TERMLY SCHEME EASTER TERM 2023 SUBJECT: Reading Grade: 9 week 1 Topic General Objectives Content Activities Resources Evaluation Information in stories Recognize and select stated and implied details. Many poems and stories about Anancy have been documented Poem “Anancy” from Parang by Cecil Grey Tales Of The Caribbean---Anancy Stories by Evan Jones Amerindian Stories: published by Ministry of Education Extracts of selected fables Specimen of a GLOSSARY A GLOSSARY is a list of special technical words with definitions. The GLOSSARY helps the reader to Sustain silent reading of stories Give oral and written answers to questions based on fables read. - Use glossary to increase vocabulary - Write out and explain morals found in fables - Give interpretations to aspects of stories Texts as stated in Content and others chosen by students and teachers Dictionaries; Thesauruses Find both definite and indefinite meanings of some words used in the stories read Know that fables are tales that teach morals. Know that fables are tales that five information about a particular era of experiences. Understand the separate features of stories (setting...) allow for interpretation, composition and graphic illustration. understand the text SUBJECT: Reading Grade: 9 Topic General Objectives Stories of the oral tradition Ascertain by comparing and categorizing oral tradition stories. Content A selection of “Bill” stories e.g. Stupidy Bill Stupidy Bill Steals Bakes Sensible Bill Know the first form Employs of story- telling was StupidyBill Many persons were oral form, which over the years might professional have splintered into storytellers hence many versions of the many versions story- telling. of story-telling. Many written collections of oralUnderstanding that tradition stories that modern story writers try to create have been available for some time now. versions of traditional stories so The “Bill” stories that they relate to are oral-tradition modern values, stories now written trends… for reading in Activities week 2 Resources Listen to taped Taped Bill-stories stories - Read Story sheets Audio recorder/player selections of Billstories and sequence the events and actions. - Interpret strange words and phrases found in the stories. - Compose, reading and telling stories based on the character Bill - Put Bill stories in categories - Write personal/original stories resembling Bill stories. Evaluation Create thesaurus using base words form selections of Bill stories. Organize an oral Bill story for a class reading session. Create a word folder to show descriptive word used. Guyana. SUBJECT: Reading Grade: 9 week 3 Topic General Objectives Content Activities Resources Evaluation Features of the oral tradition stories Know the features that make up an enjoyable traditional story. Know the features of a short story: plot, setting, characteristic, writer’s styles and theme among others, which afford reading enjoyment. Know that the structure, meaning and purpose of a story are identified other repeated reading A selection of Children’s stories; e.g. The Three Little Pigs A selection of Guyanese and Caribbean tales; e.g. The Legend Of Kaieteur Selections of unpublished folk stories; e.g. folk.stories written by CXC students. Selections of stories told by senior villagers. (Documented stories) The details of stories show or explain their features. Group and individual oral reading - Fluent reading - Discuss reading - Re-tell Comment orally on plot, setting, theme and characterization Story sheets Cassette recorder/player Story books Chalkboard Find a selection of short stories and give reasons why they enjoyed them SUBJECT: Reading Grade: 9 Topic General Objectives Features of dialect poetry Master the features of dialect poetry. Content Selections of dialect poetry taken from: New Ship: An Anthology Of West Know that dialect Indian Poems For poems have immortalized every Secondary Schools day happenings in a Copies of dialect poetry gleaned from creative way. people in the community. Understand that Selections of folk dialect is a version songs of Guyana. of a language. The two versions of “Old Higue” by Understand that Wordsworth Mc dialect has structure. Andrew “No Lickle Twang” by Louise Bennett Dialect verse is quickly memorized through week 4 Activities Resources Evaluation Read chorally and individually Illustrate dialect poems - Translate stories from dialect to Standard English and note the effect. - Supply oral and written answers to questions for better understanding of dialect poems. Compose dialect poems using known patterns. Poems written on wall-charts and sheets of paper Writing paper Art material Read aloud any poems that they have worked with. Write summaries of selected poems. Write poems that include colorful graphic illustrations. its rhythm and words. Tone and theme in dialect poetry are easily identified Folk-songs of Guyana can be read/recited as poetry. SUBJECT: Reading Topic Grade: 9 General Objectives Content Activities week 5 Resources Evaluation MID TERM ASSESSMENT SUBJECT: Reading Grade: eight week 6 Topic General Objectives Content Activities Resources Evaluation Features of dialect poetry Treat material in specific ways to enhance memory work. Dialect poems by Louise Bennet Dialect poems by other Caribbean and Guyanese poets Incomplete dialect poems Brief statements on the Read and recite poems. - Listen to taped reading of poems. - Complete incomplete dialect poems. - Compose dialect-poems to tell of teenage issues. - Cassette player/recorder Audio cassettes Percussion instruments Large poem sheets Individually recite poems. Dramatically present a poem to an audience. Compose dialect poems. Know that dialect poems are best remembered if they are read to the accompaniment of relevant music: beating of drums. life of Louise Bennett and other poets. Understand that the pitch, tone and timing used by the reader and recitalist, aid in the enjoyment of dialect poems and the meaning of its lines. SUBJECT: Reading View facial expressions and body-movements during the reading of dialect poems which allow for easy interpretation Recite poems Pronounce strange dialect terms repeatedly Grade: 9 Topic General Objectives Content Activities Cultural heritage Master the acquisition of information. Extracts from (a) Social Studies Our Children Bk. 5 (b).New Horizons In Social Studies.Bk1 (c ) Caribbean History for CXC No cultural pattern is superior to another. The cultural heritage of Guyana Read silently Read individually and orally in smallgroup setting Write stories of cultural heritage Read sometimes between the lines to get answers to certain questions about culture. Classify information Know that language and culturally expressive artforms, customs, values and the way of life of a people define a people’s culture. week 7 Resources Information sheets Social Studies texts Sample of tabulation sheet. Stories, fables Evaluation Select relevant information from text. Arrange information according to topic/issues Summarize information in both graphic and written form. is diverse. History - Sequence information and Social Studies texts give information on cultural heritage: clothes, monuments, buildings, dance,belief, and so on. Selected information SUBJECT: Reading Grade: 9 Topic General Objectives Content Cultural heritage The ethnic groups in Guyana came from Master reading for other parts of the information. world. See Children Stories of Know that different Guyana People types of longer texts Who came New may present varying Horizon in social views on a topic. Studies Books 1 & 2 Samples of recipes and pieces Comprehend what various text say on a of clothing that signify cultural topic, one has to carefully select and differences across week 8 Activities Resources Evaluation Comparing and contrasting legendary details and historical facts - Finding denotative and connotative meanings. - Read silently Art materials Recipe cards Pictures of pieces of clothing Complete assignment based on selection of relevant information from Guyanese historical facts read. compare the stated ideas. Guyana. Documentation of things cultural in Guyana. SUBJECT: Reading Grade: 9 week 9 Topic General Objectives Content Activities Resources Facts in culture/historical text Master how to select information. Selections of folk tales e.g Old Higue Selections of legends e.g. The Legend of Kaieteur Folk Tales and Legends of some Guyanese Amerindians ed,: W. F. Edwards and A. R. Hubbard Caribbean Folk Tales and Legends compiled and edited by Andrew Salkey Legends re more of the written tradition Folk-tales mostly focus on the Compare and contrast legendary details and historical facts Find denotative and connotative meanings. - Scan, contrast, and organise data Compare and contrast contents/sentiments in calypsos Art materials Copies of calypsos Reading Selections a stated in Content. Know the terms and phrases used in legends and folktales are often used in every day speech. Understand that literature presents some basic facts of history. View legends and folktale as history fiction. Evaluation Oral presentation on Guyanese folktale and legends. Create a tale or legend to tell of a present day happening in Guyana. teaching of morals and reliance on unnatural powers Calypsos record data about topical issues in daily life Some writers of Guyanese folk-tales are - JAN CAREW EDGAR MITTLEHOLZER; A. J. SEYMOUR SUBJECT: Reading Grade: 9 week 10 Topic General Objectives Content Activities Resources Evaluation Increasing vocabulary Utilize words correctly and attentively which are taken from Anancy tales. Acquisition of a wide and appropriate Anancy oriented vocabulary encourages cognitive Group-reading of stories. - Create story dictionaries Read stories orally - Re-tell stories Compose stories - Poster-size bond and cardboard sheets; Dictionaries; Anancy stories on reading cards; Other fables and stories on Use selected words and phrases in self composed Anancy story. Use selected words development in that field of folk tales. Know that the Vocabulary: e.g. vocabulary in BrerAnancy; Anancy fables is MrDuck Folk-Tales characterized by all And Legends Of the words in the Some Guyana facilitating language Amerindians By: of the time. W. F. Edwards H. R. Hubbard D. Naraine A Drink Know that all the Of Water By: words that a writer Samuel Selvon knows and can use Selections of effectively make Anancy stories: e.g that writer’s “ How Brer Tiger working Lost His Tail” vocabulary. “Kofi Baadu: Out Of Africa” by Walter Rodney A story-map is a detailed diagram that shows how a story is structured. It gives details about its characters, setting, plot, point of view. Read to meet new words and to maintain an interest in reading - Tell and re-tell stories to maintain and improve vocabulary story-sheets. and phrases to create word meaning list Give each personally written story two titles SUBJECT: Reading Grade: 9 week 11 Topic General Objectives Content Activities Resources Themes in stories Master the selection of themes in texts. Theme is the main idea in a piece of writing, especially a story. Ideas that change behaviour are called “morals.” Selections of Aesop`s fables: THE FOX AND THE CROW THE DOG AND THE BONE “A Drink of Water” by Samuel Selvon Extracts from “King of the Masquerade” by “Jason Whyte” by Terry Parris A theme-map is a diagrammatic presentation of how a theme is developed in a text. This includes the ideas and their connections. Read and re-tell tales in written and oral forms. Summarise fables in written and graphic forms - Find the central thought in stories by asking questions and getting answers. Tell a peer how to deduce the theme from a piece of writing Story books; Story sheets. Dictionaries List of approved moral behaviours. Know that the main idea in a story is usually an idea about life. Understand that ideas and morals in fables and other stories can help to improve the behavior of characters. Evaluation ⮚ Use the ideas from Anancy stories and compose own fables. Identify morals in stories and write anecdotes to portray them SUBJECT: Reading Topic Grade: 9 General Objectives Content week 12 Activities Resources Evaluation END OF TERM EXAMINATION SUBJECT: Reading Topic Grade: 9 General Objectives Content week 13 Activities Resources Evaluation END OF TERM ACTIVITIES Signature of teacher:___Christina Jaipaul______________________ Signature of HOD:_____________________________ Date: __December 5, 2022___________________________ Date:______________________________