Transistor A transistor is an electronic component that can be used as part of an amplifier, or as a switch. It is made of a semiconductor material. Transistors are found in most electronic devices. Importance of Transistor Switching Transistors make excellent electronic switches. They can turn currents on and off billions of times per second. Digital computers use transistors as a basic mechanism for storing and moving data. Amplification Properly set up, transistors can serve as amplifiers. The vast majority of audio and other signal amplifiers are transistorized. Two Ways to Position and Rotate Your 3D Model Try them yourself with the parrot on the right: 1 Click on your 3D Model: Click and hold on the 3D control to rotate or tilt your 3D model up, down, left, and right. 2 3D Control Alternatively, with your model selected, on the Ribbon, in the 3D Model Tool Format tab, you can click on 3D Model Views gallery to apply one of the various position views.