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Microprocessor Architecture Exam Questions

1 a. Define Address Bus?
b. Define ALE?
c. Differentiate between one byte and two byte Instructions.
d. Define Flag Register for 8086 Micro processor?
e. Define NMI and Explain?
f. What are the different modes of operations of 8285?
2 a. Draw and explain how Data flow from memory to the 8085 Microprocessor Unit?
b. What are the various control signals used in 8085 microprocessor unit?
And how to generate various Control Signals for 8085 MPU?
3. Draw and Explain the internal Architecture of 8086 Microprocessor in detail?
4 a. Draws and Explain the write cycle Timing diagrams for minimum mode of operation
of 8086 Microprocessor Unit?
b. What are the Various Addressing Modes of 8086 MPU and Explain each in detail
5 a. Draw and Explain the Interfaces of Analog to digital converter (0808/0809) circuit
with 8086 Microprocessor unit using 8255 unit?
Assume port A of 8255 for transferring digital data output of ADC and port C for
control signal, Analog Input present at Input port-2 of the ADC.
b. What are the various modes of operation of 8255 Explain with relevant diagrams?
6. Draw and Explain the PIN Diagram of 8051 Micro controller and
Explain the functions of each pin in detail?
7. What are the various Design issues of ARM Processes with its features?