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Basic Electrical Technology Presentation - BAUET

Bangladesh Army University Of Engineering & Technology (BAUET)
Qadirabad, Natore 6431
Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
EEE 1211 Basic Electrical Technology
Md. Shahadat Hossain
Dept. of EEE, BAUET
Email: msh.eee.ruet@gmail.com
Text Books:
1. Charles K. Alexander & Matthew N. O. Sadiku : Fundamentals of Electric Circuits
(5th Edition)
2. A. K. Sawhney : Electrical and Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation
3. B.L. Theraja & A.K. Theraja : A Text Book of Electrical Technology
4. Robert Boylestad & Louis Nashelsky : Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory(7th
Reference Books:
1. R.L. Boylestad : Introductory Circuit Analysis (10th Edition)
2. Robert P. Ward : Introduction to Electrical Engineering
3. Russell M. Kerchner and George F. Corcoran : Alternating Current Circuits
4. Stephen J. Chapman: Electric Machinery Fundamentals (4th Edition)
Course Content
 Electrical units and standards
 Electrical networks and circuit solutions: series, parallel, node and mesh current
 Measurement of electrical quantities: current, voltage, resistance.
 Measuring instruments: ammeters, voltmeters, watt meters and multi-meter.
 AC circuit analysis: instantaneous current, voltage and power, effective current and
voltage, average power.
 Phasor algebra: single phase RLC circuits, balanced three phase circuits.
 Introduction to electrical wiring for residential and commercial loads: illumination
and lighting, air conditioning, heating, lifts, intercom, public address system,
telephone system and LAN, security system including CC TV, stand by generator
and substation design considerations.
 Basic principles and application of different types of electrical machines : generator,
motor, alternator, transformer
 Introduction to electrical devices with simple application: diodes, rectifiers.
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