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COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Face-to-Face Classes

I. Introduction
Necessity and Trust. This two are relevant choices and being the
dilemma in citizens’ decision-making. It may be easy to say that vaccination
has an effective role to prevent the virus in affecting people’s health but
having the trust of everybody quite hard to get. As a matter of fact, the doubt
of getting vaccinated has several factors originated from countries who got
first the opportunity to be vaccinated regardless of what brand the vaccine is.
But then, proving the clear and inclusive information in multiple languages
could be a great way to remove the fear and dispel the misinformation.
It is no doubt that schools and school districts are consistently a large
part of our daily life . However, when pandemic started, operations in schools
have been temporarily stop to prevent the virus to spread. Since the sudden
shift of life happens, large adjustments of learning systems followed. The
medium of communication have been changed. For instance, attending faceto-face class turned into joining video conference and the school learning
setting shifted to home learning setting. Everything has being done by virtual,
technology is indeed the greatest tool in order fo people to continue in
operation. As we wanted to bring back the way of life we used to live,
vaccination has now the only option to step forward and getting back to the
normal school campus atmosphere.
Nevertheless, despite the accelerating supply and delivery of vaccines,
I have faith in the effectiveness of vaccination regardless of its brand. I believe
that medical factories which produce the vaccines are surely wanted to
provide the best vaccine since the effectiveness of the product will affect the
name of their company and that impact will decide if the company will
continue to operate or not, simply say, failure of the product is their biggest
fear. In that being said, vaccination should be the requirement to resume the
face-to-face class in order to secure the health oof people in social places as
well as to keep the body immunize and be able to fight off the viruses.
II. Counter Argument
Why some people entertain the non scientifically-based accusations? In
which, most citizens decided not to be vaccinated at the beginning of survey
because of the few accusations of the non-educated in medicine that became
the confusion of all. And from that, questions raised such as, How can we be
sure of about the benifits of vaccines? Is vaccine really make you sick? Are
the vaccines experimental?. Wherein, people should be aware that ensuring the
COVID19 vaccines work had to undergo the most intensive safety monitoring.
Well, based from the National Center for Immunization and
Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD), COVID19 Vaccines are not experimental
because they went through all the required clinical stages of clinical trials.
And after the testing and monitoring, it has shown that the vaccines are safe
and effective. Also, vaccines are made to immunize the body system, for the
body system have boost its function to fight off the viruses and other foreign
microorganisms. That is why, vaccines will help the body to be healthy and
surely not a source or reason of sickness. If vaccines really make human body
more alive and healthy, what exactly the benefits of these vaccines? How
much is the possibility to get you healthy from vaccination?. Below is a chart
of vaccines with their efficacy summary data updated of August 2021.
Oxford Astazenica
Johnson & Johnson
Table 1. These are available data of efficacy of vaccine in different
countries. However, this shows only the completed regimen. This just proves
that vaccines have more than 80% efficacy .
For more details, check http://www.healthdata.org/covid/covid-19vaccine-efficacy-summary
Benefits of Mandatory Vaccines
If students shall not get vaccinated, there is a high possiblity to meet
the array of health issues. As mentioned, vaccination will help learners to keep
away from virus. Prior to this, schools are places that are prone to germs and
other unwanted microorganisms. Therefore, vaccinated should be required
before exposing to the public areas especially in school. However, parents are
not likely to agree easily to this option. In which, the disapproval of parents
are due to the idea that vaccines have lot of unknown risks. In this reason,
query arise if mandatory vaccines are helping or hurting children.
Yet, information have to be relevant and accurate and World Health
Organization is a relevant source, it has proven that COVID19 vaccines have
proven to be safe, effective, and life saving. As a matter of fact, vaccines are
required to have more than 50% efficacy rate or above. As the Table 1 shows,
all vaccines have beyond 50% which proves that vaccines truly been tested
their quality, safety, and efficacy. Also, vaccines offer a strong protection, yet
it takes time to build. In line with this, vaccines which is proven to be effective
may vary depending at the existing variant and the progress of vaccine’s
efficacy is admittedly in the process.
There are many benefits of COVID19 Vaccine to mention and some of
it are the reducing the risk of infection, effectiveness against severe illness,
gradually helping to remove the requiremnt of mask, and finally will get to
reconnect and get back from the normal school atmosphere. In reducing the
risk of infection, this cause by the vaccine shot that will let the body produce
antibodies to the virus and these antibodies will support the immune system to
fight the viruses. Moreover, getting vaccinated not only reduces the change of
getting infected but also to contribute in making the community protected, in
reducing virus transmission. Also, vaccines are effective to fight against
illness, even if we cnnot avoid or cure illnesses, it is always better to prevent.
Although masks will stull requires after getting vaccinated but it will be our
first step in the doorway of healthy community and with that we can protect
ourselves and our family of course.
In those benefits mentioned, face-to-face class can resume after being
vaccinated. If we want not let our guards down, we should be very sure that
we are not misinformed. Instead, look for relevant sources of information and
be well informed and not to narrow minded about things.
IV. Conclusion
As expressed, necessity and trust have to go together.There is a need of
trust in choosing the best option. Trusting only the relevant source is a key of a well
educated as regards to the vaccine efficacy. As of now, new variants are emerging and
it is in need for vaccination as soon as possible if there are any available in the area.
In conclusion, face-to-face can resume after vaccinating all the students as well as the
teachers and staffs.
Related Reading
(A. Prothero 2020), “Will a COVID-19 Be Mandatory for Students”, EducationWeek
Detail, Vaccine efficacy, Effectiveness, and Protection, World Health Organization
COVID-19 Vaccine Efficacy Summary of Available Data, IHME