Correction of Incorrect Anatomic Posture of Cervical Spine with Biofeedback Method (Sensory Phase) M.Ali Khalilzadeh ¹ Elyas Ranjbarian ² Omid Jahanian ³ Ghasem Karimi ³ Department of Bio-Medical Engineering Robotic Lab. Islamic Azad University of Mashhad Islamic Azad University of Mashhad Ostadusefi St., Emamieh Blv., Ghasemabad , Mashhad , Khorasan Razavi , Iran ABSTRACT Great reduction in physical activities and incorrect anatomic habits in different periods of life and different places in their rest time or in working at job causes incorrect anatomic posture and skeletal and articulated diseases. Such problems take long time to get corrected successfully with ordinary methods such as fixing splints, physiotherapy operations and special exercises. But in our project to solve mentioned anatomic problems, Biofeedback method was devised. Up to now biofeedback method hasn’t been used for such a purpose but we have used this technique in order for anatomic posture correction. First step to reach this propose is the body posture detection. Our target limb in this project is cervical spine. The amount of neck flexion, the angle between head and trunk and the displacement of posterior parts of cervical spine relative to each other are the features which describe well enough to judge about the posture of cervical spine. Here in this paper detection by suggested sensory method will be explained. Sensory phase involves designing, fabricating, experimenting and optimisation of proposed sensors; the carbon sensor for angular flexion detection, the capacitor sensor for displacement of posterior parts of cervical spine detection and the combined gravitational sensor for the angle between head and trunk detection. After detection of target limb posture with our recommended designed sensors in sensory fusion phase, processing the samples and timed incorrect posture announcing to body intelligent system occur to complete our devised biofeedback method. Keywords: cervical anatomic posture, bio feedback systems ,posture correction, combined sensor 1 INTRODUCTION As the technology has facilitated hard and dangerous responsibilities of human being in most aspects of life from industries to social activities also has caused great reduction in physical activities, incorrect anatomic posture, skeletal and articulated diseases because of incorrect anatomic habits in different periods of life from their childhood up to old ages and different places in their rest time at home and also when they are working at job. Incorrect posture and such problems are usually uncorrectable (incurable) or it takes long time to cure -----------------------------------------------------------1: Assistant professor of BIO-MEDICAL Engineering Dpt. Of Islamic Azad University of Mashhad. 2: M.S.Student of BIO-MEDICAL Engineering Dpt. Of Islamic Azad University of Mashhad. 3: B.S. Student of MECHNICAL Engineering Dpt. of Islamic Azad University of Mashhad. them so usually they cant be cured (corrected) successfully .ordinary methods which are used in order to solve these problems are such as fixing splints and other anatomic fixtures ,physiotherapy operations and special exercises . Some methods like using splints because of non-flexibility and putting the target limbs under pressure and also mental pressure due to being continues and long are not so efficient. The method in our project to solve mentioned anatomic problems is based on Biofeedback system in which by sampling from target limb or limbs posture with our recommended designed sensors, processing the samples and timed incorrect posture announcing to body intelligent system it doesn’t put under pressure the patient and also doesn’t have the problems of previous methods because of non-permanent incorrect posture alarm announcement. up to now biofeedback method hasn’t been used for such a purpose but we have used this technique in order for anatomic posture correction .easy sampling method from anatomic posture and biofeedback technique are the principles of our project thus designing and fabrication of proper data recording system and processing the data are so important in order to reach the purposes in our project. 2.2 sensory data fusion: Due to non-linearity of sensors and different detected parameters (amount of flexion, angle and displacement) in order to make understood the decision maker about sensors out put a fuzzy sensory data fusion was used. We expect following results for this research: Presentation of a biofeedback system for correcting neck incorrect posture (cervical spine)(spinal cord situation and its problems are so related to this posture.) in order to get improved the people who have neck posture problems in different body settlement postures (different types of standing, sitting and lying) without being under physical or mental pressure. in future it will be tried to analyze the results of our research according to statistical method . In this project we have tried to help all people who have problems and diseases that originated from incorrect anatomic habits and also who in their jobs are obliged to have Special anatomic posture for a long time. 2 ARCHITECTURE The project path is as followed 2.3 processing and analyzing of anatomic neck posture: In this section processing and analyzing of neck posture; feature extraction, intelligent decision maker system (preferably fuzzy); base on cervical spine anatomy and also out put of sensory data fusion section is designed and the made decisions are sent to biofeedback system. 2.4 biofeedback: Using of biofeedback technique in posture correction process is a new scientific suggestion in this field. In this research feedback parameters such as location, time and type of feedback have been studied which are related to job and habits of patients. 2.5 system evaluation: Fig 1. Block diagram of posture correction system As the last section of this project (posture correction) effectiveness of biofeedback technique must be evaluated. The Procedures in order to evaluate the rate of cervical posture improvement are: Long time data record, feature extraction for evaluation and clustering . The explained subject in this paper is the sensory of the project. 2.1 sensory and instrumentation: In order to detect incorrect cervical posture and analyzing this situation we need proper sensor, sensors which can give the amount of neck flexion, the angle between head and trunk and the displacement of posterior parts of cervical spine relative to each other. All this sensors due to their applications must have easy installation, light weight and small dimensions. According to necessity of having a mobile system the data recording set which contains transducers, processor, data communication module and power also must have characteristics which were mentioned for sensors. 3 SENSORY 3.1 Carbon sensor: We have designed this type of sensor in order to quantitate the amount of flexion of neck. This sensor is constructed from a 15 centimeter rubber tube with diameter of 1 mm. which is full of carbon particles with same dimensions (0.05 mm). There are two electrodes at two sides of the tube which are situated inside the carbon particles to 5mm depth Fig 2. designed Carbon sensor One head of the sensor must be installed on C2 vertebrae. The operation of this sensor is like that with flexion of tube the distance between carbon particles is reduced so the impedance between two electrodes decreases. It is considerable that the As the other parameters in the formula are constant (K: capacitor constant, B: width of sheets and d: distance between metal sheets) the relation between capacity and the displacement is linear. Fig 3. Designed Planar capacitor sensor location of flexion in this sensor doesn’t effect on impedance and just existence of flexion influences on it. There are some problems in using this type of sensor such as non-directional flexion sensing which was solved by putting this sensor on a flexible strip in which the sensor is constrained in one direction that with flexion of strip in one direction the carbon particles close to each other and in the other direction get far from each other so the impedance increases. The other problem is dynamic response of sensor as during ohm metering, sensor out put decreases. An excuse for this problem is polarization of carbon particles and getting close to each other. In order to solve this problem we experienced two solutions; one AC metering in which a sinusoidal current with frequency of 40 KHz prevent from polarization of carbon particles and fade dynamic response of the sensor, the mere problem of this method is decreasing of sensitivity of the sensor because of capacitor behavior of carbon particles. The second solution is timed sampling; as we don’t need continues sampling; we put a thirty second interval after each ohm metering in order for depolarization of carbon particles. There are some noticeable advantages for this sensor type such as proper size and dimension, easy installation on neck, good sensitivity and repeatability. The disadvantage of this sensor is non-linearity response. 3.2 Planar capacitor sensor: In order for quantitating displacement of posterior parts of cervical spine relative to each other (c1-c5 ) capacitor sensor was designed which is constructed from two flexible sheet metal and a dielectric plan between them which are constrained to somehow that can move on each other easily. By displacing the plans (change in L parameter) the capacity of the capacitor changes according to the following formula. C=K(B.L)/d One fixture must be fixed on C2 vertebrae and the other one on . From advantages of this sensor, linearity and simplicity are considerable and the disadvantage of it is the difficulty during installation which because of the existence of two fixtures in order for installing on body. 3.3 Combined gravitational sensors : We have designed this type of sensors in order to measure the angle between head and trunk and each one separately. This sensory device is constructed form two gravitational sensors, one on head and the other one on trunk that each one gives the angle of horizontal plan and installation location. The angle between head and trunk is our favorite which can be cultivate by subtracting the response of two sensors on head and trunk Of course the response of each sensor separately can be use in order for determining the body settlement posture types (different types of standing, sitting and lying). Each sensor constructed from a rotary shaft encoder which is fixed to the installation location (head or trunk), its shaft is unbalanced by adding non-centric mass to it. Due to installation by changing the angle of head or trunk relate to horizontal plan the position of shaft doesn’t change (in relate to horizontal plan) but this us the encoder which its position changes according to the change of the head or trunk position so there is an angular change between shaft and the encoder which can be registered as the angular displacement of head or trunk in relate to horizontal plan. The amount of unbalancing added mass time the arm of the unbalancing mass (m× r) is so effective on precision and sensitivity of this sensor. Detection of tiny angular changes necessitate increase of mass or arm but this increase causes some problems such as creating pendulum cyclic motion in speedy movements which cause incorrect out put so it was necessary to make some changes in order to damp the cyclic motion. Fist we work on the mechanical design of shaft and the mass moment of inertia but because of limitations which we had in dimensions and weight of the sensor in order to install on head it was not so effective thus different types of dampers were experienced to damp the cyclic motion to somehow not to loose tiny angular motion data. magnetic pendulum can be coupled with added mass and move it but in fast movements of body because of light weight of our additional mass the pendulum oscillation motion is negligible and also oscillation of magnetic pendulum because of its heavy weight is so much thus its magnetic effects on unbalancing added mass motion is negligible. Fig 4. Schematic of sensor instruction In order for data recording we installed one sensor on ear and the other one on 5th vertebrae thoracicae (T5) . Fig 6. Schematic of magnetic damping 3.3.2 mechanical damping Another damper which we designed was constructed from a leaf torsion spring and torque gear reduction module in which the pendulum oscillation of unbalancing added mass was damped. Unbalancing added mass and encoder shaft are installed on a gear which is contacted to a constrained gear by a leaf spring. In order to damp the oscillation pendulum motion in fast movement effectively the constrained gear must have smaller radius for increasing the angular displacement and decreasing the torque of oscillation that is exerted on the leaf torsion spring. Fig 5. Combined gravitational sensors installation location 3.3.1 Magnetic damping The first damper that we used was the magnetic one which is constructed from a pendulum with the same length with the arm of added unbalancing mass but heavier than it, which is from a magnetic substance but we must take in to consideration that the unbalancing mass must be made up of ferromagnetic materials. The magnetic pendulum must be centric with the encoder shaft but free from that. In fast motions in order to prevent from cyclic pendulum motion lighter mass is necessary but in reverse heavier weight was necessary in order to detect tiny angular displacements so we used the magnetic pendulum as a variable mass which can vary by changing distance between magnetic and ferromagnetic mass. It means that in slow motions the nature of encoder shaft and encoder shaft and unbalancing encoder mass is to somehow that it doesn’t move because of light weight so the Fig 7. Combined gravitational sensor installed on the ear Another way to prevent from oscillation pendulum motion was using the dynamic vibration absorber (D.V.A.) which can absorbs the oscillation, because of complexity of this system and the limitation in weight and dimension we didn’t use it. In order to damp the oscillation pendulum motion we chose mechanical damper according to its better damping response in compare to the others. 3.3.3 Shaft encoder We experienced different types of encoder in order to detect the angular variations and we came to this conclusion that the best encoder is noncontact encoders because in contact encoders their moment of inertia and internal mechanical resistance affect on the angular displacement of shaft. We used AM256 8 bit angular magnetic encoder chip which is a compact solution for angular position sensing. The IC senses the angular position of a permanent magnet placed above the chip. The permanent magnet must be diametrically polarized and of cylindrical shape. Fig 8. AM256 8 bit angular magnetic encoder chip 4 CONCOLUSION We designed, fabricated and experienced different sensors for measuring amount of neck flexion, the angle between head and trunk and the displacement of posterior parts of cervical spine relative to each other and according to the observed problems we optimized these sensors. Now we are working on data recording and sesory data fusion phase in order to fulfill our purposes in this project which is correction of incorrect anatomic posture of cervical spine with biofeedback method. 5 REFERENCES [1] Kathleen DeSantis Klinich, Sheila M.Elbert, Chris A. Van Ee, Carol A. C.Flannagan, Monica Prasad, Matthew P. Reed, Lawrence W. 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