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Globalization & International Trade: Benefits vs. Drawbacks

Reflection Questions:
Based on your understanding of the chart above, what is the current global business environment like? Use
each of the 4 topics to support your answer, and use examples where possible. Be sure your response is
structured in paragraphs (introduction, body paragraph(s), conclusion)
When looking at the current global business environment, I think that the global business environment is in a
very good spot and it’s heading in the right direction. When I look at the charts above there were four topics
which were Globalization of Markets, Globalization of Production, Globalization of Consumers and
Globalization of Technology. Each of these topics show how the global business environment is in a good stage
and has room for a lot of improvement in the coming years.
The first topic is globalization of markets and it is in a great spot right now because of NAFTA. NAFTA is the free
trade agreement between Canada, US and Mexico. This trade agreement is the most important example of
globalization of markets because you have three big national economies merging into one larger marketplace.
This is happening all over the world as many national economies are merging, creating these larger
marketplaces such as the Central American-Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR), the
European Union (EU) and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). The next topic is Globalization of
Product. At this time, China has become the largest manufacturing country in the world with over $2.01 trillion
in output. This has both its pros and cons but if you simply look at the advantages of this, it would be that in
China its cheaper to make goods than any other country. This translates into better margins and lowers prices
for consumers which will increase gross profit for the companies in Canada, US, etc. Not only is it much
cheaper in China to manufacture but Globilization of products will create much more job opportunities for
people in developing countries especially. Thirdly, there is Globalization of Consumers. This topic was hit hard
during the COVID-19 pandemic because it was very tough for people to ship the products coming from the
global market. This is a great example for improvement because its been a bit of time since COVID and
franchises and different markets are back up on the rise and the want for products globally is starting to get
back to pre-COVID numbers. I think that if you look at the business environment from that point of view, it is a
working progress to get the numbers back up but consumers are getting back into the global market and
products are getting sold daily from amazon, apple, etc. The last topic is globalization of technology which is
an extremely important section of globalization. I think out of all of them, it could be the one that is improving
at the fastest rate. If you look at technology 20, even 10 years ago, there were major differences in the world.
Technology has been improving so rapidly as much of the world is turning to digital. As of 2018, 7.6 billion
people have mobile phones and there are many things becoming digital like paying for things, using a GPS or
uber. These technologies make the planet we inhabit unrecognisable from even 20 years ago. This change is
only going to be faster as the increase in technology has enabled scientists and engineers around the world to
engage in global competition. We are living in the digital era - a time of rapid technological change led by
digital technologies. These new technologies are reshaping economies—and societies.
To conclude, the four topics discussed show that the current global business environment is in a good spot as
the worlds trade, products, markets and innovations continue to increase and with COVID finally behind,
numbers are returning back to normal and even better in many aspects of trade.
Based on what you know about the current global business environment, do you think globalization and
international trade are beneficial or detrimental to countries and its people? Evaluate each side (give 3
reasons for each side), but choose one position in the end.
Globalization and international trade are
detrimental to countries and its people
- Increased Competition
If you view global trade as a whole,
you see that it benifits companies,
workers and economies. However, if
you look at domestic companies and
products they are affected because
there is more foreign competition.
The pool has simply widened.
Although some countries may
impose tariffs, or quotas on foreign
products. Over-time it would simply
affect economic performance as a
- Economic Dependence
International Trade allows more
developed countries to take
advantage of developing countries.
The reason why is because
underdeveloped countries have to
depend upon the developed ones
for their economic development. An
example of this would be
undeveloped countries in Africa and
Asia getting exploited by rich
European countries for their
resources, etc.
Political Risk
There are always domestic political
changes and this prevents an
ongoing challenge. Governments
can easily change laws or create
regulations that directly impact
certain trades with other countries.
That is why it is important to trade
with varying countries rather than
solely trading with one which helps
balance the political risk.
Globalization and international trade are
beneficial to countries and its people
Increase Economic Growth Can be organized into three main
Access to labor - It gives countries a
wider labor pool which means that
developing countries with a
shortage of workers can “import”
labor to kickstart industry. Whereas,
developed nations can outsource
low skill work to developing
Access to jobs - Developing nations
often gain access to jobs by
wealthier countries who are
outsourcing them.
Access to resources - Countries can
gain access to resources they
previously wouldn’t have had.
The ability for nations to
“specialize” - Cooperation between
nations allows certain countries to
heavily lean on their economic
strengths and trade with that.
- Increased Global Cooperation
For globilzation to exist and be
successful, nations have to work
together and put any differences in
culture/languages aside. This
doesn’t eliminate conflict but it
heavily reduces it.
- Increased International
International investment between
different companies really expands
the range and possibilities for both
investors and companies which in
turn enhances welfare on both sides
of the equation. The nation that
provided the capital gains because it
frequently earns a higher return
abroad than it does at home. The
nation that gets the capital inflow
gains because that capital spurs
investment, which raises
Based on my evaluation of these two sides of the argument, I believe that globalization is
beneficial to countries and its people because it increases international investment, it
increases economic growth through resources, jobs, labour, etc. It also increases global
coorperation between countries. Globalization and international trade not only give access
to labor and more jobs in developing countries, they give consumers a wide range of
resources/products at a lower price that they previously wouldn't have been able to have.
It allows countries to specialize and heavily rely on their economic strengths and trade
with resources that are in demand from many countries around the world. Globalization
also increases international investment which is so important because it benefits both
sides of the equation. People can spread their investment risk among foreign companies
and markets and these investments take the potential for growth in many emerging
economies. They increase welfare on both the investor and the companies side and it
increases productivity as a whole. Finally, globalization increases cooperation between
countries which is so important because if the world is going to continue to advance in all
aspects, there has to be respect and relationships between countries. Having tension
between countries leads to war and other unwanted outcomes. Globalization makes
nations work together and putting away all differences in language/culture. To conclude,
globalization is beneficial to all countries and although I only mentioned three points,
there are so many reasons why globalization is the future for the world and hows its the
key behind the development of economies, innovations, international trade and