Contemporary Issues & Trends in Education Education Educationists define education as “an entire process of developing human abilities, potentials and behavior. It is an organized and sustained instruction meant to transmit a variety of knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for the daily activities of life”. Education is also a social process in which an individual attains competence and growth within a selected, chosen and institutionalized setting. In the broadest sense therefore we shall attempt a definition of education as “the art that awakens and cultivates cultural refinement of each individual member of the society according to his/her gifts and opportunities”. In addition, we can add that education comprises “the skills that help transmit, preserve and further cultivate the skills in the experiences of those who inherit them” Meaning and Definition of Trends “a general direction in which something is developing or changing in ”. “A trend is what's hip or popular at a certain point in time”. Educational Trends The term trends in education refer to “the general direction in which our present educational systems, policies, theories and practices are developing or changing”. For any professional educator it is paramount that he/she is intimately aware of the current trends with reference to educational theory and practice within the broad context of social, political, economical, industrial, scientific and technological changes. Issues “an important topic or problem for debate or discussion” “Issues are ideas, thoughts, and debates centered on educational policy and practices” “An issue can be defined as a contentious, controversial, important, key, major, pressing, sensitive, thorny, unresolved matter. There are many issues in education that needs to be addressed” Educational Issues The issues associated with the education system of Pakistan are lack of adequate budget, lack of policy implementation, defective examination system, poor physical facilities, lack of teacher quality, lack of implementation of education policies, directionless education, low enrollment, high scale dropouts, political interference, outdated curriculum, corruption, poor management and supervision, lack of research, and lack of uniformity. Difference between trends and issues Issues are ideas, thoughts, and debates centered on educational policy and practices. Trends are new, up-and-coming, and popular educational practices. When Trends become issues • However, trends do become an issue. A trend becomes an issue when a change is going to affect the lives of many people. For example, in Japan, the trend among • Japanese married couples who decided not to have a baby due to the high cost of living backfires as many elementary schools are closing down. Companies also have to hire people from other countries for an insufficient number of employees. The trend then becomes an issue because the country is greatly affected by the change and is something to be discussed. • Furthermore, an issue becomes a trend when that certain issue demonstrates a change of a pattern of behavior of the lives of the people. The issue of the coronavirus becomes a trend after several lives perished which led to the new normal life of the people. Wearing a face mask and shield, social distancing is a trend due to the coronavirus issue.