Second Generation Of Computers (Transistors) Introduction From 1959-1965. Introduction of transistors. Inclusion of Magnetic Cores. Fortran and Cobol as assembly and high level programing language were used. Develop for Atomic Energy Industry. Advantages - Smaller in Size. - More reliable. - Used less energy and were not heated. - Better portability. - Better speed and could calculate data in microseconds. Advantages - Wider commercial use. - Used faster peripherals magnetic disks, etc. like drives, - Used assembly and machine language. - Accuracy improved. Disadvantages - Cooling system was required. - Constant maintenance. - Commercial production was difficult. Disadvantages - Only used for specific purposes. - Costly and not versatile. - Push cards were used for input. Notable Persons John Bardeen (1908 – 1991) William B. Shockley (1910- 1989) Walter H. Brattain (1902 – 1987) Invented Transistors at Bell Laboratories in the mid 1940’s Examples IBM 1620 Examples IBM 7094 Examples CDC 3600 Examples UNIVAC 1108 Thank you!