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ATI Med Surg Proctored Retake Remediation

RN Adult Medical Surgical Proctored Retake Remediation
Management of Care
Anemias: Discharge Teaching for a Client Who Is Recovering from a Sickle Cell Crisis
 Pain
 Hypoxia
Health Promotion and Maintenance
Immunizations: Recommended Vaccinations for Older Adult Clients
 Pneumococcal vaccine
 Influenza
 Meningococcal conjugate polysaccharide vaccines
 Zoster vaccine
Psychosocial Integrity
Amputations: Providing Support Following an Alteration in Body Image
 Refer the client to religious/spiritual adviser, social worker, or counselor
 Facilitate a supportive environment
 Refer the client to a support group or organization for people who have had amputations
Basic Care and Comfort
Disorders of the Eye: Priority Action for Eye Irrigation
Polycystic Kidney Disease, Acute Kidney Injury, and chronic kidney disease: Dietary
Recommendation for a Client Who Has Nephrotic Syndrome
 Restrict sodium, potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium
 High carbs and moderate fat
Stroke: Caring for a Client Who Has Left-Sided Hemiplegia
 Right extremity hemiplegia or hemiparesis
Pharmacological and Parenteral Therapies
Angina and Myocardial Infarction: Client Teaching About Medications
Place under the tongue to dissolve
Two more additional doses can be taken at 5-minute intervals
Angina and Myocardial Infarction: Reinforcing Teaching About Nitroglycerin
 Place under the tongue to dissolve
 Two more additional doses can be taken at 5-minute intervals
Blood and Blood Product Transfusions: Preparing to Administer a Blood Transfusion
 Large bore access 18 g or 20g
 Obtain blood products form the blood bank
 Two RNs double check the blood match
 Prime with NS in Y-tubing with a filter
 Begin within 30 minutes of obtaining blood
Blood and Blood Product Transfusions: Steps to Administer a Blood Transfusion
 Explain the procedure
 Assess vitals
 Remain for the first 15-30 min
 Review labs to ensure client needs transfusion
 Verify prescription
 Obtain consent
 Assess for past transfusion reactions
Electrolyte Imbalances: Manifestations of Hypokalemia
 Respiratory failure
 Cardiac arrest
Osteoarthritis and Low-Back Pain: Planning Pain Relief for a Client Who Has Osteoarthritis
 Heat
 Cold (20 minutes)
 Maintain joints in functional position
Tuberculosis: Adverse Effects of Antimicrobial Therapy
 Nausea
 Vomiting
 Diarrhea
 Abdominal pain
 Loss of appetite
 Bloating
Reduction of Risk Potential
Neurologic Diagnostic Procedures: Determining a Glasgow Coma Scale Score
Eye opening
o 4 = eye opening occurs spontaneously
o 3 = eye opening occurs secondary to sound
o 2 = eye opening occurs secondary to pain
o 1 = eye opening does not occur
o 5 = conversation is coherent and oriented
o 4 = conversation is incoherent and disoriented
o 3 = words are spoken, but inappropriately
o 2 = sounds are made, but no words
o 1 = vocalization does not occur
o 6 = commands are followed
o 5 = local reaction to pain occurs
o 4 = general withdrawal from pain
o 3 = decorticate posture (adduction of arms, flexion of elbows and wrists) is
o 2 = decerebrate posture (abduction of arms, extension of elbows and wrists) is
o 1 = motor response does not occur
Pancreatitis: Expected Laboratory Findings
 Blood amylase increased
 Blood lipase increased
 Urine amylase increased
 WBC increased
 Platelets decreased
 Calcium & Magnesium decreased
 Liver enzymes & bilirubin increased
 Serum glucose increased
 ESR elevated
Polycystic Kidney Disease, Acute Kidney Injury, and chronic kidney disease: Laboratory
 Creatinine increases
 BUN increases
 Urine specific gravity increases
 Sodium can increase or decrease
 Hematocrit decreases
 Metabolic acidosis
Postoperative Nursing Care: Assessment of Postoperative Dressing
 Report excess drainage
 Outline drainage spots with a pen noting date and time
Physiological Adaptation
Airway Management: Evaluating Client Understanding of Tracheostomy Care
 Use surgical asepsis to remove and clean inner cannula
 Clean stoma site
 Replace ties if soiled or wet
 Fresh dressing