BURNERS & BOOMS S c h l u m e b r g e r P ri v a te BURNERS & BOOMS S c h l u m e b r g e r P ri v a te BURNERS Lecture Contents : - Lecture Objectives - Applications - Operations - Specifications S c h l u m e b r g e r P ri v a te BURNERS • Lecture Objectives; -By the end of this lecture, YOU should be able to: -Understand the different atomization systems, circuits and pilot ignition - Desc Describe ribe the vari various ous burne burners rs types types - Ident Identify ify most most important important technica technicall characteri characteristics stics S c h l u m e b r g e r P ri v a te BURNERS • Dispose of the oil at the surface during a well test. • Avoid oil storage and pollution problems. • Limit heat radiation on rigs. • Burners are installed on long booms to keep them a safe distance from the rig. S c h l u m e b r g e r P ri v a te BURNERS • Principle: Atomization of well effluent -> reduction in fine droplets • Needs: -propane -propane for pilots -electricity for lodge boxes (spark plug) -Schlumberger air compressors (do not use rig air) -water mainly to prevent heat radiation • Classified by number of combustion heads: determines maximum oil flow rate S c h l u m e b r g e r P ri v a te BURNER BURN ERS S - At Atom omiz izat atio ion n proc proces esss High Efficiency Sea Dragon (Green Dragon) • Combustion achieved with atomizers. • Air and oil combined before ignition by pilots • Nozzle combination: -11mm for oil -22mm for air • Refer to datasheets for burner capabilities • Refer to FOH for efficient burning guidelines S c h l u m e b r g e r P ri v a te BURNERS Water ring hearth Water nozzle atomizer Features: Pilot light -hearth to guide air Ball valve -water ring for better combustion frame -ball valves on air & oil line to Oil check valve Air check valve select number of heads Rotation system -pilot light -swivel joint oil -air & oil check valves air water Swivel joint S c h l u m e b r g e r P ri v a te BURNERS • Features: -Gas pilot light S c h l u m -locate below the atomizer e b r g e r P ri v a te -small propane burner & spark plug -lit by sending high voltage from a remote control box (lodge box) oil BURNERS • Features: -Swivel joint -acts as a pivot to support the whole burner - Allow Allowss the burn burner er to be positio positioned ned up up to 75 degrees on on either side of the horizontal axis oil S c h l u m e b r g e r P ri v a te BURN BU RNE ERS - Ai Airr Sup Suppl plyy • Never use rig air supply: Always use Schlumberger compressors • A check valve is mounted on the air line upstream the atomizers to prevent the oil/effluent from entering into the air line and compressor’s engine. • Fit compressor air outlet with an extra check valve. valve. • 2” air LP (300psi WP) hose, ended with weco-union to booms inlet. S c h l u m e b r g e r P ri v a te BURN BU RNER ERS S – Oi Oill cir circu cuit it • A check valve is mounted on the oil line upstream thefrom atomizers prevent air passing the to atomizer into the oil line. S c h l u m - A typica typicall situati situation on in whic which h this might occur is during the start up e b r g e r P ri v a te procedure for the burners because air is sent to the atomizers before the oil is sent. BURN BU RNER ERS S - Eq Equi uipm pmen entt “SPITFIRE”: light burner S c h l u m -Service: General -Capacity: 4000 bopd at 300psi e b r g e r P ri v a te BURN BU RNER ERS S - Eq Equi uipm pmen entt (co (cont nt.) .) High Efficie Efficiency ncy Seadra Seadragon gon or “GREE “GREENDRAG NDRAGON”: ON”: -Service: General or H2S -Capacity: 7000 bopd at 300psi (3heads) 9000 bopd at 300psi (4 heads) -it includes pneumatic actuators on the oil air valves S c h l u m e b r g e r P ri v a te BURN BU RNER ERS S - Eq Equi uipm pmen entt (co (cont nt.) .) 3-he 3head aded ed MU MUD D BUR BURNE NER R: - Heads Heads:: 1 top top oil-mix oil-mix + 2 bottom bottom diesel diesel -Service: General or H2S -Capacity: 5000 bpd (mud/diesel oil) S c h l u m e b r g e r P ri v a te BURN BU RNER ERS S - Eq Equi uipm pmen entt (co (cont nt.) .) “EVE “E VERG RGRE REEN EN”” or Sunfl Sunflow ower er : -1 Head with 12 nozzles -Service: H2S -Capacity: 15000 bopd at 360psi S c h l u m e b r g e r P ri v a te BURN BU RNER ERS S - Eq Equi uipm pmen entt (co (cont nt.) .) “EVE “E VERG RGRE REEN EN”” or Sunfl Sunflow ower er : - The 180 degree rotating mounting makes the nozzles readily accessible for maintenance S c h l u m e b r g e r P ri v a te BURN BU RNER ERS S - Eq Equi uipm pmen entt (co (cont nt.) .) “EVE “E VERG RGRE REEN EN”” or Sunfl Sunflow ower er : - The most effic efficient ient clean burn burner er today today - Pneu Pneumatic matic atom atomizatio ization n & enha enhanced nced S c h l u m e b r g e r P ri v a te air induction - No water water injec injectio tion n into into the flame flame is is required - Req Requir uired ed 85ft 85ft heavy heavy-du -duty ty boom boom (significant heat radiation to rig) - Win Winner ner of of Chairm Chairman’ an’ss award award 2000 2000 Nozzle schematic BURNERS RECAP Max.flow @ press 1 Head 3 Heads Heads (or 4, 4, or 6) 6) 3 Head Headss (o (orr 4) 3 Heads Heads (1top (1top+2bot +2bottom) tom) 12 Heads SPIFIRE obsolete) SEA DRAGON GREEN DRAGON MUD BURNER EVERGREEN 6000 @ 465 12000 @ 465 8500 @ 465 top: 5000 @ 600 HRK: 15000 @ 480 bott.: 1500/head @ 150 LRK: 4000 @ 360 100/head @ 150 HRK: 4000 @ 360 (bpd @ psi) Min.flow @ min.back press 100/head@200 100/head@ 200 100/head @ 200 60/head @ 225 * * (bpd @ psi) LRK: 800 @ 360 Air max. (cuft/min @ psi) 350 @ 100 350 @ 100 1050 @ 100 350 @ 100 6000 @ 150 H2O max. (bwpd @ psi) 8000 @ 230 18000 @ 230 5800 @ 225 18000 @ 230 Shield 15000@150 Air nozzle (mm) 20 22 Oil nozzle (mm) 13 11 * HRK / LRK: High or Low Rate Kit S c h l u m e b r g e r P ri v a te BOOMS • Lecture Contents : S c h l u m - Lecture Objectives - Applications - Specifications - Rigging up (animations) - Safety aspects e b r g e r P ri v a te BOOMS • Lecture Objectives; -By the end of this lecture, YOU should be able to: – De Desc scri ribe be th the e bas basic ic fu func ncti tion onss – Ide Identi ntify fy & Sele Select ct the dif differ ferent ent typ types es – State the basic basic goals of riggin rigging g up, in terms terms of safety safety S c h l u m e b r g e r P ri v a te BOOMS • The burner is mounted on a boom to keep it away from the rig • To reduce heat radiation and the risk of fire fire • Heat radiation also controlled with water curtains on boom • Provides Gas flare(s) flare(s) pipe and piping to supply Ai Airr, Water Water,, Oi l and Propane Propane.. • For sa safe burn rniing in in ch changin ing g wi winds, two booms are usually installed on opposite sides of a drilling rig. S c h l u m e b r g e r P ri v a te BOOMS • Lengths: 60 or 85ft (heat radiation concern) • Structure: -”U”-shape (UBM-F/G) Standard boom -”V”-shape (UBB-A/B) Heavy-duty boom • Equipment required for installation: -base plate -king post -horizontal guy-lines -vertical guy-lines S c h l u m e b r g e r P ri v a te BOOMS • Mounted on the rig with a Rotating Base Plate, Plate , to allow horizontal and vertical movements, and Guy Lines. Lines. • Horizontal guy lines are used to orient the boom. • Vertical guy lines, fixed to the King post or rig structure, support the boom. S c h l u m e b r g e r P ri v a te BOOM SELECTION • USUALLY but not always: – 60 60ft ft bo boom om:: up up to to 100 10000 00 bo bopd pd – 85 85ft ft bo boom om:: abo above ve 10 1000 0000 bop bopd d – Stan Standar dard d “U”-bo “U”-booms oms equ equipp ipped ed with with 1 gas fla flare re - op opti tion onal al:: 2 fla flare ress – Heav Heavy-d y-duty uty “V”“V”-boo booms ms equip equipped ped with with 2 gas gas flare flaress - op optio tiona nal:l: 3 fla flare ress S c h l u m e b r g e r P ri v a te BOOM SELECTION (continued) S c h l u m e b r g e r P ri v a te Standard burner boom “U” shape: UBM-F/G BOOM SELECTION (continued) Figures 206 may be still encountered on the boom itself and between piping & burner 4” (with 6” Flare Tip) All inlet booms connections are now Figures 602 Note No te:: Prop Pr opan ane e ga gass in inle lett co conn nnec ecti tion on is ½” NP NPT T S c h l u m e b r g e r P ri v a te BOOM SELECTION (continued) S c h l u m e b r g e r P ri v a te Heavy-duty burner boom “V”shape: UBB/A/B BOOM SELECTION (continued) Figures 206 may be still encountered on the boom itself and between piping & burner 4” (with 6” Flare Tip) All inlet booms connections are Figures 602 Note No te:: Prop Pr opan ane e ga gass in inle lett co conn nnec ecti tion on is ½” NP NPT T S c h l u m e b r g e r P ri v a te BOOMS RIG UP (refer to FOH2 & Animations) S c h l u m e b r g e r P ri v a te BOOM BO OM RI RIG G UP UP - Ha Hang ngin ing g off off S c h l u m e b r g e r P ri v a te BOOM BO OMS S RIG RIG UP - Ad Adju just stin ing g The boom axis should should be placed slightly above the horizontal axis S c h l u m e b r g e r P ri v a te BOOM HANG OFF GEOMETRY GOOD WRONG WRONG S c h l u m e b r g e r P ri v a te -Distance A= 22ft minimum (7.5m), (7.5m), angle= 25degree minimum -Upper attachment point is in line vertically to the base plate -Refer to FOH2, page 2-27 for Reaction forces and distance of attachments. BOOMS- Guy-lines and Associated Equipment refer to: FOH2 FO H2 – 1. 1.2. 2.6. 6.6. 6. S c h l u m e b r g e r P ri v a te BURNERS & BOOMS SAFETY ASPECTS FOR HANGING OFF A BOOM •Standby boat in constant contact with by radio •WT supervisor to get a work permit •Everybody working on the boom wears a life vest •Not compulsory to be attached with a safety harness •Preferably this operation is carried out by daylight •Consider weather situation •Restrict the number of people on boom to TWO max. S c h l u m e b r g e r P ri v a te BURNERS & BOOMS S c h l u m The END e b r g e r P ri v a te