages utilized to build a "360-degree view of every client. Amazon also can link other people who are in the same category. It, therefore, facilitates targeted marketing whereby goods are advertised to a specific niche. Amazon gathers data from users, such as the browsing time of each page. Amazon also utilizes external datasets like census data that contain demographic information. The core business of Amazon is operated in the primary data warehouse, which entails Hewlett Packard servers running Oracle on Linux. Customers are overwhelmed when there are too many choices with no guidance, which leads to poor purchasing decisions. Amazon uses a recommendation engine to predict the wants of a customer by profiling people and matching similar profiles to check what people of that category purchase easier. The 360-degree view of clients as individuals is the base for customer service and Big Data marketing. What is Amazon doing wrong about Big Data, and what can be done to improve Challenges Amazon is facing with big data are the same of other companies. These challenges include; incorporating machine learning, data silos, data controllership, data security, and difficulty evaluating various datasets. Without further ado, let's have a look at these challenges. 6 AMAZON COMPANY Breaking down silos Companies create data lakes to break down data silos. Having data in different areas foreseen by various groups makes data invalid. In most cases, it happens to companies that grow fast or expand to new areas. Most operation planning is done by different teams, which leads to data being stored in different means and places. It is, however, hard for data to make sense at an organizational level. With teams operating independently, problem-solving becomes less efficient, which could be solved easily together (Phillips, 2019) Since not everyone can access data repositories, getting granular details from the data isn't easy. When data exceeds the capacity of a spreadsheet, challenges often come up in large companies with Big Data. A data lake is used to solve this problem. It unites all the data in one central location. Teams can function independently, but it is linked to the lake data for analytics; hence no more silos. Analyzing diverse datasets Data structures and information vary hence a challenge when different approaches and systems are used. Amazon prime has data fulfillment centers and packed goods, while Amazon Fresh has grocery stores and food data. Shipping programs are different in different parts of the world, whereby countries have different packaging styles in terms of shapes and sizes. Another challenge when evaluating data comes when different systems having the same information but are labeled differently. In America, the term used is the cost per package, whereas, in Europe, the term used refers to the cost per unit. The word used has two meanings which in this case are different. To solve this, I recommend using a link between two labels to know it refers to different things. 7 AMAZON COMPANY Data lakes can be used to import data in any format since there is no predefined schema. Data can also be computed in real-time. Data can be collected from different sources and moved into the data lake in its original model. Links can be created between information labeled differently but representing the same thing. Data lakes allow one to store highly designed data, which is frequently accessed in a warehouse, while maintaining semi-structured and unstructured information in the lake storage. Managing data access Since data are stored in different locations, it is hard to access them and connect them to external tools for analysis. The finance data for all operations of Amazon are in more than twenty databases, with regional teams designing their model of datasets. Databases need access management credentials to change profiles or passwords. Audits must be done for every database to avoid improper access (Yesin, 2019). Data lake makes it easier to find the right data to the correct people at the right time. Amazon has to worry only about a specific database instead of managing access to different locations where data is stored. Data lakes come with the significance of users to see, process, or access assets. Unauthorized users are blocked from doing any task that would impact data privacy. In data lakes, data is stored in a format that makes work easier when evaluating data. The format is compatible with even tools that are not developed yet. Conclusion Big data analytics is a game-changer for big companies that have incorporated it. Amazon has been seen to take full advantage of this system where it used to foresee its operations. Amazon can predict purchasing patterns of users with the help of this system. It has made clients' work easier when purchasing since it is difficult, especially when there are various AMAZON COMPANY 8 options to choose from in the market. Besides Amazon benefiting from Big Data Analytics, it has faced challenges when incorporating it in its organizations. These challenges, however, have been solved thanks to data experts. Companies that have not incorporated Big Data Analytics cannot compete with these giant companies. It has given Amazon a competitive advantage against its competitors. Big Data analytics has contributed majorly to the success of Amazon globally. 9 AMAZON COMPANY References Kauffmann, E., Peral, J., Gil, D., Ferrández, A., Sellers, R., & Mora, H. (2020). A framework for big data analytics in commercial social networks: A case study on sentiment analysis and fake review detection for marketing decision-making. Industrial Marketing Management, 90, 523537. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0019850118307612 Jin, D. H., & Kim, H. J. 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